صفحه 1:
تلود متوط بو ما

صفحه 2:
Learning Pyramid average Lecture student retention rates Audiovisual Demonstration Discussion Practice doing Source: National Training Laboratories, Bethel, Maine

صفحه 3:
نس ف 00

صفحه 4:
nt of Low Back Pain: A Joi

صفحه 5:
‎١‏ سساو ل ‎1 rte As) ‎ene ‎

صفحه 6:
‎LBP‏ بت ‎

صفحه 7:
51/0 Cia 10 Pas Organic pathology | somes actor 0 | lrogenc factors Belts nical yellow fags YW ‏سم ويه‎ Psychological or Ear = QD tess benaviour \} witingness to change Occupational blue fags ۱ reinforcement Work satis Social and economic / Health benefits and insurance {factors Socio-occupational black —// fla ‏كر‎ Litigation \ \> Work characterises factors 27 Work satisfaction KO Working conditions Geo pational ® Social policy

صفحه 8:
السب ————— اين 000

صفحه 9:
————— ‏السب‎ ‎ee Oona alt EB nce eee seen Bc Meg

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صفحه 12:
یش ‎SE Eevte(cserteris‏

صفحه 13:
السب ————— 0

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صفحه 16:

صفحه 17:
LBP - Referral for Surgery * Completed a comprehensive package of care including a combined physical and psychological treatment programme and who have persistent enone} ie We low back pain for which the patient would consider surgery. * People who have psychological distress should ۱ 01 treatment for this before referral for spinal fusion. If spinal fusion is being considered, refer the patient to a specialist surgical service. * Do not refer people for intradiscal electrothermal therapy (IDET), percutaneous intradiscal radiofrequency thermocoagulation (PIRFT) or radiofrequency facet joint ‏.طمنع تمصع‎

صفحه 18:

صفحه 19:
Disc Prolapse - Symptoms * Neurological pain * Back pain 22۸ disturbances * Muscle weakness * Loss of reflexes * Cramps

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صفحه 23:
سس 0

صفحه 24:
- ‏سس‎ ‎00 hasan

صفحه 25:
Spondylolysis and - listhesis * Defect and subluxation ‏ات۱‎ ‎vertebrae * Commonest level -L5/S1 * Defect may be uni | or bilateral.

صفحه 26:

صفحه 27:
یش ۱

صفحه 28:
6۲2065 01 ‏لك‎ ‏لان‎ ‎* Grade 2 Sam O x (el) ۰ 0206 4

صفحه 29:

34,000 تومان