صفحه 1:
Okupter O
Marketing Plan
۱۱ J 3
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ب Authors:
r sa
۷ Prof. Keegan, Prof. Malcolm
Presenters: M. Azadi M. Tabatabaei
صفحه 2:
= Marketing planning
= Tactical and Strategic Marketing Plans
= Marketing planning process
= Marketing audits
= Corporate Planning
= Assumptions
= Marketing Objectives
= Marketing Strategy
= Marketing Program
= Mission statements
صفحه 3:
Marketing Planning®
= An outline of a design to
accomplish a specific objective:
- To create value for customers at a
profit, or in the new concept of
- To create a mutually beneficial
صفحه 4:
Marketing Planning
صفحه 5:
Marketing Planning
= The application of marketing
resources to achieve marketing
صفحه 6:
Process 14 zy
1. Performing a situation سر سل
2. Formulating basic assumptions
3. Setting objectives for what is being
sold and to whom
4. Deciding how the objectives are to be
5. Scheduling and costing out the
actions necessary for implementation
صفحه 7:
a Market Plan |
= Management provides little guidance as
to how the process should be managed.
- To Compromise between what is desirable and
what is practicable
= Management must be customized to their
particular organization
2 Size
- Complexity
- Character and diversity of company
صفحه 8:
Essential of Marketing
eat) ك5
= We need marketing planning
when hostiles increased and
ع ,
environment is complex.
صفحه 9:
Our Challenge
We should manage: =
صفحه 10:
Application of
Marketing Plan
1. To help identify sources of competitive advantage
3 To force an organized approach
3 To develop specificity
4 To ensure consistent relationships
5. To inform everyone in the organization about
6. To obtain resources needed to implement plans
7. To engage organizational support at all levels,
form the bottom to the top of the organization
To set objectives and strategies ل
To gain commitment towards goals 1
صفحه 11:
The Elements of
9. Differentiation
10. Insight
1. Vision
12. Defines the business
13. Defines the business
we are becoming
عا۷ .14
1s. Tradeoffs
16. Objectives and goals
17. Strategy Vs. Tactics
1. Stepping back form
ey to day
2. Ideas and thought
1 Activity/Action
4. Setting Objectives and
5. Important decisions
and choices
6 Significant
commitment of
Not easily reversible .7
۱۳۱۷۵۱۷۵ .8
صفحه 12:
Strategic Plan ©
= A clear and simple summa
- Key market ,كلمع
Key target segments,
- The value required by each segment,
- How the company intends to create value,
- With a clear prioritization of marketing
objectives and strategies, together with
financial consequences.
صفحه 13:
Biggest Danger folgs
Organizations كت
Most Managers
۱909200 عط ااع5
products they find
easiest to sell to
customers who
offer the least line
of resistance.
صفحه 14:
Strategy desCribes:
= The direction a business will pursue and
guides the allocation of resources and effort
= The business we are in and becoming.
And provides:
= The logic that integrates the Perspectives of
functional departments and operating units
and points them all in the same direction.
صفحه 15:
The strategy statement for a business
unit is composed of the following three
A business definition that specifies the
area in which the business will
A strategic thrust that describes where
competitive advantage is to be gained.
3. Supportive functional strategies.
Strategy Statement ١
صفحه 16:
Marketing Strategy
= It is a statement of how a brand or
product line will achieve its objectives
= |t Provides decisions and direction
regarding variables such as:
- Segmentation of the market,
Identification of the target market,
- Positioning,
- Marketing Mix elements and expenditures.
صفحه 17:
Tactically Oriented
311 دك كك
SS 3
صفحه 18:
Strategic Oriented
تست Xs
اك رن
صفحه 19:
۳۱65 ۴ 7
Marketing Plannin@
1. Develop the strategic marketing
٠ Scanning the external environment
٠ Identifying early on the effect this may
have on the company
2. Astrategic plan should cover a
three-year period.
٠ Never write the one-year plan first and
extrapolate from it.
صفحه 20:
Marketing Planning
A strategic marketing plan should contain the
1 |3211
2 ترا ان
Ey Financial Summary of revenue, expenses and
4 Marketing audit
3 SWOT analysis
6 Assumption of key determinants
231 Overall marketing objectives and strategies
8. Expected results
9 Alternatives (contingency plan)
10. Budget
صفحه 21:
Stages of Marketing Plan
صفحه 22:
Critical Factors
Delegation و
- When companies delegate marketing
planning to planner, the plan invariably
fails, because planning for line
management cannot be delegated to a
third party.
3 Commitment
- Without it, those charged with introducing
the planning found that there was great
resistance to planning on the part of local
صفحه 23:
“Marketing audit is a comprehensive,
systematic, independent, and
periodic examination of a company’s
—or business unit’s—marketing
environment, objectives, strategies,
and activities with a view to
determining problem areas and
opportunities and recommending a
plan of action to improve the
company’s marketing performance”
em else
صفحه 24:
Marketing Audit |
10 566 ۵۷۷ ۷۷6۱۱ 1۱6 ۲۲۳۱ 5
applying the marketing concepts
1. Examine external and internal
information and procedures
2. Identify problems in the
صفحه 25:
Marketing Audit III
Need for an audit does not manifest
itself until things start to go wrong
for a company in the form:
= Declining sales
= Falling margins
= Lost market share
™ Underutilized production capacity
صفحه 26:
Marketing Audit IV
= ۱34 یمس یات
-By independent experts
-Starts with an examination of information
on the general economy and then moves on
to the outlook for the health and growth of
the markets served by the company.
5 اوناك اومععغما
-By members of the marketing organization
-To assess the resources of the organization
as they relate to the environment and the
resources of Competitors
صفحه 27:
Marketing Audit V
™ At least once a year
= Using:
- Normal information,
- Control Procedures,
- Marketing Research
صفحه 28:
Marketing Audit VI
= Company Executives and Managers
- Few Consultants have the in-depth
knowledge of market, customers,
company culture, and the industry
that company line managers have.
= External Consultants
- Every company is at risk of becoming
blinded to reality by the influence of
company culture
صفحه 29:
Kind of variables
for Controlling
™ Non Direct Control
These usually take the form of what
can be described as:
- Environment,
Som UF coi
- Competitive variables
=™ Company has Control
- Operational variables
صفحه 30:
Auditing Process
1. Identification, measurement,
collection, and analysis of all
facts and opinions that affect a
company’s problem
2. The application of judgment to
uncertain areas that remain
after the initial analysis
صفحه 31:
Marketing Audit
= Marketing environment audit
=~ =6Marketing strategy audit
Marketing organization audit
» توت وماغع ج11
Marketing productivity audit
ا Marketing function audit
Marketing excellence review
™ Ethical and social responsibility review
صفحه 32:
صفحه 33:
Corporate Planning
۳7 Step 4: ار Step 2: Step 1:
Corporate Plans Objective | Managem | Corporate
| and ent Audit | Financial
Plans وت Objective
Issue: | "Marketing | "Marketing | "Marketing Targeted
"corporate | ®Distributio| "Distributio | "Distributio | Growth in
objectives n ۳ ۳ 58145 300
and | sManufactu | *Manufactu | "Manufactu carnings
strategies ring cit ۳09
اوتعمهماع* | الوأتعمدماع" | اواعمومزع» | وملاع ارجا"
™Personnel| "Personnel | "Personnel
صفحه 34:
Elements of
Corporate Plan
3 The desire level of profitability
۳ Business boundaries
* What Kinds of products will be sold to what kinds of
market (Marketing)
9 What Kinds of facilities will be developed
(Production and distribution)
٠ The size and character of the labor force (Personnel)
3 Funding (Finance)
٠. Technology to be developed (Research and
3: Other corporate objectives
و Social Responsibility and corporate
5 Stock-market
9 Employer image
صفحه 35:
= This is one of the most critical
steps in the preparation of a
marketing plan because it is.
the easiest step to do
= They should be:
- Key,
- Critical
ارت هر
- Consistent with relevant known
- With defensible assumptions
صفحه 36:
= Industrial overcapacity will increase
from 105 percent to 115 percent as
new plants come into operation.
= Price competition will force price levels
down by 10 percent across the board.
= A new product that competes with
ours will be introduced by our major
competitor before the end of the
second quarter.
صفحه 37:
Marketing Objectives and
5 teer er
سوه تست
0000-7 ||| فدنيتن
صفحه 38:
The Marketing Mix
Customer Convenience
ریا تایه کرک رین ۱9۱
صفحه 39:
Use of Marketing Plan
صفحه 40:
The Marketing Budget
= To justify all marketing
expenditures from a zero base
each year against the task that:
7 accomplish.
صفحه 41:
۱۷۱۱5510۲ 5
= It is one of the most difficult aspects
of marketing planning to master,
largely because it is philosophical
and qualitative in nature.
= Key points:
1. Role or Contribution
م مممقغ
= Opportunity seeker
2. Business definition
3. Core Competencies
4. Company/Division Positioning
5. Indications for the future
صفحه 42:
Types of Mission
5 ه52
Motherhood =
It found in annual ی designed to
“stroke” shareholders/Non Practical Use
= The Real Thing
Meaningful Statement/impact on the
behavior of the executives at all levels.
= Purpose Statement
Lower-Level mission
statement/Appropriate on the strategic
business unit, departmental or product
group level of the organization.
صفحه 43:
Examples of ١
0۵۲۵۵۲۵۲۵ ۱۵610۱
air transportation and related
businesses. It operates world-wide
as the flag carrier of the Republic of
Singapore, aiming to provide
services of the highest quality at
reasonable prices for customers and
a profit for the company
صفحه 44:
Examples of ۳۳
Corporate Mission
MARRIOTT’S Mission Statement:
We are committed to being the
best lodging and food service
company in the world, by treating
employees in ways that create
extraordinary customer service
and shareholder value
صفحه 45:
Last Word
™ There is no secret magic or a formula.
= It is more of an age-old adage that
harder they work, the luckier they
= It is not necessary to be a mighty
corporation to do all this anda
company of any size should be able to
do so and succeed.
صفحه 46:
oes ee 9 ۱
A Goal is a dream
aS deadline.