صفحه 1:

صفحه 2:
ب 1 1 5 ‎so‏ ‏3 Orchciae io the Diddle Oxyes BO SOOAPOO

صفحه 3:
9 ا لك The Qowos Gwopire yew vail t ould ‏عصيحصا جد‎ coil is borders successhuly. Barbartad tribes ‏موه‎ the westerd ports oF the ewpire, ont by BO SOO wpe cousisted oF woop soa, Peudkay tbat hicgdows. These hicgdows were oPted of wor wits puck viher. Oke ePRevts do pou thick these ware kad oc the beoeP its trot the QRowea Cwpire kod brought? 0 Daw dato TODD 2 of

صفحه 4:
Dke wars wed thot woop oF the Rowe ‏وب مرو‎ public heals tbrortes ud ‎wedicd books‏ ورد ‎were destroyed.‏ ‎hwwes cow doogercus to travel, sv pow wumicdives wer ‏لا‎ ‎coed there were Par ewer vpportuciies Por doctors to beara or ‏ی‎ ‎© © ‎“A of Dowdaawhe be CHDOD ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 5:
اجه وه مت هه( لا تیا موه تور و 7و ها و مین ۲و مومسم وا موی رما ول ول © © 5277 07

صفحه 6:
Oritvic io the Dark Byes ‏وت‎ OPter the Rowoas tePt @ritcic ic BO PIO, soriety west back to its pre-Rowes, vorutured wos. The oext GOO peas were koows us the Dark Byes. Ouray this toe ritoia experieuved weap ivosives by ‏مومسم ملد‎ the Guxves ood Oikiogs. Gower waders took whol they wocied ond destroyed ‏الط با ما‎ woop setled ic Brita. —s Oke weded prowess or reqwess would pou expert to hove seed ut tis toe? @ 9 ۲. ‏و‎ ODO

صفحه 7:
0037 ‏ووم‎ ‎۱» 093 the Doron worded @ritaia. Dkis pericd, the Diddle Q@xves, brought sowe iepprovesweds to public healh, ‏عمج امه‎ ser ved trode tioreused, (Por the weulhy ia society, suck os bords ont bows, liviey stordands ipproved wit stoae-buit ‏و له اوه‎ houses. Cor the wojoriy, the peususis, kowever, howe wes usdy a scot house coosistay oP vo roow Por the whole Pocoiy. Ieside tt was dork, sxovke-Pited cad dacp. Prascats worked Pro ‏اا سل‎ dusk, usudly to the Fields, io off weuthers. What ePPent de pou hick basa pouch a foe hes & oP tev veka few poor? © 2 >ب رس سبو سح 7

صفحه 8:
ی ‎Byes‏ ط:0) سا ما وه له م۳ OPter the Doron cooquest he chuck uso berave weelkier ud sirvager ol per Curvpe. Phe wedevd chuck wor very powerPul Porce ‏رسد‎ this five, cod kod o huge epost oo the develppwedt oP wedivice. On the cent slide you vill leara about the wots ways ‏زا‎ ‏یی لاه‎ duroy this period. Decide whether the church helped or hindered wedicd develppwedt io ruck cose. @ 9 7 ۲. ‏و‎ ODO

صفحه 9:
Phe iwchel ae board, On the next pages you will see some of the ways in which the medieval church affected medicine. Decide in each case whether the church helped or hindered medical development.

صفحه 10:
101 ‏و‎ ae GR Cae) Click on the images to read more about the different medical beliefs and practices in the Middle Ages. © @ Oop pou thick that dl hese types oP treukvedis were ‏صا جاتاكادمه‎ oll ypes oP people? ۲. ‏و‎ ODO

صفحه 11:
© 2 >ب رس سبو سح 7 Now classify the different types of medical procedures as supernatural or natural. Supernatural means that the beliefs are based on beliefs in an unseen power, natural means based on a scientific approach.

صفحه 12:
dow ePPevive wos herbal wedivice? board, | Qeny ordicary people were trecied ot howe by their wie or wotker. Ooviors were very expeusive, on herbol rewedes hooded dow Prow wotker to doughier were probably os ‏وه روم‎ coy treukvect. Werbs hove bero used to heothoare throughout the: history oP wediciar. Os cow wunicaivas keproved, ‏ننجت‎ plants were discovered, ued the ronge of herbal rewedes expanded. Io the Diddle Byes, herbal rewedes ‏صط صا لطس‎ used cod gradudly bere wore efPenive. Cor kerbs to have bers used Por sv loo, it is likely thot they Kort sowe positive ePPevts. De ww keaow that about GO% oP caviest kerbdl vues were efPevive, ‏ناه‎ those usiey thew woul at ‏اب ای سمل‎ © 7 7 ۲. ‏و‎ ODO

صفحه 13:
1۳ ‏ی و‎ ey SEP 7 69 Coat © 2 >ب رس سبو سح 7

صفحه 14:
Qedicd prowess in the Diddle Boes board, | Othougs ft way seed us Phere was hit wedicd progress durtay this period oP history, there were sowe iportoct مور ‎Wospitds provided a place where the‏ ‎sick could be cared Por.‏ ‎Orice woe 5 ۳‏ ام راتس ‎Dect‏ عا سوك رای انیت مرول له مه رس اس ‎still doviors‏ | ‎used by doviors iwproved the‏ ‎tock. One wor werd ‏مم جه‎ gently oF etisepic ood drugs were wedicd care. sed ty cupb por it @ puryery. © ‎ ‎ ‎ ‏2 >ب رس سبو سح 7 222277 ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 15:
Phe Black Deus ‏وت‎ ۱: 09660-469 Critic Posed the worst crisis in its history. DB deadly ‏مه رصح‎ it sia, arived Prow Curvpe. his diseuse was the bubvoir place. ke ‏وب وم مرو‎ a Pever, Te es ‏مار خن کی لوط موم‎ 4 (bubves) the size oP upples fa the ova ad annpits. Gudll, voziey red ood black spots uppeured ul pver the body, ‏كحاض‎ ‎the disease the wawe the Black Oruts. Onny poteos ooly hosted a Pew dope bePore u poicPul deaths. Dew PO% of the Bacio popuktion ded. © 21 >ب رس سور سح 7 2-7

صفحه 16:
وت ناوج(0 was ot vot (OOF that it uc @uck in (ORO people kad very dPPeredt deus obo the couse oF Look ut the list oP the causes people believed io oo the cox slide. © Obick betiePs hove we sero direudy to prehistoric wedticice? © Obick betiePs ore vew? © Obhy do pow thick oo vor susperied the Peas? © 9 ۲. ‏و‎ ODO

صفحه 17:
5927272 Daw dato TODD

صفحه 18:
1 aorta i ‏وت‎ On the vent slide pow wil see soe OP the toeukvedts pevple ot the fwe tied to preved or cure the (Plaque. Oka de the Keo oo vouses ued treukoeuts tell us uboul wedevd people's wedod konwledke? 57 3:77 :35071[ 07

صفحه 19:
dH ll the doce ood pats ict وه 0۵ Qu Por the hills. (ut kerbs va the Pire to woke the air swell ‎Cane‏ ل ميو جاه ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎Girop ove ‎SUE. ‎Git ica sewer — the bord oir oP tre Phacque wil be drives wy by the worse ir oP the droics. ‎Let the blood out oF ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 20:
‎Dest board,‏ سا من مینست سب( ‎ ‎The Ook @yes wight have bero o tee oP chavs Por Burope, but Purher custo cew, ‏مرول جرب مکارت لوا‎ coviedt Creek wedicd ideas. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎571 Daw dato TODD ‎ ‎

صفحه 21:
ke Dustcos believed, however, thot the (Goran, their holy book, held dil the Koowledge ceeded ued did oot puoourage the searck Por cew discoveries. Nhe (Coroc tought theo ty look oPter the sick, ocd woo forge hospitals were built. Wowever, oriiviziog Boleo wos dlowed, ord sv wordy ‏نيجه‎ ‎discoveries were woe io the @robica ewpire, wore tho were wode io Curope ut the fier. Okeu Curopecs weet oo crosides to the ‏مرا راما‎ ict the (Cth ond (Stk cecturies, their ۱ )ان لاس ‎doctors yoiued Pirst-kocd‏ صوو() با وله عم اصانت ,تلو 4 ۲. ‏و‎ ODO

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