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Mom’s 30 Favorite Herbs

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Mom’s 5 3 30 Faveriie Herbs Dr. Steve Doughty

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Goals = Have a deep conviction of herbs. = Be warned about pharmaceuticals. ™ Understand the theory of herbs = Have practical herbal systems

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Systems = Immune = GI Tract = Eliminatory Tract "= Cardiovascular Health = Hormone balance = Brain health

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Credentials = Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine = American Herbalist Guild = American Academy of Anti-Aging = Gentle Healing Center

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Excited to share the moral high road of healing! Testimonial: Our Story Theory: 6 Naturopathic Principles Drug Warnings: Swine Flu Vaccine Book Review: Lick the Sugar Habit Systems: What to do with Infection!!!

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6 Principles of Naturopathic Medicine Vis Medicatrix Naturae Primum Non Nocere Tolle Causam Docere Prevenir Tolle Totum

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Swine Flu Symptoms = Fever = Aching muscles ® Sick...

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2 ey cause another Vaccine Schedule vs Autism Rate “0 23000 2» 130000 ‘cases-US Schools 1885 1996 1997 1868 1999 2000 2003 2002 2003 2004 2005 2005 2007 2008 mm tecommendea Vaccines 0-6 Auten 622 nsehoo!

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Politics of N1H1 Vaccines ™ $50 billion in profits breeds corruption. = Senator Obama bought large amounts of stock on vaccinations, promoted legislation for vaccines and made 28% interest. = Disagree with Jacobson vs. Massachusetts

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Safety N1H1 ‏ی‎ A trial of 200 people is not sufficient safety. = NIH is avoiding research. =" FDA did very little research = Nobody is testing for allergies and genetic defects. = Ingredient list is scary: aborted fetal tissue?

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Tools = 1. Fasting / sugar avoidance = 2. Vitamin A or Comfrey = 3. Vitamin C, E, Zinc, Flavonoids, GSE = 4. Echinacea, Goldenseal, Garlic

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crysis 26 st What Trumps Herbs? ©cviginal Att Reproduction sgh ob wi CanoorSiock ~*You're obese. SS Junk food Stress Bad sleep Lack of exercise Immorality

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The average American get 40 lbs of sugar per year in soda pop. Pg 23 “ingesting sugar increases the rate we excrete calcium.”

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© Pg 51 “The sugars... caused the phagocytic activity to decrease greatly. The index was lowest 2 hrs after digestion. PHAGOCYTIC INDEX AFTER INGESTION 1 stancH Figure 41. Reaction of Phagocytes to

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I recommend Kim’s Cooking Class = Order either book on the website.

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Herbal Infusions = Ratio of Herbs to Water is 1:8 = 1/4 cup herbs to 2 cups water = Steep for 1 hr.

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OGE, woordey to published sources, ‏وه ماه هط‎ wore trot OOO banter ord vird ‏معي‎ ‎(OO strate oP Puccus, a wel os 3 ‏سل له ارت خن رام ها‎ veled parties سب $70 &C Grapefruit Seed Citrus paradisi Staphylococcus aureus Streptococcus pyrogenes Streptococcus fecalis Streptococcus pneumonia Klebsiella pheumonia Proteus vulgaris Pseudomonas aeruginosa Salmonella choleraesuis Escherichia coli Candida albicans Trichophyton mentagrophytes Herpes simplex virus type 1 Influenza virus type A2

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Dosing 15 drops ei = 15 drops 3x/day. Bt = . 5 drops / gallon = =o of water. = ise | SE اا

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E chinacea = Proven Ingredients = caffeic acid = chicoric acid = echinacin. 50% less flu and shortened duration by 1.4 days. Top selling herb in America Lymphatic drainage Increases macrophage, interferon, interlukens, and fibroblast.

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Not easily absorbed. Kills most microbes Helps with ulcers Bitter Estringent Goldenseal

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Dosing Infusion: - 1 ۲5۴0/0/۰ ۲20 ۲ Decoction: 1-2 160/0. ۲120 5 ۷ - 1 tsp. BID- 10-75 drops QD- min TID Tincture (1:5): QID Tincture (1:1): QID

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optis chinensis extract 10:1 100 mg orsythia suspensa extract 20:1 50 mg onicera japonica extract 7:1 150 mg arlic (allicin yield 12,000 mcg/g) 200 mg Myrrh powder 200 mg chinacea extract 4% phenolics 250 mg Citrus bioflavonoid complex 60% 200 mg ‘inc (citrate) 10 mg itamin A (acetate) 10,000 Witamin C 500 mg $35 10 caps per day for 12 days.

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Tools = 1. Fasting / sugar avoidance = 2. Vitamin A or Comfrey = 3. Vitamin C, E, Zinc, Flavonoids, GSE = 4. Echinacea, Goldenseal, Garlic

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Homework Tell someone about vaccinations. Fast for more than 24 hrs. Go off sugar for a week. Read about herbal medicine Buy Herbal Biotic or Echinacea Make an herbal tea of comfrey or an oxymel. = Eat raw garlic

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a 3 2 it 1. Hawthorne Berry Crataegus Oxycantha = Cholesterol lowering medications are bringing in $16 billion| sales

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2. Artichoke Cynara scolymus = Antacids like Nexium bring in $13 billion. = Represents the class of bitter herbs

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۳ 3. Cabbage Brassica oleracea = Colon cancer drugs bring in $1 billion = Best cancer 3 1211717 — 3

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4, Milky Oats Avena Sativa " ‏تست‎

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urdoc Arctium lappa = Mobic medicine for arthritis pain sells $1.1 billion

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7. Comphrey Symphytum officinale 3 ‏م‎ / ® Advair $4.3 billion for asthma. ™ Lobelia is nicotinic.

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8. Urtica dioica Nettles Bs, = Enbrel Anti- inflammatory 3.4 billion

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۲ 9. Panax ginseng = Aranesp $3.2 billion for anemia.

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1 0 Yellow wenn Astragalus membranaceus = Aranesp $3.2 billion for anemia. سب" ‎‘scent.‏ 3-0 a = ——— ۳1

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Medicago sativa = Aranesp $3.2 billion for anemia. لاز

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12. Peppermint Mentha piperita ™ Classic cooling herb. = Tastes good. = Ties other herbs together.

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. Ginger Zingiber officinale ™ Classic warming herb. = Ginger baths, ginger teas.

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14. Licorice ۲ ‏تن‎ glabra = Sweet herb. = It mixes well with other herbs. = It’s one of the most versatile herbs.

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. Garlic Allium sativum “The stinker” An anti-microbial. Hippocrates favorite herbal remedy was an oxymel. (Honey, Vinegar, and Garlic)

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ayenne Pepper Capsicum annuum = First aid drug = Stops bleeding = Stops pain.

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= Progesterone Cream

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Black Cohosh Actaea racemosa

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Saw Palmetto — Serenoa repens = DHT blocker

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Purple coneflowers Echinacea purpurea = ‏وس‎ ™ Most popular American herb one of the best anti-virals when taken in the right dosage.

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Bear berry gretostaphylos uva-ursi ™ Bladder tonic = Bladder infections

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oves Syzygium aromaticum = Streptococcus mutans (gum disease)

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Yarrow Achillea filipendulina = Versatile herb that works well to reduce fevers and heal GI issues. F ™ It’s a classic # = astringent herb and stops bleeding.

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1 2010612 2 Hydrastis canadensis = Antimicrobial in the GI tract.

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Eucalyptus = Winter chest rubs

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urmeric Curcuma longa

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Chapparal Larrea tridentata 3 = Very strong anti- 7 oxidant. = Works will for skin preservation. Wonderful in salves

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Catnip Nepeta cataria = Psychogenic herb for the GI tract. = Enemas.

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St. John’s Wort Hypericum perforatum = Liver cleanser

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Reishi ~ Ganoderma lucidum = Great antiviral

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Marshmellow = Nutritive herbs = Demulcent herb

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Olive Leaf

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Tastes Bitter - Golden Seal = Aromatic - Chapparrel Sweet Salty - Kelp Mineral - Alfalfa Astringent - Yarrow Pungent, Spicy - Cayenne Demulcent -

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Purchase Items ™ Capsules and capsule maker = Strainer = Alcohol, Vial, and Droppers = Bees wax, Olive Oil, Jars, and Lids

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Wildcrafting Be intuitive. Meditate what the plant may do. Talk to plants. Find the grand-parent plant. Tell what you are doing and needing Ask permission Leave fertilizer Use sissors Be careful with endangered species Smell the plants

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Garbling = Drying herbs

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Homework = Gather some herbs in nature. = Make a new tea. = Buy any missing equipment. = Buy herbs and containers.

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Allergies and ‏مسيسيهس ماق‎ Dr. Steve Doughty

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Today’s Schedule = Principles: “Taste Tells Use” = Drug Warnings = Dealing with Allergies

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Confidence = Stick to the 6 Naturopathic Principles = Trust your inspiration. = Trust your taste.

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The 4 Taste Tests = Sweet vs. Bitter Salt vs. Mineral Hot vs. Cool (Pungent, Spicy, Acrid) = Thin vs. Think (Astringent/Sour vs. Demulcent)

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Sweet vs. Bitter = Sweet foods turn off digestion. = Bitter foods turn on digestion. = Artichoke leaf tea before every meal greatly improves digestion and sleep = Fragrant ( nasty) bitters = Chapparal and Wormwood for amoebas.

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Salt vs. Mineral = Salt causes renal damage and electrolyte imbalance. = Minerals improve bone, nails, skin

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11 68 eo | ose a om 0 ۳3 ene 00 ‏مع‎ ee ‏موه‎ 1 Cow 208 ew ‏مم | ومد 6ه مع‎ 3 ‏دوه‎ eo on 6 ben | ‏م‎ ‏صم | ارس‎ ew oe 6 ‏موه‎ eo ern 880 00 ea 6 ‏موه‎ eo co fr) eo 08 ‏مه م موه‎ leo oe ew 28 eI ‏مه‎ © ‏مشا‎ 96 ew ‏مه‎ we 08 wo Oat bed ‏م مه‎ ar ‏همه موه‎ ey Curae ‏مه‎ 9 on POD ‏م‎ eo operant ‏هه 89 1 همه‎ 7 9 ‏همه تسه‎ co o 6 ‏همه‎ 3 Bed arbor e098 eo Be we 0۹ oo ۳-1 wu ew 08 3 20 1

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Winners for nutrition " Red Raspberry - Women’s herb - has lots of iron. = Oatstraw - Winner for general mineral. = Kelp - Winner for trace minerals = Alfalfa - My personal favorite (Follow your intuition!)

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Hot / Pungent = For people with pale tongues = Ginger, Mustard = Tries to get things out of the body = Cleanser

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ا Cool /Acrid ‏تس‎ ‎= For people with red tongues = Echinacea, Mint = Anti- he inflammatdy

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Boggy (mucus), atonic, prolapsed, allergic Sour shuts down mucus. Eyebright for head. Raspberry leaf for uterus. BEWARE OF TANNINS (i.e. unripe fruit) Witch Hazel externally for bleeding

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Thick / Demulcent = Ulcerated dry inflammation.

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Summary of Tastes: = Bitter tea before meal = Mineral capsules = Fragrant Bitters for Amoebas بده اماب ‎Ourus‏ ‎Ouskwellow‏ دععهه كاد ‎(Giver)‏ ‎(ond) ‎Licorice ‏(سس| ‎ ‎ ‎OQ. doka's O on (Gpiev) ‎

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