صفحه 1:
Copvends © Woctioa DPF Oommen. Brn reserved.
صفحه 2:
عامج نل ذا ربص موجه ,نی مومس ع(مو)
exwplover behavior, wed uerderstond its historical roots
Orsoribe how to oreute oryecizaive mute
Ovsoribe two diPPeredt upprouckes to mutune it
dec ere 2 ی
۳ mute
اس 0 ون 0 ل
صفحه 3:
ke Dutune oP مرن Culture
* Orgesizatiocd Culture OePiced
— Culture is sxwe set oP volues held by terdivicduats too Piro
thot help expployers urderstocd acceptably oF antics
— Culture volves pPtes ane toed Por yrcooted
* Dhev ore ont wade explicit ito woudl or رو ما
= Cow wuiraiva oP values is dour thorugh مرو
اس 0 ون 0 ل
صفحه 4:
Copuend © لصا 0۳ Cowra. Birt reserved,
صفحه 5:
ke Dutune oP مرن Culture
۰ مورا Pouedaicas
— @ubropolowy: Gtudy oP huevo cultures
— Govivloey: Study oP people ویو اتسیو و
— Goer Psychol: Grady oP eccups oad the toPhueue
oP socal Portors اه من
— Crowwios: Study oP oeutiog epoorsnir odvootace
Oncor. Ol riches reserved. 0 اما 6 ناموت
صفحه 6:
re Duture oP Orxpcizatiod Culture
* Ovhure versus Oliwate
— Orqenizaive culture: RePers to historical cvotexd witht
whick « situatiza pours ced the inopact oF this ovotexd ot
the behaviors هروه اه
* OP Pica to ater to the short
* Oreos through whick people io the orxacizaiod
fear pow اوه مش
Commnts © ALeakion DPF ون 0 riches reserved,
صفحه 7:
ke Dutune oP مرن Culture
* Ouhune versus Cliwate
— Orqeetzuiva vide: RePers to conedt sitvaticas it ot
مر ced the fobages anoary work yvups,
ewplovers, ond work perPornowe
* Custer Por woonyewedt to wooiguhdte to order to راد
PP ed the behavior oP روم
Commnts © ALeakion DPF ون 0 riches reserved,
صفحه 8:
۰. Provess oP Creciiog oa Orcgucizaicd: Oulune-Linhieg
Gtroteyic-Cultucd Oultes
= Gteps ia Creation Orxroizatiod Oultune
0). Porwulate stroteqic voles
©. Oevelop cuturd voles
9. Orede vision
CP. هه ا
S. RetPorce vuturd behaviors:
Commnts © ALeakion DPF ون 0 riches reserved,
صفحه 9:
٠ Dke Ouhi Pravework*- Dil B. Ouchi
— Oodazed Vhree Types oP Pircos
* Dypicd O.G. Pires
* طصم"ا ول اور
۰ سر 1 ۵.6. Firs
* Whar ۵, حول عم( مین یی م6 ماس جات Oden (Rees, OO:
reserved. 0 ون 0 اما 6 ناموت
صفحه 10:
٠ Dke Ouchi Pracework: .ظ) وناز Ourki
* Dye VT O.G. Pires
Coward kena so eee
رن ی ier So nee bare ee eben cad
Porous ره هی
pale: ی با سا ری نب
eee لا لوك یا ات من
ees Re تس اس 0
وف کت لس سر
جني با ار دا ۳
ور چا مس سس رن 2
اس 0 ون 0 ل
صفحه 11:
همم طلسم ۳۳۲ 9.9 Table
Expression in Expression in Type Z_ Expression in Typical
ea ac ud Renaud
Commitment to Lifetime employment __Lang-term employment Short-term employment
Evaluation Slowand qualitative Slowand qualitative Fast and quantitative
Careers Very broad Moderately broad Narrow
Control Implicitand informal Implicit and informal Explicit and format
Decision Making Group and consensus Groupand consensus Individual
Responsibility Group tedividual tedividual
Concem for People Holistic Holistic Narrow
Copuend © لصا 0۳ Cowra. Birt reserved,
صفحه 12:
۰ Vke Peters-Ontercoon” @pproack
— Otributes oP ot Cxcelica Pirw
* Ore Por ontion
* موی سا ما ات روبق
* Croduciviy troughs pevple
* Words-ve wooogeseut
© Otic to the beiitrcrey
* Gicople Porsy, leur stoPP
* Gieouhocevusly loose ocr متام
(panera. Patere cord Robert V. Os hey ما سارت سجس
(Dew York: erper & Raw, (00),
reserved 66 0 ون 0 لصا 6 اون
صفحه 13:
Ewerciery ssues ia مرن Cuthure
٠ :روما Nhe process oP oreotiog ood dot cel
procucts, 1721121755555, 171 512 755أ
— Types
* Radid اس
* Dew vestures
* Oprporde research
Cops © سل OPA Oop, Blirxhis reserved 068
صفحه 14:
Ewerciery Issues ia Orxacizaiva Cuthure
* Acaovatiod (ooct.)
* Radid ها
و otek en heeey
— Gpstews treoveted: Creuies تیصو و Puartivcdlity by موی
pars in ce Ways
- herewrdd kev: Ovataves the techaicd eoprovewedt ood
سل ليت ern ces oh eer en este eee
reserved. 6۹ ۱ نصا 6 اون
صفحه 15:
Ewerciery Issues ia Orxacizaiva Cuthure
* Acepvaticd (coct.)
* Radic مه
* Dew vestures
= Require eirupreaarchip od quid anne
— Shiropreveurship: Cairepreceurtal aniviy trot takes phase wiie the
eS مسسيبي
- Coreprecew’s profile
* Oeveds uwhievesrdt
ی eee
© بحا( the risks
* Cones oo coors results
Oncor. Ol riches reserved. 0 اما 6 ناموت
صفحه 16:
Ewerciery Issues ia Orxacizaiva Cuthure
* Aeavatios (coct.)
* Radicd مها
* Dew vestures
* Corporate research
حسم ره مس
ات ات رزیت بح ee
3۳ eee ی تفت EC eos
Loe aie
2 0 فا تا لان و
۳ اي لهات
reserved. 0 ون 0 اما 6 ناموت
صفحه 17:
Ewerciery Issues ia Orxacizaiva Cuthure
* Cxwpowervedt
— و۳ process oP ecoblegy workers to set their pu work
yous, woke devisices, solve problews wihic their sphere
DP respousibiiiy cord authority
Oncor. Ol riches reserved. 0 اما 6 ناموت
صفحه 18:
Ewerciery Issues ia Orxacizaiva Cuthure
٠ @ppropricte Cultures
— Gober oer docs"? Phe coture oP the value choir cord
the dyerrvisw oP the euvirgevedt are tive Puvtors trot
way deterwiar what type oP نی is appropriate Por ه
مر نوم
ck Gobo er Grete, Ornate Ona," ts موب C10: سسعسو بل لا تیلست 6 laced Phar ei
Gabe Olartry (Opper Gerke Birr, Ol: Ceanctd rom Orictex Wk, ODDS), pp. 8PO-COD,
reserved. 66 ۱ نصا 6 اون
صفحه 19:
سود راوج ها رهم 6 تم
66 ار 0 ون 0 لصا 6 اون
صفحه 20:
* مومع oP Oacagicgy Orcueizaticva Culture
— Dobie odvoctage oF the existiocy multure
* Custer Paster to oher ewploper behaviors uitic the exotic
مامتا نموه موه ما ها اما بل
* Oonners west be wworehuderstand ترس و s
نوا و مهو ول Oonngers poo pow wnat their *
نله اس
هه ۵ اس 0 وین 0 اما ۵ وت
صفحه 21:
* عوحموق) oP Dacre Orgeeizativd Culture
— Dobie odvoctaye of the existogy له
— Peackiogy o-qacizative vulture
* Orgectzutcdd sortdizaicad: Provess through whick
ها فد ههور Fire's cours ond poss their
تلم لاو طسو vo to vihers
* Ornaizaived werhudisws:
و رو او اوه مر سود
60 اس 0 وین 0 اما ۵ وت
صفحه 22:
0 هی مد Culture
— Dobie advoctaye of the existioc mute
= 5 3 Nees
— Chorney the oryocizativa mule
© Oecagng sywbols: Oubstitute stortes|cpike thot support نجه
rathurd values Por those thot suppor ot oes
° Dhe dPPiculy oP chong
تایه مومت ور( reverts ty ok behave
° Dhe stublliy oP chore
= Wew ucdesibetePs ore ue stublelsPLeurd os okt vars
ات بسا تالم موه سا(
= Chenin اه وت هو موه سل
Cops © سل OPA Oop, Blirxhis reserved ور هه