علوم مهندسیمهندسی صنایع و مواد

Organizational Behavior (Culture)

صفحه 1:
RW. = جح = 3 = = جح ‎e‏ TS —— ود ,~ 5 ~ بح ينين

صفحه 2:

صفحه 3:
WHAT IS CULTURE? © The word culture, from the Latin colo, -ere, with its root meaning "to cultivate”. ee ee

صفحه 4:
DEFINING CULTURE 1. Philip Bock - What makes you a stranger when you're away from home 2. Ruth Benedict - learned patterns 3. Charles Kraft - Complex, integrated coping mechanism 4. Bob Sjogren -- What makes us “us” and them “them” SS ee

صفحه 5:
ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE DEFINED The basic pattern of shared assumptions, values, and beliefs considered to be the correct way of thinking about and acting on problems and opportunities facing the organization. SS ee

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GEORGE MURDOCK’S 70 age-grading ethics using population policy athletic sports ethno-botany hygiene postnatal care bodily adornment _| etiquette incest taboos pregnancy usages calendar faith healing inheritance rules _| property rights cleanliness training | family joking propitiation of community feasting kin groups supernatural beings organization fire-making kinship. puberty customs cooking folklore nomenclature religious ritual co-operative labor | food taboos language residence rules cosmology funeral rites law sexual restrictions courtship games luck / superstitions | soul concepts dancing gestures magic status decorative art gift-giving marriage differentiation divination government mealtimes surgery division of labor greetings medicine tool-making dream hair styles obstetrics trade interpretation hospitality penal sanctions visiting education personalnames __| weather control eschatology Weaving Chotporr B. CD10, Orrpnenaerad Ortearer. Deasersty Debra

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صفحه 9:
210۵1 UNIVERSAL Chery B. COD, Orpen Drtearer. Deserty Deron,

صفحه 10:
CULFURAL UNIVERSAL 4. FOOD, CLOTHING, SHELTER AND TRANSPORTATION * Note: “Drives” vs. culture * Hunger is a basic human psycho-biological drive. * How that hunger is satisfied involves all kinds of cultural things (what is eaten, how it is prepared, how it is eaten . . SS ee

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210۵1 UNIVERSAL 5 . ARTS AND RECREATION Chery B. COD, Orpen Drtearer. Deserty Deron,

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CHARACTERISTICS OF CULTURE 1. Culture is shared. 2. Culture is 0. 3. Culture is taken for granted. 4. Culture is symbolic. 5. Culture varies across time and place.

صفحه 17:
CULTURE IS... ® Concrete OWe can observe cultural practices that define human experience. © Abstract Olt is a way of thinking, feeling, believing, and behaving,

صفحه 18:
THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVES ON CULTURE Covi evry Gerves interests ve eee

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لاه لس + —— ات | عن ‎recht‏ ول سا ماس ۰ ‎wen‏

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ELEMENTS OF ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE Phyigales cBiaAMies Stories Language Ghote B. CD01, Ongena Detearer. Devers of Deron,

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LEVEL OF CULTURAL DEBATES ® National Culture © Corporate Culture 1 °® Professional Culture ۱ ۱

صفحه 24:
NATIONAL VS. ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE © National culture ٠ Organizational ° Broader ' culture © More complex | © Narrower © Manageable © Secondary socialization © Subcultures © Influence org. culture © Primary and secondary socialization

صفحه 25:
7 ا ا ل 1 Uncertainty Avoidance Long-Term - Short-Term ] 2D, Oryrtraened Detar. Daversny of Debrer,

صفحه 26:
FOUR FUNCTIONS OF ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE identity Sense-making Organizational Collective ‎ea)‏ ۹۱۹ حكليتك ‎“TSE EST ‎ ‎Chote @. CD00, Orgrenaernd Ortearer. Daveraty of Debra ‎

صفحه 27:
ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE PROFILE- O’REILLY ET AL (1991) Innovation Experimenting, opportunity seeking, risk taking, few rules, low cautiousness Stability Predictability, security, rule-oriented Respect for ۳ people Fairness, tolerance Outcome Action oriented, high expectations, results orientation oriented Attention to 1 5 detail Precise, analytic Team orientation | Collaboration, people-oriented 1 Competitive, low emphasis on social Aggressiveness responsibility Ghotenw ‏وو‎

صفحه 28:
SOME UNDERLYING DIMENSIONS OF ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE Oves he orprizaion pervewe tor F to be ‏امه روم رسمه رم‎ out ‏ات و‎ و سا مه و ‎fet he “correct” wry‏ ‎horwratzint, o7‏ بمج موسج اسمس وا possivel ote? dow do we dePice what te true ced vot te oot true, ced how te tru ultcaieyy detercotaed bots ict the physicdl cad ‏اس‎ world?

صفحه 29:
J DEREYING DEMEN ON ANIZATIONAL CULTURE 4 ۲] ( OF ORG (hot our basis precio i teri of oP koe Grits ore covet refer Por the ‏بلا إن صاصم‎ PRs? بانج عن رفح ‎good,‏ رل هه ‎bs hucoon ote perPevitde or Pod?‏ عه Ghotpere @. 2000, Orrpntndennd Drteaien, Orarcr sir Deh

صفحه 30:
(DER NG DIMEN ON ANIZATIONAL CULTURE 4 ۲] ( OF ORG Onvcrwirr 9. De coture oP kusved | Okot is the “carrer” wap Por peuple to neti to euch ver, to deirbute power ‏علا جا" ستاك لمن‎ [9 or coopertive? ‘she best uray 7 orcnnize sorely oa the bests ‏حطس تاها خام‎ or yup? “Ie the ‏اجه مرو موه با‎ or ‏جمدو صم لل جامد‎ ‏جلا جا“‎ qroup best ۵۱ ‏الما‎ duerse or Pits hichty ۵ ‏له اه اجه رم مج رورا‎ fa group be ‏و ولمم‎ or coho? [0

صفحه 31:
THE DENISON a ۷۲0191۳] 2

صفحه 32:
"Have Uniform Cultures?

صفحه 33:
ORGANIZATIONAL SUBCULTURES © Located throughout the organization © Can support or oppose (countercultures) firm’s dominant culture © Two functions of countercultures: © provide surveillance and evaluation © source of emerging values

صفحه 34:
HOW CULTURES FORM امهمننهعنصه و0 ‎Culture‏ 83۱۵9۳۱۰۵۵۹ 2 22 ل ا

صفحه 35:
ATTRACTION-SELECTION-ATTRITION THEORY مس( ‎Organizations attract, select, and retain people with‏ ‎values and personality characteristics consistent‏ ‎with the organization’s character, resulting in a more‏ ‎homogeneous organization and a stronger culture‏ © Attraction -- applicants self-select and weed out companies based on compatible values © Selection -- Applicants selected based on values congruent with organization’s culture © Attrition -- Employee quite or are forced out when their values oppose company values SS ee

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صفحه 37:
PROBLEMS WITH STRONG CULTURES © Culture content might be incompatible with the organization’s environment. ® Strong cultures focus attention on one mental model. ® Strong cultures suppress dissenting values from subcultures. SS ee

صفحه 38:
Learning About Organizational Culture 7 ‏ار‎ we

صفحه 39:
EMBEDDING ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE ‎Formal statements of organizational philosophy, mission, vision, values, and‏ نا ‎materials used for recruiting, selection and socialization‏ ‎4 The design of physical space, work environments, and buildings ‎4 Slogans, language, acronyms, and sayings ‎+1 Deliberate role modeling, training programs, teaching and coaching by ‎managers and supervisors ‎Explicit rewards, status symbols (e.g., titles), and promotion criteria ‎8 ‎4 Stories, legends, and myths about key people and events ‎8 ‎The organizational activities, processes, or outcomes that leaders pay attention to, measure, and control ‎Leader reactions to critical incidents and organizational crises ‎The workflow and organizational structure ‎Organizational systems and procedures ‎Organizational goals and the associated criteria used for recruitment, selection, development, promotion, layoffs, and retirement of people ‎Boos ‎SS eee ‎ ‎

صفحه 40:
TYPES OF CULTURES CAMERON, K., & QUINN, R., (1999) © The Clan Culture © A very friendly place to work where people share a lot of themselves. It is like an extended family.

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TYPES OF CULTURES © The Hierarchy Culture © A very formalized structured place to work. Procedures govern what people do. SS ee

صفحه 42:
TYPES OF CULTURES ® The Adhocracy Culture © A dynamic entrepreneurial, and creative place to work. People stick their necks out and take risks. Ghotpere @. 2000, Orrpntndennd Drteaien, Orarcr sir Deh

صفحه 43:
TYPES OF CULTURES © The Market Culture © A results oriented organization whose +: ۴ major concern is with getting the job done. People are competitive and goal-oriented. Chery B. COD, Orpen Drtearer. Deserty Deron,

صفحه 44:
Incubator Diffuse, spontaneous relationships growing out of shared creative process Status Is achieved by individuals exemplifying creativity and growth Process oriented, creative, an hoc, inspirational Co-creators Improvise and attune Participating in the process of creating new realities ‘Management by Guided Missile Specific tasks in cybernetic system targeted upon shared objectives Status Is achieved by project group members who contribute to targeted goals Problems centered, professional, practical, cross- disciplinary Specialists and experts, Shift aim as target moves Pay or credit for performance and problems solved Management by Eiffel Tower ‘Specific role in mechanical system of required interactions Status Is ascribed to superior roles, which are distant yet powerful Logical, analytical, vertical, and rationally efficient Human resources Change rules and procedures: Promote to greater position, larger role Management by Family Diffuse relationships to organic whole to which one is bonded Status Is ascribed to parent figures who are close and powerful Intuitive, holistic, lateral, and error- correcting Family members| “Father” changes course Intrinsic satisfaction in being loved and respected ‘Management by Relationship between employees Attitudes toward authority Ways of thinking and learning Attitudes towards people Ways of changing Ways of motivating and rewarding Management

صفحه 45:
STAGES OF SOCIALIZATION ‎Oe Ot cas‏ و سوه ‎* Ontstder ‎* Bakerkny phases ‎ ‎

صفحه 46:
A MODEL OF ORGANIZATIONAL . Anticipatory socialization . Encounter 3. Change and acquisition Behavioral Socialized Affective Outcome: Outcomes Insider * Generally satisfied * Performs role * Internally motivated t assignments * Remains with work organization * High job involvemen' (Chath 0. 2X00, Orvertnterrd Detenen, Orterohy a Dot

صفحه 47:
MAYO CLINIC DECIPHERS ITS To decipher its culture and identify ways to reinforce it at the two newer sites, the Mayo Clinic retained an anthropologist who shadowed employees, joined physicians on patient visits, and posed as a patient to observe what happens in waiting rooms. See

صفحه 48:
MENTORING The process of forming and maintaining intensive and lasting developmental relationships between a variety of developers (i.e., people who provide career and psychosocial support) and a junior person Functions of Mentoring © Career Functions - Sponsorship - Exposure and visibility - Coaching - Protection - Challenging assignments © Psychosocial Functions - Role modeling - Acceptance and confirmation - Counseling - Friendship Chote @. CD00, Orgrenaernd Ortearer: Daversty of Debra

صفحه 49:
PHASES OF THE MENTORING _ ® Initiation ® Cultivation ® Separation | ® Redefinition

صفحه 50:
MERGING ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURES ل ‎-C)—-‏ سس Ocquired coxpody exebraves arquirtery تسس له عا متا ما بم‌فجی) ‎vrowilicg aquired Pica‏ Ook cultures cobiced toto ‏سی و‎ powposite mule Oeryey cowpacies rear separaie wits their puvet cathe i 1

صفحه 51:
STRENGTHENING ORGANIZATIONAL CULIURE ‏لوق‎ 55-5 ‏سس = 4 ات‎ ‏طبر ۰ ماود‎ LO cd 5 an ‏فلات‎ سب

صفحه 52:
A MODEL OF ETHICAL BEHAVIOR IN THE WORKPLACE Cultural Influences - Family ps - Education -Religion - Media/entertainment Individual لأأاهممومعه - ۳ - ‏وعبااج۷‎ ‎Organizational Influences ۵ Ethical - Ethical codes 00 3 | coc principles behavio - Organizational culture - History of r - Role models ‏کارت عبر ریات‎ - Perceived pressure for results - Gender - Rewards/punishment system Political/legal/ economic ‏لدم‎ ‎influences Ghote B. CD01, Ongena Deter. Deveroty of Deron,

صفحه 53:
GUIDELINES FOR BEHAVIOR AND ETHICS IN FOREIGN CULTURES: Cultural Imperialism “The sun never set on the British Empire” CING ACT A BALL NS Guiding Principles for a Middle Ground + Respect for core human values, which determine the absolute moral threshold for all business activities. + Respect for local traditions * The belief that context matters when deciding what is right and what is wrong. Chote @. CD00, Orgrenaernd Ortearer: Daversty of Debra Cultural Relativism “ When in Rome, do as the Romans do.” ۳۳ tal neon anny ‏ععة ممعط زبردينا مره‎ n ۱۳۵۲۸۵۴۱۵8۵۱ ۴ ‏وی‎ Cee ‏:ودعاحاهرط‎ ‎000 ۲۵ Pug ‏ان‎ ‏"هه عز‎ 0

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