صفحه 1:
(doa — Geptewber GOOO) ‎Gk Cl Dandy, DOL‏ :نر ‎

صفحه 2:
= سسبه 0اماطسسسا‎ < ‏الطصاط سا ۰ تم( ,(۳۹۵/) 6 (ه عصا ه‎ aed body vels. Tis vanted to the blood utacked ty 9 proteta tr the Pores oP LOL WOLD & Prigivoertdes O14 Cepeurd Por wey OTP BL body Pucctow: > Formation & Maintenance of cell membranes > Formation of several Hormones » Production of bile salts which help digest food. > Conversion into Vitamin D in the skin when exposed to sunlight. 1 O6% oP cholesteral ‏,(بسسا) 6000660009 و‎ 6 Prow O1BT (Dietey Chokevtern)

صفحه 3:
a LOW ‏لجد‎ WOb we Pons to whick Pat ced cholestercl yet trcasported to he blood

صفحه 4:
(ومعورب اصنههن) امصصب ان ع بو O 4s OMG of te DOIOR RISK 6۵006۵ ۳ Lent Obewe. ‎Wigh Oholestercl & viker Pus ta the blood coo bead to heart‏ لا ‎deur & Giroke.‏ ‎u vowdtion Odled “Bhervsclervsts” te. Darowtny‏ وص تم 11 لا ‎Wardeutay of the arteries thot supply the: — Weat , Orxic,‏ & عم مان 6

صفحه 5:
‎Chkolestercl‏ امین م۳ ‎Normal Artery Atherosclerotic Artery ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎+ ‎[tunica externa ‎

صفحه 6:
Normal Artery cholesterol wad chew tt bark i te ‏سيط‎ ‎Dhol ‏توت‎ LOD te kaos oe “cord ‏".امسج این‎ 4 pod Leb, stor WO hep سای راجت يبه سل ‎collect‏ ‎proved heat kek.‏ ها Atherosclerotic Artery

صفحه 7:
9 9 99 66-6 9.6 - 0.9 - 99 Wick Risk 23.8 0 >0.9 QRevowwerded level oP Todt Cholesterct Dota Okvlestercl LOL - Chol “LOL- Ckol

صفحه 8:
امصجوامان) باك )كاك جز :دا

صفحه 9:
Three Q16K Outeqries 9 LOL- GOL <6.9 wool) > 6.8 worl) > 6.0 wall = ون ‎Vet Opeor &‏ Qtek Outewry Dultiple (C+) vik Partors ‘Ler b oe ‏ار‎ ۳

صفحه 10:
Gtatus pF PMO Cholesterv! Gsicvuives

صفحه 11:
Tort Cholestercl carted mut tc PDO 0 Obvlestercl Gstiwattvas tu POO Oltsios das to Gep GBB اس ۳ oer oO 90 OD 90 610 Oo. oP Tests

صفحه 12:
7 Wick Okvlesterct is POO ‎Okvlestercl detected - dus tv Gep GRID‏ پر ‎Gy Gp‏ بابل ‎@b Our Gr Ow Wow‏ وهل ‎‘Trl ۲۰ efo0 0 4 © © ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 13:

صفحه 14:
Wick Ckholestercl by Grader 00 ۵۱ ها مول Guile 4igk Okvlestercl detected - Oule او 9 103 of

صفحه 15:
= LOL Okvlesterct LOL Okvlestercl tc POO cttates - doo to Gp GIB 99 6۷ 9 كاد م 900

صفحه 16:
Gy Wiik LOL Cholestervl — uc ty Puy SOOO - Ark LOL estiwotivas to ‎dune duly‏ بره ‎Gb Our Gr‏ وول ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 17:
وب LOL Chotestercl — ad 7 Puy SOOO - LQ Okvlesercl tx GDDO doo Geb Our Gr Oy duce duly Oars 107 oe

صفحه 18:
Wik LOL Cholestervis 0 - ‏حول‎ Ouy SOOO - gk LOL Okvlestercl Ocses by Oye, 0 00 ۰ ۰ 00 -00< 060 هط

صفحه 19:
Wik LOL Cholestervis 0 - ‏حول‎ Ouy SOOO - dik LOL Okvtestercl Ouses to GDIO Oweat ‏اهوم‎

صفحه 20:
Gteps t Preved Wick Okvlestercl OD Qu Govhtey ‎Bil‏ 07 رین لا ‎Cxcess Oright‏ یبیج لآ ‎O ‏سب(‎ Physicd @riuty | Q ‏له مه‎ Obed pressure ‎QO Oourol ‏لاوما" ,حول‎

صفحه 21:
Tips Por Guiry scart OF Licot saturated Puts, tie dairy Pots (to ioe prea oad buter), poke od popooul vl (a buked qoods) ued Red wet vad weal produ. O bret higeohobeterc| Poods, the eya yoke, pry weds (puck wr ber) ad ‏عاص سات‎ امین لچه ‎wore Pru‏ و6 2 ‎oiled Pik aad shidees vhickeu brows.‏ لا ‎OF @vord Pred Pods. ‎OF Ohopse ews pus when pou bol bee? wad keob. @by rol seruler portow. O Gata vertey oP Pbrerck Poods, the ots, dark breads ond upp. ‎O Choose burPat or word dary products. ‎

صفحه 22:
Fxpstoal uvtivity Good \ tatake ۰ : weder toa physicd wily

صفحه 23:
008 سوق الق 1 @kypsical uctivity . 1 : (coos ‏کح‎ tut ‏سه‎ كدعا بجاوط لو له( مس لو ‎Ocvight boss‏ ‎wiviy‏ عم و

صفحه 24:
امسبور(6 به ‎uvtivity‏ زعت "\ = Oph! wotteccare pours Prov Pood took equdtay physicd uriviy |

صفحه 25:
8 5 a Thank You

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