صفحه 1:
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صفحه 2:
صفحه 3:
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صفحه 4:
WU ae OP a oh Olean ion eee!
Presture Sensors -Board Mount
MicraPrssure MPRSeries,
Basic BP Series
‘MIP Series, MLH Series بیج مس
Alon Sonsors
AWNB0000 Series
Gagan Sensor
OME Sones
Magnetic Sensors
Basicand AML Suiches
DM, 20,2, V1SW Bases, AML Sais (PB and Rocker)
Presiure Switches
LE ad LP Seis; 5000 Series
Figure 1. Solutions for Oxygen Concentrator Applications
صفحه 5:
صفحه 6:
Car aol ace a Rance cal RCo cas ceo cao 0ك
aoa sl eas ل 0
۱ A DAS CA RCC No CM aNd CARS cl ca ee Uae Cc oa an PAR ci cat Vacs ee
ما CPA LRN MNS ce Pad aU ca Dice جداا أمصتودمب لجه عضاومو
AN EAS AS as ee PN acco a RO SE oe Ca oe Se aS EN Cae Ca nc
whick ulows the cospressor to w:otctac the uppropricice pressure level ۱
صفحه 7:
صفحه 8:
Rugged, stainless steel construction
Supply voltage 5 Vdc
Total Error Band up to +0.75 %FSS
High accuracy: +0.15 %FSS BFSL
temperature range -40 to 125 C
Pressure range of 6 bar to 550 bar, 50 psi to 8,000
full scale accuracy (BFSL) +0.25%
Total Error Band as low و 2 5
Less than 2 ms response time
Output impedance 25 ohm
صفحه 9:
rar ل ا Ns aye) coma
Pe doar Oat rir a RUE e ca Cacia f cast BP iacrs ace
CO ی ce acces Dc
صفحه 10:
AWMS90000 SERIES (airflow
Bi-directional sensing capability
Highly stable null and full-scale
Low pressure drop
Compact package design
Low hysteresis and repeatability errors
Fast response time (1 ms typical)
Low power consumption
صفحه 11:
a ean aN a ا ا CaS
۱ Can aoe
صفحه 12:
OO ens at NS Ras cL ace ead
Resistact t7 DCO
۱0 tewpersture -OO ty SO CO
Cee a an Re k hed (ha
صفحه 13:
ره ۱۱۵۹
۱60 ariel im RN Re CANA Co acta
1 ei CAN I ce CAN
شوم a NLL PMNS aS VANS ea aN ex CC ام موی و
دمص وس سم مس
رم wbly ced Koproves its ePPicieury (see Doble ).
Oe Rca Mac NC Pac ca a ce Ci cidl aCan NRE ANS Cae cael cee
للك Co ce ce CARCASS VALE]
صفحه 14:
صفحه 15:
ماه 4