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Physical Therapist Assistant Program

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of). Physical Therapist Assistant Program ال وم ی By Robert Benson Williston State College

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1 Physical Therapist Assistant * One of the fastest growing medical professions ¢ Predicted further growth wi “Baby Boom” generation ag

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What is a PTA? ¢ Assists the Physical Therapist in the practice of applying various physical treatments to help restore function. This would include using exercise, massage, he elect 092 water an

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اللا يبب مي م ‎٠١‏ الا ببحم ا Background Information ¢ Program began in August 1992 ° Ist class graduated in May 1995 * 1st program within a 5 state region - ND, MT, SD, WY, CO * Maximum of 16 students taken each year ۰ 2 1/2 year program

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7. ۹ WSC Program ٠ 2 % Year Associate in applied Science program

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a ‏لا اا 79797 77م ل‎ Educational Requirements * 1st year - Prerequisite courses - A&P, Chemistry, Physics, English, Speech, Math, Psychology, First Aid, Computer, Intro to PT * Apply for admission - March * 2nd year - Program courses - Kinesiology, Treatment Issues, Pathology, Therapeutic Exercise, Modalities, Neurological Rehab, Assessment, Adv Techniques ,and Adv Exercises * Summer - two eight-week affiliations

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qt TTD Licensure ¢ Exam taken after fieldwork is completed ٠ Computerized - 150 questions - multiple choice - 3 hours * Most States (48) require licensure

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at ‏لا اا 79797 77م ل‎ Employment Settings * Hospital * Private office * Extended care facility / Nursing home ¢ Rehabilitation center * Home health agency * School system ¢ Academic institutions

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Earnings ¢ Vary across the country ٠ $20,000 - $30,000 per ‏ل‎ starting \ ¢ $10 - $15 per hour xX — — py

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26 = qe mi ~ ——————————————————— Hazards * Carpal Tunnel Syndrome * Spine injuries * Exposure to Disease ¢ Need proper warm up and to watch body mechanics

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a ‏ب م‎ \ Combining PTA and MT ۰ 2 1/2 years of PTA program courses ۰ 1 year MT program courses

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اللا يبب مي 756 سس سس سس سس تمس تسس مهب Contact Information Robert Benson Williston State College PO Box 1326 Williston, ND 58801-1326 701-774-4291 robert.benson@wsc.nodak.edu

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