مراقبت‌های بهداشتیپزشکی و سلامتطب سنتی

Conventional and Complementary Medicine: Skills for the Health Care Consumer

صفحه 1:
www.tabaye.i ‏ل‎ اس یج عرست و0۵ ۵6006 0 مات

صفحه 2:
Complementary Medicine: Skills for the Health Care Consumer

صفحه 3:
Salt Care: Managing ERIE Problems 5 Self Assessment ‏ظ‎ Decision Making: Knowing When to See a Physician = Severe =~ Unusual = Persistent = Recurrent OQ Emergencies: = Major trauma or injury Uncontrollable bleeding Severe shortness of breath Persistent abdominal pain Poisoning or drug overdose Loss of consciousness Stupor, drowsiness, or disorientation Severe or worsening reaction to an insect bite or sting ‎Pacer 9‏ یج من و0۵ ۵6006 © ‎Obert‏ ‎

صفحه 4:
۷ :نا 601161۸ ] 611-1 تداك Watchful waiting 2 Nondrug options 2 ۱. Read labels 2. Do not exceed the recommendation 5. Use caution 1. Select medications with one ingredie Try to buy genetic 6. Never take a drug from an unlabeled container Pregnant and nursing Expiration date 9. Storage of medication 10. Special caution with aspirin ‎cee ot‏ 20 سات ‎ ‏و 0 سین ۱ ‎

صفحه 5:
ative ngreens fn each Si ‏لس سس ا‎ | = aside Use ener ches Warnings ‏ا‎ once de mia MAC ] cen grate sean rom Pato eh ‘tage an MAC ka tn Shuai bir ing ts se teat ‏یف‎ a ates ox Sn مس ‎Thi‏ موه هی مدا سوت ات ‎or rome csuph bat oF oc wth oki, aha‏ 3[ ی سا ان ۱ ‎inert‏ ‎ert annua snares‏ 1 ‎ay st Spey 05‏ ی اب عنم ‎Seta‏ مور سم سس ال 1 1 2 ‎ca step using the product‏ ۳ ‎es‏ 3 ‎Heenan sae SS ce‏ 0 و سس ‎y ese RENTS‏ 2 0 ‎“children under 6 yea at eo ‘to take the product‏ م ذا مع ا Taal with questions ot comments ‘Active ingrecients liste with quantity per dose Uses of ‏تسس جرف‎ ‘Absolte conta- indicabons fer use ‘Warnings for people wah certain onations er symptoms Side effects tat could occur and substances and ects to avoid Wiarrings related to pregnancy, breastleding Bnd acedental overdose Additional information —- Inactive ingederts —f-

صفحه 6:
an Care: oho = Change 4 Seeking professional medical care =" Hospital emergency room = Scheduling an appointment with a physician = Accessing some other part of the American medical and h- system

صفحه 7:
CE ‏یا و بو لوو و اا ا وار بويا ميوت‎ Se Hee Medicine Cabinet + Adhesive bandages ‏مود‎ pe ‘+ Alcohol wines = Calibrated measuring spoon += Disinfectant + Gauze pads = Thermometer = Tweezers Closet + Analgesic (eles pain) + Antacid (loves upset stomach) + Antibiotic eintment (reduces sk of infection) * Antibistamine elev alleray symptoms) * Antiseptic (haps stop infection) + Fever reducer (adult and chile) > Hydrocortisone (relieves ‏وم‎ ۱9 * Decongestant (elieves stuffy nose and other cold symptoms) + Syrup of ipecac (induces vorting incase of potonina) ‎Pacer‏ یج من و0۵ ۵6006 20 سات

صفحه 8:
0 acai eli ac ties sa Special precautions or warnings about taking this medication, 2000 Independence Way, Washington, DC 20012, 355-1111 Refill 55-4921 a= Prescribing physén———_ ye, KENDRA BAUER eer 4 MEDICAL CENTER PHARMACY atmacy information: سحت ]ينانا ‎Presciption‏ 0 ‏علا‎ 8 3/23/01 medication is prescribed: WATSON, TIMOTHY B. Directions for taking the drug ‏لل‎ TAKE | TABLET TWICE A DAY Genetic name of cru so DICLOFENAC SODIUM 75 MG TABLETS Brand name equeler——_ GENERIC FOR VOLTAREN) Quantity of drug ingadane ‏بجو‎ go Tas DISCARD AFTER: 03 Number refs ———— REFILS LEFT: 2 ‏تس‎ ۳ Amount of medication per unt Expiration date 9 اس یج مرن 0/۵ ۵6006 مه

صفحه 9:
‎am‏ سس سس سس ‎Alternative Medicine (CAM) ‎Defined as those therapies or practices that do not form part of conventional, or “mainstream” health care and medical practice taught in the Seay ‎y= ‎9 ‎=| j | ‎Pacer 9‏ یج من و0۵ ۵6006 © ‎Obert‏ ‎

صفحه 10:
Conventional Medicine O “Standard Western Medicine” O “Bio-medicine” = Based on the findings of a variety of biologicakeciencac ۵6006 0/۵ LA Onvyerte OM Bnd

صفحه 11:
Medicine in the United States A system of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease. 4 Conventional medicine or Western Medicine - the absence of disease. ۲ Traditional medicine or complementary and alternative medicine. her 0 5 600069 eddie /LA arene A Pade Revere

صفحه 12:
3 and Seay fone of Conventional Medicine ۲ Hippocrates © Every disease is defined by a certain pathology and set of symptoms and the symptoms are similar in most patients suffering from that disease. © Pharmaceuticals © Scientific explanation = Empirical Rational Testable Parsimonious General Tentative ص ‎Pacer‏ یج من و0۵ ۵6006 © ‎Obert‏

صفحه 13:
The Providers of Conventional Medicine Medical Doctors (M.D.) Doctors of osteopathic medicine (D.O.) Podiatrists (D.P.M.) Optometrists (O.D.) Dentists (D.D.S.) or (D.M.D.) Allied health care providers (Millions of other trained health care professionals, know as allied health care providers = Registered nurses (R.N.) Licensed vocational nurses (L.V.N.s) Occupational therapist (0.T.s) Physical therapists (P.T.) Licensed certified Athletic Trainers (L.A.T.C.s) ty Social workers Registered dietitians (R.D.s) Physician assistants (P.A.s) Nurse practitioners Certified nurse midwives وه و و وه و 8 9 اس یج من و0۵ ۵6006 مه

صفحه 14:
oosing a Frimary Care Physician 4 Coordinator of your medical care. 4 Information about your Primary care doctor. 4 Personal feelings after meeting vour chosen primary care phys 4 Choosing a Medical Facil Obert © ۵6006 ‏یج من و0۵‎ Pacer or

صفحه 15:
Getting 1 Most Out ۳ Your Medical Care O The Physician-Patient partnership Your appointment with your physician 0 The diagn:

صفحه 16:
Medical 5 2-77 Treatments Qo Ereseription medications = Medication errors Off-label drug use Online pharmacies Costs The appropriate questions to ask while seeking treatment. O Surgery " Key questions to ask before surgery ص ‎Pacer‏ یج من و0۵ ۵6006 © ‎Obert‏

صفحه 17:
Complementary and Alternative Medicine Alternative medical system. Traditional Chinese medicine or Traditional Oriental medicine (TCM). = Acupuncture Homeopathy Mind-Body interventions = Hypnosis Biological-based therapies = Herbal therapies tye 0 ۵6006 ‏یج من و0۵‎ Pacer

صفحه 18:
Complementary and Alternative Medicine 0 Manipulative and Body-Based Methods. Chiropractic Touch and body manipulation Osteopathic Massage acupressure Feldenkrais Rolfing nergy Therapies Qigong Therapeutic touch Bioelectromagnetics Reiki 0 8 ال "اه عام هرم سم م 9 عل 3 سوت هب0۵ ۵00 مه

صفحه 19:
include methods that are based on manipulation > Chiropractic osteopathy, 9 ‏ی رم‎ | Focus on fields within the body (biofields) ‘Reiki, therapeutic touch, orton ote ores ‏سس‎ Re Sotiaomagretc tue herpes ‎eset thay Bl MON connect mcd, Mig, mal fermen tran rer‏ !امه ‏ص ‎Pacer‏ یج من و0۵ ۵6006 0 ‎Oleg‏

صفحه 20:
27 Uating COmplementary and Alternative Medicine 9 Working with Your Physician. = Safety = Effectiveness = Timing = Cost 6 © Questioning the CAM practitioner. > . Doing your own research. O Why do consumers use complementary medicine? Obert © ۵6006 ‏یج من و0۵‎ Pacer en

صفحه 21:
الا سك ‎Paying For Health Care‏ 0 The Current System Health insurance 0 Traditional Fee-for-Service (Indemnity) plans O Managed Care plans = Health maintenance organizations (HMOs) " Preferred provider organizations (PPOs) = Point-of-service (POS) Obert © ۵6006 ‏یج من و0۵‎ Pacer ea

صفحه 22:
Health Savings Accounts O HSAs became available in 2004 Q Two parts 1. Health plan with a high deductible 2. Tax-exempt personal savings account = Government programs =" Medicare = Medicaid ‏و‎ ‎=" Choosing a policy ‏درو‎ her 0 ۵00 ‏زوسن هب0۵‎ Revere

صفحه 23:
Conventional and Complementary Medicine Ckopter Od

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