صفحه 1:
Software Architecture Adaptability: An NFR Approach Nary Subramanian Lawrence Chung Firmware Engineer Dept. Of Computer Science Applied Technology Univ. Of Texas at Dallas Division Richardson, TX. Anritsu Company Email: chung@utdallas.edu Richardson, TX. Email: narayanan.subramanian@anritsu.com

صفحه 2:
Software Architecture Adaptability: An NFR Approach Jini and the Programmer* Once a lucky and broad-minded programmer found a Jini. Programmer: “I feel sorry for people in the mid-east| Can you fix that problem so that no more suffering occurs?” Jini: “Tam sorry, but that is something I cannot do.” Programmer: “Then will you fix my programs so that they meet the needs of every single user?”

صفحه 3:
Software Architecture Adaptability: An NFR Approach Adaptability Examples * dual-mode cell phone * command-processing system that accepts commands of different versions * software system being able to operate on different OS’s * self-managing systems such as eLiza ¢ dynamic uploading of firmware

صفحه 4:
Software Architecture Adaptability: An NFR Approach Advantages of Adaptable Systems * accomodate new requirements easily * faster development of new software * adding new software features * fixing defects during maintenance phase (which consumes currently 50% of cost)

صفحه 5:
Software Architecture Adaptability: An NFR Approach What is Adaptability? * No fixed definition ¢ Examples: - ease with which system may be adapted to changing requirements - modifies behavior in response to changes in operating environment -a software quality metric -.,.and many more ...

صفحه 6:
Software Architecture Adaptability: An NFR Approach Current Approach to Adaptability State Problem ‘problem is to develop adaptable system that does xkx ... [ Define Adaptability | laptability is evolution to meet the needs of user and bugins Develop solution “Solution”

صفحه 7:
Software Architecture Adaptability: An NFR Approach Some Drawbacks of Current Approach * Lack of traceability of solutions to requirements : why should “Solution” be adaptable? The usual justification is “Solution does so-and-so and hence satisfies definition of adaptability”. * No way to analyze/explore alternative solutions: what are other possibilities besides “Solution” * No way to determine the degree to which system is adaptable

صفحه 8:
Software Architecture Adaptability: An NFR Approach The NFR Approach * Applicable to any definition of adaptability * Allows alternative solutions to be explored * Decomposes “adaptability” depending on the domain * Criticalities can be allocated to different NFRs of the decomposition * Permits design tradeoffs ٠ Assessment of adaptability is possible

صفحه 9:
Software Architecture Adaptability: An NFR Approach Steps in The NFR Approach Decompose Adaptability for the domain - NFR softqoal hiera! evelop architectural alternatives - Design softgoal hie Assign criticalities to various softg ey Determine extent to which gr_softgoals satisfice NER softgoals - claim softgoal hiefar osd the design components that satisfice the relevant sdftg .egend: Down arrow = go to next step; Up arrow = iterate

صفحه 10:
Software Architecture Adaptability: An NFR Approach A Comprehensive Definition of Adaptability م | 4 و ۵ 1 :’4 = - meds Ss [<> Figure 1. Symbalsin the Definition of Adaptation Legend: S,S’: old and new system E,E’: old and new environment ‎Change in system,‏ نيقروة ‎environment‏ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 11:
Software Architecture Adaptability: An NFR Approach Example SIG Development - Step 1 NFR Softgoal Decomposition ‏و1‎ 8 001 S1e0dl8C8S] SIG = Softgoal Interdependency Graph

صفحه 12:
Software Architecture Adaptability: An NFR Approach Example SIG Development - Step 2 Design Softgoal Decomposition SIG = Softgoal Interdependency Graph

صفحه 13:
Software Architecture Adaptability: An NFR Approach Final SIG SIG = Softgoal Interdependency Graph

صفحه 14:
Software Architecture Adaptability: An NFR Approach Notation for SIGs oO NFR Softgoal ‎Design Softgoal‏ هه ‎OR-contribution ‎52 ‎AND-contribution ‎——- Strongly-negatively satisficing ‎+ Negatively satisficing ‎—— + Positively satisficing ‎—— Strongly-positively satisficing ‎Correlation Rule (negatively satisficing)‏ * ب

صفحه 15:
Software Architecture Adaptability: An NFR Approach Knowledge-Based Approach ¢ A KB of design goals, decomposition methods, correlations will make it easier to search for such items for future use. * Currently even when such catalogs are available, they are not easy to use. ¢ NFR Approach allows for a knowledge- based approach * Can be used to (semi-)automatically generate adaptable architectures

صفحه 16:
hod Software Architecture Adaptability: An NFR Approach Frame-like Notations 0 1351 ‏#مولمق‎ 1 wallyh ‏#ور ادكه‎ ‏ا ور‎ Parent: Wit Tope ACES OE apeing: lB CES] nA CES] Labels yet te be determined Centeibatiea: 0 ‏او و‎ Applicability Condition: 4: NFA Type ۵ ABC Constraint fr Alle sh ty ane Cheating tin 24 ay 2008 (set ap aay of spring for every subtype at ts) 2 we Design Softgoal NFR Decomposition Met!

صفحه 17:
Software Architecture Adaptability: An NFR Approach Frame-like Notations (cont’d) واه رام نا مد با ما ‎[Sem antil apiaion‏ ‎Parent Speed Of Semantic.‏ ‎AayuatnaPrecesing}‏ ‏اه اراد امه نو 3 ‎(Condi: vem atic analysis tabs wore (at 0b‏ Correlation Rule ‎tte stead‏ املف تورلا ‎aan: Exteasby of Sen atc dyin 2rocesig]‏ ‎(UEsring 3s Tee‏ ‎(Contin: MAKE‏ ‎‘play ndinn: vay 9s Techiqe (LCS alnas‏ ‎1A LEs Extasy of Se antic dapat ves‏ ليون مسالب ‎Coasts anal change tothe sollte ad oadng of‏ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎Operationalization Method ‎ ‎

صفحه 18:
Software Architecture Adaptability: An NFR Approach Summary ¢ Analysis of NFR adaptability * Current techniques are not traceable to “whys” of software * NFR Approach provides several advantages to developing adaptable architectures * NFR Approach allows for a KB approach which will help generate architectures (semi-)automatically.

صفحه 19:
Software Architecture Adaptability: An NFR Approach Future Work ۰ Better cataloging of the NFR Adaptability and its refinements * Develop methods for different domains so that KB is more useful to industry * Develop procedure to generate architectures.

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