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Grate oP (Bppled (Bthivs Ta Treat

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dr Persia (C-O% @rcb pevp) Ghia Ista (aot Guani) (Canwa Por phitpsvphy, poetry und Dedivice (900 wites Pros tip to tip orders Pubistoa, @Pybocistaa, Durkwevisted, Turkey, 1۳۵, Orvedia ord

صفحه 5:
Arabian Sea .

صفحه 6:
dr * de: Obout OP O,OOO square wiles (Vexu, Dew Oexiov, Prizowa, wed CulPorcia toxpther) © Inn: dO? OOO Sy Dies ٠ Gard ‏:وه‎ PGS,OOO square wiles ٠ Durkev: POO ,OOO Sy Dies

صفحه 7:

صفحه 8:
POOG Ouwersty oF Oedod Griewes (TOOG) Cicgeer ‏جز‎ biowedicd research ic the cour. Ducber oF POOG onictes io ‏له(‎ has ioreused C.S Pokt Prow 9010 in COOD tp PFA is ۰ 40.161 Deb oP Griewe, this wucpber kas toreused Prow 609 ۱۰ 000609 ۰ ۵09 ۰ ۰ مه ها دا ‎wewbers‏ لت وی اه ۰۴ 916 مه عا) الما ره عل ۵ 9990 وه ,۳۵ با لاله ه ‎publioaivg oad P% oP its total totercaticod! arices are cuthored by‏ ‎thew.‏

صفحه 9:
Ordicd Cthics ved Wistory oP Oedicine (Reseuckh Cruter © Poveded it GOODS ocd approved ia COOP, ‏ام‎ Ethics and Wistory of Oedicine Reseuck Order tt TOOG ts cae oF the powngest research ceders of Pebrod Ociversiy oF Oedicdt Goiewes. Itis 0 piooweer reseurck ‏یی‎ ic its Ped ia Tran. This ‏وه وه اور‎ oP two deporteeds of wedicd ethics coed history oP ‏رتچ‎ wits ‏وه مه و‎ strateyio phos ‏.ور شوه له‎ he wota ain oP OC WR is to ieoprour the wedicd ethics ood history ‏ما ره بلاج ی اه‎ wediod soviet. DEWAR kes luoched sewer uniiviiies it policy

صفحه 10:
ارت ‎oP the wost teoportaat‏ جوام) بای راو 4. ‏بطم زرط امممنو(ا) و منماممون‎ ict Bioethics ©. Cowpiaica oP Outiocd Cuidetoes Por Reseach ‏جا‎ 9. )0 ‏حصقه ]ممم‎ oP the ‏مه تلا‎ requtatizas oP the Cowwitees oP Cthics it Reseack ic TOOG . Cuninkier developed oP wedicdl ethive Por deryroduate wedicd studeuts

صفحه 11:
بنله() باصط) ‎placing ict Bioethics‏ رجنم ظ) اوموش(ا) ان مصاداز ‎lico oP Duticod Buidetiaes Por Reseuck ‏ان ول امه بمب ‎lofico oP tke‏ ‎Couwpit ‏انس(‎ ‏جا‎ ‏بوكو ‎ ‎Ovwwitees oP Btkios it Reseuck io TOOG ‎» Cuninutucr develppoedt oP wedicd ethics Por ‎deryroduate wedicd studeuts

صفحه 12:
Reseuck 4. Cowpiaticn oP Oaticod Orde oP Oedicd Ethics C.Vke GpevPic Outocd Cihicd Cuidetices Por Biowedivd Reseach 9. Cthicd Cuidelces Por Cliaical Prick Cthicd Guddetoes Por Reseack oa Dicors Cthicd Guddeloes Por Geortc Reseach Cthicd Gudetoes Por Gowete ood Exobrvo researc Cthicd Guidetces Por Troasploctaticd Reseuck Cthicd Guddeloes Por Reseack oo Baa ۰) Critica survey oF priaviples oP ivetkios ic the ‏توا اه با‎ S. Cthicd Ossesswedt oP Kidaey Oooation Ie Trot 9.0 suvep of pkysicicas’ views va tercvicnly — ‏ام از‎ 0 cowpordive ood ccdvicd survey oP Cubocastt

صفحه 13:
Gods vP ‏وه‎ Revved Dedicd ‏نا‎ ‏عوجر‎

صفحه 14:
۱69 ‏جاماذ‎ Gries - Oediod ethics to the Istacy ued viker retigives’ ‏عم‎ oP view - Phipsophicd upprouckes to wediod ethics - Oedticd ethics Prow Tro ond other ‏امن‎ haw perspevive

صفحه 15:
(Practica Issues io Dedical Ethics (0. ‏صا جد ننه(‎ ordetce (cbc, rcepkrtctis, ‏رهم له ری لول‎ echoes...)

صفحه 16:
Oukioy the Dedicd Cthics Pravifical ۰ Ordicd ethics niles oer ks ٠ Oediod ethics ucidewir wd hospital cowwitees

صفحه 17:
DProdiiocal cod woderd trosicacg oF ‏ادج‎ ‏لاه‎ QOethods oP wediod ethics ‏نا‎ Dke vevessiy oP wedicd ethos tracey vbievives

صفحه 18:
۱69 © Where is clot oP work to do in Tro ocd they oe seehiny pooperdion wed ulicames wits ike ‏اوه مین‎ to kelp thew develop their uppled ethics ‏تحت‎ ٠ Dhis is a Wwiedow oF ppportucity Whick Wwe should wit puss up. ٠ @oudewic reltivaships coo Poster better voss

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