پزشکی و سلامتطب سنتی

Taking a Medical History

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(Peel tke you ore yetiog voly hol oP a very “You're ot ot ol sure here the story ts Vow vcrderetnd Seer whet the potest ‏جا‎ Read oP se sary bul you ore wernt wot sure whet i

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a ‏مت مه حون * 9ه‎ 7 ‏و اد‎ * Oyeads setiiogy © Widdeo agendas

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‎Por we”‏ اون ها عون یت زر ‎wee Pony history oP dabetes 2 ‎ ‎“1 ‏"عمجم ررب لوا اأموم‎ (Se ‏امس | مقس تابر‎ Rakes: ‏ا‎ > | ۳۹ ‎4 ‎& ‎9 ۱ Ki 4 ‎“Odd on ‎... Pive sutures to the Porekead cod o tetoms shot

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“Os thene sowethiery it podicutar thot pou we ‏سوه لصو‎

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Nor APPLICA NIA NIA NIA NA NIA NIA NIA NA NIA NIA NIA NA NIA NOT bon EoR Poo 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ‘DON SKILLS 1. Introduces self and explains purpose of interview. 2. Attends to the patient’s comfort and privacy. 3. Allows patient to describe the illness/chief complaint. 4. Uses the following techniques effectively (Note: you don’t have to use them all!) Open-ended questions Reflection/Repetition Clarification Silence Facilitators (nods, uh-huh, etc...) Summation OVERALL USE OF INTERVIEWING TECHNIQUES 5. Balances listening with structure. 6. Follows up on cues and vague statements. ‎Attonds to patients nonvemal cuss.‏ وت ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

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001۳9: CODDGRILE: ‎your‏ مهم و لس وس اج سای تا ‎story‏ اه سل ‎Dye octet‏ ‎TW pee bet‏ ماوت لس ‏لسعم حأن مهم لمي ستعيي "أن تمعز ‎AP lectins,‏ ‏اس ‎0 ‎AP pow are ‏وی‎ ‎1۳ ‏ماس اس‎ ‎0008: ‏سجس عابو تناس0 9 واه روا بط سس ‏سا بو ‏:000 ‏ماس بعطما سس لت

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Wow ved try ocd help today? Okat would pou tke to discuss today? 1 see thot pou hove told the curse...

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© Ovset ocd ‏مرو مار عون‎ Pirst wos uviived ۰ Crovorde ocd Putative Pactors ٠ © ‏قاس‎ cod/or Quanity oP syxopiow © Regoa of body ood Qadkaics to her oeus ۰ Geverip «۲ ‏مرو‎ ) ۰ 4 soe, iP upplicable) ood ۰ Deve (durciva) ond ‏مهو(‎ ussvcicicas (whut is

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واه اجه مزوممر) « یا تانب 2 ا* * Ordicaiccs ۰ ‏م‎ scp hey

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Ordicd ‏وه ر ول > عصووص‎ thiesses Wospitdizaives - ‏موم‎ totes Gurqeries - upproxicte dotes/eusver (ex: kystereviowy — book ‏وسوس‎ ‎ace‏ تیب تا

صفحه 16:
Dedications - ennve, doom, Puen), ‏ممصي‎ ‎= O10, herbal, ‏اوه رو‎ Other utercaive wedicioe therapies lerxties هجو ‎ProwPusivas‏ ‎Gyo ocd Ob history‏ = LOR, bitk pout we (Post psychiatric history

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‎a Paci history‏ مد راو ععز۳)* ‎DE wend thiess or uddiciog”‏

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Govidl Wistory | Potteat ProPite ow do Pestle or persocraliy trots: ° Ovotribute to ‏ییاز اه روصم‎ * Bygravate or lint severity oP ‏دوجسلا‎ ‎° IoterPere or help with yetiog well ۰ Dre “sud doy”

صفحه 20:
واه ‎Orwouruphic‏ ‏هن متسه له اممنهمجو) ‎Olay‏ = Provel kistory = RePuger hitory edt Weobits = Geovkiey, Blobel, Orig we — Creve — Det Gexudl history مهو متام Gpiritud, cutucdl cod heathy betiePs

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Ww Okat do pou do Por a fiery? Okat do pou do Por Poo?

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۲ ‎yous‏ طارص ۱4| هط تب فان ‎do your do Por Pari?‏ تا ‎QOou't Port pour power tools | tevkoques ‎° Gywpew choruwtersics = ‏كف سرا‎ ‏یه‎ | ‏موه تسس وه‎ = Peery ‏لا سا موی ‎)2 ۳ questiow ‎

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