صفحه 1:
۴ طبايع
صفحه 2:
The History of Medicine
By George Sarka MD, MPH, FACP, FACR
DrPH Candidate in Public Health at UCLA
Assistant Clinical Professor in Medicine at UCLA
Governor-Elect of the ACP Southern CA, Region 2
President of the LA Neurological Society
President of LA County Medical Association-District
Staff Neurologist at SMMC
Staff Rheumatologist at CSMC
Staff Physician at the Klotz SHC at CSUN
Medical Historian and Medical Lecturer
Diplomate in Internal Medicine, Rheumatology,
Neurology, Headache Medicine, Sports Medicine,
Geriatrics and Emergencv Medicine
صفحه 3:
[ 2 دون زجعن و
© At the end of this lecture, the physician
should be able to do the following:
© 1. Discuss the evolution and significant
events in the history of medicine.
© 2. Discuss the significant individuals
responsible for the advances in medicine.
Discuss how this subject is germane to رو و
medical issues today.
صفحه 4:
William Osler said of
Medicine and Art
® Medicine is a science of
uncertainty and an art of
SirWilliam Osler
صفحه 5:
the Beginning...
®In September 1940, four
teenagers around the
northern slopes of France’s
Pyrenees mountains stumbled
upon one of the most famous
and astounding repositories of
Paleolithic art in the world:
the cave of Lascaux
صفحه 6:
صفحه 7:
Cave of Lascaux
® Hundreds of paintings and
etchings of red cows, yellow
horses, bulls and black stags fan
out across the cave’s walls and
ceilings in a literal stampede.
© غ1 15 the world’s oldest example
of medicine in art, dating back
15,000 years.
صفحه 8:
ave of Lascaux
® The lone human figure among all
the animals is the man with a head
of a bird, who appears to be in some
kind of trance during a
confrontation with a bull. Beside
him is a staff.
®It is widely believed that the human
figure is some sort of shaman.
® Shaman were in charge of the
knowledge of health, and of life &
صفحه 9:
صفحه 10:
صفحه 11:
© Primitive man believed that head pain
was the work of evil spirits who invaded
the body of unfortunate individuals.
© 114 headache was caused by the invasion
of evil spirits, then letting the spirits
out of the skull should bring relief.
© Thus was born the surgical procedure
known as trepanning which dates back
ten thousand years or more.
® Such procedures were found in the
South Pacific, Europe, North America
and South America.
صفحه 12:
Themes in Medicine
© Superstition, Evil Spirits, Humours
© Blind Loyalty and Downright Stupidity
© The Emergence of Iconoclasts
© Ingenuity
© Common Sense
© Serendipity
°® Kindling Phenomenon
© The Art and Science of Medicine
© Hard Work and Dedication
® Techology
© Imagination
صفحه 13:
صفحه 14:
in Peace”
® Vizier of a Pharaoh, lived about 2900
® He is credited with many
accomplishments in many fields and one
of his activities seems to have been that
of a successful physician.
°® He is one of the first medical men
whose name is on record and rose from
the role of medical hero to become God
of Medicine.
۶ He began using simple surgery instead
of just magic.
صفحه 15:
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صفحه 16:
iliam- 5
Imhotep was the:
© “first figure of a physician to stand out clearly
from the mists of antiquity." Imhotep diagnosed
and treated over 200 diseases, 15 diseases of the
abdomen, 11 of the bladder, 10 of the rectum, 29
of the eyes, and 18 of the skin, hair, nails and
tongue. Imhotep treated tuberculosis, gallstones,
appendicitis, gout and arthritis. He also
لو كر surgery and practiced some dentistry.
Imhotep extracted medicine from plants. He also
knew the position and function of the vital organs
and circulation of the blood system. The
۳ Britannica says, "The evidence
afforded by Egyptian and Greek texts support the
view that Imhotep's reputation was very respected
in early times. His prestige increased with the
lapse of centuries and his temples in Greek times
were the centers of medical teachings."
صفحه 17:
® Physicians based their healing art
upon the belief that evil spirits,
hateful demons, and vengeful gods
struck people with diseases.
® Invisible arrows shot by the Greek
god Apollo caused pain.
® One treatment for disease was for
the victim to travel to one of the
many pagan temples in Greece.
صفحه 18:
“The Healing MT SN بد
® The sick person made a sacrifice
and then spent the night in the
temple. As he slept, he was
supposed to dream away the
صفحه 19:
istor re
® Hippocrates-dominated the
beginning of a period of
remarkable scientific creativity,
which lasted more than 700 years
® Galen—near the end of the period,
both furthered scientific knowledge
and crystallized it in an amazing
volume of written works. His
influence lasted for 1500 years/45
صفحه 20:
صفحه 21:
© Hippocrates is know as the “Father of
Medicine.” He is considered one of the
greatest physicians the world has ever
© He was the first to attempt to separate the
practice of medicine from religion and
© Hippocrates developed his pledge of
proper conduct for doctors. “I will use
treatment to help the sick according to my
ability and judgment, but never with the
view to injury and wrong doing...Into
whatsoever houses I enter, I will enter to
help the sick.”
صفحه 22:
صفحه 23:
n Airs, Waters, a
Places” around 400B.C.
© Hippocrates penned a tract called “On Airs,
Waters, and Places.”
© This was the earliest reference to
epidemiologic thinking.
© He emphasized familiarity not only with the
patient’s symptoms, but also with the season
of the year and the patient’s living conditions,
diet fluid intake, and exercise habits:
صفحه 24:
° “For if one knows all these things well, or at least
the greater part of them, he cannot miss
knowing, when he comes into a strange city,
either the diseases peculiar to the place, or the
particular nature of common diseases, so that he
will not be in doubt as to the treatment of the
diseases, or commit mistakes, as is likely to be
the case provided one had not previously
considered these matters. And in particular, as
the season and the year advances, he can tell
what epidemic diseases will attack the city, either
in summer or in winter, and what each individual
will be in danger of experiencing from the
change of regimen.
صفحه 25:
Hippocrates Refusing Gi
صفحه 26:
The Hippocratic Oath
© Hippocrates also made changes in how physicians
looked upon their profession.
© During his time, a doctor was sometimes bribed to
see that a patient died, or asked to prepare poison
to kill an enemy. If a ruler wanted to rid himself of
a rival, he could hire a court physician who would
see that the rival became sick and died.
© Hippocrates taught against such improper conduct.
He told his students to treat everyone the same.
© “Sometimes give your services for nothing...for
where there is love of man, there is also love of
صفحه 27:
The Hippocratic Oath
© A statement describing proper conduct.
© It was a pledge and is a guideline for
honorable standards of action.
© “I will use treatment to help the sick
according to my ability and judgment, but
never with the view to knjury and wrong
doing...Into whatsoever houses I enter, I will
enter to help the sick.”
صفحه 28:
صفحه 29:
Allegories of the Heating
® An allegory, or a pictorial symbol,
serves to formulate into some
tangible aspect an idea or point of
view that may exist vaguely in the
minds of many.
® The allegories of the Healing Arts
—visual images around which are
centered the faith and hope of
صفحه 30:
صفحه 31:
صفحه 32:
Head of Askleplos(Greek
Coin, Il Century B.C.)
© The earliest icon of medical significance
® Head of Asklepios was pictured on a
silver drachma, a Greek coin minted on
the island of Cos
°® He was the son of Apollo
© The centers of his cult were temples
where the sick went, similar to our
modern day sanatoriums, with emphasis
on diet, massage, baths and the like.
صفحه 33:
Head of Askleplos(GreeK
Coin, Il Century B.C.)
© The god was supposed to reveal to
the patient in a dream the cure for
his/her disease.
© The serpent, symbolic of
regenerative power, was sacred to
Asklepios and to Apollo.
® The emblem, in the form of a rod
with a coiled serpent, is still used to
represent the art of medicine
صفحه 34:
e the Hip
® “T swear by Apollo the
physician and Asklepios
and his daughters, Hygeia
and Panacea, and all the
Gods and Goddesses...”
® Hippocrates was also born
on the Island of Cos
صفحه 35:
صفحه 36:
‘Windows to the Body”
© Galen, the great 2>¢ century physician and anatomist, spent
his early medical career as a surgeon to the gladiators.
© He employed as many as 20 scribes to write down all that he
said in the work.
© He dissected countless animals in his prolific medical
® Galen also studied philosophy and wrote that a motive of
profit was incompatible with a serious devotion to medicine,
stating that doctors must learn to despise money.
© He was a proponent of the miasma theory of infection,
which essentially blamed infection on clouds of poisonous
صفحه 37:
or ser
Infallible Master”
© The profession of medicine gained a wealth of facts
and ideas from Galen.
© He gave to the world a synthesis of medical thought
and knowledge solid enough to last nearly 1500 years.
© His mind was quick and well organized.
© He was well informed on many subjects.
® In the earlier period of his life, he continually insisted
on experiments and on demonstrable proofs.
© But the open-minded young Galen later became one of
the great dogmatists of all times. The magnitude of
his dogmatism was increased by his followers and
صفحه 38:
® Galen believed that disease resulted from an
imbalance of the vital fluids, or humors, of the
body. This idea was developed by Hippocrates, and
consolidated by Galen.
© “The body has in itself blood, phlegm, yellow bile,
and black bile...We enjoy the most perfect health
when these elements are in the right proportion.”
© The medicine and pathology Galen practiced, and
about which he wrote, were based mainly on
speculative Hippocratic theories of the 4 humors,
on critical days, and on fallacious theories
regarding pulse and urine.
صفحه 39:
صفحه 40:
The Four Humours
® Developed out of the humoral theory of
Empedocles(500 to 430B.C.), the Scilian
© Developed by Hippocrates and consolidated by
© From the 4 elements: earth, air, fire and water
derived the idea of the 4 humours(or fluids) of
black bile, yellow bile, blood and phlegm with
their associated meancholic, choleric, sanguine
and phlegmatic temperments.
© It was believed that the balance of these humours
in the body determined physical states of health.
صفحه 41:
صفحه 42:
© Galen made the first attempts to master
anatomy. He studied the anatomy of
animals and applied it to humans.
® Medical schools used Galen’s books as
textbooks for more than a thousand years.
He became the undisputed authority. NO
°®From physicians to emperors as well as
commoners in the Roman Empire, Galen
was considered a shrewd observer who
gained much experience through
صفحه 43:
صفحه 44:
The Picture
® Galen, whose teachings were
accepted as dogma by medical men for
1500 years, is pictured in a 2™ century
Roman home applying cupping, a form
of treatment that he advocated.
® Galen was a pillar of medicine and the
last important pillar in the millennium
of Greek domination of the medical
صفحه 45:
صفحه 46:
St. Cosmas and St. Damian
© Traditionally acclaimed the patron
saints of the physician and apothecary
© These 2 brothers were Syrian
Christians who were reputed to have
effected many miraculous cures before
their matyrdom in the reign of
Emperor Diocletian(A.D.303)
® Seen frequently in paintings,
miniatures, or prints
صفحه 47:
Rome Falls in ۰
The Dark Ages of Medicine begin.
صفحه 48:
AD) 1050 -500 تایه
® Massive decline in the number, and
quality, of medical writings available.
©2 important features stand out during this
© A) Preeminence of ‘do-it-yourself’
handbooks, primarily of dietetic medicine.
©B) The ecclesiastical takeover of medical
learning and learning in general. For few
could read outside the ecclesiastical
صفحه 49:
Medicine in the Dark Ages
(roughly 500-1050 AD)
® The relatively learned medicine
was supplemented by the
healing offered at shrines and
by holy men.
® Tales abound of miraculous
cures via shrines and icons.
® Some saints were almost
صفحه 50:
صفحه 51:
صفحه 52:
ome Saints as
® St. Dymphna was favored for
mental diseases
® St. Roch for plague
® St. Hubert for rabies
® St. Blaise for throat
صفحه 53:
صفحه 54:
® Medieval people seemed to have
suffered much from TB but most
probably had the glandular form
® In England and France, it was believed
that royalty had the power to cure the
affliction by touching the sufferers,
and from the 12" to the 18" century,
‘the king’s/queen’s touch” was
regularly used against this condition.
صفحه 55:
Th e King’s/Quéen’s—
® Remember after the Reformation,
the Church of England rejected all
forms of recourse to Saints, relics,
holy water, and so on, which the
Roman Catholic Church had
® This practice involved the ruling
monarch curing victims of scrofula
and similar ailments.
صفحه 56:
“The King’s/Quéen’s—
® The king touched the victim
and often also a gold coin -
usually an Angel, showing the
Archangel Michael killing the
dragon - that was then worn
around the victim's neck, and
the person promptly
صفحه 57:
Phe Emergence of Medicine
from the Dark Ages
® Occurred around 1050 in the region
of Salerno, southern Italy where this
thriving medical community was in
touch with the Greek and Arab worlds
as well as the wealthiest and
intellectually most advanced abbey of
Europe, Monte Cassino.
® In 1080, the Salernitan masters
reintroduced theoretical speculation
into medical teaching.
صفحه 58:
Phe Emergence of Medicine
from the Dark Ages
© From 1200, Latin translations of
some Arabic texts by Constantine
the African, re-established Galenic
academic learning, combining
commentary on a few set texts with
philosophical discussion of wider
® By 1250, practical demonstrations
of animal anatomy was introduced.
صفحه 59:
The Three Consequences of
Translation Movement
©1.The amount of learned medical
material suddenly burgeoned beyond
all recognition
© 2.The language of medicine was
heavily arabized and its therapeutics
depended heavily on Arabic sources,
especially in pharmacology/surgery.
© 3.Now, there was a heavy
philosophical component, based on
Aristotle (natural philosophy) in the
new medicine.
صفحه 60:
The Arab Influence
® Arab medicine, so-called because of the
language in which it was written down, greatly
influenced the medical thinking of the West
from the 12" to 15" centuries.
© The Arabs played an import part in teaching
the art of prescribing and surgery.
® Avicenna(980-1037 A.D.), the “prince of
physicians,” is noted for his Canon of
صفحه 61:
the Canon ©
صفحه 62:
® First occurred in northern
Italy, in the wealthy towns of
Bologna and Padua, then in
France (Paris and Montpellier),
and in England (Oxford).
® Germany lagged behind, but
by 1400 many areas of Western
Europe had their own
institutions of higher learning.
صفحه 63:
Fhe Developmen
© Medicine came late into the
© Professional associations of medical
teachers, as at Salerno, joined
universities only when they saw the
advantages of the new institutions’
ability to secure their own rights and
privileges in law and theology, and
many universities, especially in
France, never had a medical faculty.
صفحه 64:
2 ۱
62 ۲ it 1
وخر لا whe
صفحه 65:
“Hotel Dieu, 1500-by—
® Triptych showing the Hotel
Dieu in Paris, about ad 1500.
The comparatively well
patients (on the right) were
separated from the very ill
(on the left). Note there were
always two patients to a bed.
صفحه 66:
The Father of Modern
Phillipus Aureolus
Bombastus von
“All substances are
poisons; there is
none which is not a
poison. The right
dose differentiates
a poison and a
صفحه 67:
۱۲۳۵ 65 5با )1493-1541( 6
hemical Remedies
© One of the most famous questioners of medical
© Paracelsus was an enigmatic character,
flamboyant, quarrelsome and reforming. His
somewhat eccentric behavior prevented his
settling down in any one place and gave his life
a vagabond flavour.
© Not content with refuting the authority of Galen
and Avicenna, he publicly burned their books.
® He is credited with enlisting the help of
chemicals in therapeutics and vigorously
opposing polypharmacy, or the prescription of
multiple ingredients in a single medicine.
صفحه 68:
صفحه 69:
Versalius(1514 (151. هر
© Was the first master of human anatomy.
© His careful studies provided doctors with the
accurate information that they need to save lives.
© Versalius did not accept the teachings of Galen
without experimenting on his own.
© Versalius kept a copy of Galen’s books on hand
and made changes in them. He found over 200
mistakes in the ancient books—mistakes that were
still being taught by doctors of his day!
صفحه 70:
Versalius(1514 (1 - هر
® Versalius learned human anatomy by
looking at humans not just animals.
© He made detailed drawings of his
findings so others could also learn.
صفحه 71:
صفحه 72:
© Varesalius was just 28 when he
published the above.
© It was published in 1543, contained 663
pages and 300 beautiful illustrations.
© Versalius spent his personal fortune
and all his enthusiasm on it.
© The publication of Fabric marked a
turning point in the history of
صفحه 73:
صفحه 74:
:21 نا همست
صفحه 75:
صفحه 76:
The Father of Modern
© Professors in medical schools seldom
performed surgery.
© They did not think that it was proper for a
professional man to do such work.
® Surgeon is from a French word meaning “one
who works with his hands.”
© In the Europe of the 1500s, barbers, not
doctors, performed minor operations, pulled
teeth, and treated cuts.
© Barbers who gained skill in closing wounds
were called barber-surgeons.
صفحه 77:
© The barber pole is a symbol of the profession and is a
legacy of bloodletting.
© After the operation, the bandages would be hung on
the staff and sometimes placed outside as
© Twirled by wind, they would form a red & white
spiral pattern that was later adopted for painted
© The earliest poles were surmounted by a leech basin,
which in time was transformed into a ball.
© The stripes of a barber pole still show the red for
blood and the white for bandages. Sometimes there
were poles with blue representing the veins.
صفحه 78:
© Pare used ointments and silk thread to repair
injuries in place of burning oil and hot pokers.
© Pare discovered new techniques that made
surgery practical.
۶ He published his book in French with useful
information that all doctors could use.
© Pare did not have a formal education. He
never earned a medical degree. Yet he became
France’s most skilled surgeon. In 1562, he was
given the dignified title, “First Surgeon of the
° “I treated him. God healed him.”
صفحه 79:
edicine Prior to
©The old-style physician had almost
no diagnostic technology nor did
he conduct a full, hands-on
physical exam. Rather, he worked
on the basis of his senses: sight,
touch (of the wrist for the pulse),
hearing, smell and taste (sampling
urine for the sweetness
symptomatic for DM.
e Tih
صفحه 80:
® Elaborate diagnostic charts exist,
correlating these indications with various
© Even in the written literature of William
Shakespeare does the above exist: “ Sirrah,
you giant, what says the doctor to my
water?...He said, sir, the water itself was a
good healthy water; but for the party that
owned it he might have more diseases than
he knew for.” from Henry IV. Uroscopy
صفحه 81:
صفحه 82:
Uroscopy Wheel
® This is taken from The
Fasciculus Medicinae by
Johannes De Kethan, 1491.
® This was a collection of medical
treatises dealing with medicine
and surgery dating back to the
13 century and included the
first “modern” anatomic
صفحه 83:
صفحه 84:
Based on False ides
® Galen said that blood in the veins always
carried blood away from the heart.
© The flow was slow and irregular. Blood ebbed
and flowed like tides.
© Galen taught that the liver manufactured new
blood to replace the old.
© Blood surging through the heart caused it to
beat. He had no ideas that the heart itself
pumped blood.
صفحه 85:
صفحه 86:
۳0۱۱۳6 in +۵ 1 ۱
© The greatest physiological advance
of the 17 century was the discovery
of the circulation of blood.
® Credit goes to the Englishman
William Harvey(1578-1657).
© In 1628, Harvey’s De Motu Cordis
which concerned with the
mechanical process of circulation.
صفحه 87:
صفحه 88:
0 117-
صفحه 89:
16 ۴0۷۲ ۳۷۳۵۲5 5
William Harvey
© The "humors" theory of the body was
centered on "vital spirits" moving from
the heart; they regulated the balance
of the four humors and could be
disturbed by the spiritual intervention
of the devil. Once Harvey’s notion that
the heart was just a muscular pump
moving blood around the body became
prevalent, explanations in terms of
demonic spirits no longer convinced.
صفحه 90:
“William Harvey” by
Robert Hannah, 1848
Harvey is famous for
his discovery that
blood circulates
around the human
He proved that blood
circulates through the
body in one direction.
صفحه 91:
Leeuwenhoek (1632- _
Developed the most
powerful microscopes
of his day.
He discovered one-
celled protozoans
and bacteria.
His work eventually
led to the discovery
of the causes of
diseases, such as the
Black Death.
صفحه 92:
ecomes Scientific
® Although this movement was
launched in the 17 century
during the Age of
Enlightment, it was not until
the 19‘ century that the true
age of science was born.
صفحه 93:
صفحه 94:
صفحه 95:
صفحه 96:
© Jenner was ridiculed and resented by
his fellow doctors.
© This cartoon makes fun of Jenner’s
inoculations. In a crowded room,
Jenner prepares to vaccinate a young
woman sitting in a chair. The scene
about them is mayhem as several
former patients demonstrate the
effects of the vaccine with cows
sprouting from various parts of their
صفحه 97:
® Jenner discovered that having cowpox
protected a person against smallpox.
© Jenner’s cowpox serum saved many
lives, and almost eliminated the
disease of smallpox.
© His discovery of vaccination is
considered one of the most important
discoveries in medicine.
© Jenner nor any other doctor knew the
cause of infectious diseases or why
vaccination worked.
صفحه 98:
The Birth of Anesthesia
A nineteenth-century physician administering
chloroform prior to surgery. Ether was one of the
earliest anesthetics to be used but it was difficult
to administer as it usually made the patient choke.
صفحه 99:
Sir Humphry Davy
Humphry Davy
oxide) which
has made
dentistry much
less painful.
صفحه 100:
Sir James Young
نامك اديت )1811-1870(
James Young
chloroform could
be used as an
Simpson fought to
make anesthesia
an established
part of surgery.
صفحه 101:
William Thomas Green
Si On Lees: 1868)
Invented a special glass
inhaler and added
perfume to ether.
Successfully used either
to pull a tooth and to
then perform painless
His tutor Dr. Charles
Jackson gave Morton
some advise on using
ether and then later
claimed it was all his
صفحه 102:
he Recognition of Nutrition and
صفحه 103:
[81۲65 ۱۳۱۵7 16-
In James Lind’s
experiment, those
that ate citrus fruit
stayed healthier.
Captain Cook took
Lind’s advice and his
crew stayed health for
a four-year journey.
The British Navy
finally ordered sailors
to drink lime juice.
Lind had found the
cure for scurvy—
vitamin C.
صفحه 104:
Christian Eijkman(1858-
Found that
bacteria did not
cause beriberi.
He found that
brown rice was a
cure for beriberi
because of a
vitamin (now know
to be thiamine) in
the husks.
صفحه 105:
Jean Boussingault
3 نت Jean
found that a
mineral called
iodine could
cure a goiter of
the thyroid
صفحه 106:
صفحه 107:
صفحه 108:
aennec and the stethoscope
© “In 1816 I was consulted by a young
woman presenting general symptoms of
disease of the heart. Owing to her
stoutness little information could be
gathered by application of the hand and
percussion...I recalled a well-known
acoutic phenomenon:namely, if you
place your ear against one end ofa
wooden beam the scratch of a pin at the
other extremity is distinctly audible. It
occurred to me that this physical
property might serve a useful...
صفحه 109:
Laennec and the stethoscope
® This physical property might serve a
useful purpose in the case with which I
was then dealing. Taking a sheet of
paper I rolled it into a very tight roll,
one end of which I place on the
precordial region, whilst I put my ear to
the other. I was both surprised and
gratified at being able to hear the
beating of the heart with much greater
clearness and distinctness that I hever
before by direct application of my ear.”
صفحه 110:
The Stethoscope
®Rene Laennec, who invented
the first stethoscope,
commented that "no patient
report could suffice to
characterize disease, and that
for a certain diagnosis, mediate
auscultation is required."
صفحه 111:
© Originated from Galen
© Poisons in the atmosphere emanating from cesspits
and rotting material caused illness.
°©In 1840, the German pathologist Jakob Henle(1809-
1885) published his essay: “On miasmata and
contaia,” in which he tried to show that tiny living
creatures in the human body caused infectious
© The idea of “germs” began to challenge the
prevailing theory were caused by “miasmata.”
©The above was supported by the work of Frechman
Louis Pasteur and the British surgeon Joseph Lister.
صفحه 112:
Public Health
© The concept had it origins in Biblical rules on
health and hygiene as well as in great
architectural works such as the building of the
aqueducts to supply fresh water to Rome and
the removal of waste by means of the great
drain, the cloaca maxima.
© Principles regarding safe diets and person
hygiene were taught by the great religions.
These were reinforced by later miasmatic
notions. Evil smells do indicate poor sanitation
and their removal reduces sources of
صفحه 113:
the Father of Public
3 Effectively brought an
end to the 1854
epidemic in Soho,
London by
demonstrating only
those who drank from
the infected Broad
Street pump
contracted the
صفحه 114:
صفحه 115:
Ignaz Phillipp = — ۰
® 1. Childbed fever was taking
thousands of lives of young
©2. More women were dying under
the care of doctors than midwives.
® 3. Some doctors were more
interested in their reputations
than in saving lives.
صفحه 116:
6 1, Discovered that the doctors
were spreading childbed fever.
© 2. He proved that doctors were
carrying the disease from corpses
to their patients.
© 3. He proved that cleanliness
could prevent childbed fever.
صفحه 117:
Problem in Surgery
®Infection was a major problem
during surgery.
© People often died after surgery
from the infection alone.
® Compound bone fractures
almost always ended in death
because of infections.
صفحه 118:
صفحه 119:
oseph Lister(1
1912) and Infection
® Discovered that carbolic acid prevented
infection on compound infections.
© By insisting that everything be kept
clean and disinfected, he lowered the
death rate in his surgeries.
© He discovered it was not the presence
of acid bit
© the absence of germs that mattered in
صفحه 120:
صفحه 121:
صفحه 122:
> Search for ti i
of Disease
® Robert Koch discovered that anthrax was
caused by bacteria.
® He discovered how to grow bacteria in
cultures for study, and how to add stain
in order to see them.
® Robert Koch proved that most diseases
are caused by a particular bacteria.
® Microbiologist, Robert Koch discovered
the tubercle bacillus in 1882 where one
in seven deaths in Europe was due to TB.
صفحه 123:
the Conn مب
© The causative agent must be present in every
case of the disease and must not be present in
healthy animals.
© The pathogen must be isolated from the
diseased host animal and must be grown in pure
© The same disease must be produced when
microbes from the pure culture are inoculated
into healthy, susceptible animals.
© The same pathogen must be recoverable once
again from this artificially infected animal and
must be able to be grown in pure culture.
صفحه 124:
Louis Pasteur(1822-
Louis Pasteur
dismissed t he
“miasmatic” theory
of disease. He
argued that
diseases were
caused by germs
and so effectively
bacteriology as a
صفحه 125:
_ouis Pasteur Returns to
the Scene
© Louis Pasteur discovered that chickens could
survive cholera when given a weakened form
of the disease.
© He found that an anthrax vaccine could be
made by heating the bacteria.
© He discovered rabies was caused by a virus
instead of bacteria and then developed a
vaccine for humans.
صفحه 126:
United States
® High-quality medical schools
and clinical investigations
developed more slowly.
®In its laissez-faire, business-
dominated atmosphere, many
schools were blatantly
commertcial, inadequately staffed
and offering cut-price degrees.
صفحه 127:
edical Student 140 years
®No one worried about admissions, for
entrance requirements were lower than
they are for a good high school student.
Instruction was superficial and brief.
©The terms lasted only 16 weeks, and
after the second term the M.D. was
automatically given, regardless of a
student’s academic performance
صفحه 128:
v edical Student 140 years
® Teaching was by lecture alone.
© Thus, students were spared the
onerous chores of attending labs,
clinics and hospital wards.
® It was not uncommon for
students to graduate without
ever having touched a patient.
صفحه 129:
edical Schools in
1860s and 1870s
© Many were privately owned, operated
for profit and without university
© Physicians often had little to offer
their patients other than sympathy
and tender care for ailments they
lacked the means to cure.
© The medical profession was held in
low regard by the general public.
صفحه 130:
e Birth of Johns Hopkins
University and Medical School
® At Hopkins, a new era of
American medicine was born,
with rigorous admission
requirements and a quality of
training that set new standards
in the United States and
compared favorably with the
venerable European institutions.
صفحه 131:
and Medical School
® Candidates for admission to
Hopkins were required to have
a four-year college degree,
including two years of
premedical training in biology,
chemistry and physics, and a
reading knowledge of French
and German.
صفحه 132:
= 9 Four Doctors by John Singer د
"© 4 7
7 A
a 1
———— le ايل
صفحه 133:
“The = Big Four”-of—
© William H. Welch in pathology and
the future Dean
® Osler in medicine
® William S. Halsted in surgery
® Howard A Kelly in gynecology
© All younger than 40 years old,
organized the hospital departments.
صفحه 134:
صفحه 135:
صفحه 136:
Evolution of Disease
© In the 19" century, diarrheal diseases
were the biggest killer of children, and
tuberculosis was the leading cause of
adult mortality.
© In the 20" and 21* centuries, chronic
diseases are now the leading cause of
disease and death in adults.
صفحه 137:
echnology Reigns
®William Crookes invented the
Crookes’ tube which developed into
TV’s and monitors.
®Wilhelm Roentgen invented the x-ray
machine by using the Crookes’ tube.
© Because of its ability to see inside
the body, x-ray photography is one of
the most important medical
صفحه 138:
صفحه 139:
صفحه 140:
The Use of Radiation
® Henri Becquerel proved that
radiation from uranium is like x-rays
but more powerful and is credited in
discovering radioactivity in 1896.
© Pierre and Marie Curie discovered
radium and other radioactive
® When controlled, these radioactive
elements can be used to enhance x-
rays and fight cancer.
صفحه 141:
۷ Urania,
صفحه 142:
صفحه 143:
صفحه 144:
The Birth of the EKG
® Sir Thomas Lewis mastered
the technology of the
electrocardiogram in 1912.
صفحه 145:
Andrew W. “Doc”
In 1921, the
above developed
the mercurial
ter and spent his
career refining
including the
صفحه 146:
othe Birth of Medicat”
® ACP-1915;Joining of the ACP and ASIM
°® AGS
° Etc.
صفحه 147:
Gerhard Domagk
and the Discovery
Of STL a
Jol Bunkeston
صفحه 148:
The Advent of Drugs
® Dr. Gerhard Domagk(1895-1964)
discovered sulfa drugs.
© This drug became world famous
when Dr. Perrin H. Long used sulfa
drugs to treat Franklin Roosevelt
® Sulfa was called a “wonder drug”
because it killed bacteria but did
not hurt the cells of human tissue.
صفحه 149:
صفحه 150:
® Alexander Fleming(1881-1955)
discovered penicillin which killed
staphylococcal bacteria.
© Florey and Chain isolated the
chemical and found that it could be
mass-produced, making it more
® Penicillin was stronger(bacteriocidal)
that sulfa(bacteriostatic) and had
fewer side effects.
صفحه 151:
echnology Tra ns
the Medical Arena
®Dr. Richard Drew(1904-1950)
established the use of transfusion and
blood banks.
°®Dr. Christian Barnard(1922-2001)
performed the first heart transplant in
°©Dr. William Kolff developed an artificial
kidney machine.
®James Watson and Francis Crick
discovered DNA.
صفحه 152:
صفحه 153:
صفحه 154:
صفحه 155:
© Antiseptics
© Antibiotics
© Antiepileptics
© Antipsychotics
© Chemotherapies
® Myoclonal Antibodies
® Vaccines
® Biologic Agents
© Continuing Story of Aspirin
© Blood Transfusions and Blood Banks
صفحه 156:
7/215: ۷
® Electron Microscope
© CT Scans
© MRI Scans
© MRA Scans
© Pet Scans
© Functional MRI
© The Human Genome
© Genetic Testing
© Genetic Enzyme Replacements Therapy
صفحه 157:
© Artificial Kidney Machine—Dialysis—
Kidney Transplants
® Coronary Artery Bypass
© Angioplasty
© Total Hip and Knee Replacements
© Neurosurgery
© Lasik Surgery
® Organ Transplants—Heart, Kidney, Lung,
Liver, Pancreas, etc.
صفحه 158:
othe Transformati onret
Medical Education
® Medical Schools and the Gender Gap
® Medical Schools and Diversity
© The Soaring Cost of a Medical Education
© The Primary Care Physician v. the Specialist
° Board Certification
© The Integration of
© Complimentary Alternative Medicine
© The Introduction of the Medical Home--ACP
صفحه 159:
edical Care
© The Advent of Chronic Disease as a Major Cause of
© Home Care to the Office to Hospital Care
© The Private Practictioner to the Medical University
© The Advent of Medicare/Medicaid in the USA
© Universal Coverage in Many Countries
© Managed Care
° Primary Care Physician v. the Subspecialist
© The Advent of Medical Home Model(ACP)
© Hospice Care
© Accreditation, Quality Assurance, Board Certification
© Medical Malpractice/Lawyers
صفحه 160:
“Ethics and Medicine
© Sexuality
® Abortion
® What is Death?
® Growing Old
© Euthanasia/Right to Life/Pro life
© Quality of Life Issues
® Limited Health Care Resources
© Rationing of Health Care
© The Uninsured, The Undocumented Worker
© Universal Health Care
© The Use of Physicians in State Executions—
صفحه 161:
UL a) عط ,م0 دععمعااقطء
صفحه 162:
۱۳۹۵۵ forthe—
© Obesity/Diabetes Mellitus
© Smoking
© The Geriatric Population
© Drugs/Medications
® Alzheimer’s Disease
© Depression
© Medicare/Medicaid
© Euthanasia
® Etc.
صفحه 163:
The Future of Medicine
® Balance between the
art of medicine and the
science/technology of
medicine with
imagination, ingenuity
and a little luck.
صفحه 164:
صفحه 165:
صفحه 166:
Thank You!