صفحه 1:
صفحه 2:
Zhang Daqing
صفحه 3:
5 7 1] Medical beneficence: the
sources of traditional Chinese
medical ideas
صفحه 4:
(1)Medicine as Humanity Art [| the
basis of Confucian tradition of
0 Ling Qu: Shizhuan{]: QO00000
Zhang Zhongjing: (0000000000
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صفحه 5:
“©The Confucian principle of “love others”
' expresses the idea of respecting human
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صفحه 6:
2 [] the benevolence in Taoism
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صفحه 7:
1 9 (3) the influence of Buddhist ethics to
medical ethics
Y Under the influence of the Buddhist ideas of
"cause and effect" and "donation causing
happiness" , many Buddhists take the
practice of medicine as a way to do good.
The idea of rebirth and retribution of good and
evil is an important part of Buddhist ethics.
Buddhist takes Great Compassion as the first
principle, "bemoaning the state of the
universe and pitying the fate of humankind"
as the starting point of morality and "not
doing any evil and offering up all good
conduct" as personal behavior rules.
صفحه 8:
There are three moral
perspectives in the ancient
Chinese medical ethics:
Confucianism, Daoism and
Buddhism. So many moral
theory coexist in Chinese
medical ethics: deontology,
value theory, virtue ethics,
Although there are differences
and interpretations to medical
benevolence among these
صفحه 9:
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moral value of medical technology
صفحه 10:
wees’ (1) 0 Clinical therapy: the moral
implications of medical
The traditional Chinese doctors
think much of the moral implications
of medical technology. They deem
the practice of medicine and saving
lives as a benevolent ed
intrinsically. The traditional Chinese
medicine emphasize the integrity of
technology and virtue of doctors.
The excellent skills and good
professionalism indicate the good
virtue of doctors.
صفحه 11:
۰ (2){] Medical good & doctors’
=== good: conflicts and harmony
Medical good expresses the
moral value of medical care, while
this good can not be identified with
that of medical professionals. The
medial good and the professional
good can be unified. But there are
conflicts if we can not take their
relationship rightly. So the
موق 0225 medicine
260000 0:3 harmonious
صفحه 12:
Medical good & doctors
good: conflicts and
Their relationship includes:
O11 Q harmonious relation
(12 (the gap of the two goods
13 0 the conflicts
صفحه 13:
“== vThe conflicts between morality and
Confucianism holds that the morality
takes precedence over benefits. This
moral value is the central focus of ideal
moral person, which has great influence
on medicine. Physicians born in this
atmosphere will take medicine as a
means to construct the world and take
the morality as practice of ideal person.
Many Confucian doctors deem the
practice of medicine as a benevolent
cause to do good.
صفحه 14:
“The patient-doctor relationship
The traditional Chinese medicine
considers the equal and close
cooperation as the basis of medical
trust of PDR. QOO00“OO0000000"00
صفحه 15:
3 [] From individual to society:
medical benevolence in the
context of Confucian culture
صفحه 16:
(1)Medical benevolence: an
approach to realize self-value
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صفحه 17:
«=» (2)[ benevolence and filial
pity: from individual to family
The Chinese culture
emphasizes the family harmony
and development. The Confucian
idea of “humanity and love”
indicates this characteristics of
Chinese culture which is
attached to family blood. The
meaning of humanity is based on
this father-son love in the
patriarchal clan system.
صفحه 18:
۱ ری 0 Medical benevolence: from
religious philanthropy
organization to civil health
medical care as a benevolent activity.
This leads to the wide spread of using
medicine as a means by missionary.
Relieving pain and suffer is a way to
believe the God.
Y The benevolence of medicine and
Confucian morality meet the moral
standards of feudalism ethics. So many
Confucians choose the practice as their
life goals.
صفحه 19:
(4) || Lhe strategy or
benevolence: the
prescription for government
to do 190
Health care is good to heal the
wounded and rescue the dying,
which involves the interests of the
vast people. So the rulers of
Chinese government in the history
took the practice of medicine as an
important strategy to practice
humanity in politics.
صفحه 20:
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the differences between
Chinese and the west
صفحه 21:
Y The traditional Chinese medical ethics
emphasizes the duty to “heal the wooded and
rescue the dying”, and takes the human life as
the first good.
Y The traditional Chinese medical ethics pa
great attention to the opinion family members
on the basis of that of individual patient.
Y The traditional Chinese medical ethics takes
the patients’ interests as the first principle. It
is justifiable that the doctor does not inform
the patient personally if that information is
adverse to treatment and cure.
صفحه 22:
In the context of Chinese
culture, medical benevolence is a core
part of medical practice for doctors,
an important approach for doctors to
realize their personal ideal and social
value and a good description of
“doctors and Confucians choosing the
same way of life’. In the history of
medical development, the idea of
medical benevolence correspond with
medical model in moral value. This is
different from the west idea _ that
morality separates with the medical