صفحه 1:
as, a طبالع عدم حت مح توت مر

صفحه 2:
با ها ها رل ره ‎a) a‏ The Supplementary Treatment Of Depression Using Homeopathic and Bach Flower remedies اد ولاج ااا لج الاي ‎a‏

صفحه 3:
با ها ها رل ره ‎a) a‏ ‎The Supplementary‏ Treatment Of Depression Is Useful For depressants * Patients who develop side effects on anti-depressants * Treatment resistant depression ۱ ۰ Patients who will not take anti- اد

صفحه 4:
با ها ها رل ره ‎a) a‏ ‎Samuel Hahnemann 1755-‏ 1843

صفحه 5:
با ها ها رل ره ‎a) a‏ The “Like Cures Like”Principle (similia similibus Curentur) The drug which cures is capable of producing symptoms similar to those which it cures (eg.onions for & colds) ولاج ااا لج الاي ابي اس ۳ اد

صفحه 6:
با ها ها رل ره ‎a) a‏ ‎Materia Medica‏ ۱ * Symptoms produced by poisonings ۱ * Symptoms produced by provings * Symptoms relieved when remedy | given for other symptoms & ! اد

صفحه 7:
با ها ها رل ره ‎a) a‏ Taking A Homeopathic History ۱ ٠ Presenting complaint- aetiology,modalities ۱ ٠ ‏الام‎ ۰ | ۰ ۲۲ °SH & ۱ * Generals-environment,food | ¢ Mentals-personality,anxieties, mood ادسدت

صفحه 8:
a) a ‏با ها ها رل ره‎ Patient Remedy Symptom Drug Picture Picture * Toxicology ٠ Physical * Provings characteristics * Experience * Local & general symptoms & ۱ * Temperament | ‏اد‎

صفحه 9:
با ها ها رل ره ‎a) a‏ ‎Repertorisation‏ 1 * Repertories-books or computer programmes * List symptoms under body systems and the remedies which produce them * Ideally choose prominent symptoms in each area-mind,general and local & * Aetiology * Peculiar symptoms اد

صفحه 10:
a) a ‏با ها ها رل ره‎ How Are Remedies Prepared ? * From- plants,minerals,animals,disease - ۱ macerated in alcohol = mother tincture * Serial dilution - 1 part added to 9 or 99 parts of solution = 1X or 1C potency * Succussion in between dilutions * Common potencies :- 6C, 30C, 200C, & 1M, 10M, 50M اد

صفحه 11:
با ها ها رل ره ‎a) a‏ ‎Precipitating Factors‏ ۱ * Acute grief reaction - Ignatia ۱ * Suppressed grief - Natrum Mur. 1 * Emotional shock - Opium * Worry, grief, homesickness, disappoi nted love - Phosphoric Acid & * Resentment - Staphysagria * Loss of property - Aurum اد

صفحه 12:
با ها ها رل ره ‎a) a‏ ‎Aurum (Gold)‏ Often suicidal thoughts - talks of suicide ۱ and desires death,but also fears it.Dreams of death. Ideas of worthlessness, critical of self and others Broods,wants to be alone.Sensitive to noise & Craves alcohol-can feel better for it Often unable to cry اد

صفحه 13:
Natrum Sulph.(Glauber’s Salt) ۱ Often suicidal thoughts, but fights ۱ against them Often early morning wakening, 4-5 am | Hates coversing & Poor memory Periodicity,down every spring اد

صفحه 14:
با ها ها رل ره ‎a) a‏ ۳ Arsenicum Album(White Arsenic) Depression and anxiety or agitated depression.Very restless,never placid ۱ Despairing, hopeless, irritated Fears + + death,being alone | Lack courage,aggressive to others Very tidy & ۱ Hallucinations of smell and sight 1 Exhausted after slight exertion اد

صفحه 15:
اه ها( :ره بط مر ها ‎bh‏ ‎Cimicifuga(Actea‏ ‎Racemosa)‏ eo Depression & anxiety- “like a black cloud” Often pre-menstrual or puerperal Feeling of impending evil Fears- going & mad,being killed Hallucinations-rats and mice bs = معا => > اد

صفحه 16:
با ها ها رل ره ‎a) a‏ ‎Calc .Carb.(Chalk)‏ 1 Depression with psychomotor retardation Sit staring in front,heavy,dull, not restless ۱ Broods over little things | Fears- insanity, illness,dark, “something terrible” will happen 1 Sensitive to injustice to others & Silent tears Poor memory اد

صفحه 17:
با ها ها رل ره ‎a) a‏ ‎Phosphoric Acid‏ 1 Extreme indifference ۱ Settled despair - often after grief, worry, homesickness, disappointed love TATT | Impaired memory Often young people * ۱ Useful in PVFS with depression اد

صفحه 18:
با ها ها رل ره ‎a) a‏ ‎Phosphorus‏ Disinclined to work,study or converse. ۱ Weary of life.Indifference even towards own children.Weeps before menses. Anxious and restless esp.in dark or twilight. Memory poor.Dread of death when & alone اد

صفحه 19:
a) a ‏با ها ها رل ره‎ Ignatia (St.lgnatius* Bean) Acute grief reaction -usually expressed, often remorseful and self-critical May be silent and 5 brooding \ اد ! ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱

صفحه 20:
a) a ‏با ها ها رل ره‎ Natrum Muriaticum (Salt) Depression following grief, rejection - prolonged grief reaction Indifferent (usually sympathetic) Anxiety, hypochondriacal | Poor appetite,bad dreams Afraid will go to hell,but may feel * suicidal Worse pre-menstrually اد

صفحه 21:
‎a OS,‏ 8 ره اه بط سبط ره ‎Staphysagria (Delphinium)‏ ‎Suppressed ‎resentment or guilt (esp. sexual) Difficulty expressing anger Anxious, irritable, hypochondriacal & ‎Very sensitive to remarks of others ‎Prefers to be alone ‎neni ‎ ‏ولاج ااا لج الاي ابي اس ۳

صفحه 22:
با ها ها رل ره ‎a) a‏ ‎Edward Bach 1886-1936‏ ! ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱

صفحه 23:
eee eee Cherry Plum * Uncontrollable fears - going mad , suicide * “Out of control” & ! اد لاس4 سا هسام سر

صفحه 24:
با ها ها رل ره ‎a) a‏ ‎Sweet Chestnut‏ * Intense severe suffering.Feel trapped. Isolated. Silent tears. Not usually suicidal , but feel ttere is no way out. & ! اد ولاج ااا لج الاي ‎a‏

صفحه 25:
ها ره و رو ‎Gentian‏ * Depression when the cause is known eg. disappointment in job or love. * Disillusion , doubt 5 ! اد ولاج ااا لج الاي ‎a‏ ‎me‏ 3

صفحه 26:
با ها ها رل ره ‎a) a‏ Gorse * Hopelessness , despair * More profound than Gentian , but not so acute as Sweet Chestnut. * Useful in terminal illness , patients in long term care . a hes ولاج ااا لج الاي ابي اس ۳

صفحه 27:
با ها ها رل ره ‎a) a‏ ‎Mustard‏ Depression when cause unknown .Out of the blue “like a black cloud” (cf.Cimic.) Lifts of its own accord Not as hopeless as & Gorse. Can be useful for SAD اد ولاج ااا لج الاي ‎a‏

صفحه 28:
a) a ‏با ها ها رل ره‎ Star Of Bethlehem After effects of loss , grief. Depression that feels like a loss . Can seem to cope superficially , but no joy ,anhedonia ! ۱ ۱ ! ' 1 اد

صفحه 29:
با ها ها رل ره ‎a) a‏ ‎Honeysuckle‏ Useful for regrets after a bereavement . Keynote - “ Living in the past” & ! اد

صفحه 30:
Clematis Can be useful in grief . Lack of concentration , thinking of lost person May escape into alcohol or drugs . Keynote - lack of & interest in the present . اد

صفحه 31:
Hornbeam Mental fatigue and ۱ lassitude . 3 Don’t want to get gets up , can’t be bothered . 1 ! اد

صفحه 32:
Olive Exhaustion, longstanding overwork, burn- out. Overtired , can’t sleep . & More physical than Hornbeam ۰ اد

صفحه 33:
Guilt .Punish themselves Often insidious depression . Unhappy relationships because they feel unworthy . & Feel guilty if they relax or go on holiday - workaholics . اد

صفحه 34:
با ها ها رل ره ‎a) a‏ ‎Willow‏ “Victim mentality “ Not true depression , but may present as ۸ such . Resentment ( cf. Staph ) Not happy with improvement Put responsibility for their feelings onto others (opp. Pine ) اد ولاج ااا لج الاي ‎a‏

صفحه 35:
Overwhelmed by responsibility . Usually temporary . Normally capable ,take on too much and feel inadequate and & depressed . Less physical than Olive اد

صفحه 36:
a) a Ss a Be, Wild Rose ate Apathy and ! ۱ a resignation . ۱ | 3 Chronic illness or situation . 2۳ ‏ی‎ ‎Reluctant to change ۰ & Flat affect .Sit down heavily اد

صفحه 37:
با ها ها رل ره ‎a) a‏ Scleranthus Uncertainty, changeable . & Useful for mood a“ swings , cyclothymic or bipolar illness . “ Bach remedy lithium” ولاج ااا لج الاي ابي اس ۳ اد

صفحه 38:
Sa. & a — ‏كح جلا‎ Outcomes. or Patients wit Depression 1996 - 2000 n=24 24 GHHOS 0=No improvement 1=Minor 2=Moderate ** 3=Major 4=Cured واج ااا لج الاي ابي الاق الا

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