صفحه 1:
صفحه 2:
driviag chance ۱
ms 1
Ow C009 ۳ oe
Health Products Association
of Southern Africa
صفحه 3:
Ine data
Gower: O'LO Cbbd Oke of Nrerdivad, Oowplmedtay od
rereae Deter, S008.
صفحه 4:
Ontesprent Osage
تست ل مج Dh yu ©
© Ose oF tredtogd wedeice (TO) rewoius widespread ia develppiay countries: it
sowe star an Orica coves, 00% vf the populaiva الا من ارو
تقاط Por prevary hvuth vane.
© Doe oF powpewedry wd dernive wedeice (OP) is teoreunicny ropidly ic
devebped coudires! ۱ way devebped ooites, PO% to OO% of the
popdaiow ho Ges suey Pore oP heruive or voxvphaveatary washote.
© Dore ho (OO conires hwe requatoos Por kerbd wedoxes.
© CornterPet, poor quddiy, or ocieraed herbd procs ts totercratooad warkets
ae serine pote suPety threats.
Gower: DLO Tretirad Ordo Ordew 2009-8008;
OLO Creat chert va حاحب Ordo
صفحه 5:
Terry ۱ 00
0D ediond wedore” (TO) ip used to rePer to syotews suck us دلجم
Chiwsr wedi, Todos Opuveda onl Orobic Oocai Mibb wedote, ocd i
vortas Pores of edkeons wedote i Pica, Lata Owertca, Ooub-Bost
Qota vad he Destera Punic.
مات من تما با رورت سنوی خی مرا با ات رت وا و
wedore, or where TO hes wt bee teoorporded tip the catizrd syste, ti
tered “powpewedtay ond dlercaive” (OBO). Por exxople 1 Europe,
ات کمن موه Qork
© Okeu refer kn fru سوه سا رمع هآ وا مه ام
PO/OBO is wed.
© اه ری اما سا نا متا یت لباق wedicd pravive thot is
7ب ك فا ,تمطصیت توا لخادت همین
wedore. [abv “urboa wedote”]
] OLO Tredead Orders Gray GOODS-BOOS
صفحه 6:
Oord Wels Orgeaizuiod Policy
© Prewework Por eta Por DLO end te porters, to erable PO/O@O tw phy
ی وه rok. Pour vbievives!
© Poy: PO/COO wits waicod heats care systews.
© CPop, ePRcay oad qudliy! expand korwledkebasr va PD/C@O; provide
نی po reyutory ox quot) ossurcune stxndards.
© Orvess! Korey wokdliyy od oPPordebliy oP PO/OBO, wk ot
سخا تجح من تشر poor هرس
وا ۳0/0 و نع امه زاوها بر نی میج و
] OLO Tredead Orders Gray GOODS-BOOS
صفحه 7:
(2() بمنزو)
Onewber COOO 8
© Governreds have a respowebiity Por the heath oP their people oad should
و sro pokaire, rrapdmeses ovel otoecirsks, ore po تمد ارو تا
اه نا لو ای سره و و اما و
لسلسم مهس to و رو و ور با بو و
oa those who have oot yet doce 7 ۳
take oto. وا بو
لج مه رتاو با موه اوه اه موق و
هو یطوط
امس یط اه اوه ام وا و
Bre وط سا موس رح موه اوه موه و تا
او وا وه اهاط وا
6 امه 6 ,ات0 بو 010 سوق
صفحه 8:
Tachi TO/COO ta
the Wedik Gpstew
صفحه 9:
TO/COO Leyton ocd Policy
Gower: O'LO Cbbd Oke of اجه و0 الب
rereae Deter, S008.
صفحه 10:
Pablo Prerractery Por TO/OBO
=e 5 | ب brava to oy TOIO®O terapy” Onuis
CSowee: OVO Bbbd Bier oP Predicud, Cowpeweckey rd
Germs Ordore, DOS.
صفحه 11:
The @roPessicad Ovards oP the Olled
۱ Ovuall
ov 7 NernCCa eure
®OGRO 1 06: 6 600 :
Dern Pb
0۰ بو() ۰ مصولمم 6,699
صفحه 12:
exewivel tt Curvpe, te redra ا١ whick these heropies were عاطلم)
۳۳۰۰ ۱۰ نم buelped. Gowe publy covernp ebowhere bu
Conroe! Vets Vex (DDO) Phe “heer porston ات سا( ومیل مت لوط Detter
Carney Cyntewe: @ Dorkbunke Rava OF Prantee. Oegrbiohed DOP propct uate Prof Deland
صفحه 13:
Cover Por Trad. Chinese آمممم هب
dobd poperty. Souk-Gost Osta, he redioa oP بجه ۰ جرووه موق
prign oP Oyurveda wad Out Nibb, of Pore extewive puble voversne.
Conroe! Vets Vex (DDO) Phe “heer porston ات سا( ومیل مت لوط Detter
Parry Cyntere: @ Dorkbunke Reva OF Prantee. Oeqabtohed DOP propct as Prk Delead
صفحه 14:
extewive to Burope and Oruk-Cust Bsc. Blbdly, pubic: وروی ما۳
Dovennp iy ckovst hree ives wore powwrn fran pride Dover. ta itd, pve
ee third oF the JOO voudries cowklered oPPer sowe Pore oF covers Por
GB-OGO terqes.
ects Bret fy adhere میلعت مجح !1 Vinay (DDO) Phe “heer porston of ما تمیق
Carney Cyntewe: @ Dorkbunke Rava OF Prantee. Oegrbiohed DOP propct uate Prof Deland
صفحه 15:
Oru wand The Power
vF @xposure
صفحه 16:
“Pal oP the Bucbor Curtain”
© Phe Pirat dePiaiive study oP the use oP powpeweatery wedore tr he 0.6.0.
(Cvebery et d (QO9) esicoted trot wore toa poethird of Deverioaas used
ری سر وروی زا وتان عب uses وی سا و یی ©
© روا ام وله ارو تایه بسا با hedthooure
Pucders oP the direniiog to ظ) .مب لها وت وچمه انب Purtker study
(Cvecbery et d (O00) showed hot chercive wedoier visits exceeded visits to
سوام یی مج
Gowve: Oddo, سورت( oad Cork (OD01) Nhe Pal oP the Bowbor Curt: B Review oP
بووین Deter ۰ 64 OPriza, 4 @Prizca Bonrartd lined
صفحه 17:
“Pal oP the Bucbor Curtain”
© OP Mevewber (OO? wee herded as “Phe Pal oP the Baxrbor Curt”.
works the chi on which ihe موه لس هه خا ومسل
ممم in phish محر بو و راو مه و ob?
presowe Prow tis renters.
dered surveys show rocky oF COD corte Pro OO te “ike top tree” و
he space of par year.
© COO edtors coed Por papers va OOO, اه سح مود و ام 0
pack peor 7a COD oad coarnited ol publatiocs روصت ۵ وی با و Sore
reports va OBO twpicr.
© oka Deeks, edior of له موس رها یه
Onverne, expkived the wetapkor of he baxobor muta os “beicn,
eppropridieyy, Brow جما era of the Cold Dar. Mhe Breeze i oor etic
betwera the wrdiices, behied which bes were told (oa bots sides),
Gowve: Oddo, سورت( oad Cork (OD01) Nhe Pal oP the Bowbor Curt: B Review oP
بووین Deter ۰ 64 OPriza, 4 @Prizca Bonrartd lined
صفحه 18:
TO/COO ta OG دیسا
Phe O” Opwplewectary und Olernitve Dedotee (CPO) Gurvey oP و
ALospids Brow the (Bwericon Wospid Besoviaiva Poued tha the pervect of
hospitals with of least sone OOO services jcoped to OP .P% ta COOP Prow
This is up Prow “P.P% i (OOO, the Pirst year the ,00009 و 60.8%
question va OOO ta par oF ts surveys. « تلا هراق
© ““Lospide مص he OOO ure respoaday ip pole با من اما
سونو ed dheroaive wednice (O@O) services wil he oxevectiond
© Rene بلس بط COO: OR % of howpitcky vied puto dewrand; 07%
vite hey Poured COO chaicdly oPPevive; PO% to ulead ww paiouis; P%
.جل وت مهو
© “O00 serubes reNent hosptds! desire tp treat the whole persoebody, له ام
١ a
‘Losptd Orrvokios Ledk Pons (8008) Orwpewedey wat Bhornave نت6 یمق
Ordene Ouray oP Loeptde, Quoway oP Rene.
صفحه 19:
4100/0090( ۱۰ م۳۵ Wospitus
۱ the respoendects wis OBO
© "019 جد ها باصم Pssocrtion of Bocerica Dedtod Ooteyes (BOC). Phe
مور of creda schooks obPeriag a required purse m1 ODD ber
ches of 901000, مقس مس ما عد 9096 Pro CO% tt COO1 ty او
wore pork) oad interest by he ce geuEratoa oP phy pints موی “OOO ©
اه هه وتو سا بو لو
معا له مایت (6009) مت سا موه جوا نت6 یمق
Ouray oP Loeptde, Quoway oP Rene. ]
صفحه 20:
TO/COO 1 OG Ouceged Care
Pe ae MCL
كا EU
hele ها سوه مره oad راو ane unit و مر رو و
of teie ۱
qreder sruse oP pxpived, و valued ood persvod belePs ced ip proxies
© “Dike Opcter Por Oowplerectary Oednice is pon oP Kaiser Pervanrute’s
موه تحص اهر TP pow ore وی و you wil repeve ooprdrated
pore Brow pour whole (aser Perwnaceate tear. Your oop ات
prontivaer, your prvary care physio, od coy speokists pow are septa wll
be able iy worse your جتوساصجات wediod record ip beara your keutl history
pow nice wil pack viker to desig: a progres oP pore that certs
unique weds.”
Coro: wun keno orator ا ديل
صفحه 21:
®vard oP Wedikoore Punders
© 2009 Oca Cockerewe :
© Over PO% oF aurtiewe voted
aan ket DO cr COD weer
SOUTHERN Reported to pursue امس و
12:45 - 0 Allied and Complementary Health and the BBP
Neil Kirby Director, Healthcare and Environmental Law,
Werksmans Attorneys
Professor Barry Kistnasamy Department of Community Health,
UKZN School of Medicine
صفحه 22:
oF people have used trentiocad recite of por tre or امه وم 00 م69 و
fa their her. ۳
Prices Tradicad Ordos موه ارت تا رو 7a 0 Duct ۶
rise aw woreuess ond ihe profile oP radiooad wedkciae ta the recioc, cc 7
او ی با و سم oy atest.
0 GOO9, six tees stare hea...
Price Oisisters of heals idly COO declared the period DOA -
COU us te Oevade oF OPricaa Trechiocd Dedctce.
صفحه 23:
Gouk @Prica
صفحه 24:
®OO اهاط ۵» oP OOP
“People have the right of access to
traditional practitioners as part of their
cultural heritage and belief system.”
Gower: BOO Ledk Phra (OOP; Goud: OPricas Led Review GODOT,
0 ۰
صفحه 25:
Requaiod bP Pravctiiccers
صفحه 26:
Wedhvore Pruvtiiogers ia G@
Gowe OF, OOO doviers (icchudtay sve P,OOO GPx ia private practice);
(1,00 phanacet;
(OO OOO proPessivcd curses;
OF OOO orPP امه له سم
9,000 vowpeweday wedoke proticwers; ord
اس سجن tradtowd 69,900(
Couve: CPLR SODS; 60616 900, 0۳ ۰
صفحه 27:
۱0۳ اه Troe
نموت اه موی وه 19120 اه و سل رز و
مس تم لمد مسمطميه بمسصمسابرمصت خان قاط لو تسود
.مانا 0 ©6. 0) حصب سصحادوب ۱
© 8009 aney: CO% torewe sdes revene oP RLOPO bilo.
© MOOS, the werket of power evel wos sowe ROO bilo. This ۶
00% oP the wedi expeudiure by wedod schewes oP RO.O bu. Ou
wekbav rexvburaad by ansdvul orks of prin,
va COO wederes & ooetdercbly higher boa spect va OBO مه موق و
prontivoers. Ta ker wih workkide reeds i seP-wediatva ustery
نمی بر جح خرن
OPricas Leds Review COOP, Ohapter ۰ و6 توق
صفحه 28:
Turewver rekiive to Dedicd )را
Gchewe Dedioines
WP spewd wud oe
نوا لسعم
ii PEt tet bee
APO produits of cower bevel were CO% oF weded eschews spead oa
wedore vuoi hoopid 1 COOS. In COOP, LP tewwver و لو
9% oF weded eschews spead va wedones.
Creve: Cok OPricas Ledk Revew ODO?, Oherter 10; Onward Por Deed Orhower Pood
Reporte; kiest LPP Ouvey.
صفحه 29:
Trade عمط () مزلم
وه و رده و له وا و ما وا PO trade in و
widen سم wliva coe nvers oP redid dite. Prod of ?0
contribs sxe ROO boa to he econ (COO).
© Phe count spout represeuy 6.0% oF the Datoud eats budeet, or equi
he whole Opaerdaaga Wediks budget, or equal ir ie (LO (Proviactd “osptal
© PO% oP the Black من مه 1 GO evterated to ver PO. Ose wt
,وی صصص لصي أعمه مسقم بصصم و اوه
pew. و wee per © P.O ۱ خر رم مه و
© Phe we of DO « postive برط من ان ers, who ore oP
prepared ip pay a prewhny price Por hese proche ond services, evra whet
this exceeds the cost oF westera ireakrrcts.
© Pleat (99,000 tows carctay pportniiies, iwhicicry OO,DOO plac 0
harvesters, 9,000 street raters ond OO,D0O Pubtere herbutsts.
Cowse: Gru م0۳ Leds Review SOO, Ohare ۰
صفحه 30:
TO Trade و6 امورو
Between 300 to 400 in South
Health shops specialising in| Number unknown for South
traditional herbal medicines | Africa, but there are at least 5 in
Pharmaceutical manufac- | § to 10 in South Africa
Laissez faire manufacturers 50 to 100 in South Africa
Gower: Oouk Pica Ledk Retew COOP, Okoper ۰ حت
صفحه 31:
TO/COO ta Oedicd
صفحه 32:
Gevertc Dediod Gcokewe ever it
لمعيه ]|
5۲ et Proce رت ام bent or vo paoety
صفحه 33:
Gource: Reysira’s Pom Reporis
صفحه 34:
Gpedd va COD ملظ له(
OePrtocs fave dered Por “Ober” over te ,عوجر 6000 ۰ CDOS chic bob
بلح للی yok — BOT td OBO spect war 1.79% of tt oc BPs tr
OO0?. Ont dwaye votre w OBO ...
۱ pateg bo pocket.
Reports مه سوت One Por Deck سوق
صفحه 35:
rivet Iesurers ta @usirata
موف مسبت
Boned Bu
Whe lourad oP te ®vetrdisa Pradioud-Dedcter Onrity ques رسد و of
coverne oP TO/O®O terapes by Oustrdisn price hed kewere wt Dak
OOOO. Onvers d OO تجهب towers.
سس eens: ull
(Parry Symtewe: (B Dorkburle Review OF Proctor. Dopubbehed DOP proput uth Pro ما err ial
صفحه 36:
Coverenvect ۷0۶
Oerdod Grkewr
© Deer posive develbpwedt is retwra by مجنو
جاص اعت 5 جا sohewe Por pubke sever worhers.
© Oey repad yout Prow dana OOO.
© Oyen COOP, was decd) he third largest
wedded schewe i Souk OPrica ove the karst
reaped (ewpbyer or varrbupes!) oben.
© Lie CODO: GEOG cow ber OOO OOO priceipd wewbers oad provides
hedhowr pover ty wer ODO OOO pevpk. "Oka wore, GP% oF
COC! wewbers previous) dd wt access the pwrloyer subsidy Por wedtod
sckewes. This weaar tat ia excess of POD DOO people who ddl oo
© "صل بو وه امه previously hove
نت نوی تدسف عنمب :طاسرایرن ۱000065 :یوق
صفحه 37:
MS schedule of annual benefits
0 0۷۵۲ 0۱۴۸۸۲
Covers 1D CBO woduttes
Alied Healln Services
wed Tradiicod heders
I Emerald
Ww cere xn
Cpwee! BOOS web-ote
صفحه 38:
TO/CO@O ta the Puture
Outiocd Weulls
osu سورد
صفحه 39:
صب سورد 2) دزی زال۳)
امسا سواه
سس Pave GID ات
ite people ۵9
Pat تام دعاسم
private pany pore ace
private hoops
PQALDP er pros pa
‘G0 people veto
اموا ا
موی سا
لطم موس امس مسق
دم مه بط 00
Gowve! سوت O., va dea Leever 0۰ سا سا مت و لوق “et
سا سا مه شوت له ,0 2۸ ,62 مه ,را واه 000 Innovative Medicines
] Leak Oysrce Pret OOO. ORL: bsp! lhuunw ketone, ral pbbrcerest PU Soh An
صفحه 40:
111 debate a debate hou the مامت سیف oP wooded shower
6 1 طسو drawer we uke oP یوق اس ما
صفحه 41:
Pwo Pus to Ouversd Ooverciye
سا اعد(
000 0 دصار ةا زومت"
توس مه 000
pears” 9 مرن"
Dax ond prowessive suckd security
اجه سا کرت مت اه عون
printe: providers.
(Rote Bor seared sobesrar ای
- perkups top-w oy?
@ackaye “Pree” but oot deed.
ایا اف زر در(
0 9 1996 مسا رن و
Wik highest paid مسا ملق و
اما تا له workers
سا موه وت و ماه
fax threshold.
© Dedod Gobrwrs ory uehinles Por
O14, buy Prow privet ced
(eoreuniendy) publo providers.
svkewes, wit Risk ورن و
Cquetraioa Puc.
صفحه 42:
“ماك حم صنوع' ده (1) 06020
۱ عدص صا the huge icequalies thot ext! ic the
© خأن موس سو he Outivad WLeutk Iesurnace Syste (011) syetew, whick
wil be phosed ta ver the cent Bue pears. Dke prienipes of (111 will kde the
© O11 wil be publicly Puaded ced publi) ockvinistered ced will provide the right of
puery Oouk @Pricwa wil coves tp qudiy keulk care, whick wll be Pree ot ihe
por oP delivery. People wil kave o okvioe oP whick service provider ip use
wikia district.
© رو اله ل wil be apphed ced those who ore مولي عات
wil be required to do sv, cooordie ip ther بسحو يرجا رجح ور ولول tw وی لت
وريه اديه عات قد
سحب ما ی
ike OT مت وا امه ا نت prentoes cad kospis,
سس روط یی Dutered Conn eae ADDS نست 0 تمیق
صفحه 43:
دب سورله 02 امجسوره<(1) لجه ۳/۵۵۵۵
تح لمت دجاه( ری لو ون و كلامم مت اه ول ©
ی 00 ۰۷ ۲۵ باس Por سا ۰ ۱/0 لاه
© موه ۱۵/0 و سر و © Package of cover wot yet deed,
من لس و Por the Risk نس
جف رهاط با ان
پم جوم this uke,
0 ره اه الب و
Pot of. مه وی او
صفحه 44:
٩۳۵/۵۵ وا ماه هه Gus @Prica
0 یا مان ماما لیر و
0 بل - سته() اله ٩ )مه اوه لت( خر و
۱ پام ها مساو نت وا لس rewoved:
practioner. خر پا ام مس و
[Dhed Leuk ProPessows Covel oP OO] ©
OO] اه اس Prartiocers سرا مس منص ]©
اون این یی وت 0 (Dowd سای جات میتی 9
او( مس( بو اس Prow
© Fuckers ki ]سا سب ا ل ل Dr/IL].
© DOP OM! codag oF ol wedviees [ieiry bodies].
© 900-00 wacky by provaeers Ror bike ؤ © ارت تسس
OPricas Leds Review © 000013, 0! ۰ و6 توق
صفحه 45:
Cocsarver ۳2 7 0
ی breck he sears va DO ocd COD مرا
Qedied schewes ane sword by their wecbers ond oacrayed by boards oF
ineters: SO% eleried by wewwbers.
Qeed weded schewes wewbers to wk ot BEOs why PO لم COO
با ما ام روا عم
ress bref by wedtod schewes! ask obo PO ond CBO بوانت اجه وی
با او ما و وا توا
Cquakraioa Pood 6 اجه اس مه( Presorbed خن م0
(Covered Por Oedird Gcheuwe briefer): heey ashton chou DO xd COO ord
why لجلساهت بو رو
با و ام و ار proposds Por رولیت موجه تا مت(
صفحه 46:
© Phe People's Ohater Por edi is a stteweut of shared ری رم priaiples
oad cals Por anton. his ihe soost widely eadorsed coasecnes domvrect oo kets
pte the Okra Ora Deveson of OPO.
© People's Chater calls Por the provision oP wavered ور موه اوه
keoth core, innespevive of people's رواد to poy.
© Cake oa people of the world i!
© upp, وه بو powers radiood cud kokstr اجه ویو و
هتم ond مره tap Priory “Leal Core.
Cowve: People's Oherer Por Wedk, abpted ts Okdvs, Oaadakrk, Devewher SOOO
صفحه 47:
Qutocd Weds Iesurcave
Ovet « Outond نها هرا sysiew thot toeqrues
wedod schewes
)( 9 bevePt package bosed oc priory core
Trot Ply toteqrutes Tradiicgd بلح( und Cowpleweutary
to their ruhurd مه واه نا بووین ططلمو و
herttage cod beheP systews.
صفحه 48:
Health Products Association
of Southern Africa
Or Oke Towkeva
ددمت متس )معط
لدت مس دسا سسا انها
صفحه 49:
Body, Mind, Soul