صفحه 1:

صفحه 2:
driviag chance ۱ ee “af ms 1 Ow C009 ۳ oe Health Products Association of Southern Africa

صفحه 3:
= ۳ Ine data Gower: O'LO Cbbd Oke of Nrerdivad, Oowplmedtay od rereae Deter, S008.

صفحه 4:
Ontesprent Osage تست ل مج ‎Dh yu‏ © © Ose oF tredtogd wedeice (TO) rewoius widespread ia develppiay countries: it sowe star an Orica coves, 00% vf the populaiva ‏الا من ارو‎ ‏تقاط‎ Por prevary hvuth vane. © Doe oF powpewedry wd dernive wedeice (OP) is teoreunicny ropidly ic devebped coudires! ۱ way devebped ooites, PO% to OO% of the popdaiow ho Ges suey Pore oP heruive or voxvphaveatary washote. © Dore ho (OO conires hwe requatoos Por kerbd wedoxes. © CornterPet, poor quddiy, or ocieraed herbd procs ts totercratooad warkets ae serine pote suPety threats. Gower: DLO Tretirad Ordo Ordew 2009-8008; OLO Creat chert va ‏حاحب‎ Ordo

صفحه 5:
Terry ۱ 00 0D ediond wedore” (TO) ip used to rePer to syotews suck us ‏دلجم‎ ‎Chiwsr wedi, Todos Opuveda onl Orobic Oocai Mibb wedote, ocd i vortas Pores of edkeons wedote i Pica, Lata Owertca, Ooub-Bost Qota vad he Destera Punic. مات من تما با رورت سنوی خی مرا با ات رت وا و ‎wedore, or where TO hes wt bee teoorporded tip the catizrd syste, ti‏ ‎tered “powpewedtay ond dlercaive” (OBO). Por exxople 1 Europe,‏ ات کمن موه ‎Qork‏ © Okeu refer kn fru ‏سوه سا رمع هآ وا مه ام‎ PO/OBO is wed. © ‏اه ری اما سا نا متا یت لباق‎ wedicd pravive thot is ‏7ب ك فا ,تمطصیت توا لخادت همین‎ wedore. [abv “urboa wedote”] ] OLO Tredead Orders Gray GOODS-BOOS

صفحه 6:
Oord Wels Orgeaizuiod Policy © Prewework Por eta Por DLO end te porters, to erable PO/O@O tw phy ‏ی وه‎ rok. Pour vbievives! © Poy: PO/COO wits waicod heats care systews. © CPop, ePRcay oad qudliy! expand korwledkebasr va PD/C@O; provide ‏نی‎ po reyutory ox quot) ossurcune stxndards. © Orvess! Korey wokdliyy od oPPordebliy oP PO/OBO, wk ot ‏سخا تجح من تشر‎ poor ‏هرس‎ وا ۳0/0 و نع امه زاوها بر نی میج و 0 ] OLO Tredead Orders Gray GOODS-BOOS

صفحه 7:
(2() بم‌نزو) ‎Onewber COOO‏ 8 © Governreds have a respowebiity Por the heath oP their people oad should ‏و‎ sro pokaire, rrapdmeses ovel otoecirsks, ore po ‏تمد ارو تا‎ ‏اه نا لو ای سره و و اما و‎ ‏ان‎ لسلسم مهس ‎to‏ و رو و ور با بو و ‎oa those who have oot yet doce‏ 7 ۳ ‎take oto.‏ وا بو لج مه رتاو با موه اوه اه موق و هو یطوط امس یط اه اوه ام وا و ‎Bre‏ وط سا موس رح موه اوه موه و تا او وا وه اهاط وا ‎ ‏6 امه 6 ,ات0 بو 010 سوق

صفحه 8:
Tachi TO/COO ta the Wedik Gpstew

صفحه 9:
TO/COO Leyton ocd Policy 2 Gower: O'LO Cbbd Oke of ‏اجه و0 الب‎ rereae Deter, S008.

صفحه 10:
Pablo Prerractery Por TO/OBO Status TIBI ۱۰ =e 5 | ‏ب‎ brava to oy TOIO®O terapy” Onuis Pres? CSowee: OVO Bbbd Bier oP Predicud, Cowpeweckey rd Germs Ordore, DOS.

صفحه 11:
The @roPessicad Ovards oP the Olled ۱ Ovuall ov 7 NernCCa eure ۳00۴۵۵۵1000 ®OGRO 1 06: 6 600 : طسص ‎Dern Pb‏ Dewvpahy و 1 0۰ بو() ۰ مصولمم 6,699

صفحه 12:
0 ‎exewivel tt Curvpe, te redra ا١ whick these heropies were‏ عاطلم) ۳۳۰۰ ۱۰ نم ‎buelped. Gowe publy covernp ebowhere bu‏ ‎Conroe! Vets Vex (DDO) Phe “heer porston ‏ات سا( ومیل مت لوط‎ Detter Carney Cyntewe: @ Dorkbunke Rava OF Prantee. Oegrbiohed DOP propct uate Prof Deland ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 13:
‎Cover Por Trad. Chinese‏ آمممم هب ‎ ‎© ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‏موه ‎dobd poperty. Souk-Gost Osta, he redioa oP‏ بجه ۰ جرووه موق ‎prign oP Oyurveda wad Out Nibb, of Pore extewive puble voversne.‏ ‎Conroe! Vets Vex (DDO) Phe “heer porston ‏ات سا( ومیل مت لوط‎ Detter Parry Cyntere: @ Dorkbunke Reva OF Prantee. Oeqabtohed DOP propct as Prk Delead ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 14:
‎extewive to Burope and Oruk-Cust Bsc. Blbdly, pubic:‏ وروی ما۳ ‎Dovennp iy ckovst hree ives wore powwrn fran pride Dover. ta itd, pve‏ ‎ee third oF the JOO voudries cowklered oPPer sowe Pore oF covers Por‏ ‎GB-OGO terqes.‏ ‎ects Bret fy adhere‏ میلعت مجح !1 ‎Vinay (DDO) Phe “heer porston of‏ ما تمیق ‎Carney Cyntewe: @ Dorkbunke Rava OF Prantee. Oegrbiohed DOP propct uate Prof Deland‏ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 15:
Oru wand The Power vF @xposure

صفحه 16:
“Pal oP the Bucbor Curtain” © Phe Pirat dePiaiive study oP the use oP powpeweatery wedore tr he 0.6.0. (Cvebery et d (QO9) esicoted trot wore toa poethird of Deverioaas used ری سر وروی زا وتان عب ‎uses‏ وی سا و یی © ات © ‏روا ام وله ارو تایه بسا با‎ hedthooure Pucders oP the direniiog to ‏ظ) .مب لها وت وچمه انب‎ Purtker study (Cvecbery et d (O00) showed hot chercive wedoier visits exceeded visits to ‏سوام یی مج‎ Gowve: Oddo, ‏سورت(‎ oad Cork (OD01) Nhe Pal oP the Bowbor Curt: B Review oP ‏بووین‎ Deter ۰ 64 OPriza, 4 @Prizca Bonrartd lined

صفحه 17:
“Pal oP the Bucbor Curtain” © OP Mevewber (OO? wee herded as “Phe Pal oP the Baxrbor Curt”. works the chi on which ihe ‏موه لس هه خا ومسل‎ ‏ممم‎ in phish ‏محر بو و راو مه و‎ ob? presowe Prow tis renters. ‎dered surveys show rocky oF COD corte Pro OO te “ike top tree”‏ و ‎he space of par year.‏ ‎© COO edtors coed Por papers va OOO, ‏اه سح مود و ام‎ 0 pack peor 7a COD oad coarnited ol publatiocs ‏روصت ۵ وی با و‎ Sore reports va OBO twpicr. ‎© oka Deeks, edior of ‏له موس رها یه‎ Onverne, expkived the wetapkor of he baxobor muta os “beicn, eppropridieyy, Brow ‏جما‎ era of the Cold Dar. Mhe Breeze i oor etic betwera the wrdiices, behied which bes were told (oa bots sides), weir”. ‎Gowve: Oddo, ‏سورت(‎ oad Cork (OD01) Nhe Pal oP the Bowbor Curt: B Review oP ‏بووین‎ Deter ۰ 64 OPriza, 4 @Prizca Bonrartd lined ‎

صفحه 18:
TO/COO ta OG ‏دیسا‎ ‎Phe O” Opwplewectary und Olernitve Dedotee (CPO) Gurvey oP‏ و ‎ALospids Brow the (Bwericon Wospid Besoviaiva Poued tha the pervect of‏ ‎hospitals with of least sone OOO services jcoped to OP .P% ta COOP Prow‏ ‎This is up Prow “P.P% i (OOO, the Pirst year the‏ ,00009 و 60.8% ‎question va OOO ta par oF ts surveys.‏ « تلا هراق ‎© ““Lospide ‏مص‎ he OOO ure respoaday ip pole ‏با من اما‎ ‏سونو‎ ed dheroaive wednice (O@O) services wil he oxevectiond ‎© Rene ‏بلس بط‎ COO: OR % of howpitcky vied puto dewrand; 07% vite hey Poured COO chaicdly oPPevive; PO% to ulead ww paiouis; P% ‏.جل وت مهو‎ ‎© “O00 serubes reNent hosptds! desire tp treat the whole persoebody, ‏له ام‎ ‎١ a ‎‘Losptd Orrvokios Ledk Pons (8008) Orwpewedey wat Bhornave‏ نت6 یمق ‎Ordene Ouray oP Loeptde, Quoway oP Rene.‏

صفحه 19:
4100/0090( ۱۰ ‏م۳۵‎ Wospitus ۱ the respoendects wis OBO services.” © "019 ‏جد ها باصم‎ Pssocrtion of Bocerica Dedtod Ooteyes (BOC). Phe ‏مور‎ of creda schooks obPeriag a required purse m1 ODD ber ‎ches of 901000,‏ مقس مس ما عد 9096 ‎Pro CO% tt COO1 ty‏ او ‎wore pork) oad interest by he ce geuEratoa oP phy pints‏ موی ‎“OOO‏ © اه هه وتو سا بو لو ‏معا له مایت (6009) مت سا موه جوا نت6 یمق ‎Ouray oP Loeptde, Quoway oP Rene.‏ ] ‎

صفحه 20:
TO/COO 1 OG Ouceged Care Pe ae MCL ‏كا‎ EU #44 KAISER PERMANENTE. ‎hele‏ ها سوه مره ‎oad‏ راو ‎ane unit‏ و مر رو و ‎of teie‏ ۱ ‎qreder sruse oP pxpived,‏ و ‎valued ood persvod belePs ced ip proxies‏ ‎© “Dike Opcter Por Oowplerectary Oednice is pon oP Kaiser Pervanrute’s ‏موه تحص اهر‎ TP pow ore ‏وی و‎ you wil repeve ooprdrated pore Brow pour whole (aser Perwnaceate tear. Your oop ‏ات‎ ‎prontivaer, your prvary care physio, od coy speokists pow are septa wll be able iy worse your ‏جتوساصجات‎ wediod record ip beara your keutl history pow nice wil pack viker to desig: a progres oP pore that certs unique weds.” ‎ ‎ ‎Coro: wun keno orator ‏ا ديل‎

صفحه 21:
®vard oP Wedikoore Punders © 2009 Oca Cockerewe : © Over PO% oF aurtiewe voted aan ket DO cr COD weer SOUTHERN Reported to pursue ‏امس و‎ AFRICAN soles CONFERENCE 12:45 - 0 Allied and Complementary Health and the BBP Neil Kirby Director, Healthcare and Environmental Law, Werksmans Attorneys Professor Barry Kistnasamy Department of Community Health, UKZN School of Medicine

صفحه 22:
‎oF people have used trentiocad recite of por tre or‏ امه وم 00 م69 و ‎fa their her.‏ ۳ ‎Prices Tradicad Ordos ‏موه ارت تا رو‎ 7a 0 Duct ۶ rise aw woreuess ond ihe profile oP radiooad wedkciae ta the recioc, cc 7 ‏او ی با و سم‎ oy atest. ‎0 GOO9, six tees stare hea... ‎Price Oisisters of heals idly COO declared the period DOA - COU us te Oevade oF OPricaa Trechiocd Dedctce. ‎

صفحه 23:
TO/CCO ta Gouk @Prica

صفحه 24:
®OO ‏اهاط‎ ۵» oP OOP “People have the right of access to traditional practitioners as part of their cultural heritage and belief system.” Gower: BOO Ledk Phra (OOP; Goud: OPricas Led Review GODOT, 0 ۰

صفحه 25:
Requaiod bP Pravctiiccers

صفحه 26:
Wedhvore Pruvtiiogers ia G@ Gowe OF, OOO doviers (icchudtay sve P,OOO GPx ia private practice); (1,00 phanacet; (OO OOO proPessivcd curses; OF OOO orPP ‏امه له سم‎ 9,000 vowpeweday wedoke proticwers; ord اس سجن ‎tradtowd‏ 69,900( Couve: CPLR SODS; 60616 900, 0۳ ۰

صفحه 27:
۱0۳ ‏اه‎ Troe نموت اه موی وه 19120 اه و سل رز و مس تم لمد مسمطميه بمسصمسابرمصت خان قاط لو تسود .مانا 0 ©6. 0) حصب سصحادوب ۱ © 8009 aney: CO% torewe sdes revene oP RLOPO bilo. © MOOS, the werket of power evel wos sowe ROO bilo. This ۶ 00% oP the wedi expeudiure by wedod schewes oP RO.O bu. Ou wekbav rexvburaad by ansdvul orks of prin, ‎va COO wederes & ooetdercbly higher boa spect va OBO‏ مه موق و ‎prontivoers. Ta ker wih workkide reeds i seP-wediatva ustery‏ نمی بر جح خرن ‎ ‎OPricas Leds Review COOP, Ohapter ۰‏ و6 توق

صفحه 28:
‎Turewver rekiive to Dedicd‏ )را ‎Gchewe Dedioines‏ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎WP spewd wud oe ‏نوا لسعم‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ii PEt tet bee ‎ ‎APO produits of cower bevel were CO% oF weded eschews spead oa ‎wedore vuoi hoopid 1 COOS. In COOP, LP tewwver ‏و لو‎ 9% oF weded eschews spead va wedones. ‎Creve: Cok OPricas Ledk Revew ODO?, Oherter 10; Onward Por Deed Orhower Pood Reporte; kiest LPP Ouvey. ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 29:
‎Trade‏ عمط () مزلم ‏وه و رده و له وا و ما وا ‎PO trade in‏ و ‎widen‏ سم ‎wliva coe nvers oP redid dite. Prod of‏ ?0 ‎contribs sxe ROO boa to he econ (COO).‏ ‎© Phe count spout represeuy 6.0% oF the Datoud eats budeet, or equi he whole Opaerdaaga Wediks budget, or equal ir ie (LO (Proviactd “osptal bare. ‎© PO% oP the Black ‏من مه‎ 1 GO evterated to ver PO. Ose wt ‏,وی صصص لصي أعمه مسقم بصصم و اوه‎ ‎pew.‏ و ‎wee per © P.O‏ ۱ خر رم مه و ‎© Phe we of DO « postive ‏برط من ان‎ ers, who ore oP prepared ip pay a prewhny price Por hese proche ond services, evra whet this exceeds the cost oF westera ireakrrcts. ‎© Pleat (99,000 tows carctay pportniiies, iwhicicry OO,DOO plac 0 ‎ ‎ ‎harvesters, 9,000 street raters ond OO,D0O Pubtere herbutsts. ‎ ‎ ‎Cowse: Gru ‏م0۳‎ Leds Review SOO, Ohare ۰

صفحه 30:
‎TO Trade‏ و6 امورو ‎Between 300 to 400 in South Africa ‎ ‎Health shops specialising in| Number unknown for South traditional herbal medicines | Africa, but there are at least 5 in Durban ‎Pharmaceutical manufac- | § to 10 in South Africa ‎turers ‎Laissez faire manufacturers 50 to 100 in South Africa ‎Gower: Oouk Pica Ledk Retew COOP, Okoper ۰ ‏حت‎ ‎

صفحه 31:
TO/COO ta Oedicd Ockewes

صفحه 32:
Gevertc Dediod Gcokewe ever it Cero) لمعيه ]| 5۲ et Proce ‏رت ام‎ bent or vo paoety ay

صفحه 33:
© Gource: Reysira’s Pom Reporis

صفحه 34:
‎Gpedd va COD‏ ملظ له( ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎OePrtocs fave dered Por “Ober” over te ‏,عوجر‎ 6000 ۰ CDOS chic bob ‏بلح للی‎ yok — BOT td OBO spect war 1.79% of tt oc BPs tr OO0?. Ont dwaye votre w OBO ... ‎۱ pateg bo pocket. ‎© ‎ ‎Reports‏ مه سوت ‎One Por Deck‏ سوق ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 35:
rivet Iesurers ta @usirata موف مسبت تسد مومس سيالا مه و orraye و 0 Boned Bu Whe lourad oP te ®vetrdisa Pradioud-Dedcter Onrity ques ‏رسد و‎ of coverne oP TO/O®O terapes by Oustrdisn price hed kewere wt Dak OOOO. Onvers d OO ‏تجهب‎ towers. ‏سس‎ eens: ull (Parry Symtewe: (B Dorkburle Review OF Proctor. Dopubbehed DOP proput uth Pro ‏ما‎ err ial

صفحه 36:
Coverenvect ۷0۶ Oerdod Grkewr © Deer posive develbpwedt is retwra by ‏مجنو‎ ‏جاص اعت 5 جا‎ sohewe Por pubke sever worhers. © Oey repad yout Prow dana OOO. © Oyen COOP, was decd) he third largest wedded schewe i Souk OPrica ove the karst reaped (ewpbyer or varrbupes!) oben. © Lie CODO: GEOG cow ber OOO OOO priceipd wewbers oad provides hedhowr pover ty wer ODO OOO pevpk. "Oka wore, GP% oF COC! wewbers previous) dd wt access the pwrloyer subsidy Por wedtod sckewes. This weaar tat ia excess of POD DOO people who ddl oo © "صل بو وه امه ‎previously hove‏ نت نوی تدسف عنمب :طاسرایرن ۱000065 :یوق

صفحه 37:
MS schedule of annual benefits a Xue 5 0 A 0 0۷۵۲ 0۱۴۸۸۲ 3 Sapphire Covers 1D CBO woduttes Alied Healln Services wed Tradiicod heders I Emerald Ww cere xn Cpwee! BOOS web-ote

صفحه 38:
TO/CO@O ta the Puture Outiocd Weulls osu ‏سورد‎

صفحه 39:
صب سورد 2) دزی زال۳) امسا سواه سس ‎Pave GID‏ ات ‎ite people ۵9‏ Pat ‏تام دعاسم‎ 0 private pany pore ace private hoops PQALDP er pros pa I ‘G0 people veto ‏اموا ا‎ ‏موی سا‎ 0 لطم موس امس مسق ۳ دم مه بط 00 Gowve! ‏سوت‎ O., va dea Leever 0۰ ‏سا سا مت و لوق‎ “et ‏سا سا مه شوت له ,0 2۸ ,62 مه ,را واه‎ 000 Innovative Medicines ] Leak Oysrce Pret OOO. ORL: bsp! lhuunw ketone, ral pbbrcerest PU Soh An

صفحه 40:
111 debate a debate hou the ‏مامت سیف‎ oP wooded shower 6 1 طسو ‎drawer we uke oP‏ یوق اس ما

صفحه 41:
Pwo Pus to Ouversd Ooverciye سا اعد( 000 0 دصار ةا زومت" توس مه 000 ‎pears”‏ 9 مرن" Dax ond prowessive suckd security ‏قاری‎ اجه سا کرت مت اه عون ‎printe: providers.‏ (Rote Bor seared sobesrar ‏ای‎ ‎- perkups top-w oy? @ackaye “Pree” but oot deed. ایا اف زر در( 0 9 1996 مسا رن و ‎Wik highest paid‏ مسا ملق و اما تا له ‎workers‏ ‏سا موه وت و ماه ‎fax threshold.‏ ‎© Dedod Gobrwrs ory uehinles Por O14, buy Prow privet ced (eoreuniendy) publo providers. ‎svkewes, wit Risk‏ ورن و ‎Cquetraioa Puc.‏

صفحه 42:
“ماك حم صنوع' ده (1) 06020 ۱ ‏عدص صا‎ the huge icequalies thot ext! ic the © ‏خأن موس سو‎ he Outivad WLeutk Iesurnace Syste (011) syetew, whick wil be phosed ta ver the cent Bue pears. Dke prienipes of (111 will kde the ‏تساه‎ © O11 wil be publicly Puaded ced publi) ockvinistered ced will provide the right of puery Oouk @Pricwa wil coves tp qudiy keulk care, whick wll be Pree ot ihe por oP delivery. People wil kave o okvioe oP whick service provider ip use wikia district. © ‏رو اله ل‎ wil be apphed ced those who ore ‏مولي عات‎ wil be required to do sv, cooordie ip ther ‏بسحو يرجا رجح ور ولول‎ tw ‏وی لت‎ ‏وريه اديه عات قد‎ سحب ما ی ‎ike OT‏ مت وا امه ا نت ‎prentoes cad kospis,‏ سس روط یی ‎Dutered Conn eae ADDS‏ نست 0 تمیق

صفحه 43:
دب سورله 02 امجسوره<(1) لجه ۳/۵۵۵۵ تح لمت دجاه( ری لو ون و كلامم مت اه ول © ی 00 ۰۷ ۲۵ باس ‎Por‏ سا ۰ ۱/0 لاه © ‏موه ۱۵/0 و سر و‎ © Package of cover wot yet deed, ‏من لس و‎ Por the Risk ‏نس‎ ‎0 ‏جف رهاط با ان‎ ‏پم جوم‎ this uke, 0 ره اه الب و ‎Pot of.‏ مه وی او

صفحه 44:
٩۳۵/۵۵ ‏وا ماه هه‎ Gus @Prica 0 یا مان ماما لیر و 0 بل - سته() اله ‎٩‏ )مه اوه لت( خر و ۱ ‏پام ها مساو نت وا لس‎ rewoved: ‎practioner.‏ خر پا ام مس و ‎[Dhed Leuk ProPessows Covel oP OO]‏ © ‎OO]‏ اه اس ‎Prartiocers‏ سرا مس منص ]© ‏اون این یی وت 0 ‎(Dowd‏ سای جات میتی 9 او( مس( بو اس ‎Prow‏ ‎© Fuckers ki ‏]سا سب ا ل ل‎ Dr/IL]. ‎© DOP OM! codag oF ol wedviees [ieiry bodies]. ‎© 900-00 wacky by provaeers Ror bike ‏ؤ © ارت تسس‎ ‎OPricas Leds Review © 000013, 0! ۰‏ و6 توق

صفحه 45:
Cocsarver ۳2 7 0 ی ‎breck he sears va DO ocd COD‏ مرا ‎Qedied schewes ane sword by their wecbers ond oacrayed by boards oF‏ ‎ineters: SO% eleried by wewwbers.‏ Qeed weded schewes wewbers to wk ot BEOs why PO ‏لم‎ COO ‏با ما ام روا عم‎ ress bref by wedtod schewes! ask obo PO ond CBO ‏بوانت اجه وی‎ ‏با او ما و وا توا‎ ‎Cquakraioa Pood‏ 6 اجه اس مه( ‎Presorbed‏ خن م0 ‎(Covered Por Oedird Gcheuwe briefer): heey ashton chou DO xd COO ord why ‏لجلساهت بو رو‎ ‏با و ام و ار ‎proposds Por‏ رولیت موجه تا مت( ۱ ‎

صفحه 46:
People's Health Movement © Phe People's Ohater Por edi is a stteweut of shared ‏ری رم‎ priaiples oad cals Por anton. his ihe soost widely eadorsed coasecnes domvrect oo kets pte the Okra Ora Deveson of OPO. © People's Chater calls Por the provision oP wavered ‏ور موه اوه‎ keoth core, innespevive of people's ‏رواد‎ to poy. © Cake oa people of the world i! © upp, ‏وه بو‎ powers radiood cud kokstr ‏اجه ویو و‎ ‏هتم‎ ond ‏مره‎ tap Priory “Leal Core. Cowve: People's Oherer Por Wedk, abpted ts Okdvs, Oaadakrk, Devewher SOOO

صفحه 47:
Qutocd Weds Iesurcave Ovet « Outond ‏نها هرا‎ sysiew thot toeqrues wedod schewes )( 9 bevePt package bosed oc priory core Trot Ply toteqrutes Tradiicgd ‏بلح(‎ und Cowpleweutary Ordictee ‎to their ruhurd‏ مه واه نا بووین ططلمو و ‎herttage cod beheP systews.‏ ‎

صفحه 48:
Health Products Association of Southern Africa Or Oke Towkeva ‏ددمت متس )معط‎ ‏لدت مس دسا سسا انها‎

صفحه 49:
integrated healing Body, Mind, Soul

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