صفحه 1:
صفحه 2:
۹ هدور ولقود
ND ey بیج حور
صفحه 3:
Mi ل ROL A
ترس را
فرصت میا
تس رات(
میت را
1۲ ۶ 0
Ce Me a tO A لحم متا
يدي سي يا
يي يي ل نيتنا
صفحه 4:
a و وراه و وا
ble a ea Baran ce ی
ERT ac ace و میگ اس سس هو تا
Neate OOO oe as aa Can Ce a
wediciue, urupuarture, wossayp, exercise (give) ord
ei a Pa pcs PAM Nc يلي
wediod core throughout Gust sia, but one poosidered
ل مت
صفحه 5:
OL RAN RS a Le 0ك ا"
suk uw Wuooy Dis Iooer Ovava ( O00) wd
ODD ae Rd مه
کر 2 لكا
00 ere oo ROA cen Pn Rcd erected
ل ee
0ف تسه ایو woop oP its
eae ا ene ee liao
صفحه 6:
© DCO's view vP the body phaves lithe ewophusis os
Nene PAL CAN Berd ara a ce CA SaaS NS UA Caras Pace en aL cd
ریم ام متا cd
عا اج عااا) .(.ه بت باه رصن
۱ ی وت OES RSLCAN CMS cme 2 ACR ceca ce
۱ discus is toterpreted us u
disharwoup ic iteration. TOO drayarsis pousists ia
صفحه 7:
Mes a ROL aE a i oe OOM Na
DN ra ch ل aca]
Ta aN aS cal CA bo eee Pal OL Sc Dirac DL 2171 by
Dd OO aS I eR Ca
] رس ae RSE at aa .مك0 دز
صفحه 8:
Origin of
نله [] POO [J origtcrated wits
هس ات
ور A ccd
DU neal ace ah aoe Raa ed
۱ aN Uc Cocoa Ce ae ean)
۱9 0
صفحه 9:
Great books on TCM
ea nee kee ace ke ۲
Os acces ee ee as Oc ee ee ae
Nee ee Oe eR ee ee a ee
Di ad A ee Oa a ee
Deo a ne a OS MTS An ac
Ne Ne a oN Rd i ae a
000 a]
010 ا ل eet ner aoe
Oren ace xia cae Acca Ae
صفحه 10:
۳ Sece
صفحه 11:
صفحه 12:
Historical figures in TCM
صفحه 13:
نالا الالال الالالال الالاناً
REDS. سرت
el دسا ]لا را
صفحه 14:
Famous doctors
رم ما و كد
وه یم مهوت
suk us Dia Que, Mua Pun, Lhocry
CRC re Ad ered one ec 1۱2
صفحه 15:
هت سر
صفحه 16:
Shen Nong
٠ جو Olid ert Okesic west! writes
SPAS ieee RY Dacca ae ack
Ree AG cs othe. Theo
” Decne ct OA SN aca eR eC cea
Poured kerbs
A Ne oe ea Be RAS a
وى دمي ۸۸
صفحه 17:
صفحه 18:
© We is the euiest wovestor oP aupuarture ud
انس مت
al eA inca ROD end Earnie OO fo ۱ نا
اس هم ی سا هت اش 9
صفحه 19:
صفحه 20:
Hua Tuo
© We ts te cortst wavestor oP surcery, led ta
© We wes Pawous Por surged pperuiva urd
(ated oP cercvtc wede oF
© We preced a body bukdory exercise odled >
tts based oo the
wwoveweus OF tiger, deer, bear, ue [][] ocd
صفحه 21:
(held or Sete AS CAG ١ هس مق
صفحه 22:
صفحه 23:
Bian Que
* We ts the sphyspooly wedrtor ( 000
00 oP Treadiccd Chess Oedicd Griews
اف ما هم مب بمب ایا مس لت
ار A Dod moat he cents ced cake era
CG ee ee
صفحه 24:
0 ۱ 1 الوم
صفحه 25:
اه 5
صفحه 26:
Sun Simiao
0 ۱۲۱ وا Trey
ee ar مح ل
dk ae
eee G0 000000 kel
صفحه 27:
صفحه 28:
Zhang Zhongjing
Wes (QQ tive ict the
(rec eect Dacca
۱ me Ace nt td
صفحه 29:
He is the
mediator of
medicine ( (00000
O00 he was born
in the Eastern
Jin Dynasty and
his theory
contains the
sprout idea ( (00
ee کر
صفحه 30:
4۷۲ | ۷
صفحه 31:
صفحه 32:
Song Ci
We ts he يي oP wedi!
Gray Opry. We wrote te book Record
wWwhick ke put Porwerd the wetod oP tdecthy
direct retaive throug bhod{ [TT] ) twee 3
تسا سل هو نمی
صفحه 33:
#2 6
Zan ae
صفحه 34:
Qian Yi
° We is the vortest vavestor oP deporte
| ام رم ۱90۳ Oortkera
۱ bo ec BLA Ad LS
۱ Pad (CVE ad Was ol oe a oe
ON ta (ya
صفحه 35:
صفحه 36:
صفحه 37:
Li Shizhen
ل een COED
تست وت مه و یم هت ۱
,)000 ( مه رس سس 9
substaes, رت رت
ل و مر و 10۱0۱۱۱/22
اسف نصا
صفحه 38:
Chinese philosophies always
believe that everything including
the universe is interrelated and
changing all the time. One has to
reach peaceful state of mind and
harmony with the surrounding to
maintain good health. Any harmful
thing done to others will bring long
folate and سلا
re ne
damage to self at the end.
صفحه 39:
The Theory of
eee eae ل
Ca Me Doe ac oe cre ae يك
ال word,
.ومن لون CEN Scart Oct ca BM cece RN OPS ao
Ge a ae eA RSS
Se Ree a ak ae ce ca
Ra aaa Uo و وم دار
wisicture: [‘sviniafe] O00, OOO
EN 0 cal 00
صفحه 40:
od و و اه او وم م۱
جه بلعطط ه خام ۱
aE Maem raccd ا ا ل 0
OL ORCA ا Ne CAs las IS es
OAS rl NCard CA A a RRR cacao OB aN paced
NSCB Cac ca h 0
QReiPorve: ی (8
Crt oe eect] ۲0: 3
پا یی ناس ۳
صفحه 41:
0 ۱ 1 الوم
صفحه 42:
Methods of treatment
in TCM
صفحه 43:
Methods of treatment
* Herbal Medicine (0
» Acupuncture []]] & Moxibustion لا
* Cupping [0
* Massage [1
* Diet therapy or food therapy []]
* Gua Sha {0
* Qigong exercises and Medical Qik
ong (000
» Exercise therapy [| Taijiquan and o
ther Chinese Martial Arts 000000
صفحه 44:
Herbal Medicine
Ne A A OLS a ee Dd
eae NS Cae Nn UM ca aca at can Bee od
TEA INN Bd Nee INL br GC Ae ANN a Dod eh PNT
SA ira Cn ROD aN cd لحصحمولی موی ون ع
Dear Cage am aE Ne me eee aoe A Vira ra]
شاف rane ee cara UAC PATA mee Ne
عوعمرصك عم دودو تروك رادا رلامه جم هووعووك ومو
صفحه 45:
صفحه 46:
Herbal medicine
صفحه 47:
صفحه 48:
صفحه 49:
=p] Acupuncture &
5 Moxibustion
a & moxibustion is a unique therapy of
China. It is a kind of treatment curing inner
diseases from outside, and is used to treat various
illnesses based on the theories of channels and vital
pos with applications of specific techniques.
ased on the diagnosis and therapy of traditional
Chinese medicine, the doctor can find out the
pathogeny ( [J] )of illnesses, distinguish the features
of diseases, determine which channel and viscera []]]
on the pathological ۳9 کت belongs to, an
identify which type the illness belongs to (inner or
outer; cold or heat; insufficiency or excessiveness),
and finally make the diagnosis. Then, the doctor can
prescribe the corresponding acupuncture to prevent
and cure the diseases by dredging channels,
regulating vigor and sap (JU, balancing Yin and
Yang, and harmonizing the functions of the viscera.
صفحه 50:
Cupping (J
“15 عذا es aN ana An OO Bets
pups ure upped to spevihic areus oP the body. Tis a
Pa الك Cas OUa Cd
subbked Pircoly oo the shia. Oeudly, the doctor Pires oct
AN ancien ca eae ics a eel
short while to woke the cup a vaso vor, thea ke
ploves the vavuu cup testocly over the selected spot
Dee A Rs PN ae AN ace Sad
Nea aR ee aie Maca at
Ne Be ease GD ed)
صفحه 51:
۱۷۵55206 [
۱ 04 uses u cuwber of techoiques,
DU a oN Mac ie Sore eat Oe
OD ی اه سوم و مت oa cd
ل ا 20 6۰ خام بررواط very
اس۲ بح [الالالانالال] محتمصه كك ودام ][
صفحه 52:
Diet therapy or food
therapy ۷
۶ ,حول لس لسن خن مومس ص و ec or can]
Pood toqredicuts cad superior kerbs, to derive the uevessury
ON ل ا ال oan
مت سس وم اس و متا
هس مه ماع وا تاه ا نو لح .مه لوط
اس سم متا یس سس مت امعم هد جو
۱ ل يي م ل ل
يي ا لل ا
0 ناه ل ا ال
ل موم سر PARAS OSL a
م ae
صفحه 53:
Gua Sha لآلا
“لالد ها سا سس
11 رس
ا ل كيده
ی سس ماس میت له حول دص
rae eal
۱۱۱۱۱۱۳ سس sacra
ار Tai هه سم تم
صفحه 54:
Qigong exercises and Medical Qik
ong (000
هی ام م۱۲
۱0 فص
aS MN ot NS iN ean PR CR ARGC eas
ace MU Pat CR Ae a aed
can store voe’s “iPe Porce eer.” Gicwary is
صفحه 55:
Exercise therapy [0000000
9 tn MMM ee anata ete Read DRO]
ON Ea 2 aN ae
Chiuese کر Pevple -play -Tai Chi Chua tz
۱ و BD Ura can Ud
صا لد ذا جأتعوط عوانيجم جه جج لدوصتصومم برادوعصوت جججارير
00 کت که کدی ا
pees spirits. “Nhe Chiaese Purther ewphusize that it
هس سس ات نا Pa PA اک لصواط خات
[eas ems PA مق ۰ و8 کمید ک کمه ه
صفحه 56:
Western and Traditional Chir
Medicine compared
صفحه 57:
۱ لهده12011' لصنه
Chinese Medicine compared
Geverdly speubiog , he westers and tradiiocal Chicese
ال الیو عا لو
OR an 2
extern Porves. POO و
Der tons eee oe ea Ae eed
۱ O00
صفحه 58:
امصمن 1۲۳۵0 0ص صرماوم۱۷۷
Chinese Medicine compared
ea dn Be ea)
فیط مت مه لت مهافت
تفت ات هه مت
بر مسا دسا هت مه مت ما ae Oo
صفحه 59:
ees A ME as a aR
the یم تم Chiaese wedictue ts woturd . The
western wed works quickly, but thas wore
سوم تما تس a ae, |
foke wore tie to work, but tt kes fess stde-
صفحه 60:
Western and Traditional
Chinese Medicine
09۳00۵06 عال فد رطس مجسنم سیف بل
۱ و و works wt vor clewed. Por exnope, wheo
we yet a high Pever, the westera dover wil que ws sowe pile
نان ا ان
ام تا وت مت مت
صفحه 61:
The current situation of TCM
صفحه 62:
A ena he OU Re ad err OR Nn a oo ced
wedicd systew, POO vr bok. POO ts wow awulable to
PO% vf the areus tr Chica. Dow, PCO ts uerder the
۱۹ xc Ce ee ae OS Rd
۱ oP the PRC. DCO acd its develppwect
Nace aras hs cat ODN At ct ae at oom PONS a ae raced
۱۳ a UR Ee CR RE Caran end
لجه عادموجوجمر CoD ASCs BN DS oa Chm ASC oa BS cl a
صفحه 63:
The current situation of
۱ ea aca oad OOM Ec Un er ae
versity educaiva to coswplete a Oortord degree ict
PCO. Cross educaivg ia bots TOO oad westera
وا عوزدهه كشب جتمجلى ]د امصتلجدجه صا لجل نصصام جمد جمصاوررو
00 0
Dei tbeitersi, cl Ohiere (Dede
صفحه 64:
The current situation of
GOs ا ا ل ا aN OSs
ل RG roca
DE spevidists in DCO have ber iovited by mowatries ict
ل اا ARC ecm Ca oe ema
OOO تم
تس تما مت
صفحه 65:
۱۱ aS ete Ry World Heal
عند 01030120
ره اس و ل ا ال ك2
Ca Can aA 2 ا Dee
Por the highest pervectage. Dord Wealth Orjucizaivd
Ra eee ee eae} ۱
MRC ac الل
ا ا ل م 00
over ا ال كا
صفحه 66:
The current situation of
دا سر مت مت رب مات ۱9
وت هت تم ات سم فلت
اه یر توت ات ترس مت توت رز(
۱۱۵ ار هت همم و beew
تسیروت تسام رت
اه يي نيا
صفحه 67:
The current situation of
oP POO ts prowisiay, there ore 0 0 الك
Se ac oe
Caer MAVEN Ng I aoe eI An ae cd
PCO ,.wore unl wore Chinese believe in westers
Nn Ne NR rl a a Nd
hoa TOO. Patieat is ta the doctor what water is t7 the
ا ددن ac MR CAG ea em DR cans cal poe aa ecg ace Pa
the TCO.
صفحه 68:
۱ 8
Oe an a Re eee cd
SO A es ae aT
وس ورس ها ac
Naa a Ns eas ons PAN cad
Okrese who wusters TOO.
صفحه 69:
The current situation of
Ot host , the woocngertd systew oP DCO is ia chavs.
Gove leaders just develop TOO oc the blob ont ict
بح ری لس ام 2۳۵۵
صفحه 70:
Protect our Traditional medicine
صفحه 71:
Protect our Traditional medicine
aww tao كا
serivus posiiva to Ohica. Geverd weeks
BAR Ne Ca aE a As i MOOD)
ل ينه
Non a NS Raa ea ce OL)
A ee ated NOLO A
.جو اصتلججه +7قتكمما عقن اتصاصاح ص صل صا كاروميد
صفحه 72:
Protect our Traditional medicine
Vc acres A poi Dor acca eae Boa ا
TOA NS ACA aN SCC eI as CP م od
Riek. The yovernved should propaqoandize TOO
مس متا NE ea LS Cn a Sd
oP TOO. Do our ordicary ciizeus, we wust ku
wore podideue oP the TOO. To TOO ite, TOO
ل ae ا
NaS IS IRN EE, eR RN Cede Noe cL
صفحه 73:
Discuss the difference
between TCM and west
medicine. Which one do
you prefer?
صفحه 74:
Please introduce a place of
interest you like most for
next unit.
صفحه 75: