صفحه 1:

صفحه 2:
“Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. /’m convinced that the only thing that ۱۱52 ۰/۵ 90/09 ‏(آنا 0عناه! | غ21 35/لا‎ 9 | 010. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. Don’t settle [for less]. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it.” — Steve Jobs commencement address/Stanford/06.2005

صفحه 3:
561061615101 (Oe es one eV oa ad CAB aan eras or MR eae aed CaP aca ea ‏وهی و اه ام‎ Ar NNT PACINO 71 PAUL Ne CMR Ne PACS SM MN AND bcd

صفحه 4:
Vision 60 ACoA Eee DOM ROSAS) Pad TENSE Sell PA PACA Baas cd NSC eNO aN Ns coal nod ae ee LN TSE Noe Pace NPE

صفحه 5:
Reality Operations Policies Main course of activities and priorities. Actions Environment The schematics of environment in which the organization lives

صفحه 6:
0 racic coach eae PA nn Re ara Rar oe ‏باه‎ 0 ۱ or servives, vr wap oF the woupy ۱ NN ARRAN cara cca ON aor ora ad تس

صفحه 7:
وت وما ا ل ا 0 ۱ xpos مدن عات لماعم بس ‎Ow‏ ° ‎ed‏ مهم وم برس مت وی ص ‎2 ‏ا‎ NG AN Es LRN CaN rad

صفحه 8:
What vision isn’t 0 NN tera Me caer ‏يي ل ال‎ I On Vicia ‏مود‎ كدام عه بوصصوك 09 * ۲ ا 0 اصمم لتخمم عفص خام بصصطط © ‎٠‏ صجوا ووصواصحا “أثامو" 00 ‎٠‏ 0 corn ccd

صفحه 9:
Characteristics of a good vision statement ۰ ‏ی‎ 0 0۹ BN Oe ere oe Pa

صفحه 10:
The need for vision ۱ و رس سم ۱4 0 ور عص۳ ۳۰

صفحه 11:
Variables necessary for realising a vision

صفحه 12:
Vision stems from such (2 sources as: ۱ NE CAN aca a oC oe Dc a PSB Cal ۱ nea aa ca ee | ‏و‎ SON daa en rea PACA un a Na a ۱ oor) ‎etre es Vien eoccd 0‏ ا حالوجماك د ماد ددمت ه صا ‎aca‏ ۱

صفحه 13:
سس سیر ۵ ‎NE UREA RU rare Ro]‏ لكا و و عو وت 0 لسوت تلو ‎od‏ ا ‎ISS‏ ۱ ‎

صفحه 14:
Scotland Yard ‎nea DIAS CACM eaten cer Boa BA a‏ اك رو(

صفحه 15:

صفحه 16:
Example of a bad vision OA ‏ای و ام‎ nec ey oe a cane ceca nce De و 0 حون ورب ‎NN a‏

صفحه 17:

صفحه 18:
3M's commitment is to actively contribute to sustainable development through environmental ‏عط ومتاععمم كممعم غقط كن 10 .دكعءوممم عأدممممعء قمة بط أاتطأكمهمدعء أقاعمد ردملاععغهمم‎ 5 ‏ل ل ا و۱‎

صفحه 19:

صفحه 20:
ON ied Oisiva Ora ann Ole crak OU cal Parca

صفحه 21:
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