صفحه 1:
- Ben Ellis - office hours canceled tonight

صفحه 2:

صفحه 3:
. 1 ‏:عصمتاتصطم0 [همنصطمم‎ = A webpage is a single HTML document = A website is a collection of related webpages _ Designing a good website requires more than just putting together a few pages

صفحه 4:
- www.uncommonadv.com

صفحه 5:
_ Layout of web pages is very important - Poor layout makes for - = Difficult navigation = Hard to locate information on page = Visually unappealing

صفحه 6:
... ‏م‎ ‎a Tables, tables, tables! Use tables to lay out your pages! Make the table borders invisible A 2x? table works well

صفحه 7:

صفحه 8:
Project Puffin What is Project Puffin? ‘The Netional Audubon Seciety stared Project Putin ia 1973 than effort arn how ts roster putins to store nosang ‘olends inthe Calf of Maine. Athan, eral althe putin ‘5305 n Maine wore in baskets vatcus Puck ena ‏و‎ ‎0 gy Species (hey ae sbundartn Now/cunciand, olan, nd ‎they are ra Marte Tre tv suring clones‏ معا ‎tnere very lnerable to 2 lseser such 23 anol eal or ‎2ccidental establishment predators sh as ras 07 mink ‎“Tho Project began with an attempt tn rastore puffins 12 Eslern Egg Rock in Musconqus Bay, about Sicrmies east of Pemaquid Port, Pullrs had nested Here ul he eerly ‘any nv The restoration af pins to 3 based on the fact hat young pufis ususly return o breed on the seme islanc where ‎they hatched. ‎Young pufins from Greet sland, Newfoundlanc (where about + 80,000 pairs nest) were transplanted to Easter Ea Rock when they were about 11-14 days old) The young puns were then reared In arvficiel sod brave for about one month. Audubon biel gists placed handful of vitamin orified fh inter burrows each dey and, ‎ ‎

صفحه 9:
~ www.adobe.com (menu on right) - www.uintafishing.com (many columns)

صفحه 10:
downloads indo 2 te (ک عدم TechEd 2003 is almost here | ‎A and ae‏ و هه وس اس و home & entertainment technical resources je 4.2 milion nth 82 business agility duct ‏جع‎ سوه eusinese Solutions Gomes ond xno موه ام ‎Downloade‏ ‎Update‏ سمه مال ‎Office Update‏ ‎Learning Tools‏ موی ‎Information For‏ ‎1 Professional 3

صفحه 11:
lees ‎news‏ قوم ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎2 ۳ cont Business Solutions 4 ‘ortechnoingy pts Resto by Aon 1 andsve ‘Gomes and xox home & entertainment ‎all produces ‎Downloade technical resources ‎ingows Update ۳ ‏اه سا مج مسب م7‎ Some ‎Office Update cpa ‎Learning Tools ‏موی‎ ‏ممما‎ ‎1 Professional ‎

صفحه 12:
را وتا هن ‎A Land ae‏ و هه و اس و home & entertainment technical resources business agility oduct Families office eusiness Solutions Gomes ond xno ‏وه ام‎ Downloade ingows Update Office Update Learning Tools ‏موی‎ ‏ممما‎ 1 Professional

صفحه 13:
pe TechEd 2003 is almost here 3 cur stat Meats promt ang Business Soltions / ‏ل ين‎ apes nd Hone home & entertainment مهبم ‎Downloads‏ ‎Windows Update‏ ‎Office Update‏ ‎Leorring Tools‏ موی technical resources security ‏ی‎ ممما 1 Professional

صفحه 14:
ra ra MAKING A GIFT ‎|The Campaign for MSUNews.‏ ي سس ‎FUNDRAISING CAMPAIGNS| ‎ ‎ ‎+ Lovels of On-tne Citing Rise Dramatically 1 Major Donors Honored and Fadoweed Postions Filed ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎coer | 1 Hounds Jeu Fores To lupeove Teacher ‏ومقم ميف‎ enka MSU headlines provided by 3 ‏هوك‎ ‎۱ ‏سس ای اوه‎ ‎ ‎vion weet with behavior offre‏ که باه موه همه ‎"ACT Cention‏ ۳ ‎local tists‏ کت( ‎| university Devevorment HOMEPAGE ‎MICHIGAN StATE

صفحه 15:
Really complicated cies Seach the Web تب تا ‎ae‏ ‏اه eee Steere es [0 صم عنم عجر 3 ‎RSENS‏ م عسي ام سم 0

صفحه 16:
_ Monitor resolution affects how you should lay pages out ~ 800x600 = 50% - 760 x 420 pixels in browser window ~ 1024x768 = 35% — 640x480 = 3%* - 595 x 360 pixels *Was 20% three years ago

صفحه 17:
Up to 760 wide* 100-140 Up to 650 wide wide O Logo And Menu

صفحه 18:
۱ 7107107 ‏/010».علطتتمطحع07.‎ ‎design6.shtml

صفحه 19:
5856031156 monitors differ (640x480, 800x600, 1024x768), pages look different. ~ You can use a % width for a table, for example make it 80% of the page width

صفحه 20:
_ The index.html file is called the “Splash Page” _ Itis the key page—the first page visitors usually see _ Must be visually attractive, informative, and easy to navigate _ Examples: www.projectpuffin.org www.pmlodge.com www.uncommonadv.com www.rainforestandreef.org

صفحه 21:
_ Decide what info goes on each page = Friends page = Family page = Personal page = Hobbies page

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_ Be Concise _ Limit choices - use a hierarchical structure = A hierarchy is a structured organization where some pages are at a higher level than others = Hierarchy results in a site map with multiple levels

صفحه 23:
_ Asite map is designed to show the connections between pages _ A graphical site map uses lines to connect linked pages

صفحه 24:
Splash ra ‘ind ex.html — Name Page| Progress Fag name.html | progress.ht: Interior or| Internat} Pages| Canada Trip Christmas Tree canada.html tree. html

صفحه 25:
_ Choose a common layout for your website. The Splash Page will probably differ but interior pages should be the same _ Use tables to control placement throughout

صفحه 26:
_ Use the same font throughout! _ Use consistent graphics in website - do not use ultra modern on one page and calligraphy on another _ Use color scheme that is consistent

صفحه 27:
‎ons you an‏ مت ی ‎reliably use are Times‏ ‎eae Sees LYMAN‏ مت ‎an‏ ‎_ Text in site should be BRIGGS one of these choices SCH oO 6 iL ‎_ How to overcome this? ‎= Any font used in graphics is loaded as a graphic, and does not ‎rely upon the font being anus user’s computer OU ۱۳0 = Make cool font images ‎in Photoshop ‎ ‎

صفحه 28:
_ Test your website as you go along. = If you're in the computer lab and there’s an empty computer next to you, log into it and check out your web page from there _ Make sure it works in Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer _ Make sure all pictures come up ona different machine

صفحه 29:
_ From your existing web pages, build a website. = Add more pages to site - whatever you want Some suggestions: Resume, friends page, hobbies page Minimum 6 pages (splash page + 5) = Use common design theme Make custom graphics in PhotoShop _ Prepare graphical site map in PowerPoint to turn in when finished

صفحه 30:
. ۷۷/۵ Pages for more info = http://info.med.yale.edu/caim/manual/ contents.html _ Good places for Graphics = www.clipart.com = http://free-clip-art.com/ _ Fonts = http://www.1001freefonts.com/fontfiles/ main.htm

صفحه 31:
۸۵00 Hyperlinks _ Add Graphics (MSU, Scans, etc)

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