پزشکی و سلامتپرستاری و پیراپزشکی

اختلالات و بیماری های شانه

صفحه 1:

صفحه 2:
اعلاات شاد Shoulder Disorders

صفحه 3:
Ligaments Anatomy baa Gee Abstract \ ۱ Shoulder Disorders Impingeme nt Syndrome 9 / ۳ Rupture of | biceps tendon

صفحه 4:
Review of shoulder joint Anatomy ۶ The unstable joints include bones, ligaments and muscle 7),

صفحه 5:
Review of shoulder joint Anatomy The unstable joints include bones, ligaments and muscle 1 Bones: icle Acromion Head Coracoid of the process humerus

صفحه 6:
Review of shoulder joint Anatomy The unstable joints include bones, ligaments and muscle u. Ligaments: Acromiociavie Ligament Coracoacromial Ligament Joint Capsule (superior, middle, and inferior glenohumeral ligaments)

صفحه 7:
Review of shoulder joint Anatomy The unstable joints include bones, ligaments and muscle ‏سر‎ Mu Front View Muscles of the Rotator Cuff Subscapularis Back View

صفحه 8:
Review of shoulder joint Anatomy ~ The unstable joints include bones, ligaments and ‘Supraspinatus* x Spine of scapula Deltoid (cut) Greater tubercle of humerus Triceps brachi — Lateral head ~— Long head Li us dorsi Humerus. \lecranon process of ulna Anconeus {b) Posterior view * Rotator cuff muscles muscle Clavicle “Biceps brachii — Brachiali (a) Anterior view

صفحه 9:
Review of shoulder joint Anatomy » The unstable joints include bones, ligaments and muscle Clavicle ‘Supraspinatus* Spine of scapula Abstract 1. First move with SupraSpinatus 2. Continue with Deltoid ۱ 3. Shoulder joint, the most unstable joint of the body ۳۹ issimus dorst 5 ۱ 00 process of ulna Brachialis, Brachi = (a) Anterior view ts (b) Posterior view * Rotator cuff muscles

صفحه 10:
Physical Exam 1 Range Of motion

صفحه 11:
Physical Exai 1 Range Of motion ~ Forward Elevation os “we 2 a

صفحه 12:
Physical Exai . Range Of motion Forward Elevation

صفحه 13:
Physical Exam 1 Range Of motion

صفحه 14:

صفحه 15:
Frozen shoul er 1. Reduce range of motion & Articulat} u. Adhesive capsulitis um. Etiology : » — Tatrogenic inctudes surgery ~ Diabetes / Heart Dis. / Breast Ca » Psychological & idiopathic 1 signs & symptom: Nocturnal pain / reduce range of motion Reduce pain / More movement reduces ~ Return to normal Shoulder Gauide i apse ‏سي ا‎ fumens | (upper arm) 2 > f ae Bide)

صفحه 16:
Frozen shoul £2r Treatment: Physiotherapy Corticosteroids & injection Manipulation (MUA) Arthroscopy

صفحه 17:
‘Acromion mnt Syndrome The tendons of the SUPRASPINATUS become irritated as they pass through the subacromial space, the passage beneath the acromion u. Etiology painting, lifting, swimming, tennis, other overhead sports and no taint nheneenitinn Reduced sub-acromial space

صفحه 18:
ودين نا ۳ Painless movement 9 Pinful are Treatment: Physiotherapy Corticosteroids (methylprednisolo ne-depo-medrol) Arthroscopy Impingement Synd m. signs & symptom » Syndrome painful arc ~ Pain while Forward elevation & Intern: iv. Diagnosis » radiography of shoulder (Lat. View: sp » MRI (rupture of rotator cuff) <

صفحه 19:
Rupture of biceps tendon 1 Sudden pain / Reduce sudden pain u. Reduce the power of flexion and external rotation i, Popeye's sign

صفحه 20:
Rupture of biceps tendon / Reduce sudden pain Reduce the power of flexion and external rotation Popeye's sign Ecchymosis 5 Surgical treatr

صفحه 21:
Reference TextBook of orthopaedics & fractue by Dr. B. Aalami Harandi et al. ۴ (Fifth edition) medscape.com webmd.com youtube.com تهیه کننده : احسان تقوی منفرد (دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی- پیمارستان امیرالمومنین) بان
