علوم مهندسیمراقبت‌های بهداشتیمهندسی صنایع و موادپزشکی و سلامت

اصول ارگونومی و شناسايی مغايرت ها در محيط كار

صفحه 1:
ااصول ار" 0 3) med)

صفحه 2:
اصوول ۵۵ گانه که در ۳۳ شوه خلاصه ای از 552 أزكنوقى در محيط ‎C1)‏ كار را بمنظور 5 در آموزد. الصول ا( یت

صفحه 3:
سر رت Principle 1 Work in Neutral Postures دا Maintain the natural curve of the spine Keep the neck aligned

صفحه 4:
سر رت Principle 1 Work in Neutral Postures دا

صفحه 5:
eee Principle 1 Work in Neutral Postures دا |. ons Improved

صفحه 6:
سر رت Principle 1 Work in Neutral Postures دا Keep elbows in and shoulders relaxed Keep wrists in neutral

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صفحه 8:
Loads on the back

صفحه 9:
Skid bars are an inexpensive way to reduce the amount of lifting and carrying. Let tools do the heavy work.

صفحه 10:
زر ‎Principle 2‏ ‎Reduce Excessive Force‏ Ads dK 1 965 69 xd JET pol

صفحه 11:
To generate the most grasping force, design objects to a size that permits the thumb and forefinger to overlap slightly.

صفحه 12:
Two hands can be better than one. Friction surfaces on grips reduce force.

صفحه 13:
Mechanical assist (and articulated arm) Vacuum hoists provide the advantage of 6 ‏اه يي ا‎

صفحه 14:
Reach envelope So Design for shorter individuals

صفحه 15:
زر ‎Principle-3‏ ‎Keep Everything in Easy, Reach‏ ۱ ee ET ne Ne eae ‏ميرد ا‎ Container v

صفحه 16:
iple 1 ng in Easy Reach Remove barriers than create long reaches. Note also that long reaches like this create unnecessary feria.

صفحه 17:
زر ‎Principle-3‏ ‎Keep Everything in Easy, Reach‏ ۱ ee ET ne Ne eae ‏ميرد ا‎

صفحه 18:
Elbow height ce) = and the exceptions

صفحه 19:

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سرت ۱ ‎Work at Proper Heights‏ اصل : در ارتفاع مناسب کار

صفحه 21:
۲۵000۰۰ bring parts at waist height Ay} iting | Conveyor 6

صفحه 22:
سرت Principle 5 Reduce Excessive Motions أصل ه: حر كات زياد را كاهش دهيد Design for motionefficiency

صفحه 23:
رش ‎Principle 5‏ ‎Reduce Excessive Motions‏ أصل ه: حر كات زياد را كاهش دهيد

صفحه 24:
سرت Principle 5 Reduce Excessive Motions أصل ه: حر كات زياد را كاهش دهيد Let the tool do the work Motion-saving mechanisms

صفحه 25:
رش ‎Principle 5‏ ‎Reduce Excessive Motions‏ أصل ه: حر كات زياد را كاهش دهيد

صفحه 26:
سرت Principle 5 Reduce Excessive Motions أصل ه: حر كات زياد را كاهش دهيد Sliding is better than picking up and placing’ each item

صفحه 27:

صفحه 28:
سرت Principle 6 Minimize Fatigue and Static Load Ave Oe Ceara pper cel BE pe mee ey

صفحه 29:
سرت Principle 6 Minimize Fatigue and Static Load Ave Oe Ceara pper cel BE pe mee ey

صفحه 30:
سرت 6 و1متمصززظ ‎Minimize Fatigue and Static Load‏ Ave Oe Ceara pper cel BE pe mee ey

صفحه 31:
سرت ۱ ۸ Minimize Pressure Points Adley JSla> 415 skis bw -¥ Lot Provide padding for forearms Provide padding for hand grips

صفحه 32:
سرت Principle 7 Minimize Pressure Points Adley JSla> 415 skis bw -¥ Lot Provide cushioning for feet Chair cushioning

صفحه 33:
سرت Principle 8 Provide Clearance ‎al‏ جاكيرى فراهيم كنيد ‎Design for tall people ‎Provide visual access ‎

صفحه 34:
40° (1020 mm) < > 48° (1220 mm) rminienur bi | Minimum clearance required for a technician to work on a pump

صفحه 35:
سرت ‎Principle 9‏ ‎Move, Exercise, and Stretch‏ اصلل 4: حركات ورزشى و كششى انجام دهيد ‎Warm-ups and “energy breaks Allow for alternate postures ‎

صفحه 36:
يعب Good lighting gg fe 1 Temperature extremes

صفحه 37:
Task lighting Parts and tools ‘on swing arms Titable working surface Adjustabie- height table Rounded, padded edges Knee clearance Good chair Common issues + Work surfaces not at appropriate heights + Long reaches for materials + Work surfaces with hard edges + Inadequate clearance for thighs and knees + Inadequate work area to perform all tasks Shadows or glare

صفحه 38:
Altemate sit واه نامة ‎mat‏ Common issues * Static load on legs + Awkward back posture from too severe a sway in the lower back when standing straight up + Awkward back posture when bending over to perform tasks + Pressure points from hard floor Clearance for knees and feet Flet footrest

صفحه 39:

صفحه 40:
Suspended hose hore, by inexpensive plastic tube) “Recycled microscope stand used for adjustable support of fixture Handhoids, round and sufficiently large Lightweight Nestle loosely Easy to slide Heavy cord Congestion Hand as fixture Stiff hoses and couplings Issues Issues Pinch grip Sharp edges on grip Small grip Heavy Stick together Protruding,

صفحه 41:
‘Adjustment ‏و‎ chango so diameter Angled grip to promote neuiral x wrist posture ‘Smooth, rounded atip surfaces Static grip to hold tool for long periods, Static loacl on shoulder to extend tool Pressure points on grip Heat oreold \Vibcation or shock as tool deploys (for wrist posture) (for different hand sizes to reduce force) (to reduce force) (o reduce finger motions and force) (to reduce load on arm) (to reduce static load) Minimal force ۵۵054 to. — squeeze triggoe Full hand tigger Bent wrists to operate tool Hard trigger pull Heavy weight of tool Slippery arip Inappropriate grip diame Common issues Options for improvement Hinged grips multi-sized grips factuum triggers fbalances Hand straps and clips ‘Vibration and shock-absorbing grip wraps

صفحه 42:
The Screwdriver: ACase Study in Issues and Options Issues Options + Repetitive wrist motions Conilless electric screwdriver + Bent wrist + Tool does the motions + Pressure points (especially + Tool provides the force ‘on sensitive palm) + Hinged grip for wrist posture + Grip force = Large grip spreads pressure points (reduces grip force) (ceduces grip foree) (reduces grip force) (reduces grip force) (reduces hand motions) (reduces hand motions) (reduces force and motions) (reduces force and motions) (reduces force and motions) More options Ball-handled screwdriver Pistol-grip screwariver Lever arm on grip High friction grip Ratchet mechs ‘Yankee"-type mechanism Speed wrench Automatic screwdrivers Alternative fastening systems

صفحه 43:
THE COMPUTER WORKSTATION Rules ae [Requirea) (Exceptions are possible) Neck net bert Joost semen at ortviated out eyerlerel ‏ارو‎ معا و 0 سس ‎pod lm‏ ves with ‏و‎ Hs nour Keyed atost 59 ۰ ‘elbow height Mout by leyooue Not loo much prossurehere Knee spece

صفحه 44:

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