دندانپزشکیعلوم مهندسیمراقبت‌های بهداشتیتجهیزات پزشکیپزشکی و سلامتتکنولوژی

اصول تفسیر رادیوگرافی Principles of Radiographic Interpretation

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Interpreting any intraoral or

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Two Component of visual diagnosis: he ability to recognize abnormal patterns in the imac he interpretation of these abnormal patterns ..to arrive ata diagnosis

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essential first step Principles of Radiographic Interpretation (Chp17- White&Pharoah2014)

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«systematic search strategy Principles of Radiographic Interpretation (Chp17- White&Pharoah2014)

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Visual search Strategies In a panoramic image this strategy might involve identifying: - The posterior border of the maxilla ~The floor of the sinus The zygomatic process of the maxilla Visuad search Strategies In a periapical image the list might include: -Crown -Root structure -Pulp and pulp canal -Periodontal membrane space

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Diagnostic reasoning in oral radiology ..mental three dimensional image Principles of Radiographic Interpretation (Chp17- White&Pharoah2014)

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Diagnostic reasoning in oral radiology Mental three dimensional image of the abnormality that includes: -Precise location “Size -Internal structure -How the abnormality effects the surrounding Diagnostic reasoning in oral radiology

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accuracy Principles of Radiographic Interpretation (Chp17 White&Pharoah2014)

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..۵۳۱۵۱۷۲۱6 0۳ strategy Principles of Radiographic Interpretation (Chp17- White&Pharoah2014)

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Learning disease categories Radiographic features and Learning Causal connections "strategy using 2 Disease mechanisms "Radiographic <i Diagnostic strategy Bae Radiograph tion (Che

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Unusual location of PCOD

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۵۷ اه ونوراه STEP 1: LOCALIZE ABNORMALITY etic poston (oie) lace geezd oe! ble © Sif ort STEP 2: ASSESS PERIPHERY AND SHAPE Periphery © Wel dered © fact ‏اس‎ ‎Sos ‎Sef sue cope did © Beng © sie Sheps © Gra Sloped Free STEP 3: ANALYZE INTERNAL STRUCTURE © ay eles يسام بل Mal ‏مان‎ poten) STEP 4: ANALYZE EFFECTS OF LESION ON SURROUNDING STRUCTURES: ‘et on uo, etl eae gece lr ocr ne al od ont rare © eae on Sard tne ety ond nbc ‏اس‎ (er cal ean aes cies STEP 5; FORMULATE INTERPRETATION.

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Step 1: Localized abnormality Generalized : If an abnormal appearance affect all the osseous structure of the maxillofacial region (such as metabolic or endocrine abnormalities of bone) Localized : Considers whether it is Unilateral or Bilateral. >Variations of normal anatomy are more commonly bilateral (Submandibular gland fossa) >» Abnormal conditions are more commonly unilateral (Fibrous dysplasia)

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Submandibular gland fossa

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Step 1: Localized abnormalit ...Cherubism

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Step 1: Localized abnormality vascular. -If the epicenter is withih'the maxillary antrum, the lesion is not of

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Step 1: Localized abnormality Position in the jaws Identifying the exact position aids in two ways: 1- Determinations of epicenter 2- Specific location of some lesions For example: -Central giant cell granulomas commonly are located anterior to the first molars in the mandible and anterior to the canine in the maxilla in young patients. -Osteomyelitis occurs in the mandible and rarely in the maxilla.

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Step 1: Localized abnormality Single or multifocal The list of possible multifocal abnormalities is relatively short. For example: Y Periapical cemental dysplasia ¥ Odontogenic keratocysts ’ Metastatic lesions ¥ Multiple myeloma ¥ Leukemic infiltrates.

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Step 1: Localized abnormality Size The size may aid in the differential diagnosis. For instance: A dentigerous cysts have growth potential and are often much larger than a hyperplastic follicle.

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Step 2: Assess periphery and shape Well-Defined Vs Ill-Defined

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ess periphery and shape

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Step 2: Assess periphery and shape Well-Defined 60۳۵ ۲

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٩5655 periphery and shape Well-Defined 506 etn Periapical osseous dysplasia

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Step 2: Assess periphery and shape Well-Defined ۲556 50۴ وی Odontoma and Cementoblastoma

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Step 2: Assess periphery and shape Iil-Defined ومأفمعا8 تن Sclerosing osteitis and Fibrous dysplasia

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Step 2: Assess periphery and shape Il-Defined SN Borde. Squamous Cell Carcinoma

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Step 2: Assess periphery and shape

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Step 2: Assess periphery and shape

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internal structure Common in cysts Principles of Radiograph

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alyze internal structure Totally 5000

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Step 3: Analyze internal structure Mixed Density Presence of calcified structures

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Fol iacement of teeth is seen more commonly with slower-growing, space-occupying lesions.

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step 4: Analyze effects of lesion on surrounding structures 0 of teeth is seen more commonly with slower-growing, space- Cherubism

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ni ffects of lesion on surrounding structures 9 iacement of teeth is seen more commonly wit! occupying lesi 9 15 اد

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step 4: Anal ffects of lesion on surrounding structures a... of teeth usually occurs with a more chronic or slowly growing process or chronic inflammation. Although tooth resorption is more

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step 4: Analyze effects of lesion on surrounding structures Lamina dura & PDL 5 Wide 9 of the periodontal membrane space may be seen with many different kinds of abnormalities. In orthodontic movement: PDL widening and Intact Lamina dura In malignangle Irregular PO of the lami

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step 4: Analyze effects of lesion on surrounding structures Surrounding bone reaction _ YSome abnormalities can stimulate a peripheral bone reaction. ’The corticated border of a cyst is not actually part of the cyst, but is a bone reaction. Y An inflamatory lesion such as periapical rarefying osteitis can stimulate a sclerotic bone reaction. ¥Some metastatic malignant tumors such as prostate.and.breast metastatic lesions can stimulate:-an osteoblastic

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step 4: Analyze effects of lesion on surrounding structures ‎CCE Ta (la eet Lit‏ ال یت نیا ‎and Mental Foramen‏ ‎“Superior displacement of the inferior alveolar canal is strongly associated with fibrous dysplasia ‎Y Widening of the inferior alveolar canal with the maintenance of a_ cortical boundary may indicate the presence of a benign lesion of vascular or neural origin ‎Yirregular widening with cortical destruction may indicate the presence of a malignant neoplasm growing down the length of the can ‎

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Step 4: An: ffects of | n_on surrounding structures Outer Cortical Bone and Periosteal Reactions Slowly growing lesion

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step 4: Analyze effects of lesion on surrounding structures Outer Cortical Bone and Periosteal Reactions A rapidly growing lesion outstrips the ability of the periosteum to respond, and the cortical plate may be missing

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step 4: Analyze effects of lesion on surrounding structures Outer Cortical Bone and ۴۵۲۱۵۹۲6۵۱ ۵۵۵

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step 4: Analyze effects of lesion on surrounding structures Outer Cortical Bone and Periosteal Reactions Fine linear spicules of bone at the superior margin of the alveolar.process in Osteosarcoma

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غم ‎Neoplas‏

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