بازرسی خطوط لوله گاز بر اساس استاندارد ASME B31.8
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- مهندسي/ بازرسي ساختمان
بازرسی خطوط لوله گاز بر اساس استاندارد ASME B31.8
اسلاید 1: بازرسی خطوط لوله گاز بر اساس استاندارد ASME B31.8
اسلاید 2: هويت سازمانی
اسلاید 3: TÜVمخفف سه كلمة Technischer Überwachungs Verein (تِشنيشِر اُوبِرواخُونگز فِراين)به معني ”اتحاديه بازرسي و پايش فني“آرم ثبت شدة بينالملليشخصيتهاي مستقل حقوقي در مناطق مختلف آلمان تاريخچه
اسلاید 4: TÜV NORD Holdingتأسيس 1869
اسلاید 6: TÜV NORD Holding Mother Company: TÜV NORD International (TNI) TÜV NORD IranTÜV NORD عضو گروه تناسبات بين گروه TÜV NORD Iran و TÜV NORD
اسلاید 7: TÜV NORD Iranتأسيس از ارديبهشت 1377 تاكنونشركت مشاركتي ايراني و آلماني با مشاركت 49% TÜV NORD، ثبت شده در تهرانتأسيس آكادمي توف ايران- آلمان (TÜV Academy Iran-Germany)، شركت با مسئوليت محدود، 100% متعلق به TÜV NORD Iran
اسلاید 8: ساختار گروه TÜV NORD Iran هيات مديرهبخش پروژههاي بهبود عملكردمديريتبخش بازرسي وخدمات صنعتيبخش صدور گواهينامهسيستمپشتيبانيStatus: 01.08.2010TÜV NORD Iran Group Organization Chart - Level 1بخش فناوري اطلاعاتبخش آموزشبخش مهندسي/ بازرسي ساختمانبخش انرژي و اكولوژي صنعتي
اسلاید 9: صدور گواهينامه سيستمSystem Certification
اسلاید 10: ISO 9001ISO 14001OHSAS 18001EN 16001HSE- MSISO/TS 16949ISO/TS 29001 ISO 22000HACCPSA 8000ISO 13485TÜV med AS/EN 9100ISO 27001خدمات صدور گواهينامه
اسلاید 11: بازرسي و خدمات صنعتي Inspection & Industrial Services
اسلاید 12: پروژههاي بازرسي فنيبازرسي تجهيزات حمل و نقلارزيابي انطباق محصول (Product Conformity Assessment)بازرسي پروژههاي مرتبط با CNGمديريت يكپارچگي دارايي (Asset Integrity Management-AIM)مديريت قابليت اعتماد (Dependability Management)بازرسي و خدمات صنعتي
اسلاید 13: آموزش Training
اسلاید 14: برنامهريزي و برگزاري بيش از 250 عنوان دوره آموزشي به صورت منظم با درنظرگيري محورهاي تخصصي مورد نياز در سازمانهاي صنعتي و خدماتيآموزش
اسلاید 15: پروژههاي بهبود عملكردImprovement Projects
اسلاید 16: برنامهريزي جامع سازمانيتعالي سازمانيمهندسي عملكردخدمات مرتبط با آزمايشگاهها (ISO 15189, ISO 17025, …)شش سيگما (SIX SIGMA)ترازيابي/ الگوبرداري (Benchmarking)مهندسي ارزش و بهرهوريمديريت پروژهمديريت و اجراي پروژههاي بهبود عملكرد
اسلاید 17: مهندسي/ بازرسي ساختمان Building Engineering
اسلاید 18: بازرسي كيفيت ساختبازرسي مرتبط با مقاومسازي و بهسازيارزيابي ايمني و تحليلهاي فني ساختمانها و سازههابازرسي كيفيت براي بيمه ساختماننظارت عاليه و كارگاهيمديريت طرحها و پروژههامهندسي/ بازرسي كيفيت ساختمان
اسلاید 19: انرژي و اكولوژي صنعتيEnergy & Industrial Ecology
اسلاید 20: مديريت/ مميزي/ مهندسي انرژي (Energy Management/ Audit/ Engineering)اكولوژي صنعتي (Industrial Ecology)مهندسي سبز (Green Engineering)انرژي و اكولوژي صنعتي
اسلاید 21: فناوري اطلاعاتInformation Technology
اسلاید 22: سيستمهاي مديريتي حوزه فناوري اطلاعاتسيستمهاي فني حوزه فناوري اطلاعاتطرحريزي فناوري اطلاعاتراه حلهاي جامعنرمافزارسختافزار، شبكه و ارتباطاتفناوري اطلاعات
اسلاید 23: هويت سازمانی
اسلاید 24: نام و نام خانوادگيمعرفي مختصر سازمان متبوع (محصولات، مشتريان، فرآيندها)سمت شغلي در سازمان متبوعميزان آشنايي قبلي با موضوع دوره آموزشيهدف از شركت در اين دورهآشنايي با شركت كنندگان
اسلاید 25: عدم استفاده از موبايل در كلاسمشاركت فعال در كلاس و كارهاي تيميهمراهي كامل با توجه به محدوديت زمانياحترام به افكار و عقايد شركتكنندگان در دورهنكات لازم براي افزايش اثربخشي دوره
اسلاید 26: CONTENTS General Provisions and Definitions Chapter I Materials and Equipment Chapter II Welding Chapter III Piping System Components and Fabrication Details Chapter IV Design, Installation, and Testing Chapter V Operating and Maintenance Procedures Chapter VI Corrosion Control Chapter VII Intentionally Left Blank Chapter V III Offshore Gas Transmission Chapter IX Sour Gas Service
اسلاید 27: General Provisions and Definitions
اسلاید 28: SCOPEThis Code covers the design, fabrication, installation, inspection, and testing of pipeline facilities used for the transportation of gas. This Code also covers safety aspects of the operation and maintenance of those facilities.
اسلاید 29: This Code does not apply to:(1) design and manufacture of pressure vessels covered by the BPV Code1. (2) piping with metal temperatures above 450°F (232°C) or below −20°F (−29°C) (For low temperature considerations. (3) piping beyond the outlet of the customer ’s meter set assembly .
اسلاید 30: This Code does not apply to:(4) piping in oil refineries or natural gasoline extraction plants, gas treating plant piping other than the main gas stream piping in dehydration, and all other processing plants installed as part of a gas transmission system, gas manufacturing plants, industrial plants, or mines (See other applicable sections of the ASME Code for Pressure Piping, B31.) (5) vent piping to operate at substantially atmospheric pressures for waste gases of any kind
اسلاید 31: This Code does not apply to:(6) wellhead assemblies, including control valves,flow lines between wellhead and trap or separator, offshore platform production facility piping, or casing and tubing in gas or oil wells (For offshore platform production facility piping, see API RP 14E.) (7) the design and manufacture of proprietary items of equipment, apparatus, or instruments
اسلاید 32: This Code does not apply to:(8) the design and manufacture of heat exchangers (Refer to appropriate TEMA2 Standard.) (9) liquid petroleum transportation piping systems (Refer to ASME B31.4.) (10) liquid slurry transportation piping systems (Refer to ASME B31.11.) (11) carbon dioxide transportation piping systems
اسلاید 33: This Code does not apply to:(12) liquefied natural gas piping systems (Refer to NFPA 59A and ASME B31.3.) (13) cryogenic piping systems
اسلاید 34: hot taps: branch piping connections made to operatingpipelines, mains, or other facilities while they are inoperation. The branch piping is connected to theoperating line, and the operating line is tapped whileit is under pressure.system or pipeline system: either the operator’s entire pipeline infrastructure or large portions of that infrastructure that have definable starting and stopping points.PIPING SYSTEMS DEFINITIONS
اسلاید 35: pipeline section: a continuous run of pipe between adjacentcompressor stations, between a compressor stationand a block valve, or between adjacent block valves.segment: a length of pipeline or part of the system thathas unique characteristics in a specific geographiclocation.PIPING SYSTEMS DEFINITIONS
اسلاید 36: sample piping: all piping, valves, and fittings used tocollect samples of gas, steam, water, or oil.cold expanded pipe: seamless orwelded pipe that is formed and then cold expanded while in the pipe mill so that the circumference is permanently increased by at least 0.50%.PIPING SYSTEMS DEFINITIONS
اسلاید 37: diameter or nominal outside diameter: the as-produced or as-specified outside diameter of the pipe, not to be confused with the dimensionless NPS (DN). For example:NPS 12 (DN 300) pipe has a specified outside diameterof 12.750 in. (323.85 mm), NPS 8 (DN 200) has a specified outside diameter of 8.625 in. (219.08 mm), and NPS 24 (DN 600) pipe has a specified outside diameter of 24.000 in. (609.90 mm).PIPING SYSTEMS DEFINITIONS
اسلاید 38: hoop stress, SH: the stress in a pipe of wall thickness, t,acting circumferentially in a plane perpendicular to thelongitudinal axis of the pipe, produced by the pressure,P, of the fluid in a pipe of diameter, D, and is determined by Barlow’s formula:PIPING SYSTEMS DEFINITIONS
اسلاید 39: dent: a permanent deformation of the circular crosssection of the pipe that produces a decrease in the diameter and is concave inward.gouge: mechanically induced metal-loss, which causeslocalized elongated grooves or cavities in a metalpipeline.indication: a finding of a nondestructive testing technique or method that deviates from the expected. It may or may not be a defect.PIPING SYSTEMS DEFINITIONS
اسلاید 40: Chapter I Materials and Equipment
اسلاید 41: Materials and equipment fall into the following sixcategories pertaining to methods of qualification for useunder this Code:(a) items that conform to standards or specificationsreferenced in this Code(b) items that are important from a safety standpoint,of a type for which standards or specifications are referenced in this Code but specifically do not conform to a referenced standard (e.g., pipe manufactured to a specification not referenced in the Code)QUALIFICATION OF MATERIALS ANDEQUIPMENT
اسلاید 42: (c) items of a type for which standards or specificationsare referenced in this Code, but that do not conformto the standards and are relatively unimportant from asafety standpoint because of their small size or becauseof the conditions under which they are to be used(d) items of a type for which no standard or specification is referenced in this Code (e.g., gas compressor)(e) proprietary items (see definition, para. 804.3)(f) unidentified or used pipeQUALIFICATION OF MATERIALS ANDEQUIPMENT
اسلاید 43: (a) Steel pipe manufactured in accordance with the following standards may be used:API 5L Line PipeASTM A 53/A 53M Steel, Black and Hot-Dipped,Zinc-Coated Welded and Seamless PipeASTM A 106 Seamless Carbon Steel Pipefor High-Temperature ServiceASTM A 134 Steel, Electric-Fusion (Arc)-Welded Pipe (Sizes NPS 16 and Over)ASTM A 135 Electric-Resistance-WeldedSteel PipeASTM A 139 Electric-Fusion (Arc)-WeldedSteel Pipe (Sizes NPS 4 and Over)Steel Pipe
اسلاید 44: ASTM A 333/A 333M Seamless and Welded SteelPipe for Low-temperature ServiceASTM A 381 Metal-Arc-Welded Steel Pipefor Use With High-Pressure Transmission SystemsASTM A 671 Electric-Fusion-Welded SteelPipe for Atmospheric and Lower TemperaturesASTM A 672 Electric-Fusion-Welded SteelPipe for High-Pressure Service at Moderate TemperaturesSteel Pipe
اسلاید 45: ASTM A 691 Carbon and Alloy Steel Pipe, Electric-Fusion-Welded for High-Pressure Service at High TemperaturesASTM A 984 Electric Resistance Welded Steel Line PipeASTM A 1005 Longitudinal and Helical Double Submerged-Arc Welded PipeASTM A 1006 Laser Beam Welded Steel Line PipeSteel Pipe
اسلاید 46: (a) Plastic pipe and components manufactured inaccordance with the following standards may be used:ASTM D 2513 Thermoplastic Gas Pressure Pipe,Tubing, and FittingsASTM D 2517 Reinforced Epoxy Resin Gas Pressure Pipe and FittingsPlastic Pipe and Components
اسلاید 47: Equivalent Service Level. Removal of a portion of an existing steel line and reuse of the pipe, in the same line or in a line operating at the same or lower rated pressure, is permitted, provided that the fracture toughness of the removed pipe is commensurate with or exceeds that of the line operating at the same or lower rated pressure and the used pipe meets the restrictions of paras. 817.1.3(a), (f), and (i). Reuse of the pipe in the same line or in a line operating at the same or lower pressure and the same or higher temperature is permitted subject to the same para. 817.1.3 restrictions above and any derations as required by Table 841.1.8-1.Removed pipe that is re-installed in the same location need not be re-tested. Used pipe installed elsewhere is subject to paras. 817.1.3(i) and (j).CONDITIONS FOR THE REUSE OF PIPE
اسلاید 48: Chapter IIWelding
اسلاید 49: Weld AcceptanceThe standards of acceptability for welds of piping systems to operate at hoop stress levels of 20% or more of specified minimum yield strength as established in API 1104 shall be used.
اسلاید 50: Welding procedures and welders performing work for new construction andout-of-service pipelines shall be qualified under Section IX of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code or API 1104.QUALIFICATION OF PROCEDURES AND WELDERS
اسلاید 51: For in-service welding, welding procedures and welders shall be qualified under Appendix B of API 1104.QUALIFICATION OF PROCEDURES AND WELDERS
اسلاید 52: Carbon steels having a carbon content in excess of 0.32% (ladle analysis) or a carbon equivalent (C + 1⁄4 Mn) in excess of 0.65% (ladle analysis) shall be preheated to the temperature indicated by the welding procedure.PREHEATING
اسلاید 53: When welding dissimilar materials having different preheating requirements, the material requiring the higher preheat shall govern.Dissimilar Materials
اسلاید 54: Welds in all carbon steels shall be stress relieved whenthe nominal wall thickness exceeds 11⁄4 in. (32 mm)If either material in welds between dissimilar materialsrequires stress relieving, the joint shall require stressrelieving.STRESS RELIEVING
اسلاید 55: (a) fillet and groove welds not over 1⁄2 in. (13 mm) legsize that attach connections not over NPS 2 (DN 50)pipe size(b) fillet and groove welds not over 3⁄8 in. (10 mm)groove size that attach supporting members or othernonpressure attachmentsExceptions OF STRESS RELIEVING
اسلاید 56: (a) Stress relieving shall be performed at a temperature of 1,100°F (593°C) or greater for carbon steels, and 1,200°F (649°C) or greater for ferritic alloy steels. The exact temperature range shall be stated in the procedure specification.(b) When stress relieving takes place in a jointbetween dissimilar metals having different stress relievingrequirements, the material requiring the higher stressrelieving temperature shall govern.(c) The parts heated shall be brought slowly to therequired temperature and held at that temperature fora period of time proportioned on the basis of at least1 hr/in. (1 hr/25 mm) of pipe wall thickness, but in nocase less than 1⁄2 hr, and shall be allowed to cool slowlyand uniformly.Stress Relieving Temperature
اسلاید 62: Acceptable Combinations of Pipe End Preparations
اسلاید 63: Acceptable Combinations of Pipe End Preparations
اسلاید 64: Acceptable Design for Unequal Wall Thickness
اسلاید 65: Acceptable Design for Unequal Wall Thickness
اسلاید 66: Recommended Attachment Details of Flanges
اسلاید 67: Recommended Attachment Details of Flanges
اسلاید 68: Recommended Attachment Details of Flanges
اسلاید 69: Recommended Attachment Details of Flanges
اسلاید 71: Inspection and Tests for Quality Control of WeldsThe quality of each weld shall be examined by visual inspection.(b) In addition, a certain percentage of the welds shallbe examined through radiographic examination, ultrasonictesting, magnetic particle testing, or other comparableand acceptable methods of nondestructive testing.(1) 10% of welds in Location Class 1(2) 15% of welds in Location Class 2(3) 40% of welds in Location Class 3(4) 75% of welds in Location Class 4(5) 100% of the welds in compressor stations
اسلاید 72: Scope of ASME B31.8-Offshore
اسلاید 73: Scope of ASME B31.8-Onshore
اسلاید 74: Scope of ASME B31.8-Distribution Piping
اسلاید 75: Scope of ASME B31.8-Distribution Piping
اسلاید 76: Chapter IIIPiping System Components and Fabrication Details
اسلاید 77: ValvesAPI 6A Specification for Wellhead and Christmas Tree EquipmentAPI 6D/ISO 14313 Pipeline ValvesASME B16.33 Manually Operated Metallic Gas Valves for Use in Gas Piping Systems up to 125 psi (Sizes NPS 1⁄2 Through NPS 2)ASME B16.34 Valves — Flanged, Threaded,and Welded EndASME B16.38 Large Metallic Valves for Gas Distribution (Manually Operated, NPS 21⁄2 to 12, 125 psig Maximum)
اسلاید 78: ValvesASME B16.40 Manually Operated Thermoplastic Gas Shutoffs and Valves in Gas Distribution SystemsMSS SP-70 Cast Iron Gate Valves, Flanged and Threaded EndsMSS SP-71 Gray Iron Swing Check Valves, Flanged and Threaded EndsMSS SP-78 Cast Iron Plug Valves, Flanged and Threaded Ends
اسلاید 79: FlangesASME B16.1 Cast Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings Classes 25, 125, and 250ASME B16.5 Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings NPS 1⁄2 Through NPS 24 Metric/Inch StandardASME B16.24 Brass or Bronze Flanges and Flanged FittingsASME B16.42 Ductile Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged FittingsClasses 150 and 300ASME B31.8, Appendix I,Table I-1 Lightweight Steel FlangesMSS SP-44 Steel Pipeline Flanges
اسلاید 80: Reinforcement of Welded Branch ConnectionsThe reinforcement required in the crotch section of a welded branch connection shall be determined by the rule that the metal area available for reinforcement shall be equal to or greater than the required area as defined in this paragraph as well as in Mandatory Appendix F, Fig. F-6.(c) The required cross-sectional area, AR, is defined as the product of d times t:AR =dtwhered = the greater of the length of the finished opening in the header wall measured parallel to the axis of the run or the inside diameter of the branch connectiont = the nominal header wall thickness required by para. 841.1.1 for the design pressure and temperature
اسلاید 81: ExampleAn NPS 8 outlet is welded to an NPS 24 header. The header material is API 5LX 46 with a 0.312-in. wall. The outlet is API 5L Grade B (Seamless) Schedule 40 with a 0.322-in. wall. The working pressure is 650 psig. The fabrication is in Location Class 1. The joint efficiency is 1.00. The temperature is 100°F. Design factors F=0.60, E=1.00, and T=1.00.
اسلاید 82: Rules for Reinforcement of Welded Branch Connections
اسلاید 83: Rules for Reinforcement of Welded Branch Connections
اسلاید 84: Header. Nominal wall thickness required:
اسلاید 85: Outlet. Nominal wall thickness required:
اسلاید 86: Reinforcement Required
اسلاید 87: Reinforcement Provided by Header
اسلاید 88: Effective Area in Outlet
اسلاید 89: Effective Area in OutletThis must be multiplied by 35,000/46,000 [see para. 831.4.1(f)].
اسلاید 90: Effective Area in OutletUse a reinforced plate that is 0.250 in. thick (minimum practicable) 15.5 in. in diameter.
اسلاید 91: When two or more adjacent branches are spaced at less than two times their average diameter (so that their effective areas of reinforcement overlap), the group of openings shall be reinforcedReinforcement of Multiple Openings
اسلاید 92: Chapter IVDesign, Installation, and Testing
اسلاید 93: Location Class 1. A Location Class 1 is any 1-mile(1.6-km) section that has 10 or fewer buildings intendedfor human occupancy.Location Class 2. A Location Class 2 is any 1-mile(1.6-km) section that has more than 10 but fewer than46 buildings intended for human occupancy.Location Classes for Design and Construction
اسلاید 94: Location Class 3. A Location Class 3 is any 1-mile(1.6-km) section that has 46 or more buildings intendedfor human occupancy except when a Location Class 4prevails.Location Class 4. Location Class 4 includes areaswhere multistory buildings are prevalent, where trafficis heavy or dense, and where there may be numerousother utilities underground.Location Classes for Design and Construction
اسلاید 95: Steel Pipe Design Formula
اسلاید 96: Steel Pipe Design FormulawhereD = nominal outside diameter of pipe, in. (mm)E = longitudinal joint factor obtained from Table 841.1.7-1F = design factor obtained from Table 841.1.6-1.P = design pressure, psig (kPa)S = specified minimum yield strength, psi (MPa)T = temperature derating factor obtained from Table 841.1.8-1t = nominal wall thickness, in. (mm)
اسلاید 101: Pressure Test
اسلاید 102: Chapter VOperating and Maintenance Procedures
اسلاید 103: Basic RequirementsEach operating company having facilities within the scope of this Code shall(a) have a written plan covering operating and maintenance procedures in accordance with the scope and intent of this Code(b) have a written emergency plan covering facility failure or other emergencies(c) operate and maintain its facilities in conformance with these plans(d) modify the plans periodically as experience dictates and as exposure of the public to the facilities and changes in operating conditions require(e) provide training for employees in procedures established for their operating and maintenance functions that is comprehensive and designed to prepare employees for service in their area of responsibility.(f) keep records to administer the plans and training properly
اسلاید 104: Each operating company shall establish procedures to analyze all failures and accidents for determining the cause and to minimize the possibility of a recurrence.Pipeline Failure Investigation
اسلاید 105: Smoking and all open flames shall be prohibited in and around structures, or areas under the control of the operating company containing gas facilities (such as compressor stations, meter and regulator stations,and other gas handling equipment), where possible leakage of gas constitutes a hazard of fire or explosion.Prevention of Accidental Ignition
اسلاید 106: As a means of maintaining the integrity of its pipeline system, each operating company shall establish and implement procedures for periodic surveillance of its facilities.Periodic Surveillance of Pipelines
اسلاید 107: Each operating company shall maintain a periodic pipeline patrol program to observe surface conditions on and adjacent to each pipeline right-of-way, indications of leaks, construction activity other than that performed by the company, natural hazards, and any other factors affecting the safety and operation of the pipeline. Patrols shall be performed at least once every year in LocationClasses 1 and 2, at least once every 6 mo in Location Class 3, and at least once every 3 mo in Location Class 4.Pipeline Patrolling
اسلاید 108: SEC81.PPT 203Leakage SurveysEach operating company of a transmission line shall provide for periodic leakage surveys of the line in its operating and maintenance plan.
اسلاید 109: Definition of Injurious Dents and Mechanical DamageDents are indentations of the pipe or distortions of the pipe’s circular cross section caused by external forces.(b) Plain dents are dents that vary smoothly and do not contain creases, mechanical damage [such as described in para. 851.4.1(c)], corrosion, arc burns, girth,or seam welds.(c) Mechanical damage is damage to the pipe surface caused by external forces.(d) Plain dents are defined as injurious if they exceed a depth of 6% of the nominal pipe diameter.
اسلاید 110: Permanent Repairs of Injurious Dents and Mechanical Damage(a) Injurious dents and mechanical damage shall be removed or repaired by one of the methods below, or the operating pressure shall be reduced. The reduced pressure shall not exceed 80% of the operating pressure experienced by the injurious feature at the time of discovery. Pressure reduction does not constitute a permanent repair.
اسلاید 111: (b) Removal of injurious dents or mechanical damage shall be performed by taking the pipeline out of service and cutting out a cylindrical piece of pipe and replacing same with pipe of equal or greater design pressure; or by removing the defect by hot tapping, provided the entire defect is removed.Permanent Repairs of Injurious Dents and Mechanical Damage
اسلاید 112: (c) Repairs of injurious dents or mechanical damage shall be performed as described below.(1) Plain dents, dents containing corrosion, dents containing stress corrosion cracking, and dents affecting ductile girth welds or seams may be repaired with either a full encirclement steel sleeve with open ends or with ends welded to the pipe.(2) External mechanical damage, and all dents affecting acetylene girth welds or seam welds that are known to exhibit brittle fracture characteristics, may be repaired with a full encirclement steel sleeve with ends welded to the pipe.Permanent Repairs of Injurious Dents and Mechanical Damage
اسلاید 113: (3) External mechanical damage, including cracks, may be repaired by grinding out the damage provided any associated indentation of the pipe does not exceed a depth of 4% of the nominal pipe diameter. Grinding is permitted to a depth of 10% of the nominal pipe wall with no limit on length.Permanent Repairs of Injurious Dents and Mechanical Damage
اسلاید 114: Grinding is permitted to a depth greater than 10% up to a maximum of 40% of the pipe wall, with metal removal confined to a length given by the following equation:Permanent Repairs of Injurious Dents and Mechanical Damage
اسلاید 115: Pressure Testing for Integrity Assessment of In-Service PipelinesThe integrity of an in-service pipeline may be determinedby pressure testing for strength and leaks.Following the strength test period, a leak test should be performed. The leak test pressure should be at least 1.10 times the MAOP of the pipeline.
اسلاید 117: PLANNINGWhen the test pressure is above 400 psig (2 760 kPa), appropriateprecautions shall be taken to keep people not engaged in the testing operations out of the testing area while conducting the hydrostatic test.Selection of Test Sections and Test Sites. The pipeline may need to be divided into sections for testing to isolate areas with different test pressure requirements, or to obtain desired maximum and minimum test pressures due to hydrostatic head differential.
اسلاید 118: Water Source and Water Disposal. Awater source, as well as location(s) for water disposal, should be selected well in advance of the testing.Ambient Conditions. Hydrostatic testing in low temperature conditions may require(1) Heating of test medium.(2) The addition of freeze point depressants.PLANNING
اسلاید 119: Raise the pressure in the section to not more than 80% of anticipated test pressure and hold for a time period to determine that no major leaks exist.(2) During this time period, monitor the pressure and check the test section for leakage. Repair any major leaks that are found.(3) After the hold time period, pressurize at a uniform rate to the test pressure. Monitor for deviation from a straight line by use of pressure-volume plots(logs or automatic plotter). (4) When the test pressure is reached and stabilized from pressuring operations, a hold period may commence.During this period, test medium may be added as required to maintain the minimum test pressure.Pressurization
اسلاید 121: Pressurization
اسلاید 130: Types of Surveys:(a) surface gas detection surveys(b) subsurface gas detector survey (including bar hole surveys)(c) vegetation surveys(d) pressure drop tests(e) bubble leakage tests(f) ultrasonic leakage testsLeakage Surveys
اسلاید 131: Chapter VICorrosion Control
اسلاید 132: ASME B31G Manual for Determining theRemaining Strength of Corroded Pipelines
اسلاید 133: (1) provisions for proper and continuous operationof cathodic protection facilities(2) application of protective coating(3) installation of galvanic anode(s)(4) application of impressed current(5) electrical isolation(6) stray current control(7) other effective measures(8) any combination of the aboveCorrective Measures
اسلاید 134: Electrical survey methods may be used as an indicationof suspected corrosive areas where surface conditionspermit sufficiently accurate measurements. Suchsurveys are most effective in nonurban environments.Common methods of electrical survey include:(1) pipe-to-soil potentials(2) surface potentials (cell-to-cell)(3) soil resistivity measurementsElectrical survey
اسلاید 135: Electrical survey methods may be used as an indicationof suspected corrosive areas where surface conditionspermit sufficiently accurate measurements. Suchsurveys are most effective in nonurban environments.Common methods of electrical survey include:(1) pipe-to-soil potentials(2) surface potentials (cell-to-cell)(3) soil resistivity measurementsElectrical survey
اسلاید 136: Steel and Cast Iron StructuresA negative (cathodic) voltage of at least 0.85 V as measured between the structure surface and a saturated copper-copper sulfate reference electrode contacting the electrolyte.Aluminum StructuresA minimum negative (cathodic) voltage shift of 150 mV, produced by the application of protective current.CRITERIA FOR CATHODIC PROTECTION
اسلاید 137: Chapter VIIIntentionally Left Blank
اسلاید 138: Chapter VIIIOffshore Gas Transmission
اسلاید 139: Chapter VIIISour Gas Service
اسلاید 140: chloride stress corrosion cracking: cracking of a metal underthe combined action of tensile stress and corrosion in the presence of chlorides and an electrolyte (usually water).hydrogen blistering: the formation of subsurface planar cavities, called hydrogen blisters, in a metal resulting from excessive internal hydrogen pressure. Growth of near-surface blisters in low-strength metals usually results in surface bulges.SOUR GAS TERMS AND DEFINITIONS
اسلاید 141: hydrogen induced cracking (HIC): a cracking mechanismof susceptible materials caused by atomic hydrogen diffusionin the metal. The atomic hydrogen usually is created by the corrosive reaction of hydrogen sulfide on steel in the presence of water.hydrogen sulfide (H2S): a toxic gaseous impurity found in some well gas streams. It also can be generated in situ as a result of microbiologic activity.microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC): corrosion ordeterioration of metals resulting from the metabolic activity of microorganisms. Such corrosion may be either initiated or accelerated, or both, by microbial activitySOUR GAS TERMS AND DEFINITIONS
اسلاید 142: radius of exposure (ROE): when dealing with sour gas, thedistance from a point of release at which the hydrogensulfide concentrations reached a specified level (frequently100 ppm or 500 ppm) determined by dispersioncalculations.SOUR GAS TERMS AND DEFINITIONS
اسلاید 143: Materials must meet the requirements of NACEMR0175/ISO 15156.MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS
اسلاید 144: Seal Welds:Seal welds shall have a separate qualified procedure.Cleaning:Pipe that has been in sour gas service shall be thoroughlycleaned to bright metal on the inside surfacesback 1 in. (25 mm) from the weld bevel.PREPARATION FOR WELDING
اسلاید 145: Pipe that has been used in sour gas service shall beheated for at least 20 min at 400°F (204°C) or higher todrive off any hydrogen in the metal. Heating shall bedone just prior to welding.PREHEATING
اسلاید 146: In general, temper bead welding, peening procedures, orlow-temperature postweld heat treatment does not providethe equivalent protection from service cracking as does a full thermal stress relief.STRESS RELIEVING
اسلاید 147: In general, temper bead welding, peening procedures, orlow-temperature postweld heat treatment does not providethe equivalent protection from service cracking as does a full thermal stress relief.Stress relieving is normally performed at a temperatureof 1,100°F (593°C) for carbon steels and 1,200°F (649°C) for ferritic alloy steels.STRESS RELIEVING Temperature
اسلاید 148: For sour gas lines in Class 3 or 4 Locations, compressor stations,major or navigable river crossings, railroad crossings,and road crossings, 100% of all field welds shall bechecked by nondestructive inspection.Inspection and Tests on Sour Gas Piping Systems
اسلاید 149: Radius of Exposure Equations:Radius of exposure equation to the 100-ppm level of H2S after dispersal:Radius of exposure equation to the 500-ppmlevel of H2S after dispersal:Where:M = mol fraction of hydrogen sulfide in the gaseousmixtureQ = maximum volume determined to be availablefor escape in cubic feet per day corrected to14.65 psia and 60°FRadius of exposure (ROE) toH2S calculations
اسلاید 150: Radius of exposure (ROE) toH2S Tables
اسلاید 151: بازرسی خطوط لوله گاز بر اساس استاندارد ASME B31.8
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