صفحه 1:
شاخص های مبتنی بر منحنی تداوم جریان و
آذرماه ۹۸
صفحه 2:
صفحه 3:
Low Flow Indices:
صفحه 4:
شاخمرهایستنیبر منحنی دلوم جر بان. 1
صفحه 5:
رح كود
* ,126 "آمجموعه کاملیاز مقادیر دبیرودخانه ه از جریانکمینه تا رویدادهایسیابیرا در بردلشته و دیصد زمانیک هه دبیمدنظر طی
یکدوید خاص بولبر یا بیشتر لستوا ارلئه میکند لینمنحنیها در طیفوسیعیاز مطا-اتهیدراوژیکیمورد لستفاده قرار میگیرند زیرا
لطاهاتبا ارزش و ضروریدر ارتباط با ویژگیهایجریازو تغییولتلندر لختیار داشته و معرفيفتار و پاسخ حوزه میاشند
نخستین مطالعة جامع بر روی منحنی تداوم جریان را سارسی, در سال ۱۹۵۹ میلادی, انجام داد. منحنی تداوم جریان
(۴06) یکی از روش های ارزنده است با اطلاعلتی مفید که همه دبی های رودخانه اعم از کم و جریان سیلابی را نمایش
می دهد. این منحنی رابطة بین مقادیر دی و درصد زملنی را که این دبی مساوی یا بیشتر از آن است به نمایش می گذارد.
به عبارت دیگر. رابطة بين بزرگی و فراولئی دبی رودخنه را نشان می دهد. برای رسم منحنی تداوم جریان. نخست دبی هاي
هر ایستگاه را.به صورت نزولی, مرتب می کنیم و روی محور ها نملیش می دهیم و در محور 6(ها احتمال وقوع تجربی آن
را كه از فرمول تجربى ويبول به دست مى آيدء نمليش مى دهيم. از لن براى مقایسه رزيم جريان حوزه هاى مورد
استفاده قرار مى كيرد. شكل منحنى نيز انعكاسى از تأثير يارامترهاى لب و هوايى و فيزيوكرافى بر جريان رودخلنه و ياسخ
هيدرولوزيكى حوزه /
صفحه 6:
+ Flow duration curve is a plot of discharge versus percentage of time for which the
discharge is available. It is obtained from hydrograph data. The flow or discharge can be
Flow Duration Curve
expressed as cubic meters per second, per week or other unit of time. If the head at
which the flow is available is known, the discharge can be calculated in terms of the
kilowatts power (P) using following equation,
P=(0.736/75)"Qphn kW
+ The flow duration curve becomes the load duration curve for hydroelectric plant and
thus it is possible to know the total power available at the site. The maximum and
minimum conditions of flow can also be obtained by the flow duration curve where
minimum flow condition decides the maximum capacity of plant that can be improved by
increasing the storage capacity. Figure shows that flow duration curves are of ne use
where the time sequence of the flow is of importance such as in the study of floods.
صفحه 7:
SA 5
۳4 تعر یف
* The flow-duration curve is a cumulative frequency curve
that show the percent of time specified discharges were
equaled or exceeded during a given period.
‘Mean daily flows * It combines in one curve the flow characteristics of a stream
ees throughout the range of discharge, without regard to the
Mean annual flows
sequence of occurrence.
+ If the period upon which the curve is based represents the
Flow rate Q(cumec)
os BS 8 2 8
long-term flow of a stream, the curve may be used to
predict the distribution of future flows for waterpower,
water-supply, and pollution studies.
صفحه 8:
کاربردها :
* انرژی برق آبی و طراحی سامانه های آبی
* مدیریت آلودگی در رودخانه و رسوبگذاری و فرسایش
sew ع a 0 * 1 i. 5 1 . 2 0 Ss
برنامه ریزی منلبع لب. از جمله تأمین لب شرب. کشاورزی. پرورش ماهی و( تحقیقات *
مرتبط با حفاظت از اکوسیستم
* کالیبراسیون مدلهای هیدرولوژیکی- درخصوص مرتفع کرد:, مشکلات ناشم, از عدم قطعیت
داده ها و تفاوت حساسيت به اندازه داده هاى مورد استفاده
**ارائة مدل منحنى_ تدا بان حوزه هاى فاقد آما
صفحه 9:
Duratipn Curve Seasonal Indexes (FDCSI)
تآثير بارامترهاى هندسى و هيدرولوزيكى حوزه بر شكل منحنى تداوم جريان:
ws OL 5 صورت تجریی است و در دو دسته گرافیکی وآماری قراز دارد"
روش گرافیکی. برروی تأثیر مشخصه های فیزیوگرافیک و ب و هولئی بر شکل منحنی تداوم جریان تمرکز
روش های آماری بر روی توزیع های آماری. برای برازش به منحنی تداوم جریان و ارتباط اين برازش ها به
مشخصه های فیزیکی حوزه متم رکزهستند.
مطالعات كرافيكي: يارامترهاى متحدد فيزيوكرافيكى و اقلیمی را در شکل منحنی موثر دانسته انده از جمله:
نقش خاک و زمین شناسی . نقش گیاهی, تغییرات کاربری | a بوشش كياهى.
هر روش base) Gin 7 متسدد تزاف برازشن جف شكل سعجنی تناوم حریان به كار بده قده اه
که از جمله آنهاء کاربرد توزیعهای احتمالاتی به کار رفته مانند توزیع لوگ نرمال, توزیع گاماء
توزيغ بثا واتوزيغ لجساتيك ممياد
صفحه 10:
5 .Water quality (Quality-of-water
1. Water resource manage ae 0
2.Public water supply 1 shee 6. Hydropow “*
3. Agriculture 2 power(Water ۳
FDCs forthe sumer season oe te) and
ner season (old te for Flsa at Enappom in
4. Fish farming
8. Ecosystem protection and amenities
9.Studying the effect of geology on low
صفحه 11:
11 < ae
معرفی نرم افزار
#فایل اکسل مایکرو نویسی شده برای رسم نمودار FDC
# نرم افزار مورد استفاده: https s/hydrooffice.org/TOOWFDC
لستفاده از نرم لفزا ۴ ۰ ۲۴۱۵۷/56۲۵۵۲۲ ۴۵۱۵96
صفحه 12:
معرفی نرم افزار فایل اکسل مایکرو نویسی شده پرای رسم نمودار ۴06
[The purpose ofthis program is to determine the food duration curves for a
ivan data set using tha Mathod of Moments and the Weibull mathod
[Input tho flow rates inthe yallow Boxes in any order without zero values,
12. Select whether the values are daily lows or annual peaks
8. Click the Cafculate fow-duration curves button and view output,
Annus Peake | ||Calculate flow-duration curves
View Flow-Duration Curve
صفحه 13:
معرفی نرم افزار
bp. alpha
14747 2
30 1 2
13.3056 | es | 8
Average of
35 087
‘Annual Retum Period
#فایل اکسل مایکرو نویسی شده برای رسم نمودار FDC
‘Average oF
2:۳7 0 ۳13
| 0475003[
صفحه 14:
معرفی نرم افزار #فايل اكسل مايكرو نويسى شده پرای رسم نمودار ۴06
= Flow-Duration Curve
Flow Duration Curve سپ جع
as Es دبس 0
صفحه 15:
معر ی فر م افز از نرم افزار مورد استفاده: https://hydrooffice.org/Tool/FDC
زاری است که امکان محاسبه و ارائه منحنی های تداوم جریان را فراهم می آورد. به عنوان مثال + اين منحنی ها اغلب در ارزیایی خشکسالی
هیدرولوژیکی استفاده می شوند. منحنی های تداوم جریان می تولند برای داده های ایستگاه های هیدرومتری بصورت سالانه يا ماهانه و
روزانه و همچنین براساس طول دوره آماری و یا دوره آماری مشترک, ایجاد شود.
+ A tool from the older generation that allows calculating and rendering + The aim of that software is to increase our understanding of flow regimes,
of duration curves. For example, these curves are often used in the _linkages to other physical processes, the combined influence on ecological
assessment of hydrological drought. function, and the result of altering these processes on the integrity of river
+ Duration curves can be created from the entire imported time series
We are interested in methods to identify and quantify ecologically-important + يوادم اه و و دا هام67 مس ی
‘components of flow regimes, assess their alteration through time with respect
‘Ti 2. els cai Fa ilo ho ation cue to a reference condition, and relate hydrological alteration to changes in
Into the module can be imported dally or weekly types of time series. جوع سواه
In adgition to discharge time series can be for the calculation and
3 + We are also interested in using this information to characterize and classify
analysis used variable time series of a continuous measurements,
‘both natural and altered flow regimes. Thus the analyses and related methods
which are used in hydrology and hydrogeology. in SAAS reflect a focus on environmental flow assessments.
صفحه 16:
معر ی فر م افز از نرم افزار مورد استفاده: https://hydrooffice.org/Tool/FDC
711 ار تشكل قذيهي كه امكان محاسيه:و ازائه متجنن هاي طول مدت جریان را فراهم میور 1 ١
اين منحنى ها اغلب در ارزيابى خشکسالی هیدرولوژیکی استفاده می شوند. منحنی های طول مدت جریان را می
توان از کل سری زمانی وارد شده پا از قسمت های تعریف شده مانند بخش های سالانه پا ماهانه ایجاد کرد
‘The whole time-series
‘Ini ual years
‘Individual months
ic time period (defined by build-
FOC - Years
[if] عق عم
]5[ ۴۳۵۲ - فعتع5۵ ۵
[E= _ Caution Manager 3 FOC -Leng Ter,
FOC Years,
صفحه 17:
معرفی نرم افزاز نرم اقزار مورد استفاده: https://hydrooffice.org/Tool/FDC
NICSE رارش لك بروندء داده ورودى» ابزار به شما امكان مى دهد متحين شاى مدت را تطور
خودكار براى تعداد زيادى از قايل هاى ورودى أماده , بدون دخالت كارير , محاسبه كنيد. در برنامه مى
‘Individual years ۰ pe ae 3
۰۱۱01۷ ۵ اون ۵ | ee
-Whole time-serie:
صفحه 18:
منبع 18
USGS Searchy - Flow Duration Curves .1 *
* 2. مدل منطقه اي منحنی تداوم جریان حوزه های آبخیز بدون آمار مناطق خشک(مطالعة
موردی: ایران مرکزی)/ مجله منابع طبیعی ایران/1392
۶ 3. بررسی و تعیین عوامل موْثر بر شکل منحنی تداوم جریان در اقلیم هاي مختلف
ایران/نشریه پژوهش حفاظت آب و خاک/1397
Flow- Duration Curves/James K. 6۲6/1969 4 ۰
Manual on Low-flow Estimation and Prediction/WMO/2009 .5
صفحه 19:
Sumer & Winter Low flow
صفحه 20:
eee ST
Sag ae
Hydrological processes and catchment storages
(modified from Tallaksen and van Lanen, 2004)
Soom |
Low flows occur after periods of low rainfall or when
precipitation falls as snow. This results in a reduction in
water stored in soils, aquifers and lakes and a decrease
in the outflow to the river. The timing of depletion
depends primarily on antecedent weather conditions.
The rate of depletion depends on hydrological processes
and the storage properties within the catchment.
Low flows usually occur during a long spell of warm,
dry weather typically associated with high pressure
systems and subsiding air. High temperatures, high
radiation input, low humidity and wind increase evapo-
Tation and transpiration rates. Snowfall and snow storage
result from temperatures continuously below freezing
which are often associated with cold, polar air masses
and/or decreasing temperatures at higher altitudes. In
the absence of snowmelt, precipitation will accumulate
and this will lead to a reduction in low flows.
صفحه 21:
4 تعريف
The term “ low flow indices” is used for: Base Flow Index:
specific values derived from an analysis of low flows. Hydrograph separation techniques generally divide the
The first two indices in this chapter describe the propor- total streamflow into a quick component and a delayed
tion of base flow in a river and the recession constant. component. The delayed flow component, commonly
They are followed by three fiow statistics, the nBFI=V,,/V,,, 27d to as the base flow Q,. represents the proportion
mean annual minima and the 95 percentile exceedance _! flow that originates from stored sources. A high index
of base flow would imply that the catchment is able to
discharge (Q,,). Many decisions on the design or ma- in siver flow during extended dry periods. Base-
nagement of water resources are based on these indices. guy indices are generally highly correlated with the
Examples include using recession analysis for low-flow hydrological properties of soil, geology and other
forecasting and using Q,, for preliminary assessment storage-related descriptors, such as lake percentage
when establishing water abstraction licences. The base-flow index (BFI) is presented below, and a
review of altemative automated separation procedures
can be found in Nathanand McMahon (1990),
The BFI is the ratio of base flow to total flow calculated.
‘om a hydrograph separation procedure
صفحه 22:
Low Flow Statistic:
8 5 ۶ 5 5 ۸ 5 ٩ 8 6 ۶ ۶ ۶ Mean flow
33.22 8 2 2 8 2 3 ۶ § § The mean flow is one of the most commonly used
statistics in hydrology and water resources planning.
It can be estimated from a time series of gauged data
by summing all daily discharges and dividing by
the number of days in the record. It is nonnally cal-
culated for complete calendar or hydrological years of data
It can also be calculated for specific months or seasons.
Flow (umes)
Base-flow separations for an
impermeable (top) and permeable catchment
(bottom) in the United Kingdom
صفحه 23:
Determining stream baseflows using (low) flow indices
Flow Index Definition
Tennant (1976) 0.30°(ADF) 30% of the average daily flow (ADF)
U.S. Fish and Wildlife 0501 5 New England Aquatic Base Flow method
Service (1981) (based on the August median monthly flow)
Ries (1997) ‘August median flow | Considered as a uniform aquatic baseflow
policy for water resources
Wallace and Cox 0و۵ Used as a conservative estimator of mean
(2002) baseflow
Hayes and Nelms Qo Estimator of mean baseflow in some regions
(2001) of Virginia
Qs0/Qs0 Baseflow variability index
Petts et al. (1997) 6/۵ Groundwater (baseflow) dominated streams
have values ranging from 2.5 to 6.5
U.S. Environmental 30Q2 The minimum 30-day flow with a two year
Protection Agency return period
صفحه 24:
Low Flow Statistic: دعر یف
Ninety-five percentile flow: Q,, Mean annual minima: MAM (n-day)
This is one of the most common low-flow indices used = Annual minima can be derived from a daily flow se-
operationally and is defined as the flow exceeded for95 _ ties by selecting the lowest flow every year and the
per cent of the time. It can be determined by ranking all eau of the minima calculated. Minima of different
daily discharges and finding the discharge exceeded by “mations can be determined. with 1. 7, 10. 30 and 90
95 per cent of all values. Q,, can also be derived from individual oe eae oe
months, for groups of months or any specified periods.
۱ 9 : mating the frequency or return period of low flows
Other percentiles can similarly be derived from the (section 7.5). In temperate climates, the mean annual
flow-duration curve. 7-day minima is numerically similar to Q,, for most
flow records.
صفحه 25:
Discharge (Q)
fa tea وا ea 0 tea is tes
ta ter
: Schematic representation of a sequence of runs with examples of total deficit, duration,
mutual dependent events and minor events. Discharge (Q) is shown as a grey line and the low-flow
7 threshold (Q95) as a black line ١
صفحه 26:
2 5 0 om 0 ۳2۳
% of time exceeded
‘Type cares ond frequency relationship for flow duration curve
3 Day Cane
لاه 0
هه و2 هه مد ؤم 65
Protng positon W
f 1
Ren peice (years)
Low flow frequency curve estimation procedure
صفحه 27:
Magnitude of low flow events
Wood et al. (2000)
Wood et al. (2000)
Clausen et al. (2000)
Poff and Ward
Mean minimum monthly flow for all
Mean of the lowest annual daily
flow divided by median annual daily
flow averaged across all years
Median of the lowest annual daily
flows divided by median annual
daily flows averaged across all
Mean annual minimum flows
divided by catchment area
Mean of the lowest annual daily
flow divided by mean annual daily
flow averaged across all years
Minimum monthly flows.
Annual minimum flows
Low flow index
صفحه 28:
Clausen and Biggs
(1997, 2000),
Clausen et al. (2000)
Richter et al. (1998)
Poff (1996)
Magnitude of low flow events
Ratio of baseflow volume to total
flow volume
Seven-day minimum flow divided by
mean annual daily flows averaged
across all years
Mean of the ratio of the lowest
annual daily flow to the mean
annual daily flow (*100) averaged
across all years
Baseflow index (1)
Baseflow index (2)
Baseflow index (3)
صفحه 29:
Richter et al.
(1996, 1997, 1998)
Clausen et al. (2000)
Clausen and Biggs
(1997, 2000),
Clausen et al. (2000)
Richter et al. (1996,
1997, 1998)
Poff and Ward
(1989), Poff (1996),
Richter et al. (1997)
Puckridge et al
Duration of low flow events
Magnitude of minimum annual fow
of various duration (1-, 3-, 7-, 30-,
90-day), ranging from daily 10
Mean annual 1-day/7-day/30-day
minimum, respectively, divided by
median flow
Mean magnitude of flows exceeded
75% and 90% of the time, divided
by Qo over alll years (Qs/Qso,
Mean duration of low flood pulse
Mean annual number of days
having zero daily flow
Percentage of all months with zero
Annual minima of daily
Means of minima of daily
Low exceedence flows
Low flow pulse duration
Number of zero-flow
Percent of zero-flow
صفحه 30:
{Flow duration indices used for low flow study
Riggs (1880),
Brilly etal. (1857)
Smakbiin (2001),
Wallace and Cox (2002),
‘Thame (2003)
Peiis etal (1997)
Michigan Depariment of
Environmental Quality (2002)
Higgs and Pets (1905),
‘Smakhtin and Toulouse (1998)
Dakova etal. (2000)
Stewardson and Gippel (2003)
‘Smakhbn etal (1905),
‘Smakitin (2001)
‘Caissie and Er-Jabi (1995)
Yoram and Burn (1998)
‘Ogunkoya (1989)
Rivera: Ramirez et al. (2002)
Wallace and Cox (2002)
Ries and Friesz (2000),
Ries (1997)
USS. Fish and Wildlife Service
Metcalfe et at 2008)
~ commonly used low flow index or indicator of
extreme low flow conditions
‘minimum flow to protect the iver
* minimum monthly condition for point discharges
‘icensing of surface waler exachons and effluent
discharge limits assessment
= biological index for mean monthly How
‘+ used fo maintain the natural monthly seasonal
‘used to optimize environmental low rules
+ commonly used low flow index
‘monthly value provides stable and average flow
“= monthly value gives minimum fow for aquatic
“used to examine discharge-duralion pattems af
small sireams
* threshold for warning waler managers of entical
streamflow levels
“ deseries limiting sireamiiow conditions, and is
used as a conservative estimator of mean baseflow
~ aquaiic baseflow policy for water resources
planning and management
‘used fo protect aquatic biota
‘used 16 recommend Seasonal minimum discharges
for waterpower rivers
صفحه 31:
Other low flow indices
‘Ohio Environmental Protecton
Agency Division of Surface
Water (1997)
Virginia Department of
Environmental Quality (2004)
TS. Environmental Protection
Agency (1999)
New Yor State Deparment oF
Environmental Conservation
TriState Water Gualiy Counel
Minnesota Offce ofthe Revisor
of Statutes (2004)
Waltemeyer (2002)
Michigan Department of
Environmental Quality (2002),
‘Ohio EPA Division of Surface
Water (1987)
Minnesota Offee ofthe Revisor
of Statutes (2004)
TS. Environmental Protection
Agency (2003)
‘stream design flow used lo determine waste load
allocations to maintain water quality ertera for
NHeN toxicity: May-November for summer
chronic aquatic life, December February for
winter chronic aquatic hfe
* default design low flow for calculating sleady
state waste load allocations for aquatic lie:
chronic erteria (ammonia)
* chronie enteria for aquatic Ife regarding ammonia
or ammonia-nitrogen loadings
+ Total maximum daily oad o assess human heallh
protection of drinking water resources
+ the basis for monitoring the attainment لما اه
stream water qualty fow targets
.» wasle load allocations for point Sources
+ chronic erterta for aquatic life
+ design for Total maximum daly Toads for various
water quality constituents
* design flow for wildlife values Such as mereury
“= waste load allocation for discharges into Rowing
receiving waters for wilde erteria
015 chronie standard or criterion for waste
load allocations
+ a reasonable estimate of annual average
basefiow for any given year
صفحه 32:
Other low flow indices
Carier and Putnam (1978)
115 Protection
Agency (1999)
Virginia Department oF
Environmental Quality (2004)
Ohio EPA Division of Surface
Water (1287)
Tinnescta Offce ofthe Revisor
of Statutes (2004)
US. Environmental Protection
‘Agency (1999)
Virginia Depariment of
Environmental Quality (2004)
‘Ohie EPA Division oF SurIaCe
Water (1997)
Minnesota Office ofthe Revisor
of Statutes (2004)
Schreier (1098)
US Environmental Protection
Agency (1999)
Bingham (1986)
~ general indicator of nial drought conditions
Which may cover large areas
‘+ may be used by State regulators to determine
water use restrictions
* the eriterion maximum concentration (ammonia)
for aquatic life
~ default design low flow far calculating steady
state waste load allocations for aquatic hie: acute
receiving waters for acute aquatic life erteria
{except for ammonia-nitrogen)
‘maximum standard or erierion for waste [oad
7 design Tow for the continuous chronic erferon
for ammonia
* defaull design low flow for calculating steady
state waste load allocations for human health.
2/۵8 load allocation for discharges into Towing
receiving waters for agricultural water Supply,
human health, and aesthetic eitria
“ hurnan health ehronic standard or efiterion for
waste load allocations
‘fo evaluate the effects fom contaminated
“flow for implementing the human health erteria
for carcinogens.
“= parmissile rate of wasie disposal into
Tennessee stieame
mean fow
صفحه 33:
> وچ وووووووعووووووووووووو
77۸ Hydrologically based low flow estimates using: a) flow indices, and b) flow duration &» |]
صفحه 34:
LISFLOOD daily run Qa
3 4hreshold check Os Que
سلتو سس ساسح
Pooling Ir >be Ma Ste Ger >be Gx Ste
= + 3
8,2 8 2, - ريو - © Dia (Qos: Q)
d= ds 4,21 9 1+ييك
یو ,و 9,20 9۹
1۳۹۹۹ 20700032 2-----2
Yes t= dekades (10,20,31,...) + No
۳ 1 0۶۵۵25
7۳۳ 025 > ۶۵20۵
Minimum size d,> d, | ——+ (Da) = 1- e+ زقو ان
Hl ©. 3A) $0.
55 ۲:۸ 5
Drought Classification
Flowchart describing the computational scheme for the implementation of the Low-Flow
Index (LFI) within the Copernicus European Drought Observatory (EDO).
صفحه 35:
dekade 3" dekade 24 تست
35 i
Figure 6. Sequence of Fy dekadal maps for summer (May-August) 2015 in Central Europe. The land cells with drainage area
<1000 km? are depicted in grey; the main rivers are coloured according to the scheme: no-drought: white, mild: yellow, moderate:
orange, severe: red, extreme: maroon (see Fig, 2).
صفحه 36:
Low-fiow statistics provide a valuable estimate of the
conditions experienced during the dry season. For rapid
assessment of the availability of water for abstraction
in temperate regimes, simple flow statistics such as بر
are often used to assess the amount of water available
at low flows. For public water supply. a constant ab-
straction is often required, perhaps with seasonal va-
siability. A second commen application of both Q,..and
the mean of the 7- or 10-day annual minima is that of
irrigation scheme design. This involves estimating the
potential area that can be irrigated by the supply river
for schemes without storage. If there is a seasonal
variability in irrigation demand, then flow statisties can
be determined for specific months or groups of months.
For preliminary design, Q,, is also used to assess the
availability of water for the dilution of industial or
domestic effiuents. Water quality models based on the
rate and quality of the effiuent and the flow and quality,
of the receiving stream are used to determine the fre-
quency distribution of downstream water quali
‘The BBIQas been used primaily asa general index of
catchment response. Ithas had its widest application in
regional low-flow studies in the United Kingdom
(Gustard and others, 1992), where it is now routinely
calculated for over 1000 gauged records published in
the United Kingdom National Water Archive (CEH,
2003). The BET has also been used to classify the hydro
logical response of soil types for regional fiood studies
(Boorman and others, 1995). Furthermore. it has been
implemented as a general catchment descriptor for
hydrological modelling (Chapter 9). as a tool for se-
lecting analogue catchments, and for estimating annual
and long-term groundwater recharge. The BFT has been
used not only in the United Kingdom, but also in Jow-
flow studies in mainland Europe, New Zealand, Souther
Africa and the Himalayas, It has also had extensive use
in Canada (Piggott and others. 2005). where it has been
mapped in support of regional low-flow studies and
‘used to map recharge and discharge zones, to investigate
the impact of climate change on groundwater resources
and also to relate flood response to soil type.
صفحه 37:
List of parameters to predict Ontario low flows (from Belore, پیش ا
Physiographic Description
Physiographic © Drainage area (DA, km”)
* Base flow index (BF, dimensionless)
* Maximum groundwater fluctuation (m)
* Slope (m km")
© Stream length (LNTH, mm)
* Degree of regulation (0 for natural, 1 for regulated)
« Drainage area controlled by lakes and swamps
Hydrometeorological | * Mean annual precipitation (mm)
Mean annual snowfall (MAS, mm)
Mean annual runoff (MAR, mm)
¢ Mean annual evaporation (mm)
Other parameters * Watershed location
* Soil index
* Quality of data (station density, record length, 2 1
FF measurement accuracy ۳ BS
صفحه 38:
Invorse Distance
۳ ea
Wane ce ened
Ordinary kriging
ets vader of spat terplatoe echnigu: sD represetaonel ocurred 11:
sesiaoa cs Rien Asin ot Pj
صفحه 39:
39 Wk Op
معرفی نرم افزار
LFSTAT - Low-Flow Analysis in R
صفحه 40:
Manual on Low-flow Estimation and Prediction/WMO/2009
Hydrological Low Flow Indices and their Uses/ WSC/2004
Low-Flow Index (LFI)/ European Commission/2018.
Prediction of low-flow indices in ungauged basins through physiographical /
Low Flow Estimation in the United Kingdom/Institue of Hydrology/
Development of an operational low flow index for hydrological drought
monitoring over Europe/Hydrological Sciences Journal/2017