پزشکی و سلامت

صدمات فیزیکی

صفحه 1:

صفحه 2:
Bone growth ‏سح‎ ! Bone growth is achieved by adding newly synthesized bone to existing bone by two mechanisms: 0 Endochonaral ossification 0 Intramembranous ossification

صفحه 3:
Endochondral 9 bone forms via a cartilaginous intermediate physis best reflects this process From 9 to 10 weeks' gestational age to skeletal maturity at 15 to 17 years, they are responsible for the longitudinal growth of bone

صفحه 4:
0 Physeal injuries represent 15% to 30% of all fractures in children. 0 The incidence varies with age and has been reported to peak in adolescents. Physeal injuries involving the phalanges account for over 30% of all physeal fractures (wrist jt more common)

صفحه 5:
Growth hormone increases the number of cells ‏لقلا‎ the physeal columns; Thyroid hormone potentiates cytoplasmic proliferation; Oestrogens play an important role in triggering physeal closure.

صفحه 6:
> Germinal zone /resting zone mee }- Proliferative zone 1 1 | Hypertrophic zone Zone of enchondral 7— Periosteal sleeve

صفحه 7:
20 Iring of LaCroi

صفحه 8:
ZONE DISEASE MECHANISM Dastooticowatsm Resene ‏یرومم‎ ‏سس‎ ‎Guanes ‏هویج‎ at ‏علوت دهم‎ Proteratve pen ce Excesirs col pretoraion Maturation ۳ ۳ copoly ‏هه موی‎ ۶ ‏ماسم دادم‎ 2 1 Degeneres = Provisional coven on Provisional Riches vlan deter ‏وین‎ t scones Primary ‏مامت‎ ‏یه ی و‎ Papert aa g 4 too 1 ‏سم‎ ‎۳ Onteogonets 2 secondary Fnpertecla ‏نت‎

صفحه 9:
Blood supply of physis ! Epiphyaseal vessels—supply germinal layer Metaphyseal vessels—supply central 4 05 physis 0 Periosteal physis—supply peripheral Types of epiphysis » Pressure epiphysis > Traction > Atavistic » aberrant

صفحه 10:
The first two zones have an abundant extracellular matrix and, consequently, a great deal of mechanical integrity, particularly in response to shear forces. The third layer, the hypertrophic zone, contains scant extracellular matrix and is weaker. On the metaphyseal side of the hypertrophic zone there is an area of provisional calcification leading to the zone of enchondral ossification. The calcification in these areas provides additional resistance to shear. Thus, the area of the hypertrophic zone just above the area of provisional calcification is the weakest area of the physis, and it is here that most injuries to ۲۳6 ۵55 066۲

صفحه 11:
Zone of Ranvier ———— el It is a wedge-shaped group of germinal cells that is continuous with the physis The zone of Ranvier consists of three cell types— Osteoblasts form the bony portion of the perichondral ring at the metaphysis; chondrocytes contribute to latitudinal growth; fibroblasts circumscribe the zone and anchor it to perichondrium above and below the growth plate. ۶ وم وم

صفحه 12:
Perichondrial Ring ‏ات سل‎ {tis a fibrous structure that is continuous with the fibroblasts of the zone of Ranvier and the periosteum of the metaphysis. It provides strong mechanical support for the bone-cartilage junction of the growth plate

صفحه 13:

صفحه 14:
Epipnyseal 0 supply by Dale and Harris Type A, ‏وت مه‎ The epiphysis is nearly entirely covered by articular cartilage. ۹ Consequently, the blood supply traverses the metaphysis and may be damaged on separation of the metaphysis and epiphysis. Physis Physis ۷86 ۶, "۲۳6 6۵1۵۳۷55 ‏عا‎ ۵0۱۷ ۵۵۲۵۱۵۱۷ ۵ by articular cartilage. Type A Type Because the blood supply enters through the epiphysis, separation of the 1 metaphysis and epiphysis will not ‏سس‎ ae ‏اه‎ ‎umerus compromise the blood supply to the pictairadias اكوك د اك و ‎germinal layer‏ Proximal femur] Distal femur

صفحه 15:
Etiology ‏و‎ ۲ ۲۳۵ most frequent mechanism of injury is fracture 0 MC, fracture injury is direct, with the fracture pattern involving the physis itself. Occasionally, physeal injury from trauma is indirect and associated with a fracture elsewhere in the limb segment, either as a result of ischemia or perhaps compression infection, disruption by tumour, cysts, tumour-like disorders, vascular insult, repetitive stress, irradiation, and other rare etiologies

صفحه 16:
| 5 Long bone osteomyelitis or septic arthritis (particularly of theshoulder, hip, and knee) can cause physeal damage resulting in either physeal growth disturbance or frank growth arrest

صفحه 17:
Vascular Insult Partial or complete growth arrests can occur from a pure vascular injury to an extremity. Salter-Harris type V injuries; the most common location for this is the tibial tubercle after femoral shaft or distal femoral physeal fractures

صفحه 18:
EPIDEMIOLOGY ‏ا‎ SH2 MC PHALNGES 44%, DISTAL RADIUS 18%,DISTAL TIBIA11% MALE:FEMALE -2:1- 14YEARS:12YEARS occurred twice as often in the upper extremities as in the lower extremities.

صفحه 19:
Salter and harris i Based on the Radiographic appearance of fracture. The first three types were adopted from Poland (types |, Il, and III) and Aitken (Aitken type Ill became Salter-Harris type IV) i The higher the classification the more likely Is physeal arrest or joint incongurity to occur

صفحه 20:
> Is a separation of the epiphysis from the metaphysis occurring entirely through the physis. (weakest) » It is rare and seen most frequently in infants or in pathologic fractures, such as those secondary to rickets or scurvy. » Because the germinal layer eres remains with the epiphysis, ‏اا‎ growth is not disturbed unless the blood supply is interrupted, as

صفحه 21:
Radiographs of undisplaced type | physeal fractures, are normal except for associated soft tissue swelling. type | fractures occurred most frequently in the phalanges, metacarpals, distal tibia, and distal ulna. Epiphyseal separations in infants occur most commonlyin the proximal humerus, distal humerus, and proximal femur Ultrasound is particularly helpful for assessing epiphyseal separations in infants (especially in the proximal femur and elbow regions) without the need for sedation

صفحه 22:
The fracture extends along the hypertrophic zone of the physis and at some point exits through the metaphysis. The epiphyseal fragment contains the entire germinal layer as well as a metaphyseal fragment of varying size. This fragment is known as The periosteum on the side of the metaphyseal fragment is intact and provides stability once the fracture is reduced. Growth disturbance is rare distal radius

صفحه 23:
Often ass with high-energy or compression mechanisms of injury, ( J Which imply greater potential Ss disruption of the physis & higher risk of subsequent growth disturbance ۳ Consequently, if displaced, they ۱۱ require an anatomic reduction, which distal may need to be achieved open humerus

صفحه 24:
0 Salter-Harris type III fractures begin in the epiphysis as a fracture through the articular surface and extend vertically toward the physis. The fracture then courses peripherally through the physis. 0 The articular surface is involved and the fracture line involves the germinal and proliferative layers of the physis.

صفحه 25:
Vertical shear # Extend from the metaphysis across the physis and into the epiphysis. Thus, the # crosses the germinal layer of ats physis and usually extends into include obtaining anatomic reduction and adequate stabilization to restore the articular surface and prevent metaphyseal-epiphyseal cross union This , Lateral condylar fractures of the distal humerus (milch type 1) and intra- articular two-part triplane fractures of the distal tibia

صفحه 26:
Is a crushing injury to the physis from a pure compression force. Those authors who have reported type V injuries have noted a poor prognosis, with almost universal Eg:- Of such an injury is closure of the tibial tubercle, often with the development of recurvatum deformity of the proximal tibia, after fractures oj the fami av distal ‏ماص تط ص ص 1[ دعم ممصم ع‎ unrecognized on initial radiographs. Undoubtedly, more sophisticated imaging of injured extremities (such as with MRI) will identify physeal injuries in the presence of normal plain radiographs

صفحه 27:
Type 6 injury RANG ‏ل‎ Injury to the perichondrial ring

صفحه 28:
Type 7 ogden i Trauma to epiphysis (chondral to osteochondral) O Isolated injury ~f the orich.--sal plate د t

صفحه 29:
Type 8 ‏اد‎ 0 # of metaphysis 4 Isolated injury of the metaphysis with possible impairement of enchondral ossification

صفحه 30:
Type 9 ‏ات‎ 0 Avulsion injury to periosteum 0 which may impair intramembranous ossification

صفحه 31:

صفحه 32:
0 The higher the classification, the more likely is physeal arrest or joint incongruity to occur.

صفحه 33:
شش Meraphyss Physis ‘and phyale missing ‘and epiphysis Aitken I Sater-Hamis IV Peterson Epiphysis and physis Poland ill and IV Aitken I SatterHauris i ۳ Physis Poland | Salter-Harrs 1 Metaphysis Metaphysis > Physis and physis Poland it Aitken | Salter Harts

صفحه 34:
1 Type | is a fracture of the metaphysis extending to the physis. Types II to V are the equivalents of Salter-Harris types I, Il, Ill, and IV, respectively. Peterson type VI is epiphyseal (and usually articular surface) loss. Lawnmower injuries are a frequent mechanism for type VI injuries

صفحه 35:
eo كت ناكم ۵۵008 eS OETO+ 0۳1+ ۳۷۳۳۵ 1G Gwe ee ۳۹+ PUWYG1 6 GLO ۳09۰ ee PWYG1 6 od ۳00 ee OETO + ۵۵ GLe ۳۵۵ OITKED 4 PETERGOO 4 # (۹ GS EXTEOO1OG ITO PLYG61IG

صفحه 36:
Salter-Harris | fracture of the distal femur, (widening)

صفحه 37:
Displaced Salter-Harris II fracture of the distal femur (with the Thurstan Holland fragment) 11

صفحه 38:

صفحه 39:
CT scan -Salter-Harris III fracture of distal anterolateral tibial epiphysis (ie, Tillaux fracture).

صفحه 40:
Displaced Salter-Harris IV fracture of the proximal tibia The lateral portion of the epiphysis and the dial portion of the epiphysis are independently displaced

صفحه 41:
initial injury radiograph of ankle subjected to significant compressive and inversion forces. minimally displaced fractures of tibia and fibula with ‏م۰۳۹۳‎ of distal tibial physeal-architecture. oi ۱ ; ۱

صفحه 42:
Follow-up radiograph - growth arrest secondary to Salter-Harris V injury. Note the markedly asymmetric Park-Harris growth recovery line, indicating that the lateral portion of the ‏تس توس‎ continues to e ortion does not. function and the m

صفحه 43:
Mortise radiograph -The Salter-Harris VI pattern. In this case, the radiograph indicates that it is quite likely that a small portion of the peripheral medial physis (as well as a small amount of adjacent epiphyseal and metaphyseal bone) has been avulsed

صفحه 44:
Growth plate (physeal) fractures. Radiographic evidence of_a pediatric

صفحه 45:
Xray of the injured limb in atleast 2 views Classification of injury types usually done by radiograph ! Ct scans may clarify complex # patterns Mri may show considerably more physeal damage

صفحه 46:
1 سس

صفحه 47:
7 6686۲۵۱۱۷ ‏ااج‎ ۱۷۵6 1 ۵00 ۱/۵6 2 # do well with closed reduction 0 All type 3 &4 # should be treated by ORIF regardless of the amount of displacement In type V fractures, the cartilage cells of the physis are crushed, and regardless of the form of treatment, ۱۰ ‏.اناعع0 للقء عع یا تا یی یا‎ A type V fracture usually is diagnosed only in retrospect when a growth disturbance develops

صفحه 48:
General principles of لس ۲ ۱0۶۲ 5۲۱ ۱ 200 II injuries can be treated with closed reduction and casting or splinting and then reexamination in 7-10 days to evaluate maintenance of the reduction. ‎Displaced injuries:- require reduction (within‏ ا ‎hours) because growth arrest is common‏ 48 ‎after late reduction.‏

صفحه 49:
Greater angular deformity can be tolerated in the upper extremity than in the lower 6۲6۲۱۷, More valgus deformity can be tolerated than ۷۵۲۱5, More flexion deformity can be tolerated than extension.

صفحه 50:
More proximal deformities of the lower extremity (in the hip) are better compensated for than distal deformities (the knee and, least of all, the ankle). Spontaneous correction of angular deformities is greatest when the asymmetry is in the plane of flexion or extension (ie, the plane of joint motion), Function often returns to normal unless the fracture occurs near the end of growth.

صفحه 51:
۱۷۵۲۷۸۵۵۲ 06 (۵16, :- ۱۱۵۲۵ ۵۵6۱9 potential, greater degrees of displacement are acceptable. But have greater potential for deformity. A growth plate that requires higher energy to cause failure tends to have a higher rate of growth arrest. For instance, the distal femoral and proximal tibial 1 ص

صفحه 52:
(SH II and IV)-require ORIF. Smooth pins should parallel physis in epiphysis or metaphysis, avoid physis. Oblique application of pins across physis considered only when satisfactory internal fixation is unattainable ۱/۱۹/۵۹ ‏کات ات وا‎ Type V fractures - rarely diagnosed acutely, treatment often delayed until formation of a bony bar across physis. A high level of clinical suspicion is necessary

صفحه 53:
Correct placement of ‏یت۱۱۱۱۱۰2۵ و۱ و۱‎ across epiphysis and metaphysis

صفحه 54:
Crossing the physis with any form of fixation should be avoided if possible In type Ill and IV fractures the pins should cross the epiphysis in the fractured areas In type Il and IV fractures they should cross the metaphysis and epiphysis rather than the physis if possible. Small cannulated screws are well suited for these fractures.

صفحه 55:
COMPLICATIONS 1)Growth acceleration first 6-18 months after injury. increased vascular response. use of fixation devices that may stimulate longitudinal growth. Treatment in adolescents may involve an epiphysiodesis. If more than 6 cm of correction is desired- lengthening procedures for bilateral limb- length equilibration. ae oi ص oa

صفحه 56:
2) Growth arrest Premature partial growth arrest is far more common and can appear as peripheral or central closures. Complete growth arrest is uncommon. angular deformities and limb-length discrepancies. Peripheral arrests are produced when (bone bar/bridge) forms, connecting metaphysis to epiphysis, traversing the physis. If bar is located medially, the normal physis continues to grow laterally, producing a varus deformity. Anterior bone bars - recurvatum deformity.

صفحه 57:
Central growth arrests - tented lesions of physis_ and epiphysis due to a central osseous tether with metaphysis, resulting in physeal coning. Some longitudinal growth continues in patients ian ‏ی‎ retardation, ‏اام‎ at a much slower rate; thus, a progressive shortening of the limb occurs. Partial growth arrests may be visible on ‏ل‎ as early as 3-4 months postinjury or may be delayed as long as 18-24 months. Follow-up checks may be necessary for 1-2 years postinjury to monitor physeal healing and growth response.

صفحه 58:
