صفحه 1:
٩۱۵۱: 0 Aeseutiod: Ossessiay Oulture aad Oulture Cup & QAuasiay Por ‏تا وت‎ موه ‎OUP GR EB‏

صفحه 2:
)( ‏موزل وه اجبول‎ the culture oP pour Orquutsutiod | Qeurview oP botk the prevent aud desired vultures! Okut persvuul bekuvivurs tudividuds cod udopt tv 55 reduce the yup!

صفحه 3:
7 Sets of high quality tools which are available to Shell companies and OUs in the form of maintained packages of brochures, slide 2 -

صفحه 4:
TITLE REV STATUS 4. Oaderstuadiay pour vulture 6 Alp tested Q Ouacytay Rule ‏ام‎ dilly tested 9 9 ‏امعم جووءو‎ DOutrix 0 ‏راان‎ tested 6 ‏عووهرلمع‎ to Okwaqe 4... ‏ابو‎ tested © ‏:وان سوط‎ Gupenisivd O Aely tested © ‏بمب‎ @prisdl 4 ‏۶و‎ ۱92۱٩, brockure & tustructivas ue OOMested. 2 Gofety Otwute/Dorkfore ‏امد مجحب اموا‎ 4 Qovess tested, brovkure & tustructivos we OOMested. م ممه

صفحه 5:
Ossessiuy WE Oulture wad Oulture Gap ‎for ۳‏ اده ‎

صفحه 6:

صفحه 7:
ل 4 ۱۸ hermit to) contract/ Job | Work System | Contractor ‘Management | Mazaréous Situation ‘Unsafe Act reporting | | s8 Standards & Proce dures Competency \_ Programmes Incident Investigation (Tripod Beta)

صفحه 8:
ما یماسا که مه له HSE MS Self Assessment Questionnaire RP GPRD

صفحه 9:
‎od‏ 700 ان ‎hd‏ ۱ ۱ 99۲ ۱۶ ۲و ‎HSE Culture ‎38 E performance ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎۲ ۳ ce I ‏ل‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 10:
WOE Oulture badder

صفحه 11:
cfironic wrease safety seen as a profit centre a ee ‎things Before an accident‏ تب ا ل ‎obsessed with statistics‏ کا نا ‎Rot aa cre ae ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 12:
Wedon tseea problem Weareaware of theproblembut don tknow how tosolvett. Wehavea plan toimprove 1 Wehaveachtevedimprovement andareholdingontoit. Beaty naa ع تخأ نه ]مرققق ]66111 ‎ae Ly‏ ل ‎Action ‎2 ‏ا شأه‎ mine

صفحه 13:
“Raise consciousness Pee asa a ergy eee ne ea ee tC Tey مه تاه ۲0۵ ۶9۵6۵ *Maketheoutcome achievable 66111 ‏]ترات‎ 6137 ‏ککهء ماه ل يا‎ ‏دنا‎ ‏ردو‎ ‎۱ ‏ردب‎ success 206000 *Makeeveryone publicly commit totheir plan “Carryout theplan Maintenance be Ton ae aay Le

صفحه 14:

صفحه 15:

صفحه 16:
Gelectiog vPdiweusivas A/BIC|DJE]FIG ۱ ۱۷۸۱۱۷۱۵۱ ۴ — — Management 6۱ ۱6۱۱۱۱ ۶ e ۰۰ ‘Supervision ۰ 6۱۰ ۱6۱۱ ۰ Workforce 6۱۱6۱ ۱6۱ ۶ 9 ©| ۶

صفحه 17:
ندروج ) :و سوق - svore the relevast diweusiows — valowete overall spore — weraye yup sore - discuss low scoruy diweousivos - dievuss persoud bekwivurs Owstuys: — sopres we wavaywour — persvud bekwiours oe ck urevteristic deevriptives, ut 0 ‏۱و2‎ ‘SCORING SHEET 11 لد 1 ~~ | ind)

صفحه 18:
Syndicate-1 Ossess: O1WGREis POO? Syndicate-2 Qssess! O WERE ae the Ooutravtors?

صفحه 19:
A solidly implemented HSE management system (HSE-MS) is an essential basis for good HSE performance. Outstanding performance and continuous improvement will only be achieved when thereis a culture in which the elements of the management system can flourish. can only be achieved if the " is right. The research sponsored by SIEP and Shell OUs has resulted. inaclose co-operation with the Leiden, Manchester and Aberdeen universities in which several methods have been developed to understand and change culture. ‘These tools are designed to be used in short sessions and have been made attractive, or fun, so that people are keen to participate.

صفحه 20:
موم ‎٩۸۵‏ واه ومد روشطناو) بطاحاك تس حون 9 ‎Por GoPey -‏ ‎Oowrquewe‏ ‏سالا ‏ومكحات8) جمشدجعدو ا" ‏معدا مدوم 0) مه ‎Leadership‏ ‎Ieoplewectatio‏ لككه مهممواسو) ‎oP‏ ‎WEE Oorneweu Systew‏ ‎OorkPoror ‎Cacayecect - Orcciay Wears ord Dierks

صفحه 21:
Ore YOO tuterested? (۶۶ ‏أسد اعمج‎ 09/1 @-Ouskery, OGD/?R Tet; ۶ Gah @-Gawdi, O6D/ , ۲۱ ‏عع‎ @i @-Oukwogi, OOO/7G TH; Sits sile) como ‏همه‎ 205

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