صفحه 1:
صفحه 2:
> Avaccine is a biological preparation that provides active acquired immunity to a parti
disease. A vaccine typically contains an agent that resembles a disease-causing microo!
and is often made from weakened or killed forms of the microbe, its toxins, or one of its surface
proteins. The agent stimulates the body's immune system to recognize the agent as a threat,
destroy it, and to further recognize and destroy any of the microorganisms associated with that
agent that it may encounter in the future. Vaccines can be prophylactic (to prevent or ameliorate
the effects of a future infection by a natural or "wild" pathogen), or therapeutic (e.g., vaccines
against cancer, which are being investigated).
> The administration of vaccines is called vaccination. Vaccination is the most effective method of
preventing infectious diseases; widespread immunity due to vaccination is largely responsible for
the worldwide eradication of smallpox and the restriction of diseases such as polio, measles, and
tetanus from much of the world. The effectiveness of vaccination has been widely studied and
verified; for example, vaccines that have proven effective include the influenza vaccine, the HPV
vaccine , and the chicken pox vaccine . The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that licensed
vaccines are currently available for twenty-five different preventable infections.
> The terms vaccine and vaccination are derived from Variolae vaccinae (smallpox of the cow), the
term devised by Edward Jenner to denote cowpox. He used it in 1798 in the long title of his Inquiry
into the Variolae vaccinae Known as the Cow Pox, in which he described the protective effect of
cowpox against smallpox. In 1881, to honor Jenner, Louis Pasteur proposed that the terms should
be extended to cover the new protective inoculations then being developed.
صفحه 3:
صفحه 4:
بع ل وت روز ۱۰۲
> The practice of immunisation dates back hundreds of years. Buddhist monks 01
venom to confer immunity to snake bite and variolation (smearing of a skin te ia)
cowpox to confer immunity to smallpox) was practiced in 17th century China. Edward
Jenner is considered the founder of vaccinology in the West in 1796, after he inoculated a
13 year-old-boy with vaccinia virus (cowpox), and demonstrated immunity to smallpox. In
1798, the first smallpox vaccine was developed. Over the 18th and 19th centuries,
systematic implementation of mass smallpox immunisation culminated in its global
eradication in 1979.
> Louis Pasteur’s experiments spearheaded the development of live attenuated cholera
vaccine and inactivated anthrax vaccine in humans (1897 and 1904, respectively). Plague
vaccine was also invented in the late 19th Century. Between 1890 and 1950, bacterial
vaccine development proliferated, including the Bacillis-Calmette-Guerin (BCG)
vaccination, which is still in use today.
>» In 1923, Alexander Glenny perfected a method to inactivate tetanus toxin with
formaldehyde. The same method was used to develop a vaccine against diphtheria in
1926. Pertussis vaccine development took considerably longer, with a whole cell vaccine
first licensed for use in the US in 1948.
> Viral tissue culture methods developed from 1950-1985, and led to the advent of the Salk
(inactivated) polio vaccine and the Sabin (live attenuated oral) polio vaccine. Mass polio
بادا ال ا ار ال رت ل مي سل ل اي ل ا ا ودف
صفحه 5:
wo 0 1 a d
1 B Countries that have never eliminated polio ١4 HB Countries that have never eliminated polio.
3 : Ne ۴
۱ 11 Counties that have eliminated poio
و 2014
Progess of polio elimination 1988 and 2014
صفحه 6:
Attenuated strains of measles, mumps and rubella were developed for inclusion ines.
Measles is currently the next possible target for elimination via vaccination.
Despite the evidence of health gains from immunisation programmes there has مععط
resistance to vaccines in some groups. The late 1970s and 1980s marked a period of
increasing litigation and decreased profitability for vaccine manufacture, which led to a
decline in the number of companies producing vaccines. The decline was arrested in part by
the implementation of the National Vaccine Injury Compensation programme in the US in
1986. The legacy of this era lives on to the present day in supply crises and continued media
efforts by a growing vociferous anti-vaccination lobby.
The past two decades have seen the application of molecular genetics and its increased
insights into immunology, microbiology and genomics applied to vaccinology. Current
successes include the development of recombinant hepatitis B vaccines, the less
reactogenic acellular pertussis vaccine, and new techniques for seasonal influenza vaccine
Molecular genetics sets the scene for a bright future for vaccinology, including the
development of new vaccine delivery systems (e.g. DNA vaccines, viral vectors, plant
vaccines and topical formulations), new adjuvants, the development of more effective
tuberculosis vaccines, and vaccines against cytomegalovirus (CMV), herpes simplex virus.
(HSV), respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), staphylococcal disease, streptococcal disease,
pandemic influenza, shigella, HIV and schistosomiasis among others. Therapeutic vaccines
may also soon be available for allergies, autoimmune diseases and addictions.
صفحه 7:
Public health facilities were very poor during the Qajar period (1796 - 1925) and
19thcentury, Iran was still subject to outbreaks of various fatal diseases includin ۳0۰
The history of smallpox vaccination in Iran dates to the reign of Fath Ali Shah Qaj 97 -
1834), when the British doctor John Cormick, the personal physician to Crown Prince Abbas
Mirza (1789 - 1833), wrote a treatise on smallpox inoculation. According to Keddie, “Abbas
Mirza, the governor of Azarbaijan, was the only Qajar with power who understood the urgent
need for Western-style reforms”.10 Cormick's book was translated into Persian and published
at the first printing house established by Abbas Mirza in Tabriz, Azarbaijan Province. It has
been said that the treatise on smallpox inoculation was the first modern medical book
published in Iran(Figure 4).11Dr. Cormick vaccinated the family of Abbas Mirza against
EUS SD Col LO bs ا ا
CRON 6۸9/0۳۶۳ 1852), the reform-minded Prime Minister of Naser ad-Din Shah. In
this regard, the Austrian medical teacher of the Dar al-Fonun School in Tehran, Dr. Jacob
Eduard Polak (1818 - 1891), wrote that “as Amir Kabir was concerned with the health of
citizens, he made efforts to prevent smallpox by vaccination and dispatching caregivers
throughout the provinces with adequate means and ordered the translation and
republication of the treatise on smallpox into Persian.” Dr. Polak also added that “at that
time, most children in Tehran were vaccinated against smallpox”. Based on the official
newspaper of the government at that time, Waghaye Etfaghyeh (established in 1848), Amir
Kabir ordered the health officers to perform smallpox vaccinations and they were
صفحه 8:
برنامه ایمن سازی کودکان با توجه به شرایط اپیدمیولوژیک کشور وی ی
, بات واسل»- قنرهفقج اطقال-مپاتیت با | wea
ee اجو ee a سرف - ره فلج ال - خهاتیت te aap) میم ل
هس دض رل
7 | سل وا رو و
apo ake IO |. | - کر قلح اقا كع اس دمع ع es
سس تست هرس با
IS wag eles OS™ wall Go aga = DUEE DD oe — Clipe eign 5و سویاهوی | ha ee |
piguscpscsirstion - | gapeunsi| | ag 1
| 7 مامكى | MMR موجه ستدوم سرخجه مادرزادی) ۶ ارس seu قل د Jae a Be
& نموه - سس وبورای
+ع | سدور يض سيد ست ص مه سال cate MMR | زب ]مه ل وه
ستدوم سوعجه مادرزهدی) :| از امس د وتم دوسا
ete cg eke SNE ۱ سرفه — lt Ut eld os 1 اما
راستهای کشووری هر ایتک پییاهصدهای تاهطالو مک ایحین سازی ۹-۵
۲۷۱۶ شماوه ۱ طيقه یتیک ous
eee Gp aa «Ge Sl سوتاینه قاعتض
دور صو ر تیتکه و۱ کستن یدطوور صسمييح داده شو د.
مواود تاقی او اقکال در مادم کر دت» سمل ول
و جتتی یه وس
eb» 25 sues
تسوه S25 و
a (Program errer)
و حتتی ها حمومات موار دیکه یمد اور ایست سارک ee SE
TN <Soincidental اون ی سس فى “وز سس سا مازعا تفت امن ات
موارد تاشی از دلشور ه یا درد تاشی Sao SI هسحتد
مار د تاغی ار خلت ها ae EEG
صفحه 9:
علایم اختصاری واکسن ها
جدیل ۱- واکسن ها پرزمه
انام اسن
سوا ره
aes =
عم لسع
Sansa نام
وه مه عسد
یمت سازی کشیری.
جدول ۷- اکن های گریه های قاس
نام فسن
eS gs a
صفحه 10:
صفحه 11:
جدول ۴- اناع واکسن های غير فعال و راه تجويز و مقذا
أنام واكسن
(MeL as
iS bl SS omar
۱ sins Joos
یرچنینهای سطحی ویروس
یچ زوك بللى ید
زیرجلدی یاعضاهی |
هیقیت ب حقتى ون سطحى وبروس عضا
صفحه 12:
باورها ر مورد ممنوعیت ایمن سازی
1 ليا
سازي 07
۱ ل cc)
* مواجهة أخير با يك بيماري غفوني* بيمارق خفيف با تب مختصر مانند سرماخورد؟ي: عفونت
گوش و اسهال خفیف
ا ا RE 0
inno ار ار
Ee MCSE Cesar OLE Bicol cia
*سابقه حساسیت خفیف یا غیر اختصاصی در دریافت کننده واکسن یا بستگان وي (بجز
حساسیت شدید شناخته شده فرد دریافت واکسن با يكي از اجزاي واکسن)
* تغدیه با شیر مادر
* سوء تغذیه
بر ری
* سابقه سندرم مرگ ناگهاني شیرخوار در خانواده
* تماس خانگي با فرد دچار نقص ايمني (بجز موارد خاص که در مبحث مربوطه ذکر
وخ خن ای یی با ی ی ی
صفحه 13:
uly © > در خانواده
lw > ادگي پیامد نامطلوب ایمن ساری زر ۱ بت ارني سیستم ایمنی)
فرآورده هاي خوني يا كاماكلوبولين در كيرندكان واكسن هاي غيرفعال
صفحه 14:
Pa Poe Pb eae Cs Fees Parsee nee Pm BT Fe pes Pe Op ا
PP HESW A eaeD RCO CLT SSE Emre STE S tm econ vey hr [Pen (ores pre agt A Pomerearelpy prreerneere|
وى «اندامى» نامكذارى شدواست.
صفحه 15:
* برنامه واکسیناسیون کودکان در کشورهای مختلف
Copel 2
ان ار رسارس سم رم اور یرای ele oat JAA
ا Mh a تا ار ار
دی لیر رات دراری eS) pAb oll perl ont زر ری رت وان
سک رك سكل روطان مر موه کرک رو ات
را ار تال را ترا رل رل ار سر ال رت ار ار
Allo ی ی ی رن ا ل ل ا 1
موظف به پرداخت 2500 یورو می کرد. اين قانون به خصوص پس از اپیدمی بیماری جدی تر شد و به دستور وزیر
ار رصع هی رل رت یی رود ورن کی ای مات
1ب 111053
را اه ی رم را زا ری بل he Olle gee Wed
fe oo ee eee eRe Ee Moree i Pe Re. CCL eee Se aera dere mC ied ee moere dL Tv ore)
قانونی برای واکسیناسیون وجود ندارد زیرا بیش از 96 درصد والدین به واکسیناسیون فرزندانشان اقدام می کنند و
ا كد سان ام
صفحه 16:
راتس رات را را ار را ار از زر
ار وت وا ری ری اه ای ار
م eS RCo Ae Re ل ere Ree SEs ake
fe رات اک یی نکن ری رسد کر وی دی رک وا
اک رم ی ای ور وا ار ری ره رای ار ای
کر ای را ال ار
دولت این کنتور تگاه جدی و اجباری به واکسیناسیون کودکان دارد و بدون رون ای All
اكووكان در مهد كودك و مدرسه ممكن نيست و والدين مجبور يه sla cng 1a
ofa: ONE em ee VP: Ors ECSU HOU DCE Sern EN FU TS meen ار
esa رن واه مرن از
صفحه 17:
آنتی ژن سطحی
کشته شده
پلی ساکارید
ضعیف شده
کشته شده با جهش بافته
كشته شده يا جهش يافته
كشته شده
يلى ساكاريدى
ضعيف شده
نواحی گرمسیری-در زمان تولد . در
انگلستان-14-10 سالگی و در آمریکا -
فقط به افراد در معرض خطر"
به افراد در معرص خظر(پرستل درمانی
و غبره) معتادان تزريقي ؛ تماس با
افراد ناقل بيمارى
به افراد در معرض خطر(سروكاريا
حیوانات)پس ازتماس
آفراد در معرض خطر , سالمندان
كودكان مبتلا به لوسمى
صفحه 18:
1 Pera
هريس ها (آبله مرغان تا حدی بی خطر بنظر میرسد),
آدنو ویروس ها , رینووبروس ها
استافیلوکوک ها
استریتوکوکهای گروه ۸
مایکوباکتریوم لپرا(360اتا حدی حفاظت ایجاد میکند)
تره بونما باليدوم (سيفايس)
كونه هاى كلاميديا
گونه های کاندیدا
گونه های پنوموسیستیس
صفحه 19:
wie cory
صفحه 20:
Table 2. Vain corsage (parentage) by WHO region, 2072 (data fom [15 CG, بنمه۱ هک حها) مه 01۳9, tre doses of diphthera, tetanus,
pertussis vacne; MC, atleast one dose of meals racine; HepB, thre doses of hepatitis B vaccine; Hib, tree doses of Haemophilia type b
]1 received the fs dose ofthe recommended roti sve of immunizations; PC, te doses of a peumacacal conugae voce.
‘WHO region Eg 7 تاد wont ibs م
ica 2 7 6 5
metas 3 9 9
متعم عملا 3 8 4
سا 5
Seutheast Aca 1
Wise Pai 4
‘bal 6
Figure 4. Infectious and potently preventable causes of did matali in
2012 2 (Onin version in colour)
صفحه 21:
0 Ice sae tec acre CRE TY
PAPER NENG Herr) Sia lees cose allo] مر
MPMI Mic voces Co os سس lll ER a I a
Seer Rese meer rrec nt yr mere rc SESE Seren Tp. a ا ا
Poser te) ا ا bY -y ged Ewe ntems peer rend een ا
كران سيا سرفه, هباتيت ب و هموقيلوس آتفلوآنزاى تيب ب) بود كه در اواخر سال "51 انجام شد و از أن يس
۱ ۱ تغییر خاصی در طر
صفحه 22: