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10 New business models for this decade

81 صفحه
994 بازدید
12 بهمن 1396


صفحه 1:
New Business Models for this Decade ... TREND RESEARCH BY Trend Firm MARKET ANALYSIS BY Strategy 8 BUSINESS MODEL DESIGN BY Strategy

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10 ۱۱6۳ ‏5ن() ۲۵۲ ۸/۵۵۱5 وعه‌طاو8‎ 66۵6 . Localized Low-Cost Business Model» . One-Off Experience Business Model »» . Beyond Advertising Business Model ». ‏اام يي نك‎ er eee Em Cole 0 2 3 4 5. Low-Budget Innovation Business Model «= 6. Community-Funded Business Model »: 7. Sustainability-Focused Business Model »:» ‏ل ل رات‎ (ol 9. Unlimited Niches Business Model ==» ۱۱۱ ‏وه‎ ROU ue eT EL oe Cole eas

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Localized Low-Cost Re Model

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“FUNCTIONALL” ی 9 0 5 fers ‏ح‎ = com

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"۳0۱۱6۲۱۵۱۲۵ ‏وس‎ Localized Low-Cost Business Model

صفحه 6:
Fast moving consumer goods companies looking for new market opportunities for their simple, ‘small and cheap products are considering the localized low-cost business model. In essence, this business model is suitable for standardized products and services with minimum specifications and lower customer expectations that can be locally produced and globally branded. This business model will only be successful if the following two conditions apply. The first one depends on significant market presence in metropolitan areas in mature markets. This condition allows companies to leverage on their achieved brand value in emerging markets. The second condition is that the product or service has income generation or self-sustaining features. This condition opens the door to lower incomes in emerging markets. Future market expansion is possible to both other areas in mature markets and higher incomes in emerging markets. ‘The company's most important activities will be cost efficient procurement, marketing and quality ‘management. Design is in the hands of local product and service designers and standardized production is outsourced to local producers, Likewise, energy efficient distribution is done through local vendors, Fast moving consumer goods companies will focus even more on maintaining and ‘managing their brand portfolio. Their low cost structure, micro financed local activities and low prices plus high volumes will result in profitable growth of global market share. Localized Low-Cost Business Model Thaesis

صفحه 7:
Localized Low-Cost Business Model ‘The Business Model Canvas sos: ceevart fr test moving consumer goods companies Key ‏م | يعي‎ 4 psa Pn, Customer Customer panies GY | activities DY. | Proposition ‏ما مس | زا‎ | Segmencs Key Cee Ode laut ‘ncbainabpmtoncan Revente a Thaesis

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One-Off Experience Business Model

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“NOWISM" Why currency is the new currency 2۲0۷/۹6۷۶ ۱6555 *triends on fire Google ۷۵۱: 6 8 as @Trendsmap ۳ ‏الاو ا‎ ww livestream BSioppr i cosatesk — tweetmeme TO PS y ECwitter Google latitude trend watching com

صفحه 13:
|" ‏طفيس‎ One-Off Experience Business Model

صفحه 14:
ig in popularity and unknown for their profit, many social media companies are searching for ways to combine third party see-hear-buy products and services with their own ability to offer one-off experiences. The One-Off Experience business model stands for a smart connection between customers in markets of abundance and their experience seeking equivalents. This business model will only live up to its expectations if social media companies team up with offline event organizers, offline pop-up stores and online retailers. Developing software and engaging in ongoing conversations with their users Is simply not enough to do the trick. This. business model offers unique experiences to customers at a given place during a specific event. The software platform on which its online communication channels come to life will spark the engine of experience seeking customers, By instant contributions from these customers then and there, the door to the larger experience consuming market share will be opened. Events will have to be combined with commercial opportunism, The social media experience remains free, relevant products and services will have to bought the old-fashioned way. With money that Is. Commissions from both pop-up stores and instant online retailers will bring in the revenue, These have to compensate social media companies for high hosting costs and presence and findability costs. These costs tend to rise along the popularity of the social media platform. If this Is not absorbed by a parallel growth in revenues, the business model will not be sustainable. One-off Experience Business Model Thaesis

صفحه 15:
pes ‏ی‎ ‏هو‎ One-Off Experience Business Model most relevant for scil media companies key Ql a | wee, ‏ت‎ | customer | customer Pareners Activites Proposition (FIL | netacionships 2 | Segments Key 8 channels ‏مسا‎ 5 ‏تت‎ سیسوس ‎Ce Ode‏ ملسم ولو Revente Thaesis

صفحه 16:
۳9۳۵ LIVE PERFORMANCE FROM STUDIO 606 | FRIDAY OCT 30TH 7PM PT / 10PM ET Connect or Sign Facebook to discuss this event Everyone Watching {RIF betsy Sveinsson Have a LEM Cigar powered by Wlvestrearn سم عبرمععة 0

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Beyond Advertising Business Model

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“TRANSPARENCY 4 Beyond Advertising Business Model

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Traditional media and print companies are looking for new revenue streams and have done so for ‘some time. In the last decade, the number of subscribers has been declining and the market for advertisements has not performed much better. So what's beyond the known horizon? Traditional media and print companies need to shift from a business model based on advertisers telling subscribers what to buy toa business model based on facilitating both customers and partners in trust building and on-demand interacting. The business model for media and print companies remains two-sided but with two separate value propositions. It offers customers in mature markets, which are reached through customer initiated research, comparison and review, trusted product and service advice. These are shared with - and contributed by ~ commercial partners. Second, It offers individuals on-demand interaction with public partners, for example governments, schools and hospitals. Media and print companies will become great in facilitating individuals and groups in sharing, contributing and interacting All communication will be channeled online and independent review portals complement media and print companies in building trusted customer relationships. Their cost structure will shift dramatically, from paper and distribution to content management and online facilitating, Revenues will be generated from facilitation fees paid by commercial and public partners, and commissions from product and service retailers. What's beyond the known horizon? Facilitation Is the answer. Beyond Advertising Business Model Thaesis

صفحه 23:
Beyond Advertising Business Model ‘The Business Model Canvas iyo rlevant tor traatanal media and print companies key 8 | Bie By | customer Customer EA, | Proposition Relationships =P | کر سس مومسم عم ‎Faciate Tred‏ ‎compae. mature‏ سس سس ‎‘contributing advice review markets‏ 5 0000 000 امم یا تا سا اد سا ار یه 5 ‎a‏ ‏007 اي ‎a‏ ‏تسم ف هده Facttation skis ost Revente Consent Faciitators ‘management Facttation fees swe Oat eases) Thaesis

صفحه 24:
Register . Browse to gat unbimited free aceon ‏مهس ترس و‎ Search for schools Got the inside scoop. See how they rank. Stowaway Issue 1: January 2010 by BYU Zines

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Create Your Ad in Seconds

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JACK ABLIN JIM CHAMPY [ ۱ 5 ۲ 111 1: ! 1

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Markets Are Conversations Business Model

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“FOREVERISM” Consumers and businesses embracing conversations, lifestyles and products that are ‘never done’ aos ane (۱ ‏افد لله هذ‎ © ‏لاح‎ ۳

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“FOREVERISM” sq Markets Are Conversations Business Model

صفحه 30:
Product-focused professional services firms are finite. Economic turmoil leads to severe pressure on fees in business-to-business markets like consultancy, advocacy, accountancy and corporate finance. In times like these, it takes more than product development to stay in the game. Understanding that markets are not a static product of history and position, but a dynamic snap ‘shot of conversations and interactions, is the first part towards new growth. ‘es firms, the difference will be made by For professional ser converting non-engaged customers into engaged customers. Product development will be obsolete. It will be replaced by customer relations and conversations. By sharing modular and beta products and services with your current and future customers, companies and thelr customers interact and collaborate in ongoing conversations. Not only will ‘customers find and follow companies in online social networks, it will be the other way around as well. Employees have always been an important resource for professional service firms, and this importance will be especially true for social media skilled employees. ie tracking and conversion, Professional services companies will need to become active with real: with a little help from media partners. This will lead to ongoing product and service improvement and innovation, resulting in lower failure costs and higher recurrent revenues. An involved customer is a loyal customer. Markets Are Conversations Business Model Thaesis

صفحه 31:
Segments Markets Are Conversations Business Model most relevant for professional services companies key 5 | eee ‏له‎ | customer ‏ار‎ LA, | Proposition Relationships 2 Key channels ‘The Business Model Canvas 582 اسع Revente & وال مساو Thaesis

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Discover your 0

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Some ek! lis ange [ENE EN foe oll it’s worth. coe

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Low-Budget Innovation TUT Model

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“INNOVATION JUBILATION" 50+ new business ideas that defy doom and gloom

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‎wx | ow-Budget Innovation Business Model‏ ا

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Low-Buciget Innovation in fast moving consumer goods companies used to mean bringing in the creative talents, the marketers and the producers who started searching for possibilities to develop new products. For executives, there was nothing left but to hope for the best. Those days are over now that’s co-creation is introduced. Innovation has become something companies can do with their customers, instead of to them. Based on customer observat n and customer participation, fast moving consumer goods companies develop co-created products that are improved by early adopters with sample tests. Early adopters are connected to the much larger market share of followers. Although co-creation can take place in off-line development labs, connectivity between adopters and followers is almost exclusively taking place through online channels. Online is also where local customer communities and global trend trackers meet. Fast moving consumer goods companies need to become specialists in customer behaviour, in traditional consumption patterns, but more and more in social and individual lifestyle patterns as well. In a low-budget innovation business model, fast moving consumer goods companies are able to achieve a higher new product success rate with lower budget development costs, Now that's called low-budget innovation. Innovation Business Model Thaesis

صفحه 39:
Low-Budget Innovation Business Model ‘The Business Model Canvas ~syect relevant or fat moving consumer goods companies Vato customer | customer ‎facionships Sepnents‏ سس اب | ‎GE‏ مت ‎C2 |‏ نمشد | و بط 7 ‎channels ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ost Revente ‎ ‎Thaesis ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

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ما م1 را 09۵22 د ‎MERE‏ سب

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Community-Funded ‏و1۳2‎ ‎Model

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“SELLSUMERS" If saving is the new spending, then selling is the new saving

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“SELLSUMERS' > Community-Funded Business Model

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Entertainment- and publishing companies have traditionally been specifically good at talent Identification and development. In a community-funded business model, talent identification and talent development are radically democratized. Instead of talent identification and development, entertainment and publishing companies become exceptionally good at fund and community management. The most essential resource in this business model is the intelligence of a community. {In this multisided business model, their are three distinctive customer segments: believers, suppliers and buyers. Believers become members through the online community platform and fund products that are produced by suppliers. These products can be visual, auditory or textual and are bought by buyers, Bellevers can be buyers can be suppliers and the other way around, Fysical products are distributed through retail stores, digital products through the online community platform. To boost product sales, entertainment and publishing companies partner with media companies, professional producers and distributors. This means marketing, production and distribution costs have to be covered by interest and supplier subscriptions next to product sales. This business ‘model has a different tipping point in different markets, Community Funded Business Model Thaesis

صفحه 47:
3 یه | ن مام بسح a Suppliers a Byes Community-Funded Business Model ‘mest celevant fo entertainment ané pubilsing companies Relationships membership =a a” ‏عي لله‎ channels Value Proposition Products Revenue A Fund management Community management Key Cammanty Intligence Produesion Narkesng ‘The Business Model Canvas Pareners Coun Ode laut) Thaesis

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Cards ponent 5 1 > Nia 0 seo" کب ۱ FOOT kkk nt OO KAKA

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6ه اع ۳۳ ‎a‏ ‏)= ‏تن

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Sustainability-Focused Re Model

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“ECO-BOUNTY” From ECO-FRUGAL to ECO-METERING, future profits willbe green

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“ECO-BOUNTY” sm Sustainability-Focused Business Model

صفحه 54:
If green status is what customers want, that's what they'll get. Fast moving consumer goods companies are creating new products and services for customers in mature and emerging markets by focusing on sustainability. Fast moving consumer goods companies that are serious about sustainability research the ecological impact of their products and services. Facts are needed for research-based green marketing while creativity and locality is needed for green storytelling. Brand defining employees and green marketeers work together with product and service designers, ecological organizations and governments. These research and marketing efforts demand a sustainable premium on traditional low-cost prices. When the market response is insufficient, governments can provide grants for sustainability -focused companies, Customers are reached ‘through regular channels such as retail stores. The relationship between company and customer is based on green storytelling: individualized, personal and local context are integrated in customer relationship management. This business model will be more successful if fast moving consumer companies are active in both ‘mature and emerging markets. Given the lead in green ambitions In mature markets, market presence in these markets allows companies to leverage on their achieved brand value in emerging markets. Sustain ability Focused Business Model Thaesis

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Sustainability-Focused Business Model ‘The Business Model Canvas syect relevant or fat moving consumer goods companies Key % Ke Se Pn, Customer Customer: Key 5 channels Thaesis ost Revente

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y ve WF product

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Twisted Freemium 55۱۱65 Model

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NERATION G” sq Twisted Freemium Business Model

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Freemium business models are relevant to many companies, amongst others software development companies. This business model is based around the idea of involving customers and development communities in the development process of a free open source based product. Free open source products are offered to self-service customers, who have access to a self-service platform. For these customers, self-reliance is part of the value proposition. Customers in need of a continuously serviced version of the product are willing to pay for a professional subscription. Now here’s the twist. Because the free open source version is being developed outside the software company, there Is no relatively large budget needed for research and development. Key activities become product support services and product versioning and testing. This means lower development costs. Customers get to choose between ‘Free’ and ‘Premium’ versions of the product. Software companies need to facilitate relevant open source development communities by providing an online platform. This involves platform development and maintenance costs. To distribute the continuously serviced version, local branches are in place. This means sales and distribution costs are incurred. Twisted Freemium Business Model Thaesis

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Segments هذ Twisted Freemium Business Model ‘att relevant for software development companies Relationships Revente Value Proposition با سس Key ‘The Business Model Canvas Pareners

صفحه 64:
۷02 Garden ....., Garden by eBay fs where we plant the seeds of new ideas. This fs your chance to partner with us to develop the eBay experience the way you'd like to see {t. Try out these features and tell us exactly what you think. Your opinions will go directly to the people building these features. Tell them If they're on the right track, or If It's back to the drawing board. We want to fet this right. Help our Garden grow.

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۳۱6۵00۱۲0۷۷6۷ search ۳

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‘CITY STREETS سلس 01010 ٌ 8 1 3 © 6

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Unlimited Niches ۱:1۳ --- Model

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(5 اعوانع2 106 ما ععاتادانتا اهع‌نامع2۲

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“NICHETRIBUTES” => Unlimited Niches Business Model

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The long tail is a typical statistical reflection of niche markets. If storage costs are close to zero, the umber of products on sale is close to unlimited. Online retail companies use a business model adapted to this long tall, servicing many niche segments. Some online retail companies have even, outsourced to fulfillment partners. By adding content production tools to thelr value proposition, an unlimited niches business model can be realized. Online retail companies offer niche content to many niche customer segments, by engaging in ongoing mass-customized customer relations. A second customer segment is the segment of niche content providers. Potentially, the combination of these two leads to an unlimited number of niches. New content is created and offered through online channels, which means online retail companies will have to focus on platform management and promotion next to service delivery. This platform is a key resource, as it is the place where supply and demand meet and it allows niche content providers to develop user generated content. The cost structure of online retail companies includes platform development, platform management and platform promotion. Revenue comes from low volumes of unlimited items. Because customers develop the content, if it needs to be low-cost and practical it will be. Unlimited Niches Business Model Thaesis

صفحه 71:
Unlimited Niches Business Model ‘The Business Model Canvas pil ‘relevant for online retall companies key 5 | eee ey | customer ‏سس | رم‎ ‏بل ار‎ | Proposition Relationships C2 | Key 5 channels ost Revente

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Cus \aaaey ow sbt WEAZ33: Applied ] ‏ی‎ ang Metworolegy POE3S4. Moder Poety! MKUPAA4: Beauty Schoo! Dropout MEAT206: Moat

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اا ‎Business‏ ‎Model‏

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(0۴ ex In-Crowd Customers Business Model Sear,

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Travel, leisure and lifestyle companies are always on the look-out for status triggering products and services they can offer. To deliver status, these companies think in terms of experiences and Individuals. The more personal, the more status they deliver. Which is also true for the uniqueness of the experience. Servicing in-crowd customers in mature markets, travel, leisure and lifestyle companies need to extremely personalize the relationship they have with these customers. Offline networks deliver the best results through personal in-crowd encounters. The most key resource for travel, leisure and lifestyle companies is their brand. The brand is both a social network navigator and a divider between in-crowd and crowd. The most influential members of a social network are potential brand ambassadors. Brand ambassadors become partners In selective marketing the status triggering products and services. Local social and cultural agencies are another key partner, who actually produce or service of social and cultural experiences. The extremely personalized customer relationship allows for the highest margin prices, which have to compensate for the relatively high ambassador marketing costs and production or service delivery costs. Its the kind of travel, leisure and lifestyle margins marketers have for a long time dreamed of but haven't been able to maintain in the past decade. The in-crowd business model is thelr new business model for this decade. In-Crowd Business Model Thaesis

صفحه 79:
In-Crowd Customers Business Model ‘The Business Model Canvas spas relevant for travel llsure ane iertyie companies Key wm | ‏عسافلا 4 م‎ Pon ‘Customer (7 istomer ‏سة‎ —— SEB] Scr A, | ‏ند ما متسد مسر‎ 8: Key Coe Ode estas) 0 Revente & Thaesis

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صفحه 81:
10 New Business Models for this Decade... PRODUCED BY: Ouke Arts, Strategy Consultant/Graphic Facilitator E-mail oukearts@gmalicom,Twiter oukearts, Skype oukeats THANK You: Reinier Evers, Foundler/CEO trendwatching.com ‘Theo Huibers, Founder/CEO Thaesis ‘THE BUSINESS MODEL CANVAS is described in the book Business Model Generation!

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