پزشکی و سلامتطب سنتی

Acupuncture for Hemophilia Patients in Chronic Pain

صفحه 1:
LUA en] ae

صفحه 2:
Acupuncture for Hemophilia Patients in Chronic Pain Angela Lambing, MSN, NP-C, 1 Dr. Vinay Varma, ? Beth Kohn L.Ac., M.T.O.M, DipI.Ac, DipI.CH a 7 Dr. Suresh Hanagavadi? 1Henry Ford Health System, Detroit, MI ?Karnataka Hemophilia Society, India

صفحه 3:
Statement of the Problem = Chronic pain due to end stage arthritis for hemophilia patients presents ongoing issues resulting in exploration of non-standard therapies for pain management = Acupuncture has proved successful in osteoarthritis and non-malignant pain. = Pain management involves a multimodal approach

صفحه 4:
Objectives = This study seeks to: = a) Document a decrease in hemarthritic joint pain after acupuncture treatments = b) Demonstrate minimal bleeding risk during acupuncture.

صفحه 5:
Review of the Literature Minimal literature related to hemophilia = Wallny TA, Brackmann, HH, Gunia G, Wilbertz P, Oldenberg J, Kraft CN. (2006). Successful pain treatment in arthropathic lower extremities by acupuncture in haemophilia patients. Haemophilia. 12(5); 500-2. = 10/12 pts showed improvement = Average VAS reduced from 6.8/10 to 5/10 = No side effects were observed

صفحه 6:
= Rosted P & Jorgensen V. (2002). Acupuncture used in the management of pain due to arthropathy in a patient with haemophilia. Acupuncture medicine. 20(4); 193-5. = Case report - 38 yr old severe hemophilia A, with joint pain; knees, elbows, ankles = On factor prophylaxis; received factor prior to ine = Previous right knee synovectomy = 5 tx for the knee with reported significant reduction in pain = Repeat acupuncture every 3 months = Close collaboration with hemophilic clinic = Use of qualified acupuncture specialists

صفحه 7:
Method = Convenience sample = Prospective study = Dual study between Twinning partners: = Henry Ford Health System, Detroit, MI = Karnataka Hemophilia Society, Karnataka, India ™ Utilized certified acupuncturists Inclusion Criteria = > 18 years of age = Hemophilia = Reported chronic pain = Severe Joint hemarthrosis as identified by the HTC Michigan subjects - factor replacement > 15% ۱3 (ae IRB requirements) India residents - no factor prior to treatments

صفحه 8:
Acupuncture points = Acupuncture treatment plan = Twice per week x 4 weeks; weekly for remaining 6 weeks Primary acupuncture points: = Du 20, LI 4, Liv 3, Gb 34, Sp 6, LI 11, St 35, Kid 3, 5۱6۲0 ۲۵۱ ۶۵۲ ۲ = Specific Knee pain: = Secondary points: Xi yan, Heding, Liv 8, Sp 10 = Specific Ankle pain: = Secondary Points: St 41, Gb 40, Sp5 = Specific Lower back pain: = Secondary Points: Ub 23, Du 4 = Specific Elbow Pain: = Secondary Points: Lu 5, Sj 5

صفحه 9:
Method = Measured pain scores using: = Visual analog scale: 0 - 10 = Average daily pain = Highest level = Lowest level = Types of pain medications utilized = Number of pain pills taken/day = Quality of Life (QOL) = Standard SF-36

صفحه 10:
Method = Signed consent per IRB protocol = Cost of acupuncture sessions covered = Mileage covered for travel to each session = Patients were instructed to report any bleeding issues = Acupuncturists identified any post procedural bleeding issues.

صفحه 11:
Results = 19 HFH hemophilia pts signed up to participate = Only 6 completed the study citing travel & work restrictions = 3 hemophilia pts completed study in India = Total of 9 pts completed study = 6 severe hemophilia = 2 moderate hemophilia = 1 mild hemophilia

صفحه 12:
Demographics = Ethnicity: = Marital Status 0 1 = 7 married 3 India Pts ots = 4 Caucasian = Age: 28 - 63 yrs = Ave age 45 years = 2 Afr American = Education: = Work ۶ 4 6 « 4 ۱۱ ۵ = 2 secondary school = 3 disabled = 2 technical school = 1 student = 1 grade school: gr 8 = 1 retired

صفحه 13:
Pain level reports: VAS 0-10 Pain med post 1 ۷۲ None 3-4 x day <1x day 1-2 x day 5-6 x day <1x day 3-4 x day ولك ۱ وت ‎med pre‏ 1 x week ۱۳ ‏کت‎ ‎3-4 x day 1-2 x day 1-2 x day 1-2 x day <1x day 3-4 x day 1 ۶ Post Treatmen 1 4.0 2.0 6.0) LO 0) 4.0 4.0 5.0) 2.0 82م ‎treatme‏ ‎nt‏ 4.0 4.0 8.0) 5.0 6.0 4.0 4.0 10,0 4.0 ae #1 #2 #3 74 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9

صفحه 14:
SF-36; QOL scores Post acupuncture 30.0 70.0 0 درد 52.4 4366 44.4 43.8 65.0 Pre acupuncture 23.0 52.50 0 60.0 76.8 42.0 ae} 43.8 50.0 Variables Physical Functioning Social functioning Physical problem Emotional problem ‏لاقعلا أقأمع الا‎ Energy/Fatigue Pain Health perception Health change

صفحه 15:
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صفحه 16:
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صفحه 17:
Limitations = Very small sample size = Duration of therapy program proved a barrier to enrollment = Additional objective data to confirm improvement would have been helpful = Joint measurements

صفحه 18:
Conclusions = No bleeding experienced: = With any subject = After every treatment session = Factor vs no factor pre treatment = 6/8 pts reported decrease in VAS pain scores = 7/9 QOL domains improved = Alternative therapies: acupuncture may provide some benefit to chronic pain patients with hemophilia in a multimodal approach = Larger randomized studies are needed

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