صفحه 1:
Qunoliy uttdbutes, soecarivs, tuctios
صفحه 2:
(Pou Oiews to GoPtiware
® Code view
" Daup Piles, weap hie oP Pites
® Obevt vode, bicary code
® Outiple versives
® Oodhiuraiva warner
® Onpniscive of these oP ect the neusubiliy oP
vode ood the build fteve oP the systew
صفحه 3:
(Pou Oiews to GoPtiware
rnchitectune vost
® Oodule view
® Dke desiqn oP iodvidudl clisses vr provedures is
too Pio yroiced to be cousidered part of the
® ut the devowposiiva oP the systesw ud the
puniizciccy oP codes tate hpers is!
صفحه 4:
۱۹ ها
rchitevture vow
® شحو view
® Dke اوه مور
® Wow to wap Puontived powpooeds to roti
® Wow to horde pow mivaivd, له تلو
صفحه 5:
(Pou Oiews to GoPtiware
rnchitectune vost
۲۱ اون view
® Orsorbes the systew in terws oP its wuipr حول
Pleweuts cod the retaicg acy theo
« مج fied closely to the opplicaicg docaict
" Coc be used ty speciy the svPtwore architecture oP a
spate wit sowe utdbutes to quide the wuppineps oP the
اه views:
صفحه 6:
5 أن اوروصومت جكاا ر*اتمجل]|”» powpooeds ord
® Problews und svlutioas ore viewed privity
ول نز
۶ له موه لح اه هولج بو
صفحه 7:
Cou eptud ات رن
® Cugtceeriag coavercs uddessed!
® Wow does to susteso PUP il he requinewents?
" Wow we COED cow prurds له امه Kew do they
foteract wits the rest oP the systew?
® Wow ts doworrspeniic harder od/or svPiware
] tay the syste?
® Abow is Pucntiocatiy porticoed oto product reteases?
® Wow does the systew tcorpore the product's prior
yeurroives ued support Pulure هجو
® Wow con the iopont oP chooges in requireweuts be
صفحه 8:
ODodule view
5 Coweptnl powpoueds und pooeviors ure
wupped ty subsystews wed wodues
97 »”]١ و جد how the poueptudl
یامه نولصا كلابب لجصتامجم دا دصك اد
دعص امحادها لجه سوام
صفحه 9:
Oodule view vow't
:لول له سوه موق ®
" ow is the product wapped oo to the svPwore plier?
® Okt systew support/services does it use ond where?
® dow own testing be supported?
® dow own depenteunies betters wodues be wicivised?
® Wow coo reuse oP wodues ood subspstews be
® Wow te isote the product Proow chores ۱)
svPwore, لته رهام واه و
صفحه 10:
سس ول
® QDup the wodules to the اواج oP the
rude plore
® Osfues the systew's nitive Putties tabu
their uttibutes
® Dewey vee, اوه ول ...
® Plow of coat Pro the potot oP the rooticoe
صفحه 11:
| ۱ view vot
® :وله سوه نمزم
® Wow does the systew weet its perPorwoue, revovery
rod revodPiguraiicn requireweuts?
حور وا وه موه رورا vse?
* ولا لمورا
® Wow to ohieve powurreuy, replicdiva, distribuiod
without too suck #اه ند امه ال
عمط وا عمط اه موی ع مت و Wow ®
صفحه 12:
Code view
® Oup the nuotiwe eutties Prov the exevutiod
view t7 deployed cowpourts (e-4.
® Oup woddles Prow the wodule view tv
۷۲۲ 17171771712015
= Ortervice kow the deplopweut اهوم
we produced Prow source powpoueus
صفحه 13:
اه زر Code ۳
5 0) كج سجوال؟ powers addressed:
® Wow oan the ficoe ood ePPont Por product
upynades be reduced?
® Wow should proodudt versices od releases be
® Wow ooo built fies be rehired?
® Okt tools ore ceeded ty support the develppwect
سم سا
ومه وه له موه و Wow ®
صفحه 14:
وه موه و رم اه رو و ور«
اه بط اما سور له وود ما و
design wives سوق«
سا دم«
or rebcbiity ون سا یو مرو موق«
نا ,راون ,رطلط the مطلی لصو و«
مج ولو«
صفحه 15:
عد م ديق
* 6 رای
۰ له من سین
* @lobd evdkiation task
® Piro desig صاصم
" Resource bucket
© 4oterPace Pa
صفحه 16:
عنصراهمه امرام)
© deaify the 5 a lore
۲ عل يداحا ا ۱
۶ تا ما عوررادی() cows up wih زره Por
=P اب be sutshied, devi ick kas priority,
موجه a requinewed, or chon sowe جلك أاميجمجر
Pavtor to cows up with worbkuble stroteqies
صفحه 17:
| (Blobdl aclysis ممع
® doRAueucicny Pactors
۰0 Db
® Oevelppwedt schedule, bucket
® Onprisciocd utitudes, svPiwoure provess
a”, 5 ى١
® Quotable hardware ood svPiwore teckology
® Produnt اوه
® PerPorwuwe, depewdabiliy, cost
® Duy be dPPerect io Puture versioos
صفحه 18:
اه ردو امطم)
Quay Pastors oP Pevt the euiire systew "
Gtrotedis should address qobdl coaercs, but provide ®
سا ما موم Por من
مرول Opnurs throughout the ®
Dew Pantors, issues or sirdedies coo urise of cop fe "
من و Ovusider Puctors us ®
Oight be cociradicticay *
Gort out cooPlicts cod resolve thew ®
صفحه 19:
اه ردو امطم)
® Oowpleweuts the risk coasts ord/or
requineweus wodlsis
® Requreweds und rsh ucdees witht que the
weysed Partors
® Dkeo develop stroteyies to the desicn
® Provides u spstewwuto Wwopok idectipicey,
صفحه 20:
| (Blobdl aclysis ممع
" @Dadlpsicy Puvtors
® Dake us input the oryacisaiocdl, techovlodical cord
product Pactors
® Duhe thew explicit
= Dhrer (9) step procedure
" Gtep (: WdeatPy ood describe the Poctors
* Gtep CO: Choranterise the اجه سا بر لافطا
oP the Pastors
® GtepO: @uulyse the سوم oP the Pastors
صفحه 21:
Gtep 0: IdediPy vad desoribe the
® Can the Puptor’s Phueue be loculised to vo
® Ouray whick stages oP developed is the
® ves the Poctor require way نود expense
or shi?
صفحه 22:
Gtep C: Chanmierise the Pexbiliy or
he chamyeubliy oP the Pastors
= رایخ
® 45 it possible to Plueuse or choo the Poctor sv thot if
wwokes pour task of urchitevture developwedt eusier?
® 4a what way cot pou Puede it?
Dp whol ماه نهر موه مج 9
«۶ م6
" da whet way could the Pastor chore?
«۶ bow they wall t chore dure or oPter developer?
* تسدنا Pies wall it oboe?
* ill the Panter موه روا تاه سا a the vier Pastors?
صفحه 23:
BP a Pactor wes to ckooge, whick oP the
Polloutee would be oPPevted ced Kou?
۲ له وان
® Cowpourus
® Dodes vP operciva of the systew
® Other desiqa devisions
صفحه 24:
اس سه اوق
® Develop strotesjes
® Dhrer (9) steps provedure
۰ Gtep (: WdedtPy متسه له مه Pactors
" Gtep C: Oevelop svluiicas und سوه stroteqies
" Gtep 0: Ideaihy relied strotedies
صفحه 25:
له عصحه نجل :0 Gtep
" defy و hoodPul oP isoportoat issues thot ane
® Licitaivas or poustronts imposed by Pastors
» عاط هات جحو ام موی
« ) eed to reduce the iwpoot of choopeubiliy oP Pastors
© Devic Por portabliy
® OR Rindky io sotisPicg product Pastors
© igh troup req. way pverbad CPO
« ) امه موی to obo requineweuts
© Cro hoodie ood recovery
صفحه 26:
Gtep 9: Develop solves urd
® (or ek ise, develop stroteqies that address the
the urchitevture desicnt
® Reduce or lovdise the Puctor’s صصص ام
® Reduce the نموم of the Povtor's choogyeubiliy oo the
desiqa ocd vier Paviors
® Reduce or loculise required aredd oP expertise or shils
® Reduce werd tee cord ePPort
صفحه 27:
IdeatPp relted strateqies :9 مورظ)
with won thao vo صيحصاصجا بوصاصساك ه جهذا(]) 5
reped the strotexp ال رصح
صفحه 28:
5 Cousider three Kieds oP جسصاصه ”ا هلاه
"oO, 55 Db
® واه مرول وونل
حك مس 9 ۲
* @obedded or الاو product
® (Produnt Pavtors
® Puontiood Pectures ord qualities oP the product
صفحه 29:
| (Biobal (Buulpsis Guoweary pout
® Ot the eed oP architecture desiqa pou wil Kove
۰0 ی i iy we
® Developed strotesies ۲ وی
* @Bubtabiliy
۶ نموم
* اهوم
صفحه 30:
1IGSOOO: The @Oducared
حصان اص 8) الوص“
سس وم با 1۵6000 «
© ke steer وم و ری مد را
bes سم اوه تلا خاه روت مرو موه و
ke wer con deh سوم مسج ماه
Dlrouchpul of kage uxniviion GO% higher thao bePore
frome dephay us Past os the wax. kardvare spreed
وه defied رربي عت إن speed oad kooye quay
Oeviqned Por وی upgrade:
وی مان و
Can be commented تا اماب رس وا