معماری و عمرانعلوم مهندسی

Architectural reference models

صفحه 1:
Reference Models مدل هاى مرجع معماری

صفحه 2:
Table of Content Okt s orePerewe wodel? (10%) Diu rebereare svodel saxpples 600806416 GOW (dO%) 0061 nePerewe wodel (8%) PCO rePereue wodel oowststiog oF : PerPormane RD (10%) Ovoress RO (19%) Cenice RO (10%) Devkviod RO (1D%) Duta RYO (ID% ) Retatery PE rePereuce wodels to cack other (1D%) meh ete ‏سس‎ Doe

صفحه 3:
What is a reference model? © rePerewe wodel is oo ‏سسوم وود‎ Por ‏و‎ ' ۲ ke RePereuce wodel poosists oP ‏اوه ای و‎ oP 11 ۱ ‏كار ليه وس‎ ۲ ۳۹ ies, | 3300865 viker poonrete details.

صفحه 4:
An abstraction hierarchy ‎Ohamea —‏ سرد جل شومر ‎(oe ‎0 ‎۷ ‏«مشددالى سس ‎Dob 3‏ سس ع وس ‎

صفحه 5:
An example on this abstraction hierarchy : سحن زو بط ول توس RePereue Oodet Couepts | ruta anced, kyoieour arcu, ‏مه رواد‎ QRetaivoships: physicd separaive beter cute area ord ‏مه روا‎ RePereuce Orchitecture Ortoow , hitches , OO , kuhvay kere way be severd rePereuve urchitevtures Por vor rePereue wodels e.g. rePereure urchitertune Por oa uparkved , ‏و ام‎ , a spare statics , ... Cowrete (acted) Orchiterture Qhepricts Por o spevitic house! where ty put wiedows , heir بماك fence ire

صفحه 6:
OASIS SOA : a reference model for SOA architectures (od : ‏د‎ dePice the DP service vriested uchiterture, ond ewerge wit ‏نموت و‎ ord a © basic ‏اه ماع‎ GOO : Gervive Ortected Orchterture (SOO) is ‏تلم و‎ Por orgeaiziog ced utlizicgy distributed papabtiies that ww be vader ‏یه توا اه اوه ها‎ ‏رم‎

صفحه 7:
OASIS SOA Reference Model Main Concepts ‎Dob‏ سس ع وس ‎

صفحه 8:
OASIS SOA Reference Model Relationships ‎Dob‏ سس ع وس ‎

صفحه 9:
OSI Reference Model OSI Model ‏هروا و‎ obstruct data unit layers ‏دب عه‎ ‏ا‎ alas wt Eee et) cn rel packets poeta ۳ Logeal Adaressing WP) frames data link eal Adarossing (MAC & LLC) physi ical Media Layers meh ete ‏سس‎ Doe

صفحه 10:
FEA reference models Dke Pederd Cuterprise Oroktecture ts oc tnttaive oF the ‏نان‎ oF Oucccewerot cod Budget thot akes to cowply ‏كلابب‎ ‎the Clager-Ovkeo @rt und provide ‏وولو مه و‎ Por fePorwuive techbowlowy (11) arquistion io the Ovited Grates Federal youre. (outs: سوه reduce ‏اوه‎ meh ete ‏سس‎ Doe o

صفحه 11:
Performance reference Mousl (estes el | Measurement) 9 م ‎rouping‏ . ۱ . 5557 00 ‎J‏ مط اليه وكا فد ‎a‏ ی ع وس ‎

صفحه 12:
‘OUTPUTS: Te et evel ody (yates ara ace rocessas measure 35 ven by deste ‘comes. Aligned wih Level 20" he INPUTS ey eases rmessuestweugn ner ceireuton‘o cuts, ther enlensoroucones, ‘OUTCOMES: Meson and buses-cical resus aligned ih Levels and of he BRI, Ress measved oma customer perspec 2 PRM (cont ‘d) © Gi People | ‏كته‎ 0 ع وس

صفحه 13:
PRM (cont ‘d) Orusurewed Oreos Orwsure wed Outeyories: Oolevtioas wikia euck weasurewedt ared desvribicy the ‏لامج با نا موه سس ماه‎ Orssurewed Broupiag: Cuntker nePoewedt oP voteyories tuto speviPic types oP wee urewedl tidicators Orasurewed Iedicaiors: Dke spevihic weusures, e.y., cuspber and/or percectage oF ‏سح‎ sutsPied meh ete ‏سس‎ Doe 9

صفحه 14:
PRM (cont ‘d) Oven und Owhkess Remus OO a ee ‏خس ای‎ ‎Reis OB‏ سین باروج ان سسوم میسن سس تن اس سین تاه راون وم وموموصه وا رود ‎Crovesses und Orivties DB 1 eerie te meee eerer tert et wovitored cad/ar teoproved. ‎Teckwby OB ‏عله رما سي‎ oe perros cere tec erie ei hea ‏ی‎ ‏إمصاص م فعممت بط : ‎Alancos Cuptd O®‏ ‏امین بط : 206) ویو ‎Ober Prod‏ ‎oe 3 ‎ ‎

صفحه 15:
PRM (cont ‘d) - A piece of PRM tahla Measurement Category Measurement | Measurement Grouping Indicators” Customer Benefit Customer Satisfaction Customer Retention ‘Customer Complaints ‘Customer impact or Burden Customer Training Service Coverage New Customers & Market Penetration Frequency & Depth Service Efficiency Timeliness & Responsiveness Response Time Delivery Time Service Quality |Accuracy of Service lor Product Delivered [Service Accessibilty lAccess. 4 Availability

صفحه 16:
Business Reference Model eT sy | Line of Business Ly Sub-function © WWieracchicd coestrut a Orsoribien, day-to-day busivess ‏سوه‎ oP the (Pedera qpvernved © Buantivedrivest a fudepeudtedt of the agqeuvies that perPorw thew ی ع وس

صفحه 17:
BRM (cont ‘d) 033 ‎ee‏ | نم موم سس ‎savin‏ ۳ لسك سم ‎Communty‏ ومد هه ی همه ‎‘onan‏ ۳ ۱ و تست رهم متیر ۳ تب جات اه مود تس | عوجر و مس وی ما مه و[ Deivery corners | ‏هی‎ coms ene PSimpor 7 | egucoy Deveboment ‏و‎ ‎۱ ‏هط‎ ۱۳۳۹ | ruraneeoucewenogenert 000 0 ‏ون‎ ‎Dob‏ سس مس ‎ ‎

صفحه 18:
BRM (cont ‘d) Gervices Por vitzeds: high-level moteqories ‏باس‎ to he purpose oF yoversnveot Oode oP Orlvery the wevlacisws the qovernved uses to achieve its purpose Gupport Delivery oP Gervices ke support Pucntives cevessary to pooduct yovernvect ‏هرن‎ ‏مومی‌مه()‎ oP Covered Rescues the resource wood#yewed Puacticas that support ‏أله‎ aneus oP the qouernved's bustiess meh ete ‏سس‎ Doe ‏ص‎

صفحه 19:
BRM (cont ‘d) - sample piece of the hierarchy —

صفحه 20:
Service Reference Model ۱ تست 20۵ اوه ۳ مه وی how they support busicess ‏عوللجه‎ ee Component rach ets ‏سس‎ Doe en

صفحه 21:
SRM (cont ‘d) Gervice Orwait provide a hightevel view oP he services ued cupubiies trot dP Pereutated by their busiaess-prieuted mapabiliy Gervice Type Bunker ‏نمی‎ ood dePice the capubities oP rack Dewar Covwpourst provide the “buldioy blocks’ to delver the Cowprarct capability t the bustuess sell poctotced busicess provess pr service wits ‏و دنا ير ل سر‎ bustuess pr tecbuvloyp toterPace, meh ete ‏سس‎ Doe

صفحه 22:
Service Types * Customer Relatonsti Management و 0 ها 2 1 و + aca na woo 00 03 0 سس و 9 1 Sippy Chan anagenent ‏عو هاا ی‎ و 0 و | 9 Data Management Fuman esauees anes vanagemen ‘Securty Management 1 Seach 5 Service Domains Process Automation Cierra pore pares 00 Business Analytical py ey Defines the set of capabilities that Change a user interface and how data is displayed Allow a customer to join a forum, listserv, or mailing list Allow a customer to be contacted in relation toa subscription or service of interest ‎Don‏ سس ‎ ‎ ‎Service Component Personalization ‘Subscriptions ‎Alerts and Notifications ‎oth Dore ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 23:
Technical Reference Model © sed to voteyorize the stardards, Senvice ‏امه لت رسد‎ that Category support ced eouble the delivery oP ۳ Service service ‏موه له او‎ Samad هه ی ع وس

صفحه 24:
| Sec ees ‘Access Channels Delivery Channels Service Requirements ‘Service Transport ‏موم‎ ert Lega! Conpance Sipering hwo Sere alse ‏مود‎ ares ‘Asmara Sogo Soren Sonica Taoset \otacorsen ‏مر ومس مسجم ا‎ Goer secre ctenras ‏دم عمس‎ ‘kn Pate Nea (PN) | eas Support Platforms are ructure (Wen bite Sere Comte Porm ncn Mis Sonera Enbsated Teomcbgy Dove ‏یود موه سیم‎ Sane ‏میم‎ (cont اقيم ميا مده مام ‎‘sonware Engineering Fora soners‏ الل خصضاة ‎Database Storage Local ees‏ ۳ باصي ممه مور من ‎Mare‏ مومت عمجت ‎"idea Coreeneng‏ مد مومس eee iced ‘Security Presentation interface Business Logie Data Management ‏مود موه | موس‎ Stabe ny ‏اعمجت متهاو یمه سم‎ ‘Suerte Secty Sereces Oyun Sever SideDimhy Pars Depend egaring and Sea ‘coment Renee Data interchange Wiese /Mcbie/ Vee Daa Exchange Service Interface and Integration Integration Interoperability Intertace Enters Appleton neon ies Type Valet ‘Server Gescpioneeriace oth Dore

صفحه 25:
DRM ‏کب‎ م 2 brenems overeat oF chic be wll ‏لحمو طحي‎ * Oubet Crew © Oper Dye ota Shorey : dePiee 9 staked weorme ‏ماس ما نت رم مسح وم‎ Porkar Dota ‏و ما : مومس‎ staked opproack to ‏مدل د بصصيك مد باحص‎ © Dera Ob © Oats Property ‏سس موه«‎ Data Context Data Sharing ‎es‏ ی ع وس

صفحه 26:
An example Ou oryecizeiog wihic the Pederd youernnved provides servives which oootribute to the heath ‏دنه اه‎ > ®usteess Pred = Services Por Oiizeus Lo® (Lice oP @usitess) = Weal Guibert Oren = Weatk Guper Dype = iwunizaiva Ouata Objert = ‏نسم‎ Outa Propeny = ppe , weight , Pic Ota Represeutatiog = phaict text rach ets ‏سس‎ Doe ‏6ه‎

صفحه 27:
How DRM is used to enable collaboration cxterprize to cts (worn fe DRO) rH ‏ات اما و‎ fa Orcprtzaioa 0 ‏مین ال‎ ) <3 O'y aetkbke chaa ‏سسوم مسا ام‎ ae Ww ]9 O wre he DRO ‏عمل فت یاه للم مر‎ fied ck keen (Rr opt oe ‏سین ساسا‎ Orcertzatcey ® aed (D ‏عمج‎ P, a Po, thee dt red by Orcertzatca © ul coer thee crn of Orcentzeava ۰ uve Oregrtzatrcer D ord D ‏,لهس نما بحب نعط بيط فح سمل‎ ۱ ceed iy traxesia hee cha meh ete oe ee

صفحه 28:
A reference Model for FEA Reference Model! (relationships between XRMs} Dke bo® represses ‏ما تم‎ hove a busivess vr proyru interest. Gubiect Ore = Lo Prow ORO Guper Dype = Gub-Puaniica oF bo® Prow BRD Ia PRO: Orwerwed Crea LxB bo ‏ينانا هس‎ Browtay bPuciva تطكسسس‎ — Orwwewed Ouegry meh ete ‏سس‎ Doe

صفحه 29:
A reference Model for FEA Reference Model! (relationships = between XRMs)(cont)—__$ sees PRO provides u Pre work Por coteqpriziny hose techovloyies od standards that cod be used to GRO) ORO provides Por u speviPc type ve GOR in vhick there is uv uniiva , voy exchooge oP iPorwation. Crasideriy OPEIG GOR : ‎expressed usta DRO‏ ها اه موه ‎Phere exists wv bekavior woodet‏

صفحه 30:
A reference Model for FEA Reference Model! (relationships

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