صفحه 1:
Reference Models
مدل هاى مرجع معماری
صفحه 2:
Table of Content
Okt s orePerewe wodel? (10%)
Diu rebereare svodel saxpples
600806416 GOW (dO%)
0061 nePerewe wodel (8%)
PCO rePereue wodel oowststiog oF :
PerPormane RD (10%)
Ovoress RO (19%)
Cenice RO (10%)
Devkviod RO (1D%)
Duta RYO (ID% )
Retatery PE rePereuce wodels to cack other (1D%)
meh ete سس Doe
صفحه 3:
What is a reference model?
© rePerewe wodel is oo سسوم وود Por
و ' ۲ ke
RePereuce wodel poosists oP اوه ای و oP
11 ۱ كار ليه وس ۲
۳۹ ies, | 3300865
viker poonrete details.
صفحه 4:
An abstraction hierarchy
Ohamea —
جل شومر
«مشددالى سس
Dob 3 سس ع وس
صفحه 5:
An example on this
abstraction hierarchy :
سحن زو بط ول توس
RePereue Oodet
Couepts | ruta anced, kyoieour arcu, مه رواد
QRetaivoships: physicd separaive beter cute area ord
مه روا
RePereuce Orchitecture
Ortoow , hitches , OO , kuhvay
kere way be severd rePereuve urchitevtures Por vor
rePereue wodels e.g. rePereure urchitertune Por oa
uparkved , و ام , a spare statics , ...
Cowrete (acted) Orchiterture
Qhepricts Por o spevitic house! where ty put wiedows , heir
fence ire
صفحه 6:
OASIS SOA : a reference
model for SOA architectures
(od : د dePice the DP service vriested
uchiterture, ond ewerge wit نموت و ord a
© basic اه ماع GOO :
Gervive Ortected Orchterture (SOO) is تلم و
Por orgeaiziog ced utlizicgy distributed papabtiies that
ww be vader یه توا اه اوه ها
صفحه 7:
OASIS SOA Reference Model
Main Concepts
Dob سس ع وس
صفحه 8:
OASIS SOA Reference Model
Dob سس ع وس
صفحه 9:
OSI Reference Model
OSI Model
هروا و obstruct data unit layers
دب عه
ا alas
wt Eee et)
cn rel
packets poeta ۳
Logeal Adaressing WP)
frames data link
eal Adarossing (MAC & LLC)
physi ical
Media Layers
meh ete سس Doe
صفحه 10:
FEA reference models
Dke Pederd Cuterprise Oroktecture ts oc tnttaive oF the
نان oF Oucccewerot cod Budget thot akes to cowply كلابب
the Clager-Ovkeo @rt und provide وولو مه و
Por fePorwuive techbowlowy (11) arquistion io the
Ovited Grates Federal youre.
reduce اوه
meh ete سس Doe o
صفحه 11:
Performance reference
| Measurement)
9 م
rouping . ۱
. 5557 00
J مط اليه وكا فد
a ی ع وس
صفحه 12:
‘OUTPUTS: Te et evel ody
(yates ara ace rocessas
measure 35 ven by deste
‘comes. Aligned wih Level 20" he
INPUTS ey eases
rmessuestweugn ner
ceireuton‘o cuts,
ther enlensoroucones,
‘OUTCOMES: Meson and buses-cical
resus aligned ih Levels and of he
BRI, Ress measved oma customer
PRM (cont ‘d)
© Gi
People |
0 ع وس
صفحه 13:
PRM (cont ‘d)
Orusurewed Oreos
Orwsure wed Outeyories:
Oolevtioas wikia euck weasurewedt ared desvribicy the
لامج با نا موه سس ماه
Orssurewed Broupiag:
Cuntker nePoewedt oP voteyories tuto speviPic types oP
wee urewedl tidicators
Orasurewed Iedicaiors:
Dke spevihic weusures, e.y., cuspber and/or percectage oF
سح sutsPied
meh ete سس Doe 9
صفحه 14:
PRM (cont ‘d)
Oven und Owhkess Remus OO
a ee خس ای
Reis OB سین
باروج ان سسوم میسن سس تن اس سین
تاه راون وم وموموصه وا رود
Crovesses und Orivties DB
1 eerie te meee eerer tert et
wovitored cad/ar teoproved.
Teckwby OB
عله رما سي oe perros cere tec erie ei hea
إمصاص م فعممت بط : Alancos Cuptd O®
امین بط : 206) ویو Ober Prod
oe 3
صفحه 15:
PRM (cont ‘d) - A piece of
PRM tahla
Measurement Category Measurement | Measurement
Grouping Indicators”
Customer Benefit Customer
Customer Retention
‘Customer impact or
Customer Training
Service Coverage New Customers &
Market Penetration
Frequency & Depth
Service Efficiency
Timeliness & Responsiveness Response Time
Delivery Time
Service Quality |Accuracy of Service
lor Product Delivered
[Service Accessibilty lAccess.
4 Availability
صفحه 16:
Business Reference Model
sy |
Line of
Ly Sub-function
© WWieracchicd coestrut
a Orsoribien, day-to-day busivess
سوه oP the (Pedera
© Buantivedrivest
a fudepeudtedt of the agqeuvies that
perPorw thew
ی ع وس
صفحه 17:
BRM (cont ‘d)
ee | نم موم
savin ۳ لسك
سم Communty ومد هه ی
همه ‘onan ۳
و تست رهم متیر ۳
تب جات اه مود تس
| عوجر
و مس وی ما مه
corners | هی coms ene
PSimpor 7 | egucoy Deveboment و
۱ هط
۱۳۳۹ | ruraneeoucewenogenert 000
0 ون
Dob سس مس
صفحه 18:
BRM (cont ‘d)
Gervices Por vitzeds:
high-level moteqories باس to he purpose oF yoversnveot
Oode oP Orlvery
the wevlacisws the qovernved uses to achieve its purpose
Gupport Delivery oP Gervices
ke support Pucntives cevessary to pooduct yovernvect
مومیمه() oP Covered Rescues
the resource wood#yewed Puacticas that support أله aneus oP the
qouernved's bustiess
meh ete سس Doe ص
صفحه 19:
BRM (cont ‘d) - sample piece
of the hierarchy
صفحه 20:
Service Reference Model
۱ تست
20۵ اوه ۳ مه وی
how they support busicess عوللجه ee
rach ets سس Doe en
صفحه 21:
SRM (cont ‘d)
Gervice Orwait
provide a hightevel view oP he services ued cupubiies trot
dP Pereutated by their busiaess-prieuted mapabiliy
Gervice Type
Bunker نمی ood dePice the capubities oP rack Dewar
provide the “buldioy blocks’ to delver the Cowprarct capability t
the bustuess
sell poctotced busicess provess pr service wits
و دنا ير ل سر
bustuess pr tecbuvloyp toterPace,
meh ete سس Doe
صفحه 22:
Service Types
* Customer Relatonsti Management
+ aca na woo
00 03
سس و
1 Sippy Chan anagenent
عو هاا ی
Data Management
Fuman esauees
anes vanagemen
‘Securty Management
1 Seach
Service Domains
Process Automation
Cierra pore
Business Analytical
Defines the set of capabilities that
Change a user interface and how data is displayed
Allow a customer to join a forum, listserv, or mailing list
Allow a customer to be contacted in relation toa
subscription or service of interest
Don سس
Service Component
Alerts and Notifications
oth Dore
صفحه 23:
Technical Reference Model
© sed to voteyorize the stardards, Senvice
امه لت رسد that Category
support ced eouble the delivery oP ۳ Service
service موه له او Samad
هه ی ع وس
صفحه 24:
| Sec ees
‘Access Channels Delivery Channels Service Requirements ‘Service Transport
موم ert Lega! Conpance Sipering hwo Sere
alse مود ares ‘Asmara Sogo Soren Sonica Taoset
\otacorsen مر ومس مسجم ا
Goer secre ctenras دم عمس
‘kn Pate Nea (PN)
| eas
Support Platforms are ructure
(Wen bite Sere Comte
Porm ncn Mis Sonera Enbsated Teomcbgy Dove
یود موه سیم Sane میم
اقيم ميا مده مام ‘sonware Engineering Fora soners
الل خصضاة Database Storage Local ees ۳
باصي ممه مور من Mare مومت عمجت
"idea Coreeneng مد مومس
eee iced
‘Security Presentation interface Business Logie Data Management
مود موه | موس Stabe ny اعمجت متهاو یمه سم
‘Suerte Secty Sereces Oyun Sever SideDimhy Pars Depend egaring and Sea
‘coment Renee Data interchange
Wiese /Mcbie/ Vee Daa Exchange
Service Interface and Integration
Integration Interoperability Intertace
Enters Appleton neon ies Type Valet ‘Server Gescpioneeriace
oth Dore
صفحه 25:
DRM کب
م 2
brenems overeat oF chic be wll لحمو طحي
* Oubet Crew
© Oper Dye
ota Shorey : dePiee 9 staked weorme
ماس ما نت رم مسح وم
Dota و ما : مومس staked opproack to
مدل د بصصيك مد باحص
© Dera Ob
© Oats Property
سس موه«
Data Context
Data Sharing
es ی ع وس
صفحه 26:
An example
Ou oryecizeiog wihic the Pederd youernnved provides
servives which oootribute to the heath دنه اه >
®usteess Pred = Services Por Oiizeus
Lo® (Lice oP @usitess) = Weal
Guibert Oren = Weatk
Guper Dype = iwunizaiva
Ouata Objert = نسم
Outa Propeny = ppe , weight , Pic
Ota Represeutatiog = phaict text
rach ets سس Doe 6ه
صفحه 27:
How DRM is used to enable
cxterprize to cts (worn fe DRO) rH
ات اما و
Orcprtzaioa 0 مین ال ) <3
O'y aetkbke chaa سسوم مسا ام
ae Ww
]9 O wre he DRO
عمل فت یاه للم مر
fied ck keen (Rr opt oe
سین ساسا
Orcertzatcey ® aed (D عمج P,
a Po, thee dt red by
Orcertzatca © ul coer thee crn of
Orcentzeava ۰
uve Oregrtzatrcer D ord D
,لهس نما بحب نعط بيط فح سمل
ceed iy traxesia hee cha
meh ete
oe ee
صفحه 28:
A reference Model for FEA
Reference Model! (relationships
between XRMs}
Dke bo® represses ما تم hove a
busivess vr proyru interest.
Gubiect Ore = Lo Prow ORO
Guper Dype = Gub-Puaniica oF bo® Prow BRD
Orwerwed Crea
LxB bo ينانا هس Browtay
bPuciva تطكسسس — Orwwewed Ouegry
meh ete سس Doe
صفحه 29:
A reference Model for FEA
Reference Model! (relationships
= between XRMs)(cont)—__$ sees
PRO provides u Pre work Por coteqpriziny hose
techovloyies od standards that cod be used to
ORO provides Por u speviPc type ve GOR in
vhick there is uv uniiva , voy exchooge oP
iPorwation. Crasideriy OPEIG GOR :
expressed usta DRO ها اه موه
Phere exists wv bekavior woodet
صفحه 30:
A reference Model for FEA
Reference Model! (relationships