صفحه 1:
صفحه 2:
صفحه 3:
is a Sanskrit term combing the
ur) and science or
Ayurveda means “the
da is the oldest healing system in
da has influenced many of the
traditional methods of healing used
by various cultures, and is considered the
“mother of healing.”®!
صفحه 4:
1s Ayurvedic Medicine All
great emphasis on prevention and
Maintenance of health through close
ice in ones life, right thinking, diet,
of herbs. 21
icine is to integrate and
d spirit. It is holistic system
0 prevent illness romote wellness.”
dic practices help to cleanse the body of
ices that can cause disease, thus helping to
lish harmony and balance."
uses a variety of healing techniques
ding herbs, massage, and specialized diet:
In the United States today, Ayurvedic medicine is
considered complimentary and alternative medicine
(CAM) and is used in conjunction with modern western
صفحه 5:
Tetley of Ayurveda
ated in India more than 5,000 years
ginally passed down from master to
۱ 0۲۵1 ۲۳۵010002
ced in its written form by Srila
da grew into a respected
of healing and was divided
ranches of medicine.'*)
went through a short period of decline in
luring the period of British rule till 1947 when
ned it’s independence and many new
۱600 10 6۳06۲9۵,
+ Ayurvedic healing continues to evolve to this day
and has adapted to 92 with modern need and
scientific approaches.!
صفحه 6:
rigins of Ayurveda
Dhanvanatri ,the God of healing,
of medicine to the sages."!
legend, the knowledge of healing
who taught it to Daksha, who
a gathering of al reat sages Bharadvaja
‘orward to learn this of healing from Indra . He
ht this science to Atreya, who further
ed this knowledge throughout world. '!
inivesh who was foremost among the disciples
‘a wrote Agnivesha Samhita, the most
139-۱ تا ات
The oldest compilations of Atreya and Agnivesha were
lost, but the systems were re-organized by Charaka and
Sushruta and compiled into the two main texts on
Ayurvedic medicine; Caraka Samhita and Sushruta
شا رزیت
صفحه 7:
۱10015 ۴
اقا ات
a Samhita which is the only work that
,69۷ ,2۳210۳0 ,' 10
2 0 1
ات رالات ری ۱۱ اكيت لسكا ان
Mom Oey متهم عطغ ding to Charaka, the fi
[4) .عواناال عط Clan
of surgeons. !4) |
nted by Sushruta Samhita. ')
details and discussions of various surgeries, burns,
wounds and amputation. ")
™ Includes the complete discussion of the human anatomy. ')
™ The first science of massage of vital body points originated from
أن كناك 5301168. 4
صفحه 8:
nga Ayurveda
| tenets of Ayurveda are divided
ions or branches. @!
ating Remedy
Aphrodisiac remedies
piritual Healing
صفحه 9:
Nae یر
تا ل الل ی 3
ic are یر
ل 0 000
way life force energies are balanced, the state of the
Cenc elaiicae areca
Each dosha has a particular relationship to bodily functions and can be ”
eects ge nase ea
eon IN lM oa eee elec reo ۱
Hiner eae Rese CnC R VIN dees estou unre ene ROM ae
صفحه 10:
‘gy associate with movement. !!
ements ether and air. "!
powerful dosha because it
processes such as cell
ing, discharge of waste,
an be aggravated by fear, grief, staying up
night, eating dry fruit, or eating before the
jus meal is digested. 1
ple with vata as their main dosha are thought to
۱ cially susceptible to skin and neurological
conditions, rheumatoid arthritis, heart disease,
” لت 02ل en
* In balance vata promotes creativity and سنا
Out of balance vata produces fear and anxiety. '!
صفحه 11:
the bodies metabolic system. 2
۱6۳06 6۲6 200 ۷۷۵۵۲۲
and the digestive system. ]ا
nbalance may experience
anger and may have
heartburn within 2 or 3 کت کر لیب تحت
upset by eating spicy or sour food, fatigue, or
1g too much time in the sun. "
ith a predominantly pitta constitution are
to hypertension, heart ۳ علا كك انا"
infectious diseases, and digestive conditions
such as Crohn's disease.'!
In balance, pitta promotes understanding and
Ue eg Out of balance, pitta arouses anger,
2 ۰«کباهامعز ۵00 ۱۵۲۲6۵
صفحه 12:
hat forms the bodies structure. 2)
٩۳۱6۳۱۲6 ۷۷۵۲6۲ ۵00 62۳0. ۲
rength and immunity and to control
ice of the | la dosha may cause nausea
ely after eating
is aggravated by, g , Sleeping during the
eating too many sweet foods, eating after one is
eating and drinking foods and beverages with too
and water (especially in the springtime).
ith a predominant kapha dosha are thought to be
ble to diabetes, cancer, obesity, and respiratory
.که که ظ6 باه ۳6
In balance Lg is expressed as love, calmness, and
forgiveness. Out of balance, هل کر is expressed as
3 ,معع2و باأمعمطعق 300 Ia A
صفحه 13:
in unique combination of physical
characteristics which comprise
our physical, mental, and
6 ععم3ا0068! .عءموأ08 ممق
tors both internal and external act upon us
‘b the balance of our constitution. 7!
031 6
food choices
۱۲۱5 2۳۱1 ۲۳
Physical trauma
ال 1 0 ذا
When one understands the nature and structure of
disorder, one can re-establish order. 2
صفحه 14:
/ata Type
le, and creative; alert, restless and very
rd time becoming and staying
30 ذأ ممأ
our, and salty ta:
Frese hinceO lia oie ettal a=] Wnt MCR ا TaTe]
, 2
a types to go to bed by 10 pm as they need
than other types. ?!
People with excessive vata respond to warm, moist,
slightly oily, heavy foods. Steam baths, humidifiers, and
moisture in general. Daily oil massage before bath or
shower is also recommended. ?!
rm, cooked foods and
صفحه 15:
ata Diet
e juicy fruits are good for vata. The astringent and drying
as Cranberries, pomegranates, and raw apples should be
cts, eggs, chicken, turkey, fresh fish, and venison are
of protein, limit quantities of legumes and cook well. !?)
ind seeds, oils, spices, and dairy products are good for vata
with hard cheese being eaten sparingly. 2)
‘Since vata people tend to be prone to addiction, they should avoid
۰ .وععوطمغ وت وی وت 2
One should seek relaxation and meditation to reduce vata. ?!
صفحه 16:
Pitta Type
the qualities of fire, warm bodies,
sharp intelligence. 2)
height and build, with ruddy or
itated and aggressive and tend toward hate,
id jealousy when imbalanced. 21
21 رت ۱۳
lifestyle changes emphasize coolness - cool
foods, avoidance of chilies and spices, and cool
climates. Need to exercise at the coolest part of the
صفحه 17:
Pitta Diet
id pungent foods. Vegetarianism is best, refrain
alcohol, and salt. !?)
rate sweet, cooling, and bitter foods and
۱۳۰۱۳۵ یر بر cad
raw vegetables are good, as well as sweet fruits. Avoid
with the exception of limes to be used sparingly. ?!
7 ره رت رو UL at-laTe)
er and pumpkin seeds are alright occasionally. Small
olive or sunflower oils are good. ")
aon dairy products are good. They should avoid hot spices, using
cardamom, cinnamon, coriander, fennel, and turmeric
predominantly with small amounts of cumin and black pepper. ?!
Coffee, alcohol, and tobacco should be completely avoided,
although the occasional beer or black tea with milk and cardamom
may be relaxing. !
صفحه 18:
apha Type
endurance, and stamina, have sweet,
ind are stable and grounded. ?!
3 ily and have a slow metabolism, have
ind bodies < uscles are well developed.
large and attractive with thick lashes. !2!
tutions are most balan by bitter, astringent, and
:35 5, 2
me lethargic, when out of balance tend to
ence greed, envy, attachment, and possessiveness.
Winter is the time of greatest Kapha accumulation and
following the kapha balancing dietary and lifestyle
changes are most important during that season. !?)
صفحه 19:
Kapha Diet
Deter ee RT
۱ هر
000 eon
10 .5ع اماع وعنا لإعأناز 6ه ,اناك باعء نيد بإمعن
۲ و a si Seen
0 ,عاحاهعگه۲م وصلعط ا 2۱
۱ Muec UTC Reel R eget React eset lg
Bee ec unease een mec nag
Te ا ee ec ner Bea ct
inflower and pumpkin seeds are alright. Almond, corn, safflower,
Te be Was ates MRC Irae RNa Tava Ices eee
and goat's milk are good. 2!
USTs at eae aR ST eee eS
وماعط ءأايهو ea el lan
feet istic diese ate eA toc eae
Bele ceo Ta Mat Teel ecm)
صفحه 20:
loners first determine the patient's primary
ance among the three doshas. "
ocess intended to cleanse the body by
h the digestive tract and the
mas, massage, medical oils
, and other methods may be
in undigested food that sticks to tissues, interferes
| functioning of the body, and leads to disease.
Maal eco ری للك حك
Meditation, massage, and changing the diet. "!
ركطءع! 300 كغأمقام مه لااأبتهعط بزاع كتمع نوع
ls and common spices. Sometimes, botanicals are
mixed with metals or other naturally occurring substances to
make formulas prepared according to specific Ayurvedic text
ی such preparations involve several herbs and
erbal extracts and precise heat treatment. @
صفحه 21:
See ee nee Cys
ة یف 2007 ء
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(معع sate Rt geo een ee عه براعبتدناء»ع عأ عون مفتادانووم ۵۲۱۱6
Bereta ete se Me Ae a tell eA et eS ey
۱ م م ا ل g
۷۵۲۲ 11].عهنونادی
صفحه 22:
OMe ی a eS Se
ing Ayurvedic medicine. '}
sdications are used, there is the potential for them
eM ae Rice coe tee
toler lett Me CLA RL LOW el ور
Tee eee aoe Cuca eRe rae
.انگوهط ع۵ وایری خحطة کاع۱6۷ ۵۴ 2۲56916 ۵00/0۲ ,اب۳6۲۵ ,620
ea La وا eee ROE 1
000 echoes tani Rete eee ZC Rec Maced
106 .عموتای نع ۸۱۳۷6۵ ۵ عون ۵
rehire ee Nuc ta CU ae WN lol Te tee
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صفحه 23:
10to Credits
صفحه 24:
۷۷۷۰ eee ees,
ayurveda_ history.htm