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اولین کسی باشید که نظری می نویسد “(Conflict, Power and Politics (Chapter Twelve”

(Conflict, Power and Politics (Chapter Twelve

اسلاید 1: Thomson Learning© 200413-1Chapter TwelveConflict, Power and Politics

اسلاید 2: Thomson Learning© 200413-2Marketing – Manufacturing Areas of Potential Goal Conflict MARKETING VS. MANUFACTURING Operative goal is Operative goal isGoal Conflict customer satisfaction production efficiencyConflict Area Typical Comment Typical Comment Breadth of product line: “Our customers “The product line is too demand variety.” broad, all we get are short, uneconomical runs.”New product introduction: “New products are our “Unnecessary design changes lifeblood.” are prohibitively expensive.”Production scheduling: “We need faster response. “We need realistic customer Lead times are too long.” commitments that don’t change like the wind directionPhysical distribution: “Why don’t we ever have “We can’t afford to keep huge the right merchandise inventories.” in inventory?”Quality: “Why can’t we have “Why must we always offer reasonable quality options that are too at low cost?” expensive and offer little customer utility?” Sources: Based on Benson S. Shapiro, “Can Marketing and ManufacturingCoexist?” Harvard Business Review 55 (September-October 1977): 104-14; and Victoria L. Crittenden, Lorraine R. Gardiner, and Antonie Stam, “Reducing Conflict Between Marketing and Manufacturing,” Industrial Marketing Management 22 (1993): 299-309.

اسلاید 3: Thomson Learning© 200413-3Sources of Conflict and Use of Rational vs. Political ModelSources of PotentialInter-group ConflictGoal IncompatibilityDifferentiationTask InterdependenceLimited ResourcesConsistent acrossparticipantsCentralizedOrderly, logical,rationalNorm of efficiencyExtensive, systematic, accurateWhen Conflict Is Low, Rational Model describesorganizationInconsistent, pluralisticwithin the organizationDecentralized, shiftingcoalitions and interestgroupsDisorderly, result of bargaining and interplayamong interestsFree play of market forces, conflict is legitimate and expectedAmbiguous, information usedand withheld strategicallyWhen Conflict Is High, Political Model describesorganizationGoalsPower andControlDecisionProcessRules and NormsInformationOrganizationVariables

اسلاید 4: Thomson Learning© 200413-4Individual vs. Organizational PowerLegitimate powerReward powerCoercive powerExpert powerReferent power

اسلاید 5: Thomson Learning© 200413-5Power vs. AuthorityPOWERAbility to influence others to bring about desired outcomesAUTHORITYFlows down the vertical hierarchyPrescribed by the formal hierarchyVested in the position held

اسلاید 6: Thomson Learning© 200413-6Vertical Sources of PowerFormal PositionResourcesControl of Decision Premises and InformationNetwork Centrality

اسلاید 7: Thomson Learning© 200413-7Horizontal Sources of PowerHighPowerLowPowerSource: Charles Perrow, “Departmental Power and Perspectivein Industrial Firms,” in Mayer N. Zald, ed., Power in Organizations(Nashville, Tenn.: Vanderbilt University Press, 1970), 64.

اسلاید 8: Thomson Learning© 200413-8Strategic Contingencies That Influence Horizontal Power Among DepartmentsDependencyFinancial ResourcesCentralityNonsubstitutabilityCoping with UncertaintyDepartment Power

اسلاید 9: Thomson Learning© 200413-9Power and Political Tactics in Organizations

اسلاید 10: Thomson Learning© 200413-10Win-Win StrategyDefine the conflict as a mutual problemPursue joint outcomesFind creative agreements that satisfy both groupsUse open, honest, and accurate communication Avoid threatsCommunicate flexibilityWin-Lose StrategyDefine the conflict as a win-lose situationPursue self outcomesForce other group into submissionUse deceitful, inaccurate communicationUse threatsCommunicate rigidityNegotiating StrategiesSource: Adapted from David W. Johnson and Frank P. Johnson, Joining Together: Group Theory and Group Skills (Englewood Cliffs,N. J.: Prentice-Hall, 1975), 182-83.

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