تعداد اسلایدهای پاورپوینت: 54 اسلاید


صفحه 1:
DENTAL 21 01/141185 ‏لاهنجارعهاءئد ندار؟‎

صفحه 2:
* NUMBER OF TEETH Supernumerary teeth Missing teeth + SIZE OF TEETH Macrodontia ‏روز‎ * ERUPTION OF TEETH Transposition

صفحه 3:
+ ALTERED MORPHOLOGY OF TEETH Fusion ععمععوع رع ره ‎Gemination‏ ‎Taurodontism‏ ‏سای ‎PTE Yate‏ Dens invaginatus , Dense in dent, Dilated odontoma Perum ele itch a i) Amelogenesis imperfecta Dentinogenesis imperfecta Dentin dysplasia Regional odontodysplasia

صفحه 4:
Enamel pearl Talon cusp Turner hypoplasia Congenital syphilis

صفحه 5:
٠ ‏ممعم‎ + Abrasion Toothbrush injury Dental floss injury * Erosion + Resorption ۱۱۵۲۵۵ (0 External resorption

صفحه 6:
* Secondary dentin + Pulp stone pulpal sclerosis ۰ Hypercementosis

صفحه 7:
FIGURE 31-1, A cod B, Pt ‏موس‎ ied mas FIGURE 31-2 Ase (A) anf worn (B ond €) CECT vw of a mcd one ell paca ‘Heaieers semis ‏ا لا‎

صفحه 8:
FIGURE 31-3 CBCT three-dimensional rendering of two supernumerary teeth in the anterior maxillae, palatal to the central incisors (arrow)

صفحه 9:
FIGURE 31-4 A, Example of tuo supplement tah in he mally thi molar ceo (dstodens) B, Example in the manibulr ‘third olor region, (A, Courtesy DH. Grubs, Ooi, Ont, Conan.)

صفحه 10:
FOURE 97-6 ud (A) tt cna (B), oa corse (E) BT os opt Cara dew the Angel oho ean ana fs

صفحه 11:
fF mesiodens interfering with eruption of adjacont per FIGURE 31-7 A-C, Exampk monent teeth.

صفحه 12:
FIGURE 31-9 Developmental absence of maxillary and mandibular second premolars and maxillary canines. Note the apically positioned deciduous mandibular second molars. This ‘appearance is suggestive of ankylosis of the teeth.

صفحه 13:
FIGURE 31-8 Supplemental deciduous molar (arrow).

صفحه 14:
FIGURE 31-10 A ond ‏نهد طلست مر رق‎ mis ond nafomed teh in codec ‏روا‎

صفحه 15:
FIGURE 31-11 Ay Cal peggh ef mond ster pamcix nai. B, Poor ge sos be tyes esl wis othe ooh ces cp th ‘their respecine frst premolars. (A, Courtesy Or. H. Grobiso, ati, Ora, Cama.)

صفحه 16:

صفحه 17:
FIGURE 31-14 Cropped ponoramic image demonstrating ‏أه وه العممكده؟ امعتمانط‎ moxillary conines and first premolars.

صفحه 18:
FIGURE 31-15 Fusion of the central and lateral incisors in both the primary and the permanent dentitions. Note the reduction in number of teeth and the increased width of the fused tooth mass.

صفحه 19:
FIGURE 31-16 A, Concescence ocus when two teeth oe ind by camer. B, Ec of en oh ny en he uit env ‏یدهم مالس‎ id ny ot be well suoied, (Courtesy Ot R Kenho, Dols, 1)

صفحه 20:
FIGURE 31-17 A, beni of ‏یه‎ ‏متا راوس اس‎ of he conn od pup lb, B, ns cmp grin dios bole ino,

صفحه 21:
FIGURE 31-18 A, Geniafon ¢ ‏ام و‎ ] prc nconssecin sia. B, Thee Aino sfc dig densi te gent ‏بل مایت له الا وم‎ pend Coon BC image of cer cas of pion, ‏ماج ای وا‎ ۱0۱ the cnmen rot a (And B, Cutsy 8. Fredo, Combi, Ww)

صفحه 22:

صفحه 23:
‎B‏ م ‎ ‎FIGURE 31-20 A, Diloceration of the crown may be recognized clinically. B, Image of the specimen in AX. (Courtesy Dr. R. Kienholz, Dallas, TX.) ‎ ‎

صفحه 24:
FIGURE 31-21 ‏همعط‎ of th oot of oma lay ns (A) od out mo (B)

صفحه 25:
lilacerated in the FIGURE 31-22 The most apical portion of this third molar root buccablingual direction so that its long axis lies along the path of the xray beam. Note the “bull's eye” appearance of the root apex produced by the root canal, tooth root, and PDL space (arrow).

صفحه 26:

صفحه 27:
IGURE 31-24. Radiopaque, inverted teardrop outline of dens invaginatus in a maxillary teral incisor. Note the position of the invagination in the cingulum area of the tooth crown.

صفحه 28:
FIGURE 31-25 A and B, Infolding of enamel is more severe in dens in dente as seen in these two periapical images. The invagination begins near the incisal edge of these abnormally peg-shaped lateral incisors.

صفحه 29:
FIGURE 31-26 A ond B, Severe forms of dens in dente usually result in necrosis of the pulp, open apices, and rarefying osteitis at the tooth apices.

صفحه 30:
FIGURE 31-27 JX. Dilated odontome, the most severe enamel imopination, 5 positioned just posterior te the developing rmaridibulor tard molar in iis parararmic Wipe IB, Images of the oxiroctad dilated edomame from hwo different anguletions.

صفحه 31:
FIGURE 31-28 A, Occlusal tubercle of dens evaginatus as seen in a mandibular pre- molar. 1B, Periapical image of the specimen. (Courtesy Dr. R. Kienholz, Dallas, Texas.)

صفحه 32:

صفحه 33:

صفحه 34:
FIGURE 31-31 The reduced radiopacity of the enamel and the rapid abrasion of the crowns of the primary teeth are features of hypomineralized omelogenesis imperfecto.

صفحه 35:
FIGURE 31-32 A ond B, Detnogeess inert clic shows bos coms, consticin of othe emer ‏ور‎ con, short ots nd rue ize fhe pulp chon ond et cand.

صفحه 36:
FIGURE 31-33. Ponoromic (AX) and periopical (IB) images of the some case show the short, poorly developed roots; obliterated pulp chambers and root canals; and periapical rarafying osteitis associated with type 1 (radicular) dentin dysplasia. Note the half-moon of “demilune” shape of the pulp chambers.

صفحه 37:

صفحه 38:
oO 7-5 39 egional odontodysplasia:” ‏بر( معا‎ ۶۱6102۴ 31-35 ‏هطاحا مه هه تمیق مور هه موم تمتوو۳‎ in exon aon, Noein ۱ ino and cares. C, Inlet of hl morula pels cd ‏یتح‎ second melas Noe he cof eno nd hypo of enamel and dentin egress may os shat os

صفحه 39:
FIGURE 31-36 A on B, faonel park a ral oulgowts of exo and dain in he Suron ons of th Cond, Inoges oth eth nA and B. (Coutesy Dent, Bes, 1)

صفحه 40:
FIGURE 31-37 Three enomel pearls (one attached to the frst molar and two on the second molar) are apparent in this periapical image,

صفحه 41:
Talun cusp FIGURE 31-38 Mody ate! nse bang oon ap (ra. thos ‘wo eran ions, ore vex the ia edge onda seand nthe lm cen, (Cosy DA, Cede, Dal, Tt)

صفحه 42:
‘urner hypoplasia 3 ‏اها‎ |

صفحه 43:
Congenital syphilis FIGURE 31-40 Cong pis ny rue organi conn of he tmilay eal ics ore os “stinan’ isa The abel mpl yi sn res ec ph ti of inl ee

صفحه 44:
FIGURE 31-41 Physiologic weor oration is damansoted on this propia image of the mandir isos.

صفحه 45:
Abrasion FIGURE 31-42 A, lvson of the cl aes of these nso eth eile fom ‘ces (ond imap) seo dls, Noite ote othe pp canbe a ‘edn in ze ut cans, B, Aan on dst ose of he meiy caine fea 0 dere cos,

صفحه 46:
Internal resorption

صفحه 47:
FIGURE 91-44 A, (C1 os sts te tcl nips ne ol et tsi cig eso oon ‘0 meng ine oe ont ‏امس‎ peony io et com, B, Thee neon of te nak lay at ne ss spt io on all pac ok

صفحه 48:
‎vA‏ دان املك 1 ‎

صفحه 49:
FIGURE 31-46 A, baeral oot sop fon of the kta sae of te oto he rend coal ics, These sly eine anes carn th et ‏بو‎ ‎foes. By The rot hs be eed by ingot be hs saneies lara ١ 1s ats C, Stl CBC inoge of extend rsp th pl safe oh otf «edn ‏عمط موه الا‎ ec

صفحه 50:
FIGURE 31-47 External resorption of on impacted second premolar. Although both enamel and dentin have been resorbed, the residual enamel of the crown con stil be seen as well os a hint of a pula chamber.

صفحه 51:
‘ins ate ap Cool oto! a ein fea as lee fe pul cheb sin

صفحه 52:
Pulp stone SOL ite LY oA! FIGURE 31-49 A, Pip ses mob for os coins nh up B, Wen ge, fey my case drain alte pulp cnr dot cls

صفحه 53:
= SPL, PUREST srs ‏لف عافد مس‎ 9 0 ۳ “tia

صفحه 54:

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