صفحه 1:
6 serious, common, costly, ...but controllable

صفحه 2:
FACTS ©» At least 194 m people worldwide suffer from diabetes; this figure is likely to be more than double by 2030 ° Around 4 m deaths every year are related to complications of ‏1365ل‎

صفحه 3:
2030 م 370 2003 لع FACTS 2000 177m WHO figures 1985 | 1995 30m | 135m

صفحه 4:
COUNTRIES WITH THE LARGEST NUMBER OF PERSONS WITH DIABETES 1995 2000 2003 Country DM% million DM % million million INDIA 38 19.4 55 ‏را‎ ees CHINA 2.0 16.0 ٩ 207 ۰ 8 USA Ge leno se 1275 ۵ INDONESIA 4.1 4.5 6.5 ‏رضت‎

صفحه 5:

صفحه 6:
Oman Oman DM 11.6% Impaired G T 6.1% New cases per year 3548 = 0.18% Highest Incidence North Batna 25% of total PDO 2% (Potential Diabetes 4%) 75% High Lipid

صفحه 7:
What is Diabetes mellitus? ® DM or Sugar problem is a chronic disease characterised by very high blood sugar. Caused by inherited and/or acquired deficiency in production of insulin by the pancreas, or by the ineffectiveness of the insulin receptors. © Type | -lack of production of Insulin; children and adolescents © Type II - inability to respond properly to the action of Insulin; adults, 90%

صفحه 8:
The Pancreas: Anatomy and Functions Biliary System Right Hepatic Duct 3 Left Hepatic Duct Pancreas Stomach Gallbladder | 7a ۰ ‘Common Hepatic Duct oo _- Pancreatic Duct Duodenum Cystic Duct Common Bile Duct

صفحه 9:
PANCREAS © The pancreas is a small structure located near the stomach and attached to the wall of the small intestine. © |t produces hormones (insulin, glucagon & somatostatin) to aid in the maintenance of a proper blood sugar (glucose) level. The hormones are secreted into the bloodstream. © It also produces important enzymes to aid in the digestion of protein and fats (lipids). These enzymes travel from the pancreas to the small intestine through a small tube called the 'pancreatic duct.'

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CAUSAL FACTORS ‎hy‏ یل تك يا ‎history ° Drugs eC ‏ال‎ 1 « ‏وهووه ۱۱۱۱ 0۱۵۲ و تتدینت‎ ° Over- ° Surgery ‎eating&obesity ‏یا ارت زرا‎ ‎® Gestational Diabetes ‎baie erat)

صفحه 12:
Symptoms of Diabetes SOME or NONE of the following ® Frequent Urination © Excessive thirst ® Unexplained weight loss ® Extreme hunger ® Sudden visual changes ® Tingling or numbness in hands or ‏تنا‎ ° Feeling very tired most of the time ® Wounds that are slow to heal

صفحه 13:
DIAGNOSIS فتتی )رو( ‎Blood sugar test‏ ° © Glycosylated Haemoglobin: HbA1C

صفحه 14:
What is the Treatment? Type l Type Il ‏للكت ا تيا‎ © Diet control calculated diet 0 tl el te} bate ino eT Merit Ys Irer-y ated) activity and or insulin ® Insulin injections e Home blood © Home blood glucose testing glucose testing

صفحه 15:
Hypoglycemia © Hypoglycemia is low blood sugar. © What causes hypoglycemia? Taking too much insulin, Missing or delaying a meal, Exercising too much, Taking other medications. ®signs and symptoms dizziness, confusion, sweating, shaky ida) aalelach headache or even fainting.

صفحه 16:
Management of Low Blood Sugar (Hypoglycaemia) ° Tell your family, friends, colleagues at work about signs/symptoms and how to treat low blood sugar. ® Carry medical card or tag ©» Eat or drink something that has sugar in it. Juice, sugar candy, milk etc. ° If unconscious don’t give anything by mouth-transfer to nearest clinic

صفحه 17:
Complications ® High blood pressure. ® Heart disease; 50% © Strokes. ° Nerve problems or Neuropathy; 50% ©» Blindness; 2% حت لحان كاك ه« ® Diabetic foot disease-amputation/ulcers x40 Be ew Am late ‏ور‎

صفحه 18:
How do we prevent? ® Healthy and Balanced diet ©» Regular physical activities/exercise » Maintain Normal body weight ° Early detection

صفحه 19:
Prognosis is good.

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