شیمیبیماری‌هاعلوم مهندسیپزشکی و سلامت

Electrospun aligned PLGA and PLGA/gelatin nanofibers embeddedwith silica nanoparticles for tissue engineering

14 صفحه
433 بازدید
14 بهمن 1400


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d GA) , poly(3- Perea nati, 1 ۱ oly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) ‏ا‎ Ya] thod for tissue engineering applications 0

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اتکی تیاه کی

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۳ Accordingly, the average size of the synthe-sized ‘) Manoparticles was reported as 70.9 + 9.45 nm. TEM _, -imagesshow that MSNPs are approximately spherical in shape and of theMCM-41 type with a well-ordered 2D hexagonal arrangement ofthe mesopores. Also, the polydispersity value (0.12) reveals thatthe MSNPs| are monodispersed. According to the IUPAC classification, the nitrogen adsorp-tion-desorption isotherms were of type IV _, which corresponds tomesoporous material (data not shown). The pore diameter distri-butions were (derived from the adsorption branch using the @arrett Joyner Halenda (BJH) (1.22 nm) and the ornate Emmett Teller(BET) (4.09 nm) methods. J

صفحه 8:
0 و ia on.) sen LATO wr MS ١ SEM @nd TEM micrographs (Figs. 2 and 3) revealed that MSNPswere distributed uniformly on the sheath and core fibers, andnanoparticle aggregations were observed only at a few locations. Addition of gelatin to PLGA resulted in lower viscosity of the poly-mer solution and therefore, a 1۱0۷۷۵۲ 06۲ ۱۱۵۵۴۹ ۵۵ Generally, adding silica to the polymer solution leads to an increasein both solution viscosity and conductivity . The rise in solu-tion viscosity ‏ال لا تیا‎ decreases at ‏و (ااباا6۲5طونط‎

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Table 1 The content of eletrospun nanofiber, me samples. Name tn ratio(t) _—MSNPs(w) Mean diameter(nm) Contact angle ( ‘Aligned PLGA ‘Aligned PLGAJS wt MSNPs ‘Aligned PLGA/10 wt’ MSNPs ‘Aligned PLGA/gelatin ‘, Blending gelatin with PLGA enhanced hydrophilicity of theelectrospun fibers (Table 1), presumably due to the presenceof amine and carboxylic functional groups in the gelatin اروت Incorporation of MSNPs into the polymer matrix alsowas concomitant with increased | hydrophilicity. The presence ofhydrophilic MSNPs containing silanol groups on the surface fibers enhances hydrophilicity of the aligned nanofibrous scaffolds 000

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Table2 Elastic modulus, tensile stress and elongation-at-break of nanofibrous samples, Samples name ‘Young's modulus (Mpa) Tersile strength (Mpa) PLCA 115 42402 PLGAYS we MSNPs 108 £173 5.04 + 036 ۱ 1144186 5.58 + 046 012 + 202 5ب PLGA( gelatin we MSNPs +036 PLGA/gelatin/1Owt & MSNPs 488 + 056 These results are not surprising as it is wellknown that the incorporation of inorganic particles such as silicananoparticles into organic polymers can improve + mechanicalproperties of polymers, such as stiffness and strength ©. This is due to the very weak physicalproperties of gelatin, and is in agreement with the | findings ofGhasemi et al / faterials used for fabrication ofnerve guide should have a low degradation rate and ۱ / fppropriatemechanical properties so as to withstand stress received duringsurgical ۱ ‏نا‎ cel (handling and suturing) and implantation time(movement of the patient) 7

صفحه 11:
8 activitiesThe results of the MTS assay (Fig. 6A) suggest that MSNPs do nothave a toxic effect ot ‏ك5قلا لالاتطةأنا ااعء ععملر ,وااعء 2١6ص عط‎ 00 increase at longer time periods of / cel seeding. ۱۵ 0 اكه

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© The PC12 cells on the aligned forms of PLGA/MSNPs andPLGA/gelatin/MSNPs showed adhesion and spreading, creating cellprocesses markedly ys

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val ١ Bates results of fluorescent stainingwith DAPI, it was also recognized that the PCI2 cells had régrowth and proliferation on the aligned nanocomposite scaffolds of PLGA/MSNPs and 7 ‏5ع شم اط عتنام عطاغ ؟معدمطع مغ 0عهممرمء معطنها ,وم لاكالا/ماغداءو49/‎ مم

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