صفحه 1:
صفحه 2:
Gudduattry the عووان) oP Blercaive
@roPessor Oat OeOorwick
Ovpartved oP Phipsophy
OdtPorcia Grate Oaiversiy,
طسو )
صفحه 3:
اس سس اس جرب ول kere ©
صفحه 4:
Okt Gort oP Geverd Cuidewe Pokey ts this?
ow do we reused worst oF the toe?
Okeu 1 a oousideriog whether or at X is true, 1 should
beheve X whe wost or of oP these cowdiivas one wet!
4.9) هه اس Piqures, b) Prieads oad Pow, ocrd/or 7)
treiwortky people .صقم جا لا لفكلا ممت لك
©. )ا اها وسامصتلكها ججمجتججوب جيه بز( te tre.
9. Cowon sew. tetoues tho X i true.
بو Oo we waves sek out devoProky sudeaoe, iy
deprove ty or elect oa the wbequany oP نت موه سوه
veyed to ~p?
صفحه 5:
7 جا رطاه۳) عمحوم۲) من Wow @ood oF
Gerws prey موه لا رو رو راهطا و لو
work wale con recdl won, Rees ed to pod resus or true
brie Pe.
© Ort Wane ot COG ceserts hat CO @wercan sokters ded ta ۹
© Op coker tebe owe thot 1 was bora valu OF.
وا و سم اه ام وتان see anny shies gad ©
اه wih scissors oad 1 preckct وا با مره و مقر ©
مه ام ۱ و رو بط با
صفحه 6:
Oves Ths Girdew Oork ta bess Obvious Qutters ۴
Gotewr und Dedicice?
Okeu pou yet o ook, oro backoche, or hove olerdies, it is quite
pow i hear sowevur su,
“Vou should try eckicacea—11 used it ced it cleared wy cold up
right away.”
“Dat cew supplewect, Birborae, nedly works P pou wot ها
“0 kave oo herbal tea thot cured wy back paid.”
“AB pow ore ypiey to be ooo plo, pou ceed to take soe
(erwbuster—that label saps it boosts pour isos syste.”
صفحه 7:
© امه و موه جح چا مس موه مت 90 ورن
عه امسعه ,60106 امه بلاط منود the wrod
وی اه بووصاصاصهام To the Oaited Gries, oP Rice Liste to providers of
لو رو ومو dhercaive coedcia wu cuecber visits i primary
care physi. Phe costs of suck care approach SPO bilica dokars ه
pear. Books, tk shows ond Deb sites preseul num نها of
وا او Pron (Bester berets مرول cherry ره
postive لت سول رت و له متا
Wed,” Dew York Peoes Bock Review, ول 92, 0006. 46-
صفحه 8:
لها ام توا مت Gpiegel coached that °
Positive Thaktacy, Gtress Qeduvivn, urd
© Dd therapy, vpticvisw, wed stress neducticg improve
سوه اساسا deert hey?
© Buide) reported sty: GtacPord psycholodst David
Gpieyet studied the ePPenis of support ours (werk
dsr eres cbt Brews cerd Koper) sad skype سم
60 advoued breust poorer poircts.
woonths, the vikers اهب (0.9 woke.
صفحه 9:
oor coyour else kos bee uble to reproduce the سا اه نرق و
© Croopwud “Reved studies show thot belie, evec io icert
treukveds, ooo hove 0 proPpued beoePits io reheviegy po,
thely via release oP eodorphies ond vier wediutors to the
bro. ut despite severd decades oP pouvented research ta
the Piet oP مه وشوو وه 9 ,یووم جوم روم robust
و عمجم weditaticg or other ولو techoiques that ould
".تلجت لاوجل و عم )مه وی لا وا مور
صفحه 10:
4s there « better wy to yoer evidewsr fod pur
ساوسو way?
Gotewsr qe ws 0 webod fot proves i be wok
wore retoble ord uscurcde.
صفحه 11:
) pheooweod Por what upper to be
جامجرج اه هسام
Vheve vbservetives require thot eueuts thot صصص
watiple vbservers.
Gaenople: Tt hos ber oleyed thot echicaced shorteus the
مه حادص reduces the severity oP ook.
صفحه 12:
©. Develop quesiives tv iwestiqate the pheooweod
Puntker, rePice our vbeervaiives oP the putiercs.
researchers developed o set oP questivgs tz مق
a colds could be مره the ePPevts oP يدحا وام وجل
صفحه 13:
۵. ر عم او امه رم و وا جر theo
we develop hypotheses or testable exphcaives thot coswer
the questiogs Prow our vbservaiives.
C@xawple: IP echicaced reduces the beach ond severity oF
the pow.w0 ool, thea we would expert users inc test
our te have siqaiPicadiy Pewer colds ord colds oP
siqaiPiccaly shorter tech thao subjects who do oot tohe it.
صفحه 14:
@. Ov syste watcdly polevt ad acdze data tz test he
his step wust ewploy double-bherd testy procedures:
بط متا researchers wr he نوا ماس بط سیف موه اس
thot codkd shew the resale of اس سا بط روا رت وت بط
۳۳۰ وامموو populicgs wust be forge, there wust be
vovtro! oups-- os woop cousd Paciors us possible wet
be coctroled Por.
صفحه 15:
©» Dhe ه) توص وج تساه مار eve ueyaive!) reaction
thot وم have to wedicd teecicvedt that arises Prow their
expevtoiiva thot they ore being tredted or oPPevied. he
ePP ect is fodepeodedt oP coy red ePPert thot drugs or vier
رو موس hove. She ePPect is weosurcble ond wel-
اص مار رای توب مود Poke wedicdiod suck oF
ام مر wil show wore موم hoo subjevt who yet
جد ireckvedt ot oll.
صفحه 16:
© رش یی راتس وا تسام وان با ۲ the
اب منم
cred the treuted Por ispprovespesits موه ی و
صفحه 17:
8. Oe voor the results oP the dota oolertiog ood
powe ty poechsioes obout wheter or ont the
hypotheses ure vorrei.
This step will oPted وی wore له توص
kupotheses to be explored.
صفحه 18:
صفحه 19:
°. Okeu the research posses peer review abs,
repeded cad corroborated ia weap wore civic
tius, the svieaiPic cows) neuches 0 poor.
ut eved that ذا سج جومت dePeuibk.
صفحه 20:
4 نصا موه اصت ول متا رن موم doviors.
©. Vhe ef Pevts, side-ePPevis, dangers, dosages, ocd
9. People are qivieg these treukvedts to chides
where we koow eve less ubvut ePPevts.
صفحه 21:
(Pevple مرو( proved ireakvects.
Creyeadt wowed ore tobi thes whe we hove
dollars oo treated that hove beeo dewrustrated
ty ot work.
صفحه 22:
روط ی وی پیب رین نون تبسن
حرط 1 رات )ونر نویه اس ری |
Griews: Cuber relevod dota, وا o hypothesis, isvesticnie
thoroudhly, ootvel) seek cut dscooPirwicg evidewre, otic
soruiivize the twestiqaiog wed iPereuses, drow provisiosrd
vouwhusives, reped, keep iavesticatiog.
Oisvoveriog sviewse os 0 weeds Por Piedicgy truth is the siecle
wos iwportoat developer fot hua history.