74 صفحه
6459 بازدید
02 خرداد 1397


صفحه 1:
7 nye 5350 a

صفحه 2:
Werbdl / Oncy ۸ ‏مره‎ ا لك اللا 60 أمواصاءج (1) خام 4 00 ۱۹/۹۱

صفحه 3:
4 3561 3259 (92) 533 (15) 2081 (58) 2219 (62) 463 (13) 511 (14.4) 3 3919 3533 (90) 504 (13) 1678 (43) 2263 (58) 411 )110( 459 (11.7) 2 4351 3891 (89) 295 (7) 1707 (39) 2720 (63) 243 (6) 270 (6.2) Table 1. Enrollees in CHS Study* Total enrolled: 5849 White: 4925 (84) Black: 924 (16) Male: 2478 (42) Female: 3371 (58) Study paiod 7 Total users 4373 Rx users. 3994 (91) CAM users 278 (6) ‘Vitamin/mineral | 1713 (39) ‏كعك‎ OTC users 2635 (60) Rx plus CAM 238 (5) Rx, CAM, OTC | 264 (6) = The number in parentheses is the percent of the enrolled Elmer et al. unpublished

صفحه 4:
4 571 521 (91) 7 (13) 245 (43) 305 (53) 69 (12) 4 2990 2738 (92) 458 (15) 1836 (61) 1914 (64) 394 (13) Table 1b. Black Enrollees* Studypaiod 1 2 3 Total users 718 68 665 Rx users 682 (95) 634 (2) 614(@2) CAM users 4707 26 93 (14) Vitamin’mineral | 200 (28) 191 (28) 229 (34) users OTC was 308 (55) 375051 308 (59) RxplusCAM | 45(6) AO) 84 (13) Rx, CAM, OTC * The number in parentheses is the percent of the enrolled Table 1c. White Enrollees* Studypaiod 1 2 3 Total users 3655 3658 325A Rx users 31201) 3257 (89) 2919 (90) CAM users 231 (6) 253(7) 411 (13) Vitaminimineral | 1513 (41) 1516 (41) 1449 (45) ers OTC wats 2A2 (61) 25 60 187058) RxplusCAM__|_193(5) 20900 327(10) Rx, CAM, OTC *The number in parentheses is the percent of the enrolled

صفحه 5:
‘Table 3 All users of the top 20 CAM products by rao? White 00 5.48 437 2.85 2.23 1.33 100 112 100 0.95 0.97 0.69 0.69 0.57 0.55 0.57 0.52 0.52 0.47 0.36 031 ‘Black (%), 76 3.34 0.48 0.36 430 167 0.24 0.48 0.72 0.24 0.48 0.36 0.84 0.48 0.24 0.36 0.24 0.12 0.36 0.36 All 00 5.86 4.20 2.45 192 182 111 0.97 0.91 0.91 0.85 0.65 0.63 0.61 0.53 051 0.49 0.48 0.42 0.36 0.32 CAM Product Gatlic Ginkgo Glucosamine Lecithin *1n=5052 for all participants; n=638 for blacks; n=1214 for whites

صفحه 6:
Gteps ‏و‎ Oetevicrcy 1 ON ca DI A eva ran h(a ON eae ec —4s the potieot tobi cay herbal —Oves the herbdl kuve ePPivapy Por the —4s the ara Panacea (ie. BO Maca ۶ (RELLY takicry?) AN ae acca as sia

صفحه 7:
ج+صناص اد | ب1-:2) لأمجاسو را خان ودس ادس © CT aa Maca 000 eae ar Denes Re Caen t7 D0O1 EPP ects or eveciag pricarose vil ced risk Por ‏ات همم رس‎ NE aca ecg 00 Sno Dire nen Bers marae ec come aa tohibiiva DP CY POOF 40 SCANS cod Se As A Go AS ene) ORT ieee Niece aera Sel PN CN NS PAROS aS EL icra OU Dal acl Pal SCAND ccs ced - ‏حمطصل .ظ) له نله بو‎ Deca! وم و لیا امن - مر و

صفحه 8:
Grea Ora ah meal ‏اه‎ ‎oteractioa Report (Re RS Nes ‏ل‎ RAR ea aU an cae ae ‏لل لا‎ a cel eracc es oate Gave buick used thoughout study? Qoses appropriate? Gteady state study to discers CY’ icrtuction? Oe ecco ELIS CaS Cac Ferra A cast oO DN coals acc 0200 i OPA Nea MCL a OSA SDL cece 1۱ 3?

صفحه 9:
Relative bevels ‏مط :02 خام‎ 0 من و۱ انث داكا 2۱0۷0۵ 09 ۳۹۹96 ‎Govrerd‏ ‎Other‏

صفحه 10:
Favors Placebo Favors Garlic 150 135 ~120 105 -90 -75 -60 -45 -30 -15 0 15 30 45 Total Cholesterol Reduction, mg/dl Neil et al. (9) Bordia (13) Plengvidhya et al. (14) Vorberg and Schneider (15) ‘Auer et al. (16) ‘Mader (17) De A Santos and Griinwald (18) Jain et al. (19) Saradeth et al. (20) Adler and Holub (21) ‘McCrindle et al. (22) Isaacsohn et al. (23) Berthold et al. (24) Meta-Analysis Overall Similar Methods" High-Quality Trials* Stevinson et al. Ann Int Med 13,

صفحه 11:
مساو بت مت حبص تست یت رت یت اه سا 87 year old male 2g of garlic per day for “years” PROM LA ‏تاه ا‎ bleeding time of 11.5 min (normal = 3 min) day 3 post surgery bleed time of 5 min (after stopping garlic) Other reports: Garlic and TURP bleeding (German et al. Br J Urology 1995;76:518). Garlic and surgery bleeding (Burnham BE; Plastic Reconstr Surgery 1995;95:213).

صفحه 12:
Garlic ‏وچ سس‎ SQV ‏اهس لله رتوو‎ sov ‏اس جه جه‎ 1 23 4 5 6 7 8 9۱۵۱۱ ۱2 13 14 15 16 17 18 1920 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32.33 34.35 36 37 38.39 ۱ ۱ ۱ PK PK PK Piscitelli et al. Garlic and Saquinavir. Clin Infect Dis 2002;34:234-238. N=10 Garlic=GarliPure (Natrol)(BID)

صفحه 13:
3 5 8 8 8 8 4 ‏؟ ؟‎ 8 8 8 Page bbe ny ADs ‏جرد نس‎

صفحه 14:
Post-Gatle garlic Pro-Garlie Pre-Ginseng Post-Ginseng cul nial 2, Comparison of presupplementation and postsupplementation phenotypic ratios (I-hy- droxymidazolanvmidazolam) for CYP3A4. A, St John’s wort (SIW); B, garlic oil: C, G biloba: D, P ginseng. Gray circles, Individual values; black circles, group means. Asterisks, Statistically 5 5 rmaco Post-Ginkgo 0 ‏ل‎ 3s 2002 ‏شهب ا‎ PreSW "Post SJW (Hydroxymigazolarnimidazciam) Serum Ratios Pro-Ginkgo cant difference from baseline.

صفحه 15:
ع 5 2 8 = : 0 3 8 8 ‎g‏ ‏5 ‏< 36 Time (hours)

صفحه 16:
بروجدوسد حالو8) اس لاي ا ل لا لدي تا له سوه لصوم ‎sarecnaied a aaa‏ ل مروت هت رت طم ان اليد ‎Bi‏ همم مه ‎cd‏ هر و ‎Bel (mara ern cart ac (ON‏ ‎a rE RR as eta‏ حا و كام قن مما ال ا ‎te.‏ ی وت وا

صفحه 17:
A B 08 0.8} 0.6} 0.6} 04 0.4 024 0.24 ١ 0 ۱ Pre-Milk Thistle Post-Milk Thistle .0.8 .08 كمه 06 بح ‎fe (a es‏ (Paraxanthine/caffeine) Serum Ratios Pre-Echinacea_' Post-Echinacea

صفحه 18:
16 1 sad A ‏كمد‎ 8 124 124 14 11 08 oe 9 06. aa 3 ‏لمعه‎ 92 3 لمعا لادوم 7 5 Pre-Mik Thistle (Hydroxymidazolam/midazolam) Serum Ratios لاق 00

صفحه 19:
ٍِ 1 g i (aur) eauese9}5 14 ‏هس0۴‎ 91 Cl caffeine (CYP 12 crossover, extract for 8d Gorski et al. Pharmacol Ther 2004;75:89-100 before and after 400mg QID Echinacea purpurea root iN 4

صفحه 20:
— Close) ai) T en Outta Pharmacol Ther 2004;75:89-100 N=12 crossover, before and after 400mg QID Echinacea purpurea root extract for 8d Open circle is echinacea A= midazolam IV (CYP ‘3A4) Midazolam Blood Concentration (ng/mL) 5 8 5 Midazolam Blood Concentration (ng/mL)

صفحه 21:
Aad ° Gurway 3 ‏ار مت ۱ و اه‎ ۱۳ ‏همه‎ ‎Oruy tercrtocst @keanvarodyannic! doo't qive io puieus tobtary DO a oR ad ‏هت بر يهنن‎ De ccs hela) ‏موس مب سا تم سرت سا‎ Oe ‏و‎ thee ‏مس مرا‎ ۱۱ ‏سک ار‎ ‏اس سس ت۱5‎ ۱ Toone ‏او‎ eM Ae A A eMC 2

صفحه 22:
Anew study in the Journal of the American Medical Association shows that Ginkgold helps e-related

صفحه 23:
فرصم موف رسیم موه معط منود ‎cane sete‏ 6 تن ۳ حم معو و اه جه ]902,091,020 ا 00 ا 991,088[ 2 مم سم سس 2000 ‎Deegan‏ ‏)007,029 | هدم مه هه و 682 ‎cee‏ ‏| ,069 عدم هم سم 0 م 7 ما faccaa es co ۳ ‏رفن( مد‎ 5 eet sated 73 0 ‏حت مسر‎ ای یراع لت وا ای دی مدا ميا ‎ta ea) 06 1-922,040)‏ توت ارت | عون سدم سم بر مت ۳ we ave )0a0.072) ‏و‎ ود و مداد مين قم اقم | هدم 03 ‎Bon‏ ‎Deegan 2000 00 [923,048‏ ]007,029 | موم 1682 ‎nea‏ ‏)087,007 0% | رم | مم ع مانت درب

صفحه 24:

صفحه 25:

صفحه 26:
۱ Regression 1: ‏عمیالع۷‎ ‎Type of Inhibition Ki (ug/ml) 0.6 11.2 دنا ‎crt‏ ادم ‎Competitive‏ ‏21 21.2 ۱ و ۳۹ ‎Competitive‏ ‎Competitive 133.1 oe‏ sy cogil 0 CYP1A2 CYP2A6 CYP2C9 CYP2D6 FS

صفحه 27:
Tolbutamide Human Study (CYP 2C9 probe} Subjects (3 males, 3 females) -Subjects ingested 500mg tolbutamide and collected 6-12 hour urine (Control phase) -Followed by a 2 week wash-out period -Subjects then ingested two 60mg Ginkgo biloba extract tablets 2 times a day for 3 days -The morning of day 4 patients received a 500mg dose of Tolbuéakbaitamide along with the ginkgéo ۳ collected,6;12. howr total watt os

صفحه 28:
Control Ginkgo ] 680+ 323 , 610 + 327

صفحه 29:
Diclofenac-Ginkgo Interaction (CYP 2C9 probe) 12 healthy non-smoking subjects were recruited (8 males 4 females) 50 mg diclofenac potassium (immediate release) was administered every 12 hours for 14 days On day 8, 120 mg of Ginkgo biloba extract was added to the diclofenac regimen. On days 7 and 14 plasma collected at times (0, 0.5, 1,2,4,6,8,10, and 12 hrs) Day 14 Blood draw | ‘Ginkgo biloba 120 mg every 12 hours 12 hour urine ectea

صفحه 30:
Comparison of Didofenac Clearances from Plasma ‘ontrol 084.64 + 0.36 Mohutsky et al. Am J Ther 2006;13:24-31

صفحه 31:
Ginkgo biloba - Diclofenac Tolbutamide Human Studies Conclusions 9 ۱۱۱۱۱۱ ‏توت‎ aU elm aI) metabolic ratio between the two arms of the ۲ (tolbutamide alone and tolbutamide + Ginkgo) 9 No difference was seen between the clearances of the two arms of the study ( diclofenac alone and diclofenac + Ginkgo) ۰ Ginkgo extract does not appear to interact with CYP2C9 substrates in

صفحه 32:
مانمع همهم ‎١‏ ۳008 (Hydroxymigazolarnimidazciam) Serum Ratios Pro-Ginkgo Post-Ginkgo Pre-Ginseng Post-Ginseng 2, Comparison of presupplementation and postsupplementation phenotypic ratios (I-hy- droxymidazolanvmidazolam) for CYP3A4. A, St John’s wort (SIW); B, garlic oil: C, G biloba: D, P ginseng. Gray circles, Individual values; black circles, group means. Asterisks, Statistically cant difference from baseline,

صفحه 33:
C0Q10 and Ginkgo on Warfarin ‎Placebo‏ 1 مرمی ‎Engelsen et al, Thromb Haemost 2002;87:1075-6. N=21, double blind, crossover. Rx=1 month with 2 week washout. Dose of warfarin did not change ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 34:
4.00 0.00 48 ) 48 96 144 ۱92 Time (h) Jiang et al. Br J Clin Pharmacol 2005;59:425-432. N=12 ginkgo for 7d; warfarin alone or in combination with ginkgo or ginger

صفحه 35:
278 ‏از‎ Bask eta “ale, Meet ney conten yee or ol ent ai ad ect eh ei هه مه ۳ 0 سس مسو م rage 9 eto Ec grr ‏هم تسود سل‎ cass pepe a Cherie Papen pcos 0200 apna pre phen mete i tne he ie el ‏مس سس‎ ee

صفحه 36:
مس مسا ما ‎Cee‏ ‏سس مسرت اتحدص حامر وص رك جنات ل .اك اك عشيصطه() ‎٠‏ ‎mee od‏ .6-660م99:©96: 900009 ا ل ل ل ‎BU Cae cs come‏ 02222 SO Cae MCU Bn 900)09:00:96۵- ‏ل ل اك لاعت‎ NSN aT ۳ oe Die Rance © Ovkushy et d. Oso U Dker ia press. Oo ef Pet oP thbutawide (ECO). D=C wresspver ۱ cat oe DOD cane (eee ODA Neer cash rs phe) OA Cee cron Nn Ca DAS ares Cand ۱ Le oe

صفحه 37:
ممم )5 ‎homoeygoue EM (n = 6) ‘heterorygous EM (n=‏ .ها 6 52 3-5 OO eats ۰ ۹ wo Pavers) Time ho Tina ow) omesyg0us EM (n= 6) heterosypous EM (n= 8) ‎ra z‏ ور ‎De 1 2‏ ‎3 ‏مه‎ ‎(Cates i aad 2 i Psp ‏ات موی‎ a ‏و‎ ee 0 7 160۷ 0 ‏هل تومیر‎ 6) 0 Pur ۳۹ = 000 ‎13 ۳ 1 ‎1 7 ‎i Esco ‎8 1 ‎5 i ‎ ‎1 9 1 Tne thous) Time thou) 535 ‎

صفحه 38:
۱ ‏ببو‎ ‎SEN a hen ro RE ‏عروع م دا کت‎ NA Mad a rca ad SO eer eo A ae fel ane Ooi a ‏و سره مس رگ زارت‎ OSM acl ‏تم ماس یم مت مه‎ De MC Ra ~ Product selevioct bok Por GLP extract — Ovse: CO OOwzy tubs, COTO) LO Ne ea Ma in cd سر ما ‎OU‏

صفحه 39:
Soy and Menopausal and Postmenopausal problems *Hot flashes- maybe helps . ‏مون كزع جوم !و50‎ eva 502 ‏صاعط‎ *Long consumption of soy associated with lower rates of breast, endometrial and prostate cancers (Asian cultures) *Soy and some soy isoflavones have unknown effects on estrogen receptor ‏ماجان‌هتاه رهظ احط بممصهن اععمدط متتانوو‎ ‏ارو(‎ *Soy may slightly inhibit protate cancer ‏ارو‎ ¢Soy-Cardiovascular Benefits Favorable ۱۳۳ an cholecterol halance: “heart

صفحه 40:

صفحه 41:
(C7, RO EE. at Ree A od ARR aod ‏مس هرس مت دب سر هت رت رواب را‎ syrpiows; ‏تسس هسام سس مس‎ — @<Peivi ~ood but use to brecst paaer sway be ‏مس‎ اه ۶ ره مت سم 0 ۶۱ و ا مس و مهار کرت مه و۱ ‎Ree‏ BO Nee Aa et Od ۱4 ‏رف‎ Tea

صفحه 42:
Oar ean ei Nel cena eas (ele coast ۱ (۳۹ h(cliccaasiti Mera RO ‏ا ا ا‎ eee 999,95 2).

صفحه 43:
ار ساموت رم و را 9 دمص گت هی وت اسف تم ری کات دوصحب متاعددام لج دك ۱ O TSEC E trast ict ginseng (50mg/d ginsenosides) American Annals of Internal Medicine ‎Pe‏ ا ‎ea MEY EO‏ ال م ‎a ON‏ در

صفحه 44:
3 8 = و 4 8 5 0 96

صفحه 45:
Time (h)

صفحه 46:

صفحه 47:
4 Pro-Garle ” Post-Garle (Hydroxymidazolarsimidazolam) Serum Ratios Pre-Ginkgo Post-Ginkgo Pre-Ginseng _Post-Ginseng 2. Comparison of presupplementation and postsupplementation phenotypic ratios (I-hy- «droxymidazolam/midazolam) for CYP3A4, A, St John’s wort (SIW): B, garlic oil; C, G biloba; D, P ginseng. Gray circles, Individual values: black circles, group means. Asterisks, Stati

صفحه 48:
بجوت :8) ‎as ee a a a od‏ ل اا ا ‎poteds (hoproved “qualiy oP Pe”) ced tr dabetes‏ ‏ا ‎Oruy 000 ‏ل ا ا لا‎ ©0890 a ee eee Te en kod yseeey (Pucex quaquPvius) but wobe wt Coreca Rae ae oer es ‎۲ aN Et ‏ی مس‎ ‏با‎ mee IR er ks] ‎(ON eae dea is is oe ‎a eer

صفحه 49:

صفحه 50:
© H. perforatum extract WS 5570 (N=186) © Placebo (N=189) 7 2 an ric go a8 ga 0 ge z3 ge Fe ‏8ع‎ ‎un ‎17 ‎4 ‎co ‎ge ‎56 14 21 28 Day of Treatment Lecrubier et al. Am J Psychiatry 2002;159:1361 n=375

صفحه 51:
اما ور سم ها متسه ) ویس - AS ed

صفحه 52:
A 300) Heart transplantation Hypenein times 3 1001 ‎Feb 99 Mar99Apr99. Ma‏ قو نود ‎= ‎ ‎Time (month,

صفحه 53:
60 48 (© Before St John’s Wort @ After St John's Wort Time. h 24 12 JwyBu ‘vee ‘uoHesUs0v09 0028107۷ 9۵58۵4

صفحه 54:
© 2 = 3 2 an 24g SY 3 3 ; 3 6 26] 32") so 5 3° 3 ‏ع‎ 2 5 3 ۶ 2 |“ 7 3 1 8 ‏م‎ ]7 8 ‏ا‎ iy 3, 8 5 ‏ع‎ ‏ما‎ © aay ۳ 9 3 9۹ = a ° 9 ‏ه‎ Ss 5 Control SUW Control SJW Control هلال/‎ Fig 3. Comparison of intestinal P-glycoprotein/MDR1 and CYP3A4/villin expression ratios and erythromycin breath tests in humans. Eight healthy male volunteers were treated with St John’s wort extract for 14 days. Duodenal biopsy specimens (A, B) and !4C-erythromycin breath tests (EMBRT; C) were performed before treatment (control) and after treatment (SJW). Intestinal P-glycoprotein (A) and CYP3A4/villin (B) expression ratios were determined by densitometric analysis of Western blots and are given as the geometric means of 3 individual biopsy specimens ‘obtained before and after treatment with St John’s wort. 0 urd

صفحه 55:
Summary of SJW Interactions (adapted from Henderson et al. Br J Clin Pharmacol 2002;54:349-346) ‘Management Stop and measure viral load Stop and measure viral load Stop and adjust warfarin dose Stop and adjust cyclosporine dose Stop and use alternate birth conizol Stop and adjust anticonvulsant dose Stop and aqjust digoxin dose Stop and adjust theophylline dose Stop Stop Effect T CYP Induce Ad Induce AT Tnduce 209 Induce P-_ Glycoprotein Induce 3A4 Induce 4 Induce P- Induce 1A2 serotonin serotonin Drug HIV protease inhibitors (nefinavir ritonavor saquinavir) HIV nonnudeoside RTT (cfavirerz, nevirapine) ‘warfarin cydosporin oral contraceptives ‘anticonvulsants digoxin Theophylline Tiiptans (sumatriptan) SSRI (fluoxetine sertraline, etc)

صفحه 56:
CU Aa] 0 ai EN EVs andar Rr cae cd ‏میت‎ ۱۳ powbiee wi ver wedouiow wess weer close woulortay; possible phoisecstiviy — Drury nteractovst « problew! Is a PPSO tecdhucer ‏ی( تسام و لو‎ ۶ ۲ ‏امس مس‎ ‏ما‎ he a LORS h yg aid ew anal ~ Deset about SOOwy MO Por treukvect BG eer reeedgenras eth: مومت مه یت با او مت ‎Te‏ ‏مس

صفحه 57:
Cave (Kava Kava) — Oses ‏اانا‎ ‎0 aca ‏ل ل ها‎ 0 ‏عم حول 0000۵ وان کت‎ Groat ara 8 ‏ره وه‎ cL) LN SCA Ca ANCL ePP ert) ۱ RNS Pao Ee ‏ل‎ ‎pr herxp ‏يي و و رن‎ A Oe NIACIN cea Ncl oa ۱ ira cah OCLC. Vcral ceca Va A ie

صفحه 58:
“Coxe Prow the Keats Pood stone: DN tN PA bet DUI Ext BN DAC] ” OS ROD 126:60 00-260:0,0626© 0 ‏ا ل‎ IRIN Ca Nt ae ae Nea a Cac ‎Nn Sea Tira aT‏ ال ‎SR aed‏ ‎SEN Nh arate NE Ne Path ne DOA ‏صا‎ ie ‏صا‎ )060605 ۱ Re ec Ne eat

صفحه 59:
ام رم ۱6 4 0 رارکت دمم اللا ‎Por‏ و ۱9 هت ۱ Se a a ‏سس‎ ‏ها مت هنت‎ hte — Oroy itteractioes! «wt wih vier undolyics or ~ Pdioeet dol take (Cave uotl hepuipionicip risk ty ‏لمحت‎ - © ‏عمصاوصض‎ Aura ST Us of 0 2 0 ‏سوساج‎ ae

صفحه 60:
entia e ons of Goldense P2D6 a ‏م‎ 4 3 2 : آه ‎gc oe‏ ۳ ‎io‏ 2 3 ‎oa‏ هه 2 ‎H‏ ‎oo 9‏ 1 2 5 ‎eee! Re ee‏ = ۰ 1 0 مد 8 0 = 5 ۰ 0 ه أهه 5 2 1 ‎Eos os‏ 1 ۲ ey eta ۳ aco er 200 4 426

صفحه 61:
oo Oars a Nea ea لذ لسر / / ‎Ferre‏ Py Andrographis panucula ‏تمك لوط ههه‌طوه8:‎ ty ۱ ‏تمنرو ودهط لام معتافومة‎ 020000 0 Eire ‏سور‎ Erigeron hawthorn ‏طحه زفاه‌زدج‎ ‏هعنهه‎ ota ‏لاه مجوتیح وصنههن5‎ horse chestnut bark 01 0 ‏علتسمسفط.‎ See ‏و نو وصعن‎ Baikal skullcap _clove oil 0 00 02 ‏نا‎ oea ‏اه كناعلمع.‎ 00 kava ‏مونم ممم‎ | ‏تس‎ licorice 01 ‏ن‎ 025221 CC Oe eg ‏معطه منک همنده‎ router) nay ‏نموه موعلمتو‎ Shinpi bark 0 ‏منصهنزه متسه‎ 5 ‏لله مومع ستو‎ ‏لتو‎ tecls Soe ete willow Screg ‏و و ا‎

صفحه 62:
يي يي لي ا Ginkgo - case reports of bleeds alone and in ‏حتنورعه طفنه صمتاممتطهمی‎ ۶ 0 tc Decree Rend nea NES Garlic - eR ‏ل‎ Bo ٩ ‏وتصطه[‎ rae 000 ‏ا ا‎ عمناعه ونصل غنط فصت عاط صذ مكدع معصذ 4096 لوتتمطر ‎UC ha‏ و ‎On‏ 00 teg eos Sete eet Role same as evening primrose oil eter 15 - doses >1200 i.u./d can increase bleed time (rer ‏عتتاز تجح‎ 20 sito cee B Nec Cg en CoCed CYP 2C9 inhibition?) Pera naan ke ttt in flurbiprofen (CYP 2C9 ‏و‎ 10۷7 - ۱ Bntorec TRI te Ctet Meritt Lycium barbarum ۱ ‏ا‎ ‎cTettety‏ ا ا ۱ - «مطعصعط ‎cTettety‏ ا ا ۱ - ‎Dong quai‏ ‎Ginseng - decreased INR with warfarin (Panax quinquifolius)

صفحه 63:
Table 4a Significant Risk of CAM-drug Adverse Interaction Potential Event Mechanism? Number? Occurrences‘ n=294 with CAM plus conventional med combinations with significant risk Risk of bleeds Aspirin Garlic?82527 PD 147 214 Ginkgo PD 102 127 Warfarin Garlic?52” PD 13 16 Ginkgo” PD 7 7 Ginseng? ۲0 3 3 Ticlopidine Garlic232527 PD 4 6 Ginkgo®##0315¢ PD 2 3 Pentoxifylline Ginkgo*#031 PD 3 3 Total 281 (5.6%) 380

صفحه 64:
۱۵0 ‏رل‎ ‎Significant Risk of CAM-drug Adverse Interaction Potential Event Mechanism Number” ___ Occurrences” Decreased drug benefit Digoxin St John’s wor?*4 = PK® 2 2 Felodipine ۱ ۱ 2 Tamoxifen. Garlic ۳ 4 5 Other 9 Furosemide/Aloe® PD 3 3 Thyrid/Kdp* PD 2 2 Grand Total 294 393 Garlic interactions: 168 241 Ginkgo interactions: 114 140 Garlic plus ginkgo: 282 (96%) 381 (97%)

صفحه 65:
۱6 PA Noll UUM Pd BN ASEAN APA NP 0 rd ۱۳ ‏زیمت ره‎ Oitk thiste CNV raed 0

صفحه 66:
۱ ‏ری‎ Deir 0 NN is esc cara ‏رل‎ ‏هت و ها‎ ‏1ك ادك كن‎ cD cas ‏للكت‎ Kee head 90

صفحه 67:
0 woorgewedt (i., herbal/dinrgy (2 سناع مر literature analysis (Fugh-Berman and Ernst, Herbal Da mM eC ‏ها ار‎ Br J Clin Pharmacol 2001;52:587-595) * 108 reported cases of suspected interactions * 69% “unable to be evaluated” * 19% possible interactions * 13% (14) well documented * 11/14 involved warfarin * 7/14 involved St. John’s wort

صفحه 68:
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صفحه 69:
ل ل ل الها 20006 , مول 000 Cemeenenerc ۰ Cred Gee pel ee eee eee ee 00002: TS ae a - 9 ‏کب هم موه‎ 000 aad ‏رو ی«‎ krhor COIS - 8. ‏رود‎ oa otis oe — 0. ornberny - 00 COO. - 9 ‏ما ی مورا‎ ۳ ‏ات‎ ۰ eerel eee ores — 0. wil: thiste QW nthe eo oa ee CCM a - 49 ‏ما ی‎ - 0۵ ‏رسفا‎ Cen as ela a att ne cal

صفحه 70:
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صفحه 71:
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صفحه 72:
تسس مت ال الل يك 0 —Octurd Dedicices Cowprekeveue Outibur. Octae versivg updated “daily”. OO Weuticks ‏مر سس نمدا‎ —Vke ‏ل‎ ‎ee amen ee a ee) ee ‏مور حور تسس‎

صفحه 73:
00 ON i eB ica *Scott GN and Elmer GW. Update on natural product-drug interactions. Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2002;59:339-347 ¢Ernst E. The risk-benefit profile of commonly used herbal therapies: ginkgo, St. John’s wort, ginseng, echinacea, saw palmetto and kava. Ann Intern Med 2002;136:42-53 *Izzo AA. Herb-drug interactions: an overview of the clinical evidence. Fundam Clin Pharmacol. 2005 Feb;19(1):1-16. *Ernst E. Prescribing herbal medications

صفحه 74:
#حك صب حوس ۱۹ مت تم مت ها ی امد ۱ ‏ها ده سم‎ best products NN ad ‏يي‎ ‎ak‏ مهم ‎eRe‏ معتا ‎perio theses‏ ‎Sa AE ‏ی ل‎ Tre as a Ee a el ca Ne oe dO rar com Cece ‎aca‏ تا

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