صفحه 1:

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‎NNLCAN Paral ONS OM CB OIL lad‏ ا ‎or inPivitesicral doses (OX-QOC)‏ رت ‎aie) @‏ 2 00وی ‎Sc ae‏ ‎۱ (acid ‏کی ۱۰ مس تزا کاس تسم حصفوط. دسنس /نصكا ‎۱ ‎) ‎dition ePPevts‏ كف ‏سم سر ‎Oordd Oarket ‎OG® ‎ ‎

صفحه 4:
سیم ا مس ۱ م2 ۱۸ ‎Ne ad‏ ا ‎Oe‏ هه سر ‎aS aa‏ ها ‎Va cae Nod Nod PAA‏

صفحه 5:
HIG. 3. 100 2 FIG. 4. g ۳ ‏ع‎ ۵ 3 2 8 ‏م‎ 2 2 a0 3 ۶ 4 a 1 ۳ a wo 2 3 40 50 80 Anti-IgE antiserum (log diution) Antiserum (log d FIGS. 3 and 4. Human basophil degranulation induced either by anti-IgE (filled circle) or antigG (open circle) di- luted 10-fold from 1 x 102 down to 1 x 10 (Fig, 3) or 100-fold down to 1 x 10!" (Fig. 4). The percentage degranu- lation reaches significance (p < 0.05) at 15% for Figure 3 and at 20% for Figure 4 (....) in relation to the number of counted basophils from control wells, The characteristic oscillation of activity across the series of dilutions was re- produced in more than 70 experiments (Benveniste 1988{c)) In: Davenas, et al., 1988. Permission to reproduce these fl figures has been kindly granted by Nature.

صفحه 6:
20 30 40 S0e 59+ Dilutions FIG. 8. Inhibition of basophil degranulation by successive dilutions of histamine. An oscillation of inbibititory ac- tivity across the series of histamine dilutions is notable. The results are expressed in mean percentages of inhibition SEM. on 10 experiments. *p < 0.05; “*p < 0.01; **p <0.001. In: Sainte-Laudy et al., 1991. Permission to reproduce this figure has been kindly granted by Taylor & Francis. It Compl

صفحه 7:
“+ 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 days quartiles quartiles FIG. 2. The transition of four-legged tadpoles is inhibited by 30x Ty (G) as compared with 30 water (CD. Ordi- nate: cumulative frequency of frogs treated with the dilutions. Abscissa: the number of quartiles of normalised du- ration of experiments. Study A was conducted indoors in Utrecht and measured the transition to reduced-tail tad poles. Study B was conducted in a greenhouse and Study C, indoors, The latter studies were conducted in Graz and measured transition to juvenile frogs. *p < 0.05; *"p < 0.01, in: Endler et al, 1991(a).

صفحه 8:
Reilly et al. Lancet See a 1994;344:1601-06 i مصطاوم سر ۳ Improvement, وحن كل مومحم من ‎Dal mean sige‏ Baseline, 1 Days after randomisation

صفحه 9:
0 A stutes 89, 245(205.293) مره طسو 0 26 1.661323, 2.08 Adeovateconecomont ‏مد‎ 1.93(408, 247) Dovblobinirg ated 8247 (89,287) Adecuate flow up ve 248(244, 473) )2.20 صن وج جد ممصي مداع معي Presets ram outcone ‏دم بر‎ Conca fr pblation bias 89 1.78403, 940) و مرف و ‎Wostcase sono‏ Subgroup anaises amnotences only a1 2.66 (8.89, 387) Hghedim potencies 5._-2.77(208, 367) Cimsealtomosopaty «48-294 (457,597) )200(160,263 وم موم هی لمهم إ تدم مقي ممه 7 ‎opty‏ ما موجه مد هه ‎Comics romocopaty‏ 1 —— ‎ont 1 10‏ Odds ratio Linde et al. Lancet. 1997 Sep 20;350(9081):834-43 .

صفحه 10:
ال | بل 10 10- 20 Study Castelin (1979) Valero (1981) Chevrel (1984) Aulagnier (1985) GRECHO (1989) Dorfman (1992) eta-analysis outcome All studies High-quality studies* | -30 Weighted mean difference (with 95% Cl) between homeopathy and placebo in time to first flatus (hours)

صفحه 11:
2. childhood diarrhea and combined results, with all children completing 5-day follow-up Variable Treatment Control P Nicaragua, 1990 (a = 16) (n = 17) Duration of diarrhea 24% 1.7% 3.0 1 6 0.28 No. of stools/day 2.8 +18 3.5 0.57 Nicaragua, 1991 (n = 40) (nm Duration of diarrhea 3.0 2 9 3.8 2 7 0.048 No. of stools/day 2.2 ۶ 17 2.9 0 0.07 Nepal (n = 64) (n = 52) Duration of diarrhea 3.5 + 2.0 42+19 0.06 No. of stoolsiday 3.0 + 2.2 3.7 + 2.0 0.03 Combined (n = 120) (n = 110) Duration of diarrhea 381+ 2.0 38+19 0.008 No. of stools/day 2.7 + 2.0

صفحه 12:
‘Tass 1, Common Hommorariic REMEDIES FOR ACUTE DIARRHEA AND THER INDICATIONS ‎album (arsenic trioxide)‏ وح ‎(Great ancy and teslemness.Tosing about in bed earful, doen't want o be sone‏ ل هه سوب سس مس ما ‎Sere‏ ‎ling or diskng‏ ی ماک ی بو ‎cao‏ ‎ae muh Pe Hoy, oor‏ او میا ماه ملاس ‎cumin‏ ‎sothing pleases. Asks for something, then rejects it striking ¢ moaning, ensied. Better being cared. Cone ik eee pal hot Wome fom heat beter om cold dens. Worse evening, until ight Stools: Greer slimy, offensive, like chopped grass. Diarthea during feething. Smelling like rotten eggs; colic with diarrhea, better after stool Calcaren carbonic (alum carbonate) Mind: Slow, ledurgic, fears the davk and being alone. General: Profuse perspization on the head during sleep. Sour smell to perspiration. Strong desire for a, eae indgetes(p)Pip len who get ‏کی موی مه‎ ae wet Stoots: Sour odor to the stools Diarhes during teething, Watery with bits of undigested food. Padophyllum (May-apple) ‘Darchea after mental excitement. Figety and restless: General or empty setching. Violent cramps ofthe feet, calves, and thighs. Head sweats d CRESS that for lnge qaniies of cold water “er ee Stools: Profuse, frequent, gushing, painless, watery. Bloody with green mucus, very offensive. Rectal Drolapse. Exhaustion alter stool. Diarhes during eating aftr ru Sup Bowers of ups) Tnitabl, indifferent, weeping, Gener Calf oweat on face ane oot Blue ccs under eyes, weakness. Thirsty for cold drinks, ite ‎‘cope. ‎Stools _Datthen worse at night ltr lk involuntary, sudden expulsion. Worte Sa am. Red sing round anus, Ofeaiv, acrid stools. Pallets, any watery: Odor of rte 6g ‎ ‎Bold type indicates the most important symptoms for each medicine. Sources: Bell, 1888; Boericke, 1971. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 13:
TABLE 1, Indications for common homeopathic medicines for acute otitis media’ Pudsatilla (window) ‘Min Weepy, elingy, whiney. Wants to be held and carved, Changeable moods. Needs attention and reassurance. Generate ‘Worse in a arm room, better from fresh air, Thirstless Bars Earache comes on in middle of the night External ear and meatus is red. Decreased hearing. Earache following a cold CChamemilla (German chaviomile) ‘Mind! Capricious irvitable; quarrelsome, nothing pleases. Asks for something, then rejects it, striking out, sensitive to pain; meaning; frenzied Better being earried. Generals One cheek re, other pale; hot; thirsty for col drinks, Worse evening, until midnight. Night seats Bar Unbearable pain, screaming from pain, Bars feel stopp ‘Sulfur (elemental ‏مامه‎ ‘Mine! Emotionally iritable and slugsish. Generals: Worse from heat. Fever with sweating and shivering ‘Restless sleep. Doesn't want to wash or bathe ‘Thirsty for cold drinks, little appetite. Worse 5 a.m, Bar: Sharp pains worse on the left Redness of external ea. Enlarged cervical lymph nodes. Earache with painful ringing in the ears Calearea carbonica (calvin cacbonste) ‘Mina! Irritable, stubborn, complaining. Fearful at night Generals: Sweaty head and back of the neck, especialy at night Sour odor to sweat, soos, breath. Sensitive to cold Bar: ‘Throbbing, pulsating ear pain, decreased hearing. Enlanged cervieal Ivaph nodes

صفحه 14:
1 9 9 و ع 8 9 3 > 0 = 8 ‎a‏ Control ‏سدم‎ 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 2 Observation Time (hours) *p<.05 Jacobs et al. Pediatr Infec Dis 2001;20:177-183.

صفحه 15:
Shang et al. Homocopathy tals Conventional medicine tals تم سم ی ۱ 2 . ‘Median (range) 65:5 (10-1573) 65 (12-1367) 2005;366:72 9 enn ‏ور‎ ‎6-732 Medan year pbiction ano) 192(1966-2003) ‏مود‎ (1974-2000) مس )341658 )58638 و )1008 110 (و بو ‎eee‏ ‎NEDUNE inden! sam) 95 66%)‏ ‎Typtofoutome‏ )195% ویو ‎Cee dee are‏ ت26 ود ‎diene‏ ۱ )261240 )21098 مدمه سم )66% 6 عع ممص ی ‎sas 308) 309)‏ سف ‎‘Trial quality,‏ جه مو )1011928 ‎Decibel adobe bind‏ 0 )27058 همرچ وم ماس مسر وم ود ‎us»)‏ م و ۱ ‎fay eran ver 33605) 006%)‏ 1 ومد ‎Higher uty‏ “als desde as double nd, with adequate generation of allocation ‏اماد اه او لمم مه ماس وماد ام موه‎ Table2: Characteristics of placebo-controlled trials of homoeopathy and conventional medicine

صفحه 16:
Shang et al. Lancet 2005;366:726-732 Odds ratio for large, high quality trials (the lower the value the higher the benefit): Homeopath. N=8 OR=0.88 Conventional. N=6 OR=0.58 Conclusions: “clinical effects of homeopathy are placebo effects” Critique: how about giving the OR for all included studies and also the OR for the” higher quality” studies (n=21 for homeopathy and n=9 for conventional). The selection of “clinical topics” for study seem to favor conventional drugs, e.g. respiratory infections.

صفحه 17:
0 pilesophial interpretation ‏اه‎ Shang’ study. One other philosopher he might have induded is Kart, who reminds us that we see things nt as they are, but as we a4e, This observation is ako true of health-care onsumes, who may see homoecpathy 25a haiti altemative to a disease focoed, thology ven redial model IC the atts of patients and provides that engender alterative- therapy seeking behaviours which ceatea grater treat ta conventional care-and patents’ wellae—than do spurious gunens of ptaive benefits fom absurd tions Surly the time has pased for selective analyses, biased reports, of further investment in research to erpetuate the homosopathy versus allopathy debate Now doctors need to be bold and honest wih thei patients about homosopathy’s lack of benef, and with themsehes about the alings of modem medicine to address patients’ needs for personalised car whe tance ethan V6 eget 3205 The end of homoeopathy That homeopathy fares poorly when compared wth allopathy ia Ajjog Shang and coleags’ systematic ‘ylation s unsurprising, OF greater interest the fact that this debate continues, despite 150. yeas of unfavourable dings. The mere dite the evidence for hommozopthybecomes, the gate sersitspopuaty For too long, a politcal correct sez fie attitude has ented towards homeopathy, bu there ae now signs of enlightenment from unlikely sources. The UK Parliamentary Select Committe on Science. and Technology issued 2 report about complementary and ternative medicne in 2000. 1 recommended “any therapy that makes pec chim for being able to test ‘pci condtons should hae eidenc of being able to o this above and beyond the placebo effect. Going ‘one step further, the Swiss Goverment, afte a 5-year lial, has now withdrawn insurance coverage for homoeopathy and. four other complementary treatments because they not meet efficacy and cost ‏ای موه‎

صفحه 18:
ites slam draft WHO report on homocopathy

صفحه 19:
http:// www.homeopathicpharmacy.org/ index.htm

صفحه 20:

صفحه 21:
Probiotics Terms: °Probiotic - Probiotics are live microorganisms (bacteria or yeasts) which, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host °Prebiotic - nutritional supplement taken to increase the amounts of beneficial bacterial in the gut or vagina. Example “FOS” (fructose oligosaccharides) °Biotherapeutic agent - microorganism used for specific therapeutic activity in humans °Nutriceutical - food products with beneficial effects in preventing or treating 0 1 ae

صفحه 22:
۱1 eae CANTON I Ble, eae God CAUPAN PZ ON Esophagus Stomach (0-103 Stomach cfu/ml): Gram+ : aerobes, Lactobacillus & Streptococcus Small intestine

صفحه 23:
Vagina: diverse aerobes & anaerobes including Lactobacillus jensenii, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus casei.

صفحه 24:
ل ا ل Kidneys: ‏نميه‎ Bladder: 12 E. coli

صفحه 25:
‎(Flora: Votestices‏ م۳ ‎Small intestine: Proximal ileum (103-104 cfu/ml) aerobic Gram+ Distal ileum (101!-10'2 cfu/ml) Gram- anaerobes ‎Colon (10!!-10? cfu/ml): Bacteroides, Eubacteria, Peptostreptococci, E. coli, Bifidobacterium, Fusobacteria ‎

صفحه 26:
صصص امدومح(ل خام حوصاوى ”)0 ‎cca eat‏ رز ‎SIN aries Ea RENN ‎© Oucsd waturctioc ‎OR TON Nel ad Nera cal Col Dcr card * Ottackweat ‏رما كن ‎۱ 0 ran areca acd

صفحه 27:
Use of Probiotics for infections in Controlled Trials in Humans ¢Prevention of Diarrhea *Antibiotic associated diarrhea ‏دعطاسمتل علتأاسدكست»‎ *traveler’s diarrhea Treatment of Diarrhea ٠ ‏وعطاسهتل عنتعج‎ *Clostridium difficile disease ٠1111 ‏دعطسمتل 0م غ1ه25501‎ *Inflammatory Bowel Diseases en ee SEE PR ee ea eee ey ee

صفحه 28:
Saccharomyces boulardii and Antibiotic Associated Diarrhea in Hospitalized Patients N=180; site: University of Washington Sele Stop ۳ 7 Stop Antibioti Antibioti 5 0 ١ | yeast or placebo continued for 14d Start Mea or placeb Surawicz et al., Gastroenterol. 1989,96:981

صفحه 29:

صفحه 30:
Saccharomyces boulardii and Beta lactam Antibiotic Associated Diarrhea in Hospitalized Patients N=193; site: University of Washington, ‏لت‎ of Kentucky Stop Stop Antibioti Antibioti 5 1 5 د تا ‎placebo‏ ‎continued for‏ تم ‎yeast or 30‏ ‎placebo‏ McFarland et al. Am J Gastroenterol 1995;90:439-448

صفحه 31:
0.2 McFarland ‏ده .2 اه‎ Gastroenter ol "* Placebo يبمج فو سس م ما وم جره 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 56 ‘Time (days in study) Fic. 2. Kaplan-Meier probability curve for the probability of develop ing AAD. The patients on S. boulardii (n = 97) are denoted by the solid lin, and patients on placebo (n = 96) are denoted by the dotted line.

صفحه 32:
كك 0 7 صقر omnia 208 § —— ens 188 $8 | ۰ بان همه Saat تما اه‌هد ‎‘Temas 20160‏ 20 مر ‎rege BL‏ soi zo. 08 wonton ‏لهك‎ Boe 1 oF Wee 18518 AB ken 60 AB Orage 4 LL الله هوري 202 ‎enn‏ ana 12 ‏ها‎ ek eee De eee ۵ Gastroenterol

صفحه 33:
۱ ana Vox cache Nd ل (اه لت ‎OAS Ng a OER. 2277 at‏ ۱43۵۲ AS PICA aN BN BA - ‏.ا‎ 005 )012 x (OeCROM) ۳ رت

صفحه 34:
۱ Ucn cache NS cd Erno} |51 6۱ ‏امایه‎ 99.9 ‎acs 4‏ )99( )#9( ا رت و تا ‎ ‎

صفحه 35:
Probiotic Prevention of Traveler’s (۵۵ NYC travelers to developing countries; n=225 (Hilton et al. J. Travel Med 1997;4:41-43) 7.4%/exposure day for placebo 3.9%/exposure day for Lactobacillus GG (p=0.05) Austrian travelers to Turkey; n-1016 (Kollaritsch et al. Fortschr Med 1993;111:152-156) 39.1% placebo 28.7% S. boulardii (p=0.02)

صفحه 36:
Deere RO KOR a aa Dns aa ai Waar cr case (ON PaaS ‏ا‎ aa اسلنمت ۳ Pee er een oe N=69 Rosenfeldt et al., Pediatr Infec Dis

صفحه 37:
Pearce 1974 Boutlocne 1994 Isolaut 1894 Majamaa 1995. 6a Majamaa 1995 sed Majamaa 1995 vaacta Pant 1996 Guarino 1997 Shomikova 19978 ‘Shomikova 19970 L ruth Shomikova 19870 L reno ‘Shormikova 1997¢ ‘Anymad 2000 ‘Guandairi 2000, ‘Simakachomn 2000 Berni Garani 2001 Ertrocacst Borni Canani 2001 ۵ ‘Born Caran 2001 S. sir ‘Beri Ganan) 200% 8 auttis ‘Born Gana 2001 Nx Lee 2001 Fosenfelt 2001 ouspatant Rosenielct 2001 tnpatint ‘Combined -1.5 ‏ا‎ 1 1.5) Difference in duration of diarrhea (treatment ~ contro!) Fig 1. Forrest plot ofall included studies. Duration of diarthea in days. Huang, et al., Digestive Diseases and Sciences, Vol.47, No. 11 (Nov 2002)

صفحه 38:
100 7 Episodes of Disease Recurrent --- Placebo - Initial Placebo 0 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Time in Study, d Kaplan-Meier failure curve for the probability of Clostridium difficile disease recurrence. Sb indi- cates Saccharomyces boulardil McFarland et al., JAMA; 271, 1913- ۱۹۹ (1994).

صفحه 39:
Por Recurea OC. difficile Diseuse SO% @e2s 38 ومو جنوه ‎bon‏ ۳ 3 i) ‎CM ad‏ زا ۳ (06-) ‎Surawicz CM. Clin Infect Dis 2000;31:1012-7.

صفحه 40:
6 Derma meal (parca ed cca *Crohn’s Disease-see slide *Ulcerative Colitis-see slide Irritable Bowel Syndrome-see slide *Allergy/Exema-see slide *Pouchitis-VSL#3 mixture is effective in reducing inflammation *Lactose Intolerance-yogurt helps somewhat *Bacterial Vaginosis-speeds recovery and decreases recurrence

صفحه 41:
¢Respiratory infections in children*-one study showed 17% — decrease risk in those taking Lactobacillus GG probiotic milk product *Dental caries* ¢High Cholesterol* ¢Urinary Tract Infections* ¢Helicobacter pylori* *Candida vaginal infections* *Limited evidence

صفحه 42:
تاه حمصاط مومع ۱ ‎escorted‏ ‎eNotes‏ ‏2007 Dene, TBS, ond Digestive Peles ‏در‎ flammatory Be TABLE 6.4. Probiotic forthe treatment of table bowel syndome. Numberin Type Probie testuay ofeontol _esut ‏عمج‎ ‎Tedcbacigg 1۵ یصع ‏و منم و‎ aes, ‏م‎ ‏ره هه مس‎ Ben Lacooaatusand 8 fonpocebo st Lacobactis 40 ‏:(90دم 20و طممام‎ IES esctnd on Noxe30 panna 2998 ‏ل‎ ‏ی و ند‎ ‏مس‎ ‎Lacobwcitus 80 ‏امم‎ 26%" en Lactobacastad Nolet plana | ‏ممم عصان مواد ] تس‎ Lacooactvs 24 ‏“صمت‎ Nobenetttrganor Note 22 ‏که‎ | ‏نو 25 و‎ LessBioatngonVstea Note a0 ttaght wen bat ro ‘her bene vous 42 None ‏لع سمه‎ Now 38 Sezooted wit bata changes stone ‏صا موه مش و ماو‎ ‏هتم‎ Sree rbot) come fot part less pa ana ‘acd 1 ‏رس‎ ‏تست‎ ۳ ‏م۳ 7 مه‎ —Sapicaneaucten nsymg- Ne 26 fr | wth Pose and Lasts Lactobacillus GG was found to be not helpful.™ but studies with VSL#3 and mixtures of L. plantarnm and either Bifidobacterium srapies relax- hat are nooth iets t0 uch as logical Fbutes nex) is moved 1 Drug -Con- wn of ‏جیوه‎ symp- tine.?* te and in the ignifi- se nat spond early i have

صفحه 43:
5 —L. salivarius == --B. infantis O’Mahony et al. ۱ ۳ 2 UE 5 8 6 i ۵ 2005;128:541- a4 | 5.5 3 4 B24 * 3 ‘Treatment Period 185 2-77, 8 0 2 1 4 8 2 تست 1 ‌ Composite VAS Score ‘Treatment Period 3 2 u 4 Wooks 8

صفحه 44:
Table 6.1. Controlled clinical trials evaluating probiotics and Crohn’s disease (from Elmer et al. The Power of Probiotics, Haworth Press 2007) Poe state Ni ‏الوم‎ 3 21111 ‏ا ا‎ Ue) 16.6% LGG, ns poetical L, rhamnosus GG 2100 cotter) 3/5 relapse LGG, ns Rosita 52062 ‏م تزهجمابوظط ومع بزددم‎ 0 ا كه ‎rel eden eee Tae 32 6/16 relapse in mesalamine‏ 1/16 relapse in mesalamine/Sb Guslandi '” E, coli Nissle 1917 PL PUR OCICS EM a ccCertecete 4/12 relapse in prednisone/Ec Malchow * * probiotic significantly better than control, p<0.05; ns=probiotic not

صفحه 45:
Table 6.2. Clinical trials evaluating probiotics and ulcerative colitis (from Elmer et al. The Power of Probiotics Haworth Press 2007) و۹ ‎Result‏ زد لك 061 67% relapse in Ec, ns Rembacken ۱۹ 16% relapse in Ec, ns ‏الا‎ ‎36% relapse in mesalamine 45% relapse in Ec, ns B Guth ag 24 17/24 had successful outcome 15/20 had no relapse in 12 months Probiotic E. coli(Nissle 1917) 116 3 E. coli(Nissle 1917) 103 E. coli(Nissle 1917) 7 Saccharomyces boulardii Guslandi 1° VSL#3 (mix) 20 ‏یت‎ 9 Prem osc Costner ep Titel ‏ا‎

صفحه 46:
xe ‏تم‎ ‎۱۹۱ ‏ل‎ ca Dcr exceed M@CC ta Pickard ۱ NS an cacao تس مسر مس مرت( 0۵00/۵ 00015 + 0) 015ذا) جب لاصمحاصصما - 2007 Ones Snel Peete ‏مت ما سم تا‎ ا Kalliomaki M. Lancet 2001;357:1076-9

صفحه 47:
xr Pas al UA ASN TePuctte topic Diseuse [Results] ep es 4090 زر 1 3 co) هه ا 23% كت = @D 408 4 do 5 3 x ‏بط‎ ‎2 ea (=O ‏(وعم)‎ ‏اننا‎ ال 2 06

صفحه 48:
91 92 Oshservation Invitro Invitro Human erythrocytes, invitro Piglet mucus, in vitro Rat.ileal loops Rat intestine Human serum, Rat intestine Rat intestine Table 3. Potential Mechanisms of Action of Probiotics Probiotic Microogranism Lactobacillus reuteri L. thanmosus GG Saccharomyces boulardii L. Acidophilus S. boulardii S. boulardii L. rhamnosus GG S. boulardii Mechanism Production of Pathogen inhibitory substances Inhibition of pathogen attachment Inhibition of action of microbial toxins Stimulation of IgA Trophic effects on intestinal mucosa

صفحه 49:
Potential Advantages and Disadvantages of Probiotics Disadvantage ا ا Persistence Possible Translocation Possible ۱۱۰۱۱۵ ‏وت‎ ‎Resistance Plasmids? Infection Possible Quality Control Issues Advantages Multiple Mechanisms of ۳۰ و »صهاعزعم1 ‎Infrequent‏ Use May Reduce Exposure to Antibiotics Delivery of Microbial Enzymes 07۱ ee |

صفحه 50:
eC ae condition VSL#3 ۱۳ ‏وتات‎ LGG vO) 005252225 ‏ار ام‎ (CN ۹ ۹ ‏ام ام‎ ‏نم‎ ام ام ۹ 0 ‎(OTN‏ ‏و ‎OB ۹ (Cg‏ | سم( مسطاءصول 2 0 Oe) ۳ ‏و ديك‎ Oe) Ovw 0 Orr ‏كك‎ ۹ Ovw (Ng Oe) air OO) O® a NA=not available (no studies). None—necative studies.

صفحه 51:
Probiotics Summary ¢Living microorganisms with multiple ‏ملاع 01 كددكتسمطاعمعمم‎ *Good safety profile *Some applications to prevent and treat infectious diseases °An alternative to antibiotics in some situations *May have other applications, e.g. allergy, cancer, colitis, Crohn’s micancal Tiicarativoa GCahiic. 1

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