صفحه 1:
5-0-5-5 aa
صفحه 2:
صفحه 3:
What do We mean by
First Aid?
= First aid is the administration of emergency
assistance to individuals who have been injured.
= Homeopathic remedies are fast to act in these
= Homeopathic medicines are helpful in
preventing infection, pain relief and bleeding
= They act best in burns, nerve pains, fast healing
of cuts and for fracture of bones.
= They are usually very effective in reducing the
pain of injury and speeding the healing process.
= Homeopathy in Sports Medicine
صفحه 4:
Conditions of First Aid
Treatment in Sports and
صفحه 5:
Arnica is the Homeopathic aspirin, It is the first remedy to think of
كذ غصعللء 20 عط 12 .ءاعمطك قصة صندم كلقع 15 عكتتوءفط ,لكتازهة برصة صذ
| عط غقعع] ما دكلة لعغمعتلهذ فط وميه مغتصوعم
shock or fear associated with the injury, before Arnica is given.
Arnica is also known as the sportsman's remedy because of its
صتهعاه فاءكتته متتو م م3ا0دقة صتدم ومتطوعم صذ ددعم اتقعكنا
مذ عاطفلتهنة ممه كتمعصطهذه دعتصعة ركعمتتصط قصة ۱3
pharmacies and they can be used directly on the spot. It is useful
to take Arnica internally as well, to promote healing.
If the spot bruised, hit or crushed is in a nerverich area, (like
fingers, toes, mouth or anus) Hypericum should be used,
كذ سنن تمعم 11 .وسكمتفمع قصة وصتططمعط كذ سندم عط كذ بوللقزعع مدع
often indicated for a fall on the spine or coccyx.
9 oedema me aren)
and after dental surgery, labor, etc... ).
When the head has been injured and headaches persist, Natrum
sulphuricum should be thought of.
صفحه 6:
Most common first aid for all injuries. It helps reduce shock, relieve pain,
diminish swelling and begin healing. Arnica is a great remedy for injuries
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well for mechanical injuries réceived even years previously.
Frere POR eon C Menton soca ا
after dental surgery, labor, etc... ).
Arnica montana is the single most important remedy for trauma when
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۱3 روعاءكتاته 5056 ردعزع عاعقاط ركعكتتوط وستفتاعصة مصستتدع توصة 205 لتقعمت 4
within the first hours after a fracture. For deep bruises
For falls, bruising, bumps, - not to used on open wounds
eo oM co lan om NS mec tnt eatin meats Ce Vee a
muscle injuries, pains due to over exertion, concussions and contusions.
روط مدلا جقاه اه هر /ودناعع! ملظ ها رعروق eee
before and after surgery. Dosage and application: Arnica 1M is very
useful in head injuriés and _ prevents brain damage. In other injuries,
Arnica 30, 5 doses with 15 minutes gap is good. Arnica external
applications are also available.
صفحه 7:
Arnica is the first remedy to think of in any injury, because is treats
2 تزقنه عاتصوعم رعمعلاع5 راع ةلسمعمعدم كذ 6معللععة عط 14 .اعمط قصة صتدم
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For bumps and bruises, Arnica in the form of ointments hey can be
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to promote healing.
Most common first aid for all injuries. It helps reduce shock, relieve
عم تزهمصهط ممتو ۵ فز معنصت۸ .وصتلعط صنوهط 4صه وصتللهمء طحتصنصنک رصته:
و ۱
لإاكناهااععم ككمعنز معنت لع للعع6 كعتسازصا لمعتمقطععمصم 2ه 1اعن فعلدمته ممم
0 ا ا a merse ltl
after dental surgery, labor, etc... ).
Arnica montana is the single most important remedy for trauma
uae there is marked soreness and tenderness especially to
صفحه 8:
or pressure. It is useful for any trauma including bruises, black eyes, sore
muscles, and within the first hours after a fractiire. For deep bruises
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لطم لضة 055 1ككناعهمه ,دوتامععة 2عا0 0 متاك كصلدم ,دع تسنازهة وأعكتاي 05.
بحفاقهط حفوط حقط زا که ترقوط عط 0062 لله صتدم/وستاءمة لوقتتصط بعستما رعروة
before and after surgery. Dosage and application: Arnica 1M is very
useful in head injuries and prevents brain damage. In other injuries,
Pestle We OM N Coeem tC 15 كذ مدن كعكتاستم 0000. te le لقسسععة
0 otes
If the spot bruised, hit or crushed is in a nerverich area, (like fingers,
ا ciiatan teat
throbbing and radiating. Hypericum is often indicated for a fall on the
2ه عصاصة 0007+.
تستطمل! باكتعدوم وعطعملدعط قصة لمعن زمذ معوط فقط مذعط عجغ ظ1۸
.05 غطوتامطة فط للنامط؟ نع تتطملناة
صفحه 9:
عإعتاءم عاعمطه ععنلعع دماعط 16 .دتعت زصة لله ع0؟ فته غ605 «مستصرم غدمك
pain, diminish swelling and begin healing. Arnica is a great remedy for
16 108 عع ععناه تمصو صندم قا فتغطا معي وكلة فهة ,كم اءكتام مغ دعمتستازصة
و |
.تاكن هلدعم كعمع نز معنت 0ع للعم 26 5ععنازها لمعتمقطععمم 02 1اع معلدمته ممم
amare ا 0
۰ .606 رت0طق! ,لزنم وتناه هادمل 0
Arnica montana is the single most important remedy for trauma when
ممة دكعمعرود لع اعفدم كذ مجعط1 Cintas 2ه تأعناما ما زللمتءء
pressure. It is useful for any trauma including bruises, black eyes, sore
Fistteca coe tate Acton وعقتتاطط ممع زن8 .ععتطعمع؟ ده معتقة ومتامط نأكعة عط
۱ ttn ema m rote Rome sence Cry
eee Oa eae Ao ane Moet ta estise VES eo
ال 002611551085 ,لمتتاطعئة 05062 0 عتلل كصلدم ,كوكناه عأعكتاتس
غذ عد كه بوط عط وعدن لله متهم /وصتاعع؟ لوعتتصط رعمهها ,6مك ۱۳۰۱
Oe TiC ا
.806تقل صتووط متصعنم26م قطة دعتعتازه فدعط صذ لطعكن تجرعن 15 11/1 دعتسم
In other injuries, Arnica 30, 5 doses with 15 minutes gap is good.
ل 0
صفحه 10:
عإعتاءم عاعمطه ععنلعع دماعط 16 .دتعت زصة لله ع0؟ فته غ605 «مستصرم غدمك
pain, diminish swelling and begin healing. Arnica is a great remedy for
16 108 عع ععناه تمصو صندم قا فتغطا معي وكلة فهة ,كم اءكتام مغ دعمتستازصة
و |
.تاكن هلدعم كعمع نز معنت 0ع للعم 26 5ععنازها لمعتمقطععمم 02 1اع معلدمته ممم
amare ا 0
۰ .606 رت0طق! ,لزنم وتناه هادمل 0
Arnica montana is the single most important remedy for trauma when
ممة دكعمعرود لع اعفدم كذ مجعط1 Cintas 2ه تأعناما ما زللمتءء
pressure. It is useful for any trauma including bruises, black eyes, sore
Fistteca coe tate Acton وعقتتاطط ممع زن8 .ععتطعمع؟ ده معتقة ومتامط نأكعة عط
۱ ttn ema m rote Rome sence Cry
eee Oa eae Ao ane Moet ta estise VES eo
ال 002611551085 ,لمتتاطعئة 05062 0 عتلل كصلدم ,كوكناه عأعكتاتس
غذ عد كه بوط عط وعدن لله متهم /وصتاعع؟ لوعتتصط رعمهها ,6مك ۱۳۰۱
Oe TiC ا
.806تقل صتووط متصعنم26م قطة دعتعتازه فدعط صذ لطعكن تجرعن 15 11/1 دعتسم
In other injuries, Arnica 30, 5 doses with 15 minutes gap is good.
ل 0
صفحه 11:
When the skin has been broken, Arnica ointment
should not be applied. Calendula ointment is used
instead to promote repair of the skin. Again, Arnica can
be taken internally, as well as Calendula to promote the
body's healing capacity.
If the cut is made with a Sn) knife, or if it is deep,
Staphysagria is a good remedy to prevent scarring.
Calendula mother tincture can be put in bath water to
help heal cuts in hard to reach areas. You can soak a
wound this way or even make a spray solution to apply
كا ls
Hypericum should again be though of for fingers and
toes and that searing, throbbing pain associated with
such wounds.
صفحه 12:
= Ledum is the #1 remedy for puncture wounds
and is usually given first. It is considered a
preventative against tetanus which can result
from such wounds.
= After Ledum, or if the Ledum stage was
missed, Hypericum follows well and is used
often the beginning signs of tetanus have
appeared (red streak from wound towards
body and shooting pain).
= Again Staphysagria can be used if the
puncture is quite deep.
صفحه 13:
= Arnica is the first remedy to use for a wound
to the eye, especially if the eyeball is injured
or if the soft tissue around the eye is bruised.
= Aconite is also used for injury to the eye,
especially is a foreign object is Helene
there and the patient is fearful.
= For blunt injury to the eye which causes
headaches, symphytum is the remedy of
choice and can even heal longlasting,
chronic ailments following a blow to the eye.
= Ruta is a good remedy for acute eye strain.
صفحه 14:
Arnica is again the first remedy to consider in cases of
sprain, externally and internally, as it alleviates pain and
causes the reabsorption of blood which accumulates in the
soft tissues when blood vessels are broken in an accident.
The second remedy to consider for sprains is Ruta
gravoelens. It is used to treat injury to connective tissue,
tendons and periosteum which are characterized by
For less severe sprains which leave a sensation of stiffness
on first motion, Rhus tox. is the primary remedy. Rhus will
continue the healing after Arnica has been used to reduce
the swelling of an injury.
Bryonia is used when the former remedies cannot
completely heal a sprain and the injury is worse from any
صفحه 15:
= Again with any accident Arnica is given first for pain
and swelling, Aconite as well if the patient is very
frightened, which can often be the case with a fracture.
= When a fracture is suspected, this must first be verified
by XRay. Once the fracture is set, Symphytum is the
remedy to repair the fracture.. Bryonia is used for
fractured ribs and should be considered if a fracture
remains painful after administering other remedies.
Calc. phos. can also be used in slowhealing fractures.
= Ruta is used more for injuries to the periosteum and to
the knee, shin, or elbow. Ruta can be taken before and
after XRays to minimize sideeffects.
صفحه 16:
Bee stings are treated with Apis (redness, burning, swelling,
sticking pains) as well as for allergic reactions, hives, with the
same characteristics.
Ledum is used to treat mosquito, black fly, and sand flea bites.
Tt can be taken internally at 200C or as an ointment externally
to relieve itching.
Arnica is used more to treat wasp stings.
Hypericum is used to treat more painful bites such as those of
moose flies or deer flies, which remove a chunk of skin
The bites of snakes or other animals are usually treated like
puncture wounds.
Staphysagria is also used for insect bites which itch excessively
and create et) welts. It can be taken preventively to reduce
the number of bites when you know that you will be exposed.
صفحه 17:
™ Silicea is the primary remedy for ejecting splinters
or any foreign object trapped under the skin. If
Silicea is not successful, and the Te 15 كع
sensitive, Hepar sulph 30 will do the job.
= For boils, Belladonna can be given before pus forms,
when the boil is very red, hot, painful and shiny.
™ When a boil is extremely sensitive and feels like
there is a stick under the skin, Hepar sulph. Is again
useful. Silica can be used acutely or constitutionally
to treat boils which develop from every little injury.
= When a child develops crop of angry-looking boils,
especially on the buttocks, Sulphur is often the
صفحه 18:
For minor scalding or sunburn Calendula tincture
or gel can be applied externally. It can also help in
treating scars from previous burns. A red hot
sunburn can be relieved with Belladonna.
Cantharis can be used internally or externally or
both for more serious burns. A bad sunburn with
blistering calls for Cantharis.
Causticum is used only internally for
seconddegree burns.
Urtica urens is also a good remedy for first degree
burns, especially if they sting.
صفحه 19:
Before a trip to the dentist, or any other medical procedure, if
you are fearful, take Aconite 200C, you will be surprised how
calm you can become.
Arnica should be taken before and after any procedure to
minimize shock and help to heal bruising.
Hypericum should be taken after an operation in a nerverich
area of the body. It helps to repair traumatized nerve tissue.
For incisions, Staphysagria is indispensable. It is usually given
in a single dose after an operation. It also helps to cope with
feelings of invasion which often follow surgical intervention of
any kind.
For the side effects of anesthetics, such as nausea, confusion
and other discomforts, Phosphorus is the choice remedy.
For سا either vaccinations or for local or general
anesthesia, Ledum can counter the shock to the system.
(puncture wound)
صفحه 20:
= Nux vomica is the universal homeopathic cleanser and is
usually administered in 200C potency once after a one-
time exposure to toxic substances, such as medication or
obnoxious fumes, or overindulgence in stimulants. If a
person is more consistently exposed to toxic substances,
sometimes Nux, along with a homeopathic dilution of the
substance itself can be used on a regular basis to
counteract long-term ill-effects.
= When specific traumas are identified as blocking healing,
specific corresponding homeopathic remedies can be
used in sequential ascending doses to clear out the
system. The ensuing reaction is termed at "cleansing" or
"healing" reaction.
صفحه 21:
emotional traumas. It is a good idea to treat these emotions before they become a
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: When a person sulfers a loss, of a dear friend, pet, or loved one, Ignatia is the firstaid
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طامط غمعن ما NN ects CRUE Cael [aren Reso e ee Ree wR
دمت فتلتضصط مععل م كععمعمعصدة ترمكرعم 2 12 .دمع صم عه تدرط وهو1 هه عكدتةف سس
Invasion of privacy or violation, Staphysagria can prevent that emotion from taking hold
سياد ای یت ی 01
Physical ailments, particularly targeting mainly the digestive tract and liver, but can
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صفحه 22:
= When a single incident has brought on symptoms,
often a single dose will be sufficient to relieve.
= In all cases, follow the patient carefully, if
symptoms improve then relapse or cease to
improve, repeat dose.
= If symptoms do not improve, repertorize
symptoms again and see whether another remedy
is needed or if you want to increase the potency.
= If the symptoms are very intense, sometimes a
lower potency will not reach them, or may have to
be repeated very frequently to have an effect.
صفحه 23:
= Thank you All