صفحه 1:
ره Blu-ray Disc

صفحه 2:
‎Discs‏ ی وب رن ‎Wises‏ ‎

صفحه 3:
۷ ۱۳ ‏هت توت‎ vy Building a Blu-ray Disc yitow Blu-ray Reads Data y Blu-ray Competitors

صفحه 4:
Introduction to How Blu- ray Discs Work > — ingle-layer Blu-ray disc-27 GBdata ‘2h HDTV! 7shst. > RAdouble-Cayer Blu-ray disc-50GBi4¥.5AHDTVi2ohst. ae ne Set Cee eee ek ee a ee Oa ee aT eo ave es eo pas =

صفحه 5:
Building a Blu-ray Disc 0 SEY ee eee 09 ed ned ene near ee ete nat No Renee eH pits are voy O.0S pew} track pick Pro O.PP Yoo t O.OC pw OO tickuess (7.2 millimeters)asa DVD! Birefringence-data between twopolycarbonatelayers(o.6 mm) disctilt-thedisccan not beread لت سب اس 2

صفحه 6:
How Blu-ray Reads Data ۱ heen ‏ا‎ nes ca ae 5 2 ‎aaa ee aU eee nD‏ فا شم تیا ‎mechanism no disc tilt‏ ‎2 ‎Because the data is closer tothe surface,ahardcoatingisplaced on the outside of the disc to protect it fromscratchesand fingerprints. ‎27 ‏ومر ره یت همك ‏درس لس هک ۲ ‎=a‏ ۹ ‎

صفحه 7:
Cost 2 DVDs -by injection molding the twoo0.6-mm discs recording layer between them! must be donevery carefully toprevent ۱ ‏ی‎ 181 ees Ua Te cee Me mC By Rae eT CN CURRENT gee oO -The twodiscsaregluedtogether. Blu-ray discs only do the injection-molding process ona single 7.7- mm disc! that savings balances out the cost of adding theprotective Cayer ! the endprice of BDis nomorethantheprice ofa regular ۷۰ Blu-ray discsare betterarmedthancurrent DVDs. They come equipped witha secureencryption system --auniquelD that protectsagainst video piracy andcopyright infringement.

صفحه 8:
Formats > DVDsandCDsstartedwithread-onlyformatsandonly Cater addedrecordableandre-writable formats, Blu-ray is ‏:15ه 01 تأناقت اك ]تك أسملتء 116411050 و اكع د ]ها س1‎ -BD-ROM (read-only) -for pre-recordedcontent -BD-R(recordable) -for PC data storage -BD-RW (rewritable) -for PC data storage 1۱ Aenea TO - ‏واقتك مع 311107 :جم‎ للكت سس

صفحه 9:
Te) a oe BAe NTP AE ra TL eee ۱ eee Oe ee ‏ل‎ J eae aac ECC 0 eer 72 eee eae eae eater eas aura et ae Re لع اقدامك - 618 ق. و ته ع5 1ع را ا ۷ China -Enfianced Video Disc (EVD) Caer ae ena Tt > Pioneers developing an optical disc that will blow away theharddiscin most ofour Deu i ee nee ee aaa Braco tenet ‏م‎

صفحه 10:
>Seemore Van LIX 5 ‏انه‎ aw eats oe ٠ Be irre ee DD ite

صفحه 11:
Blu-ray vs. DVD Capacity Single-layer DVD 4.7 GB of data average two-hour standard-definition movie with a few extra features Single-layer Blu-ray disc 27 GB of data more than 13 hours of standard video more than two hours of high-definition video Double-layer Blu-ray disc Lo dQ 0 10 20 30 40 50 ۱004 ۷۵۸۷۵۷۵

صفحه 12:
DVD Vs. Blu-Ray Construction DVD BD 4.7 GB 25 GB Polycarbonate Layer minimum — minimum pitlength pit length ae 0.15um Recording Layer Optical Transmission 0 5-6 024 and Protection Layer an Laser 0-744m Blue wen Laser | ©2004 ۷۵۷/۹۵۷۵۸۵

صفحه 13:
CD vs. DVD vs. Blu-ray Writing cD DVD BD 780-nm Red Laser 650-nm Red Laser 405-nm Bive Laser Lens Aperture = 0.45 Lens Aperture = 0.6 Lens Aperture = 0.8 Wo Ee One 1.2-mm Two 0.6-mm One ۱ polycarbonate ۳ polycarbonate layer track pitch track pitch track pitch = 1.6um = 74 = 30۳۳ (©2004 HowStuffWorks

صفحه 14:

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