بیماری‌هامراقبت‌های بهداشتیپزشکی و سلامتتغذیهطب سنتی

Integrating Natural Medicine into Asthma and Allergy Management

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Oe Ch cree 0 centred

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Complementary, Alternative, Integrative: Complementary Medicine: Systems used as an adjunct to allopathic medicine Alternative Medicine: systems of care used in place of allopathic medical care Integrative Medicine Blending “conventional” care using allopathic care (Western Medicine) and “alternative” methods (ie: eastern medicine, etc). Or blending many modalities of care. Oi ere ae ۱

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What is Wholistic/Holistic Care? » Treating the whole person: mind, body and spirit together » Undertanding that we need to address all aspects of a person in treating illness This creates an overall better quality of life! Oi ere ae ۱

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Pain (Headaches, back, neck, etc) Insomnia More frequent asthma issues Digestive Problems Emotional issues: Depression, Anxi Hypertension Changes in reproductive health Depresses immune system (herpe Weight Gain Oi ere ae ۱

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QOucaygey @sikava oad @llerges wits

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What is Traditional Chinese Medicine? Acupuncture Therapy Chinese Herbal Medicines Tai Chi and Qi Gong Massage and Bodywork Dietary and Lifestyle eae een Cole hie tts 000000

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THE EVOLUTION OF TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE » Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine- >5000 year history » NIH Acupuncture Consensus Conference: * postoperative pain & chemotherapy nausea and vomiting * postoperative dental pain » TCM benefits are documented in peer-review western medical literature » NIH sponsored trials: IBS, osteoarthritis, cardiovascular disease, endometriosis, cancer, and many others Oi ere ae ۱

صفحه 10:
How Popular Is Acupuncture? » An Estimated 8.2 million U.S. adults have used acupuncture » Used by every class of population and from a multitude of cultures cra ea ees ch (arte) no At ‏ل ل ل‎ ae ‏ل ل اكه‎ calor cs Oi ere ae 0

صفحه 11:
ENERGY BASED THEORY OF ACUPUNCTURE < Lele AMVC IMM COS eo) "0" > Energy travels ee pathways: meridians: anatomical location of acupuncture points » Energetic and substance imbalance creates symptoms » Acupuncture point stimulation along meridians balances energetics, herbal therapies: substance » Balancing energy helps enhance body’s ability to help in its own recovery/healing aes ar ar ‏روز‎ ‎000 ‏و‎

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ROOT AND BRANCH THEORY OF TREATMENT » Root- identify/understand what caused the symptom > Branch - the symptom itself » Treatment handles resolution of symptom and helps to balance root causes (energetic/substance), > Goal is to rebalance substance and energetics of the whole body

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CONCEPTS OF YIN AND YANG » Complimentary opposites/balance in nature and in body » Yin: Relates to moistening, cooling, nourishing substances in body: blood, mucous, Synovial fluids » Yang: Relates to functions, and Warming and moving properties temperature, peristalsis, digestio ۱ 0

صفحه 14:
HOW DOES ACUPUNCTURE WORK? ‏رح‎ 1 circulation of blood systemically 9 ‏ی‎ aloe (endorphins and enkephalins) » This creates the “ incture analgesic” response and) “relaxation response” » Energetically: body “gi” movement/flow 08 balanced| body (better heal 0 ات 013.0 رجا سدس ‎mr ern anton‏

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Diagnosis in TCM » Practitioner does detailed intake * Pulse and tongue evaluations are done to determine TCM diagnosis » Acupuncture treatment and herbal therapies are then recommended > Dietary/lifestyle adjustments may also be recommended

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ASTHMA AND ALLERGIES ‏للك اننا‎ » Patterns of asthma relate to Kidney, Lung and Spleen meridian energy deficiencies » These lead to difficulties with inhalation, exhalation and phlegm > Allergies relate to deficient Qi/energy, thus creating vulnerability to environmental factors (pollen, dust, etc) » The relaxation response and immune support benefits from acupuncture also: aide in successful treatment ۱ 0

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CUPPING THERAPY * Cupping therapy is an adjunct modality used in TCM » Originally used to help reduce phlegm in the lungs related to colds/asthma) » Also can be used as a myofascial release technique

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Emotions and Energetics - Use acupuncture therapy to help balance energetics to affect emotions - Each meridian system relates to specific emotions - Acupuncture is a simple therapy which yields powerful results - Effective for helping with depression and anxiety te a

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Meridians and Emotions - Liver Meridian - Anger/Frustration ~ Heart Meridian - Joy/sadness, Anxiety - Spleen Meridian - Worry, Obsessive thoughts ~ Lung Meridian - Grief - Kidney Meridian - Fear

صفحه 22:
Chinese Herbal Therapies » Can be used safely in conjunction with prescription medications » Are often a good option for people who are unable to tolerate meds » Help to harmonize and balance the system to prevent allergic reactions and asthma attacks * Typically combinations of herbs, not single herb therapy

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Considerations for Herbal 11613 ‏1م‎ ‎> Patient’s current medications » Understanding of health history including information about type of cancer ie: estrogen receptive cancers, use of estrogenic like herbals > Consider patient’s compliance- best preparation » Consider upcoming procedures (surgeries),

صفحه 24:
Comparing Meds to Herbs » Both work based on their biochemical properties » Natural doesn’t always mean safe for everyone » Important to monitor patient’s progress if using them long term and with other medications > Important to use therapeutic dose with herbs and NOT take extra Oi ere ae 0

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‎peed ee ee‏ رارق نه موصصخا لجواواحام مامك عواص عومؤمون نا ررلجطا لجادان عورا ور ‎misses cas mca‏ 00 ‎cRNA oS a dL ceca ‏سا ما‎ ‏مه‎ ‏ل ل‎ Um CECA phe ce 0 aS ne ‎Oi ere ae ۱

صفحه 26:
١ 1 | 5 (4 wy type ANS ‏ل‎ cara ES CA 1 ‎CAIDAS]‏ ی مر هط 7 711 coe SNe ۶ ‏رم ریت‎ < ))2)0()(-( - ۲:2۵ (Berar ‏ا‎ ‎۱۹۵ 7

صفحه 27:
REGM1ROTORY GIOOG ‏)كز راک بو‎ Ve eas caine ‏ص‎ م‎ COA cl cies Aa esa ‏دص مک‎ Des EAS CARSNS ea ASN PLEASE BELA OB cas ical Cac a OAC ACLS CAC a BSL cae CCALSE, Ca EADS PASzZ DSPACE ESS calll

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| ‏ل‎ ‏تم ۹ را و۱‎ ee sh rae NI e ia Oi ere ae ۱

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Olker Pupes oF DipPeedbask ۹ nen on ae ed meet aed DN rel AN EASON ANS CASAC CSAS cascade SNe cid ۱ acd eo eae pelea eed Case ces Ne ARIS CA cas ‏ی سم‎ 0 ‏مرت‎ ehcce 0 ‏تم تن زد رم‎ AS ‏رم‎ SLAC SS) ‏را‎ hess cies Dae 00 00 ere aay 00 ۲

صفحه 30:
CWIROPROCMC CORE اس عسوو وا مومت موه عوو() < ‎INGE Dera Dec exe‏ ا ا مر رم یر 2 ۶ عيىى! عدا ما سوام رز Oi ere ae ۱

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WODEOPOMLY Oi ere ae 0

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0 ۶ 6 ‏که مه مرت‎ nical ANS cca nc ۹ ‏رک‎ ec raSleaZaS Ale MAN ‏اک‎ SSP N ۷ ‏نصا ی ی زر رت‎ nical On acer cde ۶ ۹۱ reer In arn Pan he eae oe Se eet EASIN DA nee R DOLLA aoe cease reese 1 CaS oaS IH Cicer cal لوصو جز مارب Oi ere ae ۱

صفحه 33:
۹۳ ‏مر‎ ro ea ab Crete meee (Nee < ‏جوا مت منم بل‎ oan atacca nod mac) اس ا ا ۱ ۳ ۶ 2 RICA Ca ‏ل ا‎ mecca eae 27 CAS EA Aca VASE, UL PAS EL=AL ‏نإمومماام أمكا خأ‎ ‏مس م۱۳‎ Le exch PA Ooi ‏کی مر دص و زر‎ ۱ rea ics ace ,** Oi ere ae ۱

صفحه 34:
< ‏ها عم ب(/‎ 1۱ 7 foxy he vpposite upproucls ‏ا تا‎ ACA UN aE @®OM 1 -histacviae) ۱ rca ‏ا‎ cAI ag SERENA AST AS Eel (A PNA SP ASCE) Led TEASE Edl EARS NSE SADA, EASE ‏ججا لدبب أمجلا‎ Pacis ACR CA ra PasCASeLeacR cara hcl cites ieee Oi ere ae ۱

صفحه 35:
6 ‏ری‎ eS ea ne Le © Nn ene NICs nex ee a ed OM Cte Re A Om CUltsg ee eer a eat ot eee eat eee eg nee teal (Ohl) ‏ا ا‎ enue cciseca Ce cen i ee ‏ا‎ ‏سم رم ا‎ 6 ‏ا ا‎ ee oes neh coef enc eotn ‏ل ا‎ aac (cece een RE uae Rates Daas eae PL Scarce tele er cies Ae nee

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‎say:‏ رازگ ‎alae aes‏ لا ‎OA ‏را‎ ‎6 ‏ا‎ ete ‎as esac ‏اتترصرات بكم رسال أصق رلك سكياس ولصتا‎ ae ANAL cA eS ek acc ‎cr uae Ces Nacl Sassen ncn el‏ گر ‎

صفحه 37:
۰ cciiiach ee iehe fe ech seine ence pesciaee ie see ۱ ‏بط یر ی ی‎ SISA ۶ ‏سر سم مر 9 را زا‎ eee ۳ ۳ ل 2 ا 00

صفحه 38:
۱ ۹ ‏ی‎ aciea (chsia by CracscactaVacliaece 00 > ‏ا‎ Nice 0 0 ecsciccd cL cei) ‏ل‎ (ee ce) eee

صفحه 39:
۹7 eine (Pood Grositi 7۶ ۱۳ 0 ©) reer val ace bern ree oe Ons fic can VANS ce ce ce SDs eran eed Ve aren earns Wi a ces ho AD cea cecal ras Uae ce hee Dred CLAS ied CAVA a CCA ‏لس رم‎ ۱ eat ec Uke eel a acces Pa Fes ACen EA EA CL CLASH CAIDA as EAN oad ect (ears car ۱ 2 Pcl CLP cca picel ca ۳ ‏هر رح‎ ca SA aed Uae excl eee casera Mn ce Les PA Oi ere ae ۱

صفحه 40:
COCO CVC UVC RO Grr ۳ aS eds A a Se Le a ea ‏تست سس سس‎ 9 (وووه امه ممضی نا ,06 ,0 دن) موه له طسو ( 6002 لم 06 ,جمدم 0)) عمجو( أجه ج01 rere Genco cee eae eee oe ene eet en acai pane cea a Oi ere ae ۱

صفحه 41:
‎ral py eter acre sre ici neal‏ رک کر ‎cas ease Opa ens cia ceca os Usa‏ ۱ ‎Va hea AA ie ecm cans an RS rac RUS ec woxiety (Orducthas IO99). ‎Ue Ns ceca aU ac Da eel acer can acs ceca er arb] swe usperis oF quatiy oP Pe (Drakes COOC) ‎Le ‏هر ل زاگ‎ ccd TCA ES Sh ‏ا‎ CAST ‏مود ‎ ‎ ‎Oi ere ae ۱ ‎

صفحه 42:
Center for Integrative Medicine, Novi

صفحه 43:
Center for Inteorative Medicine Z0000) W 2 ۱۲۱۱۶, 67 ود ره 20/۶27 5 Acupuncture and Onrientall Medicine Chiropractic Care Massage: Se |] ‏ودرا ور زررور ولا‎ 5 Cent 1۱ mntiery

صفحه 44:
۳ ‎GS‏ را مد نما و رز ۱۹ ‎۱ ‎a a grad‏ ل ‎As ca‏ موس[ ‎NC Rina ees a Re ae a‏ رك ات ‎el LOMO a Tie ad ae here Ler oe Ae oe ieee Oltay ral, OeerFied Brack, PL SOPPC (PAP. Brosioff, U, et.cal (968), PLOOT, “@ Dew Test Por Pord Ieduced Probleas to Dedicice?”. ‏ما‎ RR ie A a as a Olesen (OT slel= ‎Oi ere ae ۱ ‎

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