25 صفحه
1212 بازدید
04 شهریور 1400

صفحه 1:
Ion exchange is an adsorption phenomenon where the mechanism of adsorption is electrostatic. hold ions to charged function. groups on the surface of the ion exchange resin. The adsorbed ions replace ions that are on the resin surface

صفحه 2:
selectivity Ion exchange resi certain affinity « ions in aqueous affinity or preference for a given ‏و1 رد۲6‎ 021160 07۲

صفحه 3:
-atomic number 0 -physical roy) of) -pore size distribution -the type of functional groups on the polymer chains - Radius of hydration

صفحه 4:
Radius of hydration The group of water molecules surrounding each ion is called the radius of hydration and is different for different io I

صفحه 5:
Comparision of ionic, hydrated radii_, Molecular Weight, and atomic number for a number of cations lon lonic Radii | Hydrated | Molecular Atomic A |___ Radi, A Weight Number Lit 0.60 100 | 6.941 3 ‏خلا‎ | _ 5 2 229897 | 4 K 133 | [39.0983 19 Ro | 14 | : | 85.4678 37 (st 169 | 5.05 | 132.9054 55 Mg? 065 | 1058 5 12 Catt 099 | 95 | 00 20 sr 113 | 5 | © 38 Bae | 135 | 88 |] 13 56

صفحه 6:
0 (Cer

صفحه 7:
resin operating on the sodium cycle The preference for divalent ions over monovalent ions dimishes as the ionic strengh of ‏یت‎ mcreases. replace sodiu aaa on the resin structure. In higher ‏حمناه‌جومومع‎ sodium can be found in the resin phase.

صفحه 8:
450,000 mg/L 1. Equivalent fraction Nat in liquid phase sure 16-4 2 Na*—Ca?* equilibria for sulfonic acid cation exchange resin. (Courtesy of Rohm and ۶

صفحه 9:
Crosslink The amoun of crosslinking depends on the proportions of different monomers used in the polymerization step. Practical r ;are 4% to 16 %. Resins with ۷0 100 crosslinking tend to be watery —

صفحه 10:
Moisture holding capacity Moisture (water retention, or water content) is related to porosity and ionic form. The water content is expressed as a percentage of the moist resin weight in a given ionic form. About half the weight of all ion exchange resins is water, unless they ha’ 1 ried or the water has been replaced with an ‏موم 10 0۲۵و‎ surrounds the active groups (hydration water) and fills the voids in the resin matrix.

صفحه 11:
Moisture Content 100 ; Moisture Content vs Crosslinkage % water 0 0 % Crosslinking (as % of 6 divinyl benzene in polymerization )

صفحه 12:
lon exchange capacity 1۱ quecctip oP oniive ynoups = total query oF Feet SNS LS aN ed dl Panic nn A a Pa cae Capacities are ee Coens per litre of ۱ 1 er kilogramme of dried resin. The dry weight capacity indicates if a resin has been properly functionalised, Whilst a high total capacity is generally desirable, not all exchange sites are used in a complete ion exchange cycle

صفحه 13:
Physical factors: -swelling -shrinking Chemical factors: _oxidation Effect of fouling: 1)Silica fouling 2)Organic fouling

صفحه 14:
Particle size distribution Ion exchange resin beads are spherical in shape and are commercially available in particle diameter sizes of 0.04 to 1.0 mm. in the united states ,the p. according to standard ‏قمیالم۷‎ | Three parameters relat -particle size range -effective size (ES) -UNIFORMIT Y COEFFICIENT (UC) 9 are listed ‏د‎ or “ mesh “ particle size:

صفحه 15:
The mean diameter is the value of the (theoretical) sieve opening through which exactly 50 of the resin volume passes, i.e. that retains exactly 50 % of the resin sample. It is abbreviated as "d.,,". In the language of a ‏تا ا‎ Cereb eva diameter. WER ICRA ASG CMEC omnes Ce opening through which exactly 10 % of the resin sample passes. It is abbreviated as "d,,". The uniformity coefficient is defined as: UC = 3 / ‏مر‎

صفحه 16:
% between sieves “Gaussian” resin ۱2.5 33) ا ۲ 300 400 500 00 800 1000 1200 Brn Mean diameter = 640 um Effective sie = 450 um Uniformity coefficient = 1.53 30 20 10

صفحه 17:
Ceometric Mean Sie mm 10 050 02 Oil (1056 Particle Diameter mm 12-085 085-030 031-01 015-008 00-0 US.Standard Screen Size 16-20 20-50 50-100 100-200 200-400

صفحه 18:
PARTICLE SIZE The particle size of an ion exchange resin influences the time required to establish equilibrium conditions. There are two types of diffusion that must be considered in an ion exchange equilibrium. The first is called film diffusion or the movement of ions from a surrounding solution to the surface of an ion exchi article. The second is called internal diffusioi € movement of ions from the surface to the inte ion exchange particle. Film diffusion is usually the trolling reaction in dilute solutions whereas internal diffusion is controlling in more concentrated solutions. The particle size of an ion exchange resin affects both film diffusion and internal diffusion. A decrease in particle size thus shortens the time required for equilibration.

صفحه 19:

صفحه 20:
Coefficients Preference for ions of particular resins is often expressed through an equilibrium relationship using the selectivity coefficient, — Factors which affect the selectivity coefficient: For a given resin type tivity is a function of ionic charge and hydrated radius and functional group-ion chemical interactions. In most cases the higher fie ont charge the higher the affinity for a site.

صفحه 21:
Typical applications of on exchange in dnoking water treatment are forthe removal of hardness (calcium and. magnesium), the removal of nites, and demineralization. Generally, ion exchange is considered as a simple slochiometc reaction a8 shown in Equation | fora ction exchanger, Ths reaction ‏ها‎ the trnfror removal ofA” fom aud phase to a solid pha, ۱ he removal ol” fom solution A™ +n(R-)B* 2 nB* +(R>), A™

صفحه 22:
where: A = cation A B = cation B R = cation exchange resin n = charge Ks 5 as "Ce A (as) @ee)” where: @a= activity of ion A ay = activity of ion B

صفحه 23:
#ااااللكتبجهج ‏ "# ووم measuring the selectivity or capacity of a specific resin for a given ion. Note that Kj includes activity coefficient terms that are functions of ionic strength and thus the measure of selectivity, or Kj, is not actually constant, but varies with water quality and is somewhat site specific. However, general engineering calculations can be made without having selectivity coefficients for all aqueous environments. s_ BY") Ka 0 ]4 [2 [ where: Kj - resin's selectivity of A over B [4] cation A concentration in solution (meq/L) [2] cation B concentration in solution (meq/L) [4] = cation A concentration in resin (meq/L) ]8[ = cation B concentration in resin (meq/L)

صفحه 24:
كصادعء 58 لد 582 1ه] كتارء أع لقاعم بإعإيالاعواء 5 Selectivity’ 0.07 0.03, 0.06 91 935 92 84 0.65 30 1.0 13 13 16 a 4 8 17 200 ‘Anion HEO,™ co," 5۳52 F 5047 CHs COO HCO: ‘OH _(Type2) 0: 6 cn NO 1502 Be NOs 1 5202 cro. ‘Selectivity, Ki 16 13 26 25 26 29 32 33 33 35 37 38 39 ‏ود‎ ‎40 ‎4.1 ‎5 ‎52 ‎55 ‎25 ‎21.5 ‎13.0 Cation Lie He ‘Nae ‏تون‎ ‏لا‎ ‎Ke ‎۹3 ‎cs" ‎Mgt ‎Zn ‎ch? ‎3 ‎ca ‎Nie ‎Be ‎Mn ‎Pb ‎Cate ‎sm ‎Age ‎Ba® ‎Ra

صفحه 25:
Experimental selectivity’s are often represented using a quantity known asa separation factor, which is defined in terms of concentration or mole fraction separation factor [dimensionless] = concentration of component i inthe resin {mol- I? ] concentration of component i inthe solution [mol E*] mole fraction of component iin the resin [dimensionless] x, =mole fraction of component iin the solution [dimensionless]

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