صفحه 1:
صفحه 2:
Legal, Professional, and Ethical
Issues in Complementary and
Alternative Medicine
Linda Diane Feldt rep Nera
Herbalist and Holistic Health Practitioner
صفحه 3:
Regulatory Terms and Levels
= Licensure
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™ Certification
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™ Certification by Reference (govt. accepts private standards)
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معتصو۸ ودنرگنانه) که سم امصهناهل 1 «
™ The National Commission for Health Cer
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صفحه 4:
Levels of Regulation and
اصمهه دم نها عاماه بو آمو۱ «
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™ commonly include eligibility, exam, CE, recertification
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۶ مهن رده nee eee tee
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® by individual school or modality (“small c’)
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هه ۵۶ علانا فده هت عون ما روز
صفحه 5:
Current Examples
of groups using a National
Certification Program
™ American Herbalist Guild
™ Midwives Association of North America
™ American Organization for Bodywork
۱۱۰۱۱۵ تال مور
™ The National Certification Board for
Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork
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صفحه 6:
Components of a Profession
™ Standards for Practice
™ Standards for Education (training)
™ Ethics
™ Scope of Practice
™ Continuing Education
™ Membership in a Professional Association
™ Complaint process
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صفحه 7:
Professional Associations
While the exact activities of each association will vary,
they may:
Sets standards for education
Set standards for practitioners
Create and enforce ethics guidelines
Determine scope of practice
May own and defend trademark
Provide initial and/or continuing education
elo) ریت۱
ea سانا لحت سوسس مسرا
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صفحه 8:
Professional Associations (cont.)
Be proactive in safeguarding the right to practice for members
ا اه ل نكا
Encourage research
Provide a professional journal or newsletter
Provide a practitioner locator service
Provide PR and practice development support
Network with other professional associations
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صفحه 9:
Professional Associations
۲3 رات رت سا بیقر هرت clsloy
Many members have entered the professions part time, or as
an adjunct to another type of practice
Members may not be willing or able to pay high membership
fees, especially if membership is not required to practice in
their locale
Significant resources are being used to protect the right to
Many of these associations are 501 (c ) (3) IRS designated
educational organizations and are restricted in the resources
they can use to affect legislation, and therefore regulation.
ea سانا لحت سوسس مسرا
ا ا 00
صفحه 10:
Regulation Options and Realities
Initiated to address public safety concerns?
Enacted at the local, state, or national level?
Driven by economic opportunity or goals?
Self defined by members of the profession?
Defined by other professions?
™ Exclusion
= Umbrella provisions
™ Response to scope of practice/right to practice concerns
ea سانا لحت سوسس مسرا
ا ا 00
صفحه 11:
Innovative Routes to Regulation
Bie ec eam ee aur om Aree ROR teeter ce
ده اصع ستعمل دنجم عممع ه لمعن لمم ard eta eee
downloaded from www.federationmbs.or;
Consumers and Practitioners are promoting legislation to ensure access to alternative therapies
۱ LM urea Co omen Saad escort
Ce Wenr ا
عمل لفحم لمصمامع حصمء هه اهصهنانههتا مصناهعععاها صل ۵ع0۷م ها وز ممتاعنصهو:0 طاامع۲۱ 11۳6۱۷۵۶۱۵
www.polity.org.za/html/govdocs/ reports/who/wtms_ch3.pdf
ea سانا لحت سوسس مسرا
ا ا 00
صفحه 12:
Larger Challenges
Bice earn ge eat can cone ل eo
™ There is no one profession, but hundreds
0 عونت ل
™ Unlike most other health care professions, many of the
modalities are trademarked
™ Consumer right to access to CAM therapies must be
CAM practices often attract renegades
There are exploding opportunities for commercial exploitation
EIB at eee eared Soe et rad stro nea EUR age rt
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ea سانا لحت سوسس مسرا
ا ا 00
صفحه 13:
Additional Challenges
Some CAM therapies have a religious or spiritual component,
which is not appropriate for regulation
Traditional therapies may have cultural or religious aspects
not easily understood or appropriate for legislation or even the
formality of a professional association
There is still significant lack of information and
misunderstanding about many CAM therapies
Asa “fringe” profession that has become more mainstream, we
still have within our ranks those practitioners who may lead
the next paradigm shift
ea سانا لحت سوسس مسرا
ا ا 00
صفحه 14:
8متصصلوءط عط ره Ethics
| ا ا ا et SCO anTS
راز معمه قصه 4 مهد عط مجاه اجب مهن هم ۵30۰
!۱ re tregs صماة trae eRe ESN er NT
eed reece Rete s a aes
The widespread use of multi level marketing for alternative therapies is an
The growing use of trademarked movements, therapies, terms, and teachings has
Ere te tees oath Cenente atone Rivne noe tence a
Much of the consumer information on CAMis obtained from ads, popular press
articles, the internet, and other non-professional sources. Ethical considerations
will usually not be included in and promoted by those sources.
اهدهناصهنصی موصلاهط اههد قلوب فیتاعیم وز ۸۱۳ هط Rented SM CN
ethical boundaries.
ea سانا لحت سوسس مسرا
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صفحه 15:
۱ ene enon te
Tea PU eRe tte ron Reet nce ot
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er eAlerts Reg ee tL nce ec
National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and
Mer ل ل م Tench Ce
Bites antares
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Accreditation Information
٩ Cross oo ot rete)
http://narm.org/ North American Registry of Midwives
http://www. holisticwisdom. org/aaordinance Information opposing Ann Arbor's proposed
Eee renee our Me acre
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صفحه 16:
«متعع6( ۱۱66۸۵
‘The NCCA helps to ensure the health, welfare, and safety of the public
دمتافع قدي 6ه بواعتمهه ه 6ه دمناقاتلعمعة عدا طوسممطا
programs/organizations that assess professional competency. The
NCCA uses a peer review process to:
00 eum eee
Leena Ee etek eee
Peart ee
Ree eget
NCCA's Vision
« 1۳6 ۱66۸ اصمقدهجمقه راتناهاعتصنصقه هه عط ال sets
recognized as the authority on accreditation standards for
renee tea ere ta eee
principles, NCCA standards will be optimal and comprehensive
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a eee ee eee ee 0:
Pere ope ieee eer ena atts
ea سانا لحت سوسس مسرا
ا ا 00
صفحه 17:
Pages 40-41 of Essentials of Complementary and
Alternative Medicine for chart of licensing status of
CAM professions by states
Coursepack: Advising Patients Who Seek Alternative
Medical Therapies, Eisenberg -- list of associations,
journals, and more at the end of this article.
ea سانا لحت سوسس مسرا
ا ا 00
صفحه 18:
وم 16901۲6۵9
PCOS tarts er tro هی tenia Sette tA Reta UT Ten
erento tern)
All practitioners certified by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine must be
‘committed to responsible and ethical practice, to the growth of the profession's role in the broad spectrum of American
health care, and to their own professional growth. Candidates seeking certifcation agree ta be bound by the NCCAOM
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eet ee eee eee em
Poneto ete i eats Cea eee
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5. _ Keep accurate records of history and treatment and respect the confidentiality of those records or any other personal
Eee aerate poet 110 1 4 و
6. Keep the patient informed by explaining treatments and outcomes and avoid making promises with regard to
7. “Follow the U-S. Department of Health and Human Services regulations regarding the protection of human subjects in
research studies and clinical trials (45 CFR Part 46).
8, Follow U.S, Public Health Service Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (Office for Protection from
ea cores ee eae tear eet دده دما
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صفحه 19:
وم 16901۲6۵9
Coenen Cece tn
للم 1
1 Continue to work to raise the standards of the profession,
a ee cence reek et eet erate معتاعهعم
3 Maintain the highest standard of ethical and professional practice to the benefit of my
patients and the profession.
عتاطاظ مط ما كمع صاتصسصرو6.
القدمتعهكممم رععمع توت رومتمتمما بدمتلةعسله ترد ومتعدومم موتك ةوكم متمسبادعة علتجموط 1
affiliations, and certification status.
2 eater sore ee eee ae Cee veces etd
eee ane nears stot a entre
3 Respect the integrity of other forms of health care and other medical traditions and seek
Panne eine eee nee rgd ee cence nec ratss
5 Refrain from any representation that NCCAOM certification implies licensure or a right to
practice unless so designated by the laws in the jurisdiction in which I practice.
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صفحه 20:
وم 16901۲6۵9
| me arate e CeCe nner ene URC toed
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‘Maing false, misleading, o deceptive statements or providing false, misleading, or deceptive information in connection
] nace eee ea eee eon ace ee
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oe ee es
Cnr cn eee tm res
Being the subject of final disciplinary action or being convicted of a felony fora violation of any federal, state, o local
۱ cette eter reenter ا es
Having a license ta practice acupuncture or Oriental medicine or another health care profession limited, suspended, or
ee reenter erate eens
ating a sexual relationship with or engaging in sexual misconduct witha current patent or with a former patent within six
pee cr terns ee en tenet
Ce ee ,ماه ماه مط ها ومتهاوه ee ed
Pee ene er 0 ------ددب0000001
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دعم مره
medicine safely, proficient or competently as a result of ۱
إن عطقنا امد كل عد :ج08 نهل "دعن recreate ees err ieee rer
neem eee sree tered 0
pene eos
Engaging in the practice of acupuncture or Ortental medicine whale one's ability to practice i impaired by a physical or
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