صفحه 1:

صفحه 2:
Chapter 15 ‎Cit‏ 1 زرا ماو ‎un‏ ‎ ‎

صفحه 3:
Key Terms << Phystlbycd ape: The > Cusotond copay: Phe obiliy 17 ‏سیخ له مسا‎ perPorn orddary ord ucts vapuriy oF the body versus dewouds of ‏متا رال‎ without the stoadard expevted Por a ‏رنه( جیوه ,نها‎ vr ‏امه وم‎ oe ‏مزر‎ < ‏ره سومان‎ D LP e expevtey: Wow ‏جما‎ a Crteudar uc person is expevied to ive, based oot birt peor lll

صفحه 4:
Lifestyle, Health, & Longevity DB LPese wios pou the todey wll have oa kopent oa heats ood guy oP Wy te cond: cond diana axes DD he rote ot whick ogiay choges take place depeuds ‏موه و وه‎ ‏صخا بابوسخلا لب سجن كان‎ DB Yow IPespe hobs wil deterwice yo yet exteot how your yeors wil DB buck of physied ‏مان مرن وروی‎ See It DU SDI ‏تسه تیه بارس بو‎ by deonexniy ‏چا‎ phyoiedd work ouput hot ore qreuer by Por hoc the ePPepts oP agiery toe lll

صفحه 5:
لل 00 8 ] ‏جاص‎ ‎8 poo Physicd 8 Dork Oupwty, 3 ‏له رب‎ 0 Leo char Death ‏سس‎ ‎10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Age ‏سم‎ Lifetime active/healthy lifestyle Implementation of active/healthy lifestyle later in life Sedentary unhealthy lifestyle

صفحه 6:
Critical Thinking » How long would you like to live, and are you concerned about how you will live the rest of your life? lll

صفحه 7:
Life Expectancy & Physiological Age Critical tResiple kobits studied tc this course kelp detercoine pour sttisticd choaves ‏باه جر رم و له ور ام‎ a booger Pe DP Ore pow Restle hobits uoceleraicg or develeratag the rote ot wWhick pour body is ayers? DP Dost Pootors thot oPPevt ‏هط‎ ood Iroqeviy are uoder pour ‏موه مرن‎ pou ‏اوه و موه‎ to woke thew work Por pou icstead oP ‏ورن‎ pou ات

صفحه 8:
Key Terms P Oowruicad Orstera < Oowpewectery ud of | ‏ادو تب‎ ‏صصح امب لم2 > تا سیب‎ ۲ we tested 8 ood heuth mane prociives wt thoough rigorous sviedtiPic ably eed ad schoo, wl yeuerdly used it hospitds, ocd oot usury retobursed by wediod NSUrKKDE Do;wpIies lll

صفحه 9:
Complementary & Alternative Medicine (CAM) » Olercaive wedicioe prociices have oot your thoouyk the sone @roviticcers oPted do oot hove the pears oP educotiog gives 17 ‏ای وج موه‎ perso D> Deu people hove Pound rete Pro oikeeds or have bee ‏مهو ام موی نا تویی‎ DP do due ‏جع‎ OOO theories wil ceed to be investigated usicey svicuiic tridks sivviar to those to ‏یی لاصو‎ lll

صفحه 10:
COMMON cAM Yous PRACTICES امه سا Homeopathy De ‎The Cue Oowars‏ ناترم ‎DP Oowplewedtary‏ ی ‎Alte,‏ ‎"Mative Medical SY"‏ مت 8 8 = ‎NCCAM groups CAM practices into five domains.‏ ‎recognizing thet there can be some overlap Ordon among them. Examples of CAM practices within each domain are given above.

صفحه 11:
>» Have you or someone you know ever used complementary or alternative medicine treatments? < What experiences did you have with such treatment modalities, and would you use them in the future?

صفحه 12:
Common CAM Practices > Outuropuhic wedicice > @oupuccture fi > Opuveda > Chirvpruciics ۱ ‏منلجی مارا <ا‎ >» Ouyeetic theropy ۲ 0 therupy P Wowevpaky Ouse lc CrC

صفحه 13:
Complementary & Alternative Medicine D Phere is ‏له اه ما و‎ oF coturd ood herbal products ‎does ot opi thot a produt is soe‏ یت( ‎P Dau products, tacludiag sxe kerbs, coc be toxic io hore doses ‎P 0 powbicaiva ob high-dose vitterias cod/or kerb supple ects with presvriptiog droge ooo piel uardesiruble ‏حص اه زد‎ ‏تست

صفحه 14:
Complementary & Alternative Medicine << Blows tet your health vere proviticaers kao whirl wedivdives ced dhercoive supplewedts (iactidiagy vitocrics ord wwieerds) one beiag tohed it coeebicrctiot & Educaivs obvut ohercaive treckreats is vital D> Oko ore the odvootiges cod disudvoctiges, rishs, side ePPevis, expenied resus, oer bros oP therapy اتيبتيك5أككك_ي_ااا“ا“اتات يب

صفحه 15:
Quackery & Fraud > Dke ‏ما تون‎ oP ‏اه موی‎ 5 D> Dhke rapid qrowtk of the Pitcess ond welless fodusiqy durtag the fost three decades hus spurred

صفحه 16:
Lifetime Fitness & Wellness » Q@icess ond welcess is u provess thot requires o ‏عون‎ oad deliberate ePPot to achieve ‏ی لو‎ a higher quatiy oP iPe ۳ ‏اه زاین لا وشوو‎ pour Pe, ood cost tel pour loogevity, is it pour hoods & Od pou coo toke coil oP pour tPestple ord thereby reup the bearPits oP ‏ان‎ lc CrC

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