صفحه 1:
صفحه 2:
qual therapies - Massage and Osteopar,
+++ Note: you are responsible for slide material
including the notes under slides 5, 14, 15, and
صفحه 3:
Recognized forms of
Manual Therapies
* Osteopathy
* Cranial
* Therapeutic Touch
¢ Alexander
* Chinese Qigong
¢ [ Physical Therapy
& more with
acupuncture ]
Massage therapy
صفحه 4:
Massage therapy forms
¢ Swedish; deep tissue; sports;
neuromuscular; acupressure;
shiatsu (Japanese form of
acupressure); manual lymph
drainage; cranio-sacral
* Also a Zero-balancing massage
form re structural body balancing
with external “unseen” energy
صفحه 5:
Massage therapy (MT)
* Felix re infants & premature infants treated with
MT gain more weight, less time in hospital - same
with MT and cocaine exposed babies
* Some studies support adult decreased depression
measures with MT
* Endorphin production inducement with massage
esp successful with fibromyalgia patients
¢ Lymph drainage MT found important to reduce
lymphedema post radical mastectomy
* Lots of studies re changes with MT on
physiological measures like HR, BP and skin temp
صفحه 6:
From: The Cochrane Database of
Systematic Reviews 2006 Issue 1
* “Aromatherapy and massage for symptom relief in
patients with cancer” by Fellowes & others - 1322 studies
[ most common study re massage ~ anxiety ], only 8 met
RCT criteria - results inconclusive
* Re LBP: One of the oldest forms of health care now has
Cochrane evidence of benefit. In the newly updated
Cochrane review of massage for low back pain, there is
now some evidence to show overall benefit ...
* New, “high quality trials” show that massage gives some
relief from back pain that has continued for many weeks or
months - and the benefit may continue at least a year after
the course of massage is over [ meta analysis by Furlan,
Massage for low-back pain, 2006, main confirmation], esp
when massage is combined with education and stretching
صفحه 7:
MT - harm ?
¢ Contraindicated for advanced
heart diseases, embolism, kidney
failure, some cancers (damages
fragile tissue from chemo)
* Also, caution during pregnancy,
osteoporosis, diabetes
¢ Logic of not doing local areas for
eczema, arthritis
صفحه 8:
Massage Therapy
* Use of essential oils in massage is called
aromatherapy - rose, sandalwood, aloe
vera et
Article “Shiatsu, Swedish Muscle
Massage, and Trigger Point Suppression
in Spinal Pain Syndrome” from Journal of
Pain Management posted under Module V
as “massage therapy research article”
* Also, Text chapter 11 covers a range of
body-centered therapies - yoga,
meditation, tai chi, Qigong, Feldenkrais,
and massage - all very briefly
صفحه 9:
و ۲
کات تما
Webdom of Bodymind Healthwor!
With useful info for comporste and individual consumers,
jal hub
“Made by MT professionals with love and concern far fellow
"Aout دنه تفا له و al werk fuse. ese
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[Big] Table of Contents
First off; Our Chuesthoak, Can ye talk?
‘Youbet ‘Wine, Spring. Sumer or Fal Mo tater uber you ate, never rind
‘whl ines, we can each bac ght ace! Sign, tell ue [bey] who you are,
ع عاد هيع ادوس اس اس ای curmownaercfesional لل
8 93 ۶ 57 ات
صفحه 10:
0,0 O @ Ramee ers 3
Manval Healing
Hands on techniques. Learn about ahernative medical techniques, such as Chinese Qigong, Cranial Osteopathy, Massage Therapy, Reild,
‘Therapeutic Tanch - and more
Ss tm inprve ost nwa tat
Seer apersente become mere Dele
ييه W's seid change
‘hing 010 sa
Cranial Osteopathy
‘Agente sre af Oxkie
nding dha bei hon
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هی وس و
‘Chirp مسا Cele
"Conse brain” arn
‘eet Cheep ea
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مج و ono ton
صفحه 11:
Natural Health Clinic
& Educational Centre
Bai sn eter
“Treat Yourself ۵ & spa Ds
‘Natural Health Clini @ Educstional Contre
1338 Noval Steve South, Sincoe Ontario Canada H3¥ 2107
(S19) 126-5873,
‘The Contre provides faltias and services for our patents cents and tho community
فا سوه مد EWsatina Program, ما وود تا با مس MasespoTheranh,
‘Trasivanal chrese sediare, تاد ون harmacy, روص جع هت دج ee
Program and 2 raw venting Lb
ACanferarce Raom is available for Mestings and Seminars
ur grounds ad راوج amoschera far eutdoar actvbas and thera san indoor
Sn port srw un foot for relation
‘As Executive Oirator of The Natural Halt Cinic & Educatonal Cente wich to
‘xpress my anpraqation for al the la ard encour yam ant havo rezalved over tho
fast ive years and etter en inv tahen w come and vs ا Tea mice
{ou rales ma knew wrer aderional estonal programs youu 2 te sea
Ineonooratad ines the carder and any sereces yeu wou ike added The Mstural
Healt: Cort as aoth a cinic ard educat onal adits is dedicated to yoviding the
fnost us to data nforrisbon concer ny complamisntary haath care and holstc ng.
۱ te previ fe cant ets an ozen environmen fo
(rae and understanding
Kathren Jones, Rac
را ۰( مسا ۵ بت 9۵ ۲
صفحه 12:
Courges Clinic تایآ اس و
[۳ heath carp workshops and
cue و
ZAI Therapies are growed na eanng and safe enuronment
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Seminars ] باس
oe oe
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a a و
صفحه 13:
صفحه 14:
(7 2
© قال - 3 2١1 © مسيق سدم © 8 ها و -سق
fax مه at 0
Eats & 7] Ovum 7 2 Paste. 6 2 ۰ 5۳ - هار
2 سم ری سس اس و و و و من ا Googles
? Canadian College of
The College
Toronto ~ Halifx ~ Vancouver
of Canin (AIOCS, مومت او دا متا اه اوه مر
Coleg of Orepaty (COO) as pronde gh qty مس هس مهم To Apply
cbzntioa qed seats ws ih eel Tranal Oveopaly د
Uterine gues efiheColages fone, sce Dn DO, te acest CCO
Research reece a we-taded wade dwabvnnndnal spay hgh sal cls is,
د fers سسا ساس
‘Tee Canadian College af Osteopathy hae bl leading-edge program on he foundation
preted by its paret school, te Cellege of Osteopathic Shes (le Colize dTrodes Ostéopatieue) of Montreal,
rablshed in 1981. The comensanes of tae foundation ae
صفحه 15:
3 main principles of *
osteopathy :
° 1. Structure and function are
interdependent ~ structure can have
significant impact on bodily function
¢ 2. “The rule of the artery is supreme”
¢ 3. The unity of the human being
صفحه 16:
DO’s and MD’s
۰ DOs and MDs are both fully licensed physicians
who are authorized to prescribe medication and
perform surgery. While attending their own
medical schools, DOs are responsible for the
same academic discipline as their MD
colleagues and receive an additional 300 to 500
hours in the study of the body's
musculoskeletal system. Physicians who wish to
pursue the field of Cranial Osteopathy must
train an additional five years in practice to be
certified in this area of expertise.
صفحه 17:
How does Osteo Work
* The Osteopath's job is to "set" the body up
to heal itself. To restore this normal
function, the Osteopath gently applies a
precise amount of force to promote
movement of the bodily fluids, eliminate
dysfunction in the motion of the tissues,
and release compressed bones and joints
In addition, the areas being treated require
proper positioning to assist the body's
ability to regain normal tissue function -
called Osteopathic Manual Medicine (OMM) *
note techniques posted under this slide on
web site [strain-counterstrain, thrust etc]
صفحه 18:
۱0۱۵۲۵۸ معوبع ۱
Ou-O BAO P= تلاو و ون . « ج و آو سسو Med re Osteo
ase: مس رها هروه | ine»
rane ۱ 2 ۳ via - Wows Davee -[Sn]wpieinee Qa >
Google mire) Gwin و Shotts [OF Gnd ~ Adah «i مق ف مده 5
Teme DAO 7
fs Pade مومع جوم
ion econ سا اتب خی مه له واه هی
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1 01
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By Selene eran aches er appar وروی en,
Se) Heaths Paagm 2006 Len 681028,
PROD 16573955 Foes in process)
Bit gored ayameny an omopats wear a endeizas trope a
Dey Meda Neel 20s Jen; srussen
PLD es (Pebbles sadend ex MEDLIN]
(C4: Yura A, nes MS Cle ME Sol ST, Cana 1 elated als Lis
Henodanie fers of opal manipulative meatment مهاب اه ام بو ater bypass eral وس
E Breer emeenecnnene cts
De Pt ee or EDL]
Os: cna 30,
‘Manual techniques addressing the igphaic system: origins and development
LE) rAmomecpnn Asse 205 00050 764 No aba للدي
PUD Teas sadesed or MEDUDNE]
(6, Kao Tape aS Downey Rela
Inceazed lymphatic How athe thoracic duct dang موجه مج
PRMD ICS رانا تست فلا
انا و
مس جر
صفحه 19:
Evidence & Research re
Efficacay of Osteopathy
Clincal studies showing dramatic lowering of BP in
hypertensive patients
Numerous studies comparing chiro, allopathic and
osteo treatments for acute LBP; genera
endorsement for osteo
Ev for cold virus relief with cranial osteopathy
manipul (sinus drainage?)
Good ev re relief of hyperactivity, low back pain
( latter now endorsed by health agencies in US )
Only meta analysis (2005) found was re low
amplitude, high velocity spinal treatment for relief
of dysmenorrhoea symptoms - no better than sham
صفحه 20:
نا عض 0
Om O HES سدم Hee OBS ان © 6 انا - قا
| arlcnetcrt ea ue?
مار ۰ ۳ ۰ 2 0 Oem - ۳
سوق تج مس عه 9( ممع م و یووم
5 0
NOTICE: OSTMED® contains selected journal and book citations from
the 1800s through 2003, Unfortunately, since financial support ceased
January 31, 2004, citations are no longer being added to the database.
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صفحه 21:
ساسا یسیع
2 7(
3 © لا سسو ستر 6۵ ۵ ها 0۵ -سق
مار ۰ ۹۳ ۰2 ess Jas P| Dry ssn - رسک -
Google تاه تست = |G Dictate |G ةله
Welcome to Chiropractic & Osteqpathy
"prea Fhe ‘chronic cetoqmahy the cial journal ofthe Chopra ® تاتريش اه مغانت تاذ سفنت
که | (GUCAl, ands a contnuaton of the tile stil nvcaracti 8 ostenrathy preveusly pubished by
Coca, Caaf eevaring tne soct af pubistion for ene Arsetwa yeare, enabling Chspracte 8 Osteen
0د ها ا without charge to tho authors during this be,
htcracte 8 Osteopathy is ready to eosive manustibts on all aspadts cf evidence-based information | | للق
عا ادن | .وا موم مرو circa relovant to chropractrs, astoopaths and rolated health care professional, سس
ا 8 و مد
oe 0
Trunk and hip muscle recruitment patterns during the prone leg مسسون
extension following a lateral ankle sprain: A prospective case study — | م سس
pre and post injury 2
February 2006) 27( 14:4 2006 وی 6 بو
* cui aude tothe [stately Provision! 20°] Susur a |
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لصيس هس
صفحه 22:
VAOA net
صفحه 23:
۱6 ۵ ۵
ممه ها فك -]
O, 517
70 American Academy of Osteopathy”
ime ae
مساب۵ | 2 ل .ا
Gistiedad Fk ~ و - سیون 2
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Te Eat en Fonts
6۵*۰ © HAS
dies hep wateleenaby rl
| مس یت
Fao |
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صفحه 24:
Osteopatuic HEALTH & W ELLNESS |
‘stanpathy, Craniosacral Therapy, and Manipuliaive Therapp Education
Mission Statement
‘The mission of the Osteopathic Health & Wellness Institute is to provide the highest quality
‘education and treatment utilizing osteopathic principles and practice while promoting a forum
for the continued advancement of osteopathic thought.
‘This mission is accomplished by providing education and treatment in our facilities in Clifton
Heights, Pennsylvania, and through our Intemational Diplomate Prosram in Osteopathy held
in Tamikon, Canada and Tong Kong, People's Republic of China, OTST also teadves and
promotes osteopathy in osteopathic and allopathic schools throughout the United States and
‘Among the many manipulative therapy courses taught by OHWI are:
+ Craniosacral Manipulative Therapy
+ Visceral Manipulative Therapy
+ Myofascial Release
+ Lymphatte Activation
+ Mnscle Energy
+ Counterstrain
In addition to the courses mentioned, OHWI sponsors internships offering students from
around the world one-on-one, lrands-on osteopathic training in a clinical setting. We also
مهو tnt manne allowing healarn nratitianars an anlihtaned aul wnt
‘Explore OWI by
clicking onthe
Tinks below,
صفحه 25:
AE 7
a O AG Pw xen @ BS a LAs
[i hati bo! 286 « ~
Desig « « سای - مق 21 8 2[ ] ها ]۸ ۰ ۶ - مه
مس جک موق ان - عنسة 6 - عت جا پستچ 6 8 - مس 6 3 51
0 vm) (em) (em) ©
صفحه 26:
Your comments ?
صفحه 27:
Next Day
* Dr Robert Taylor, Osteopath
* Read chapter 8, 166-176
صفحه 28:
صفحه 29:
~ 2
تا اس ماع
صفحه 30:
Midterm Exam
You can take up the exam, check # of
correct Q’s etc with Tom
10:30-1:00 today & next Thursday ONLY (his
regular office hours) room 210 this building
Bring your back page
Information re the “ALL” answers accepted;
and re the 7 questions on back page of
course outline correlating with 41 of the 50
exam questions
Questions for review after each week for
this part of the course
صفحه 31:
Chiropractic Career Night
* Tuesday March 14t
* Social Sciences Building 3014
صفحه 32:
Robert Taylor
Osteopaths tend to focus on the
اناعم musculoskeletal system
صفحه 33:
¢ Dr Andrew Taylor Still founder of
osteopathy 1874
صفحه 34:
History of Osteopathy
¢ Dr. Andrew Taylor Still an
American physician is credited as
the founder of Osteopathy
۰ ۲۱۵ developed the methods and
applications of osteopathy in
1874 and founded the first
osteopathy school on Kirksville
صفحه 35:
“,,.to be an Osteopath you must study
and know the exact construction of the
human body, the exact location of every
bone, nerve, fiber, muscle, and organ,
the origin, the course and flow of all the
fluids of the body, the relation of each
to the other, and the function each is to
perform in perpetuating life and health.
In addition you must have the skill and
ability to enable you to detect the exact
location of every obstruction to the
regular movements of this grand
machinery of life.”
A.T. Still, 1901.
صفحه 36:
Dr William Garner Sutherland
صفحه 37:
Dr William Garner
* Pupil of Dr. Andrew Taylor at
Kirksville has been credited as
the founder of cranial
صفحه 38:
Dr Philippe Druelle
صفحه 39:
Traditional Osteopathy, as presented by
the Canadian College of Osteopathy, is
defined as:
“A natural medicine which aims to
restore function in the body by treating
the causes of pain and imbalance. To
achieve this goal the Osteopath relies
on the quality and finesse of his/her
palpation and works with the position,
mobility and quality of the tissues.”
Philippe Druelle, DO
صفحه 40:
صفحه 41:
Founder of First school in
* College D” Etudes Osteopathiques
de Montreal 1981
* College of osteopathy Toronto 1992
* Colleges have currently opened in
Halifax, Vancouver, Winnipeg
¢ England, France, Belgium, Russia,
Germany, Italy , Switzerland.
صفحه 42:
In order to enrol directly in the Traditional Osteopathy
program, the applicant must meet three criteria.
1a) Hold a university degree in the Human Sciences, Health
Sciences or an equivalent health science OR
1b) Hold a degree in Medicine, Nursing, Dentistry,
Naturopathy, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy,
thletic Therapy, or hiropractic. AND
2) Be a member in good standing and hold an up-to-date
licence, registration or certificate in a medical or manual
therapy based practice. AND
3) Have a strong vocation to treat people. Those applicants
lacking a university degree in the Health or related
Sciences are eli le to enrol in the pre-admissions
program. All admissions are subject to review by the
Admissions Committee. The immediate enrolment and
successful completion of the pre-admissions program
ensures that the applicant may begin the Traditional
Osteopathy program in the same year as those who have all
the pre-requisites.
صفحه 43:
Thomas Schooley and Anne
صفحه 44:
The Regulation of Osteopathy in OntarioThe regulation
of Osteopathy in the province of Ontario is
complicated by several factors. This complication
is due to the recognition of the title Osteopathic
Physician, by The College of Physicians and Surgeons
f Ontario . Osteopathic Physicians are those
individuals who have trained in the United States
and who hold a medical degree from a college
approved by the American Osteopathic
Association. In addition to being licensed
physicians, they also have osteopathic manual
training. In Canada the Canadian College of
Osteopathy provides an education in Traditional
Osteopathic Manual Practice. Although, The
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario
recognizes Osteopathic Physicians, the manual
practice of Osteopathy is not regulated in Ontario
. Fortunately there is an organization - the Ontario
Association of Osteopaths (OAO) - that was founded
in 1999, by the students and graduates of the
CCO. The OAO is actively working on a submission
to the Ontario government to have manual
Osteopathy become regulated in Ontario .
صفحه 45:
What is Osteopathy?
* Osteopathy is a natural medicine
that views the individual as a whole
* Osteopaths assess and treat
movement restrictions in your body
* Osteopaths focus on the cause of
the pain and dysfunction rather
than concentrating only on the
صفحه 46:
What is osteopathic
* It is a well defined sense of touch that
allows the practitioner to feel restrictions
within the body
¢ It is a hands on approach used to identify
structural changes and rhythms of the
* It is a gentle contact with powerful results
¢ It is a skill that takes many years to
* It sets the osteopathic approach apart from
other forms of manual therapy
صفحه 47:
Who can benefit from
Newborns , infants and toddlers
Pregnant women
Accident victims
Individuals with physical and mental
Terminal illness patients
صفحه 48:
What are the benefits of
Osteopathic treatment?
* Removes the underlying cause of the
pain. Osteopaths are taught to think
global not local.
* Relieves chronic pain
* Helps women adapt to hormonal
changes of their pregnancy
* Reduces scars and adhesions
* Treats accidents and sports injuries
* Encourages the body to heal itself
صفحه 49:
Treatment techniques
* Gentle osteo-articular corrections
* Visceral mobilization
* Cranial osteopathy
* Myofascial tension
* Muscle energy
* Strain counter strain
¢ Endocranial
صفحه 50:
Childhod asthma
Postural and
Severe physical and
* Childhood migraine
۰ Ear problems
¢ Respiratory and
breathing problems
صفحه 51:
صفحه 52:
¢ Running, track and field
* Contact sports, rugby hockey and
* Wrestling, judo karate
Injuries such as;
joint problems, recurring muscular
pain, strains and muscular pulls
Chronic injuries, shin splints, plantar
fascitiis, tibia posterior tendonitis
and Achilles tendonitis.
صفحه 53:
صفحه 54:
Pregnancy and new borns
صفحه 55:
Birthing process
صفحه 56:
Complications at birth
jestive problems; sleeplessness;
crying/upset/whinging babies; learning difficulties;
ersisten' ughs and colds; glue ear;
eer ity:etc.
lore Reasons...
Chronic Middle Ear Infectic-~
Headaches Distortion of the baby's skull
Learning Disabiliti
Sensory Integration Proble
Trauma (
Breastfeeding Difficulties
Developmental Delays
Chronic Pain
Difficult Mobi
Cerebral Palsy
Genetic Disorders
Neurological Conditions
صفحه 57:
Osteopathy problems
دوع اممان pesprater
۳ 2
صفحه 58:
Left Parietal Pleura Mandible
\calene Muscle
Suspensory Ligament
Posterior pericardia ing
ppt garments, Plural Apex
vertebral igament
‘Superior and infor antonor
Pencardil suppor igaments
صفحه 59:
Pubovesical Ligament
Pelvic Organ Support Ligaments
(From Above)
of ligaments to the pelvic bones and
sacrum, Asymmetrical tensions int
ligaments wil produce pelvic and s
ns © 2004 Jeffrey Burch. All rights reserved. Used with permission from Jett
For more information on his work, visit www .jeffrevburch.com/
صفحه 60:
Cranial dura sacrum
* * Migraine Headaches
* Chro Neck and Back Pain
* Motor-Coordination Impairments
* Colic
* Autism
* Central Nervous System Disorders
* Orthopedic Problems
* Traumatic Brain and Spinal Cord Injurie
* Scoli
* Infantile Disorders |
* Learning Disabilities
* Chronic Fatigue
* Emotional Difficulties
* Stress and Tension-Related Problems
* Fibromyalgia and other Connective-Tis
* Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome (T
* Neurovascular or Immune Disorders
* Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
* Post-Surgical Dysfunction
صفحه 61:
صفحه 62:
* http://