صفحه 1:
Surface eine of Mars: Past
Ss ans ian Meteorites
¢ Martian Moons
¢ Martian Surface Exploration
The Viking Landers (early 80s)
Pathfinder (1997)
Current Surface Explorers (three en route!)
Future of Martian Exploration (“astrobiology”)
٠ Review of Mars
3 rene) Cc - 0. 0 دنا 0
صفحه 2:
Martian data
without going
What are these Unusual rocks found in Antarctica
0۱ رت
ا الف لا Cermes BU ECTeSM Creclici esr <cras OSs LOIN err (cece)
Earth? 6ع ناك سمتاعة]1 مط غه مهم
How do we know these meteorites are
fron€harisAl composition does not match usual meteorite
Only 1.3 billion yrs old (most asteroid-type meteorites
MUCH older); Higher content of volatile substances
Why aren’t they orange - the color of
۱ On خخ
صفحه 3:
Crust/core developed early in Solar System
Volcanism until < 1 Billion Years ago
- Chemical composition
Different than normal asteroid (meteorite)
Interaction with water
Martian atmosphere composition
که که ایهم طمنطه: - عحه4ا هم) متوزمه ۵۶ ممتگلا الما توفطا 10۸۲۳۲ نعط۲۱۷
- Need to actually RETURN ROCKS from Mars!
Case Study: Martian Rock
too eat i) ی
bcted ~16 Million yr ago
ded ~13,000 yr ago
3 .0 0۰ - میرظ) ما عون
صفحه 4:
Controversial - microbial presence in meteorites??
biology: exciting field of research - study of origin of life in the solar system,u
- LIFE IS UBIQUITOUS in the universe - we just haven't found it
Pee RCP RS DUONm nae citi e UCR u Cem cone
صفحه 5:
1۷۲۸۲ صهنا
¥ Two Nelo) estes
_ Phobos
¥ Small (~20km)
irregularly shaped
¥ Orbit Mars in 8hr, 30hr
Sas anol ya ل نكا
fori ertetroree roel
eemookhobos (20 km.& Qbo-0.0. to. Eros 3
km) (33 km x 13 km)
صفحه 6:
Risks of Solar System Missions
ane CONS for Space Missions
PROS for Space Missions
تمه که خصمصوننوه اعماق امد جع +
that are possible ۲ ۱ ور و ccm they
+ Much much more costly! (although
Y Access to wavelengths that صقطا لعمصممم عه؟ بو1أدمء عتمم
are unavailable on the ۱۳۰
متعمده تزللمناهنا فا فهستاهگنا ٩
Y Atmospheric effects gone -
get clearer views than on
غلتعةقتة ممه طعناحم دمفهجومل] +
کر الس ا 0
Development of ¥
Lee eS oN 0 مها فعاه اهوم
صفحه 7:
Viking Landers 1 and 2
5 .م56 صذ لعطعصتته1 2 وصغلت! ,1975 06 ۱
* Vikings arrived at Mars in June, August of 1976
Rove yt aes enter eem Ovens ised lo tR ester tte No ot Ace WR To) ee
Dag OUCE LU aaa ae On ual ۳
terete ۱ )@ ل ل ل ل ل اا
صفحه 8:
Viking Lander Images of Mars’
۶ 5
+ landing site chosen from Orbiter images - two different regions in
Northern Lowlands
* revealed that the surface of Mars was littered with jagged rocks and
fine dust everywhere
* rocks were probably result of crater-forming impact (“ejecta”)
©reeksresemble lava-rock$nEarti-Tave flows broken up by impatts
صفحه 9:
Viking Landers: Search for Life
on Mars
* Science Instruments:
- chem lab to explore
reactions of Mars rock with
water (none detected)
- للا حصح 0000و
found that the soil was
* confined to study only one
part of Martian surface - its
landing site
* inspired NASA to propose
missions with MOVING
0 0 - مرهج ۵9و سوه 6
صفحه 10:
Mars has a very thin atmosphere and no
If humans populated the Martian surface, what
pam MIAN ات ل
(1) Global Warming
(2) Solar flare particles and ultraviolet
(3) Nitrogen poisoning
(4) Lead contamination from volcanoes
(5) Magnetic anomalies in the interior
0 ل eA. ea ao
صفحه 11:
ars Pathfinder Mission - landed on Mars 4 July 19¢
ae a
landed 500 miles from
Vikings - flood plain area
olcanic rocks with silicon
صفحه 12:
صفحه 13:
۱۰۱۱ و eee
Opportunity & Spirit (or MER A and
¢ Launched in
June and July of
* arrival at Mars
- January 2004
* Each Rover
weighs 180 kg, is |
~5 ft high
* surface
travels 100m per
بصنا .0 .0 - ممحرقا سادق د 06
صفحه 14:
EDL Process
% —— - Entry Tum & HRS Freon Veniing:E- 15:00
1. Cruiso Stago Separaton:E-025:00
* ومع £08, 125km 5.7kms, y=-11 Seq
وت - Prakhoaing/Decoleraton: <59 Wiend, <8 9
+ Parachute Deployment:E+ 295 6 11.8 km 430 m/s
5 + Heatshield Separaton:E+ 915s
ع + Lander Separation: £4 9258
+ Bridle Deployed:E+ 9953
+ Radar Ground Acquisition: L- 18»
۶ + Airbag inflation: 955m Landing 1 ۰
+ RocketFiring: L- 7s, -150m, 00 ms
+ Bridle Gut-L-3s, 20m
sLanding:-E+ 420.8
Rollto a Stop: Base Petal Down, Landing + 2 min +
Latch Firing:Landing + 20 min انا ۱۳ 3
74min + 90 وک نی >
“alo aga Opened
eae ace
XY Bete el صو ند
EDL Done @ 1450LST
Earth Set @ 1520LST
Mars Rover
صفحه 15:
00 Rae ا ا ا ا Metts cts
صفحه 16:
Choosing a site to land on Mars
not just land anywhere - need to consider the safety of the
- previous missions have landed in the northern lowlands
corer یات Gok Gystew - 0. C. bag, a
صفحه 17:
Mars Landing Considerations
اموت ل
altitude (impossible climbs, falls) -
slopes (use too much energy) -
rockiness (protect airbags) -
* solar panel heating - keep rover operab!
y ك2
solar panels clear -
RAT tool works more in thick dust -
6 ۵9و سوه 0 ae
صفحه 18:
Science Objectives of the MER mission
Characterize a variety of rocks and soils that hold clues to past water ¢
.e. try to identify carbonates (indicate water-volcano cycles)
’ Distribution and composition of minerals, rocks, and soils near sites
* Determine geologic processes have shaped
the local terrain
* Perform "ground truth"
calibration and validation -
of surface observations made
کا معط تمانطاده عبع توط
مرن سوه رت
صفحه 19:
IR Spectrometer
X-ray Spectrometer
صفحه 20:
Landing Sites on Mars: 1. Gusev Crater -
- 15 degrees South of Mars’ equator
- large crater feature نتب این 5 oes leading into
هه 2 مسا 1ك
صفحه 21:
Landing Sites on Mars: 2. Meridiani Planum -
- 2 degrees South of Mars’ equator
- other side of planet from Landing Site 1
- place where hematite has been found (rust-like mineral) -
Pan mrenc! dried lake bed
60 دنارق
صفحه 22:
Mars Express - European Effort
صفحه 23:
صفحه 24:
Be ee eraced eters t ntl ی
of water is very different
from rock
* Echoes can
differentiate between
rock and ice or water ۷۵۳ اعیی
* Radar transmitter
operates at 1-2 MHz and
penetrates ground to
several km depth
* Probably cannot
distinguish between CO,
and H,0.
3 rene)
صفحه 25:
Surface echo
Water reservoir Subsurface echo
صفحه 26:
Mars Surface Exploration - the Futur
صفحه 27:
Mars Surface Exploration - the Future!
صفحه 28:
‘uture Mars Exploration: “Scout Missions”
+ lightweight/efficient ballons
* fleet of small aircraft to explore Mars
* develop new technology
صفحه 29:
صفحه 30:
صفحه 31:
جا لصتخحصك ببللجكا جدنب دادم «وسيصع كا "|
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wed requires uw reysiraivd. (Please visit and 1 hope it will help ict
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