صفحه 1:
صفحه 2:
| Traditional
inese Herbal Medici
An Overview
1 ule
8 7
1 55
Pa 1 Ne نت
4 ا 0
Hay a و
and 0 د 5 7۳1
2 3
صفحه 3:
007000 308 Se
oe ل ل ا
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a Gi) any Ae el
Health ع أل حدق ]0 كلاه ادع طلز
And healing:
[B.A drag of preparation, ects
froin a/Plaut | 43 | ۰۱۳۱99 ey: col
ع ee Br aevin 1 ote
عفت و لزق
Sp an Rime) ای 566
trdava varietyof ailmepts,
Pablicularlyjused pi Aneient
عل و فد فد ی ترا ۰ 7۷۶۸
i agen: cam: fate a
Pe Vibe, ا eas
particular di§@ase! of medical
a ee
19 Mite 0] cy et il gener ‘a
their sidknésses thrpugh the
use of herbse
۲ ها splint.
صفحه 4:
۱0: 2۱۵۱۵ ۵
© @hina uw. 1:۱۲ م ل ار ۰
2. commufpist nation thatcovers 4
Vast territory in eastérn Asia; thie most
populdus Goumtry in/the world. Biya
government on the land of Taiwan
established ip 1949%by Chidtig/Kai-shek
339 هه ار تا و فد 0 8
by the comiiunists/led by Mag/Zedanc
صفحه 5:
Definition of Chinese
Hérbal/ Medicine
(Chingse |Hérbal Medifine is_almajor dSpect of traditional
/iChin@se|Medicine, which focuses om restoring @ balance
‘of energy body, jandsprit to maifitain\health rather than
treating Aartidulag diseasd or medical condition)
Tt is Based! om old, tpaditional beliefs that involve
teligion, Magic; and herbs.
|] اك 5 رت Ft 2 زر اد و از ١ فيه ١
Body, suclias a Sauplus of emOtign!
۱۲۱ ای وه ال تا از و ایا وی 6
Hfestyle manayement (diet, exercises} etc).
Successfultreatmept comes ffom matching the herbal
Qi with the ngeds of the body;
There niight be Bone eviden€é@ thafs@nie of the Chin€se
Medicinejworks)/batisinte youl are Gedling With herbs;
You d6 not know tie pumity om ondentration of the
عد 1 فف االت خی تفای :و اف ol mo) تا تقو
Pee ا ومع
۲ 33 eee aa
صفحه 6:
Traditional Ghinesé Herbal
Médicine: Theories
ف Ge een و ی 2
ray, Ute ی 7 0 الا
Wie و ی ی و urna
try ee hi ی کر تک ri cA ang Tite Gas: tae |
analpgougt@ réservpirs 4f yang and yin.
When yintdr yalig forces|br gi energy levels dfe off-balance if th@body and.
Site a Wr 2 str a
pole ae uel ا و ی 0
Se utp! sete > ce) 21 4 1 2 OTe, ae,
صفحه 7:
۳ 311۶ ) ۵
۶ ۲6/۳10 منک لو آ۵ و Ghina
Sontribated اه کدف
shamanism. t6 the already
esting beliefs in the
Sfipernatural world.
Ghinege h@rbs/hawe served as
fie foundation for "TFaditionell
@hinese Medigine}, gr’/PCM,
forjover 5,000 years’ Ever
singe /the Sian 3 / 7
(1500-1 000§8C)/ Slfamanism
ete corel iy oa
fadtor among Chinese peoples}
inj fiaat itis @significant
heritage { ات ایب
صفحه 8:
* Shamams werejhighly
respected] niembers pr
۲۱۱۵۱ oleh 9a ۳ ov
Ghamans Used fire, smoke,
Bancing, apd ehanting an
Order fo cagifa ‘spell’ over
ور و 9 ۱ اف ور بو
تا ایز9!
to ۱ ۱۰ ی
0206/6 حا مممش فياه
۰ 591/۱۱۵ 19061۷6
۲ ۰019۵101 كن
ال اه هو ال ابو ۱۰
پر دين اكه اسن ۱:8۰
610۳1301۱09 wt (3
tiibal community.
صفحه 9:
أ و 581-6827 اللخ ا را بر
0 ey over: tag)
hel déVdloped thé idea pf ‘Medical ethic:
Soe omer eed re
sine tn et |
ey ier cox cate Wee oe) و
0-37 و ار تب با ۱
۱ stbring drugs
۱ en eee tga Ge ite at
15 tet Merten
eh te te شور san WPS
Ci ol Sere
Pier, 1 ete Share
۱۰۱۱ 91173
Ror (eevee eee gue
Dy ae os eat Sh
Cr ae ster ieee ۷
اه مت عطق
angen Zabing Upaor
realise bn Febriliise ak 454
SCR ew) age
1۳ ۱ Bs
7 0
1 0
Save | ces
Fes ی
ae MM eet
0 ود رود ,9 هط
| فا اف تاشای ید۱
۴ دام ۵( ادا
Gf Chifiese وت
1 9
roe rere! 2
صفحه 10:
*#Chines¢ medicine used herlis, surgery, and,
p Mafeisan (wine) was\commonly used for
ا ار
fdr diaannsis,
۱ ۱۷۷ ٩۰ له technique
صفحه 11:
۱ Xora
nt ی زر
casists Bt herbsfanl mosfly,hbrbs
‘ake prodigets pf plan(s.
fee ane ota eee
ihe restiof themidoie fijom
ور اد اس
See on)
Vet ite ا ta)
ree ae ce) tae
indkeakes effeciiyBness gf difker
۳ لكط
Gifggr (helps difjesticn Fe
rt cua)
000 7 a)
821 000 att)
۱۶۱ 11 an
وا کر ل 0
pigblems) 3
eM) ate و
eM et Gee tn
ei ier |
صفحه 12:
‘Equipment Used
,۳6 تاتونقصه از
SBT AN ea (bake)
grinded héubal
Temedie® by hayd using
a mortay and pestley
Morfars and pestles
gould be made jaf Wood,
gtome, or Garamics) //www.gourmetsleuth.com/images/oinl
in moderi# times (how),
6 ومزد0] 18۶
رن 3۱۱60236
و و ی es weg
ree oa
فمللاام دا
Be ga اس ea 1
صفحه 13:
WNotfAll Chinese Medicine
°(A Traditional Chinese Medicine Qalled “Jai” \Gaused
A Bad C@ndition Known As Thronibocytopeniay
Thyomboeytopenia Is The Condition Of Low
۲۱۵۴6۱9 ۱ ۲56 13194: 1186 وق ۱۱۸۵۲ 1۶۱0۴ 96 |
cut, thig wall preyent the|blood fom clotting and it
will continue to flow longer tha normal.
اد 6 تا ۰۸۸ ۶ تفت ۶ تفت رو | 4 oe Mats 2 ٠2 نك
tlie Chingse ntedicine} works, /but since you aré
dealing With hevbs) you, dombt Know the purityor
woncenthation of fhe médidine, وه
زرف ار AUT Te)
Pec tn ee. ieee کی لا لا
om ace inet oa on ty
صفحه 14:
Communisms Effect on
۳۱۵۲۵۵ Medicine
+ Tie commivnist Chinese
goverum duty under ‘Mao
fedong, repressed
Shamanisté aid TCM.
Shamans were either
executed a8 Benteuded to
foredd labofin prison
دا ۲و۸ 089116۶ 0,
Obina's new leaders
rég@lized that shamanistic
۱: إن الكت 518 ofc!
6 ا د لكلف otal
j | رن deo es
صفحه 15:
۱ ۱۸۱۶۵۷ ۳ ات هت اتف او ۸ ۰۱/۱۵۸ ۷
and thé cOncepé of organio and ‘Healthful
ness’, Ghinege Herbal Meédi¢ine has made al
tentitiveConesback as @ green’, more\natural
and ultimatelyawesome Way of cating for
oneself Through naturallsupple ments.
صفحه 16:
۶/۲ ۵۵
Bete sare ove و fen